Pgill--- No you didn't offend anyone -- This is how we've all learned, so there are no stupid questions. I am the one who thought I might have offened you. Sorry for the miss communications. Here's a couple more site to visit --- Kyder Exploration has a lot of photos in his scrapebook, click on the photo's to enlarge. There's also, Ancient Lost Treasures, look under Spanish symbols, You find death traps and others.
The site Ronandann posted is a good one to learn some about signs and the Spaniards. Also, there are a lot more signs for death traps than just what's at THU, such as bears, horse etc.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if a monument or symbol is man made or just a normal rock, it'll take you time to adjust your eyes to see what's really there.
Next time your out in the woods, take the camera and if something doesn't look right, then chances are it isn't. Take a picture of it from all side if possible and anything else that's around. Study it at home, change colors, invert and maybe you'll see things you haven't seen before. If still indoubt send a picture here and we'll look it over and give ya opinions, right or wrong.