Spanish are some pix

Ok Disbelivers ;D ;D-- I understand where your coming from --- but a camper only stays a few days maybe a couple of weeks. Their graffitti usually consist of John loves mary type thing. What you are looking at is the surface writting and the way rocks are placed. Don't think campers would take the time to do this. This area probably is not near a camp site and how many people go walking in the woods with chisels and a hammer to carve something in a rock?? Then How many times have you ( or heard of) someone chiseling a heart out of stone and burying it 3 ft. down just for fun, thinking I know some treasure hunters going to come here and find this.????
There have been a lot of people who have looked at these photos, I know of 5 people myself that have posted and know what they are talking about.
If this was a hoax I am sure someone would have called it by now.
If you want to learn, this is the place, everyone is willing to answer most of your questions, there are a lot of people here with great advice,knowledge & experience. So stick around and maybe Michael will post a picture of a small item he found. Don't expect to see gold bars, as I wouldn't even show em.


Call it how you wish.....nor can I speak for others, only myself. I, for one, love history and reading and watching it on tv as treasures and relics of the past are discovered (like Dr. Zahi Hawass, love watching when he discovers another tomb). Love when they discover another Maya civilization or searching a ship wreck off the coast...all exciting and entriging, to say the least.

I take myself and my kids to Jamestown a few times a year to check out the progess of the digs. Dr. Kelso and his team are super!!! Digs having been done on my husband's property back in 1998 by Dr. David Phelps (now retired) and they found a 400 yr old gold signet ring (10k) and found his land to have been the center of the Croatan Indian village.

To me...what you are showing, reminds me of an ancient village of sort, the way the rocks are standing and some of the formations that I can see in the pic. I believe it was upstate NY some years ago...where they found a place that, when escavated...was found to be an ancient city. And that spot you show reminds me of that place also.

As I believe in Ghosts, or spirits, whatever you wish to call it, I too, am a skeptic to a certain degree and will debunk any sightings without hard evidence to show no rhyme or reason for the event that just occurred. Same holds true for your sight. Whether treasure is or was buried there, whether those are signs (like a map)....until further research can be done to fully understand the meanings, one can only speculate it's rhyme or reason for being there.

If you hit pay dirt and it turns out to be a treasure...GOD SPEED to you. If not, well, nothing found, nothing lost...right?

This forum is designed for you to show your items found, designed to get opinions and ideas from others, whether they were the answers you were looking for or not. Just remember, no matter what the field, or what the hobby....there is always someone who knows more than you, someone who knows less than you and everyone has the solution. Keep open minded and if you are not ready for the end results, don't post. Nor is anyone trying in anyway to discredit a multiple choice remove all the WRONG answers and it leaves you with the right one.

God Speed and best wishes for a wonderful discovery...maybe I will be seeing you on the History or Discovery channel someday.

Ronandann --- That's some story about your husbands property.

Yes, I agree it's all speculation right now. However I think finding the heart was a big step toward a hidden treasure. The area could also, be as you said an ancient city, and the Spaniards used the stones to do their carvings on. Yes this forum has some very good opinions. But there are somethings where it's better to keep quite than to let the world know.
Yes, I believe in ghost,spirits and UFO's.
I agree you should be skeptical as you haven't actually seen these things yourself and it's hard to tell just by pictures alone.
Yes Iam skeptical that there's anything left at the area I am working. I am still learning about this treasure stuff, and won't dig until I can and know more about death traps and have a good crew.
I am amazed at the beauty of some of the carvings and don't want them destoryed.

Enjoyed ready your post! Hope my post didn't offend you or anyone else, as my words don't come out right sometimes.


Thank you....we were very excited too, with the finds on hubby's property!!! They even traced the ring back to an Abraham Kendall from England and this pre-dates the Lost Colony (if you are familiar with any of the Outer Banks history). Lots of other wonderful artifacts were found as favorite was the necklace made from bird bones!!!

Oh and I forgot that I believe in UFO's too ;)....I mean, to say we are the only ones that exist in this vast universe is...well....ridiculous!!! ;)...heck, who do you think built the Pyramids and Stonehedge? ;)

Just be careful, and I agree, you can't say too much and pictures never tell the real stories, just gives you a glimpse of the real thing. Learn all you can and if, just if by turns out to be some sort of historical site such as an old civilization...please contact the proper personnel to handle that. I would really dislike to see history lost forever.

I am not at all familiar with DEATH TRAPS...I found the link to a book the other night and posted that. I am conteplating purchasing one for myself, just to learn something new and who knows, I may venture into an area like that....

And if there is a treasure, use it wisely, don't let it get to your head, watch out for vultures, but enjoy life. Be careful in the process of reaching your goals. You did not offend me.....I'm cool? ;)

HH, Ann

Hey your stories are all great, but where is Michael ??? ??? I hope his OK....maybe he found all the gold and ran away ;D ;D



Maybe he is finding out that( Mum's the word) loose lips sinks ships big bro is listing wall have ears stay tuned will mike return ??? ??? story next week ;D ;D Buck

The fact of the matter is the only person who knows if a post or a photo on TN is real is the person who posted it.

Seekers of Spanish treasure enter a world of lore and symbollogy. I always assume the person posting is telling the truth. Without being there,there is no way to know for sure if it was carved by man or by nature.

With that being said,the Symbols and markers the Spanish used to mark mines and treasure are a matter of fact. They are well documented and can be proven. Also the death traps are well documented and real.

Just because you can not see or understand the symbols, does not mean they do not exist. It is entirely possible that some of you have walked right past some of these markers and monuments.

However the information is out there and available to anyone who wants to pursue Spanish treasure. If that is what you seek,you best educate yourself about them.


Hey Guys,

Sorry if I came across as not believing you, but I am not used to this type of treasure hunting using signs..... But if I walked across a piece of ground and saw these signs, I would think that it was carved out by carvers who had time to waste. But yes I do agree with Michael, that this site which is not used by campers is not normal.... and carvings in strange places do make you wonder...... I am still learning and do not mean to offend anyone... but need to know answers of why you believe that these guide to treasure. How else will I learn? ;D ::) 8)

God bless

Pgill--- No you didn't offend anyone -- This is how we've all learned, so there are no stupid questions. I am the one who thought I might have offened you. Sorry for the miss communications. Here's a couple more site to visit --- Kyder Exploration has a lot of photos in his scrapebook, click on the photo's to enlarge. There's also, Ancient Lost Treasures, look under Spanish symbols, You find death traps and others.
The site Ronandann posted is a good one to learn some about signs and the Spaniards. Also, there are a lot more signs for death traps than just what's at THU, such as bears, horse etc.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if a monument or symbol is man made or just a normal rock, it'll take you time to adjust your eyes to see what's really there.
Next time your out in the woods, take the camera and if something doesn't look right, then chances are it isn't. Take a picture of it from all side if possible and anything else that's around. Study it at home, change colors, invert and maybe you'll see things you haven't seen before. If still indoubt send a picture here and we'll look it over and give ya opinions, right or wrong.


JACKO said:
Pgill--- No you didn't offend anyone -- This is how we've all learned, so there are no stupid questions. I am the one who thought I might have offened you. Sorry for the miss communications. Here's a couple more site to visit --- Kyder Exploration has a lot of photos in his scrapebook, click on the photo's to enlarge. There's also, Ancient Lost Treasures, look under Spanish symbols, You find death traps and others.
The site Ronandann posted is a good one to learn some about signs and the Spaniards. Also, there are a lot more signs for death traps than just what's at THU, such as bears, horse etc.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if a monument or symbol is man made or just a normal rock, it'll take you time to adjust your eyes to see what's really there.
Next time your out in the woods, take the camera and if something doesn't look right, then chances are it isn't. Take a picture of it from all side if possible and anything else that's around. Study it at home, change colors, invert and maybe you'll see things you haven't seen before. If still indoubt send a picture here and we'll look it over and give ya opinions, right or wrong.

pgill go to ancient lost treasure and check out the spanish trail markers there are some photos in there that are good and other bits and pieces of info there ;) ;) Buck

pgill: I do not believe you have offended anyone.

For a good reference on what some of us are talking about get Spanish Monuments & Trailmarkers to Charles Kentworthy. He has 5 books that not only show diagrams but actual Photos of Monuments and Trailmarkers.

Unlike most treasure authors he was a PhD, a professor and researcher. His books are still available but they are getting hard to find.

His work came from Spanish Archives and years of research.


Thanks Guys,

This is what I like about this site 8) I will look for all references that you have all given me, as this sounds like fun. I think the movies like Indiana Jones and such are what causes skeptisism about these things.
Sorry Michael about taking over this topic of yours :'( but hey you have now taught me something that I would not have believed before ::) And by the way I still wish that you find the big treasure that you have been looking for ;D

Any replies now from me will be about MICHAELS POST only, not about my questions...

God bless

Has anyone talked to Micahel Lately? is he OK?



?? What ever happened with this guy?

ericwt said:
pgill: I do not believe you have offended anyone.

For a good reference on what some of us are talking about get Spanish Monuments & Trailmarkers to Charles Kentworthy. He has 5 books that not only show diagrams but actual Photos of Monuments and Trailmarkers.

Unlike most treasure authors he was a PhD, a professor and researcher. His books are still available but they are getting hard to find.

His work came from Spanish Archives and years of research.


Not only that, but he also had John Wayne as a treasure hunting partner. I'm envious of that friendship more than any gold he may have found. At least I got to meet Karl Von Mueller a.k.a. Dean Miller and his gracious wife before he died.

Judging from the drug wars raging in Michoacan, you might want to reconsider treasure hunting. Unless, you are a Mexican national and can do so discretely. Easy money attracts bad men... as in hard for you to find, but easy for them to take, along with your life for good measure.

Hi everyone this is michaeljefrry at california, i'm just waiting for this semester to b over, since i'm going to college i cant go back to mexico finish my expedition...but i will give and to this next comming June when i get my summer brake.... thanks for being supportive and also thanks for all the info!


Though I am sure you're smart enough to know better... don't give the local policia or banditos a reason to jack you. Good luck and stay safe.


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