Spanish are some pix

Ok---Pictures are decieving at times and this one is. The RIP is not all in white. Some of the letters have deeper cuts and aren't even connected. I colored the letters and show how they appear. The white parts are in red, the rest are yellow, white. I also, did some tracing of faces and tri.'s. Some might be able to see them but, you'll have to copy and enlarge to see them.



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first of all, i would like to thank all of you guys!!! thanks for your help...... and just cuz u asked for are some more pictures of what i found today......hehehehhe...i think i'm getting closer!!! oooh before i forget .... John, i've already started digging at the place you told me heheheh.... i'm going back tomorrow morning to continue with the project....... ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Michaeljeffery --- Your going on one man's word??? Stop before you get hurt. What your were told here is there are death traps. You don't know where they are. you could be standing right over it. You have already destroyed the info that could have saved your life or told you where the real spot is to dig.


it's not only one mans word Jacko, its also my GEMINI III metal detector and this precious rock i's a picture ;D....I'm going back to the rock this morning but we aint digging anymore we are going up the mountain...i've already heard of a cave..this might be what RT WAS TALKING one has told me anything about mining in that area but there is a cave, so this might be related to it...oh and i'm not the only one digging, there are 5 of us....... just to let u guys know, the 3 standing rocks are about 2.5 metters longways uncovered!!! and we didnt reached the bottom of them!!! it got kind of scarry so we stopped digging at that place, there's got to be a way around and we'll find it ;)

will post more pictures tonight


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I find you photos fascinating. There is 2 ways that I know of to work around this. Carefully spring the trap and then figure out how to move the boulder that was meant to crush you. Another way is to brace the boulder so there is no way it can move. Both ways are extremely dangerous.

I recommend you become an expert on death traps before you try anything. There is plenty of information out there but a lot of it is garbage.

"Death Traps to Treasure" by Charles Kenworthy is the best written work on this, The book is out of print and getting hard to find.

Good luck and be carefull


Orale pinche Michael,

I like the heart shape rock, you know what it means?? GOLD...... hearts, sun,birds..mean GOLD.... try to triger the death traps...use a rope or chain, get out of the way and pull on the rock holding the big one. Good luck and be very careful pinche bato cabron.

Orale....saca el no es una mina debe ser un deposito de oro o algun tesoro escondido, ten cuidado con las pinches culebras que comensaran a salir pronto por el calor.



Take these people's advice and heed the death traps with caution! Ericwt is right: you need to either trigger or disarm the death trap, BUT you also need to take LOTS and LOTS of pictures BEFORE you do, because once you trigger the trap, you will certainly lose other information that could otherwise prove to be vital (a useful bit of information that Gollum told me). That treasure has been there for a very long time, it'll still be there next year. Take your time and do all your homework before you take out the shovel!

P.S.- I do hope you remember EXACTLY where you found and picked-up the heart shape stone...

What happened to Mike and his crew ??? Hope they found some goodies and just aren't telling. I wouldn't tell either but, maybe he'll let us know alls well with the crew.

How about it Mike you guys OK ????? You going on a cruise here soon ;D ;D


Hi Guys, can you do a shot of the flip side of the heart, thanks tammahawk

hey guys see the red behind you on the wall red anything stands for the devil and that the area is trapped, theres more than just deadfalls ya need to to worry about false floors also, in kenworthies books he show a false floor trap made from a caliche slab that uses crow bars as a pivot point,, with this one theres 2 kinda triggers, one all ya gotta do is be 100lbs or more and walk on it, the other is if you find a door and open it the floor will drop out from under you. they also can hide the seems with caliche so you cannot see the trap, they will mark the trap as they did not want to have their own people dead so learn to read sign, anyway hear is a pic of a false floor trap, good luck guys find a big one and 1st and foremost take your time and stay alive"THINK", good luck all on the treasure trail tammahawk


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Hey Lates how ya bee, aint seen you on in a while, tammahawk

Orale pinche Michael, where are you pinche bato, did you find the gold and ran away o te mordio el culo una culebra, que paso buey



One poster, believe it was Eric....mentioned this is a link to buy one, I believe used...not sure.....

Another link for the book: http://www.thelostdutchmangoldmine...._item=0963215620&input_search_type=AsinSearch

Here's a link discussing Death Traps>>

Think I am going to get me one of those books....just for reading...sounds so interesting....never know if I will ever run across something...unusual :o

Best of luck to you.....hope this is the mother of all loads!!!! And those standing rocks....I don't know why, but they remind me of Stonehedge???? I know Stonehedge's stones are spread apart...but something about that reminds me of an old civilization that lived there...or old ritual place. I guess I watch too much HISTORY, DISCOVERY, TLC, etc channels :)

RealdeTayopa said:

First conclusion, the "RIP" is not part of the origional marking on the rock, perhaps later grafetti. Different style of cutting or marking.

For some reson I keep feeling a mine shaft, with tunnels and adits - have to keep working on it.

Tropical Tramp

p.s. any sign or rumors of mining in the area?
I agree with you mineshaft opening or cave that was unsafe and blocked with rock....just guessing...hope you are does look precariously dangerous!

New to this part of the game, so sorry if I sound like im pulling you guys a part... promise I am not.

Question: why is it when someone finds scratches on rocks everyone automatically thinks there is treasure near by. Why can they not be put there by a camper a few years ago or something similar? What is it I am missing?

God bless

pgill said:
New to this part of the game, so sorry if I sound like im pulling you guys a part... promise I am not.

Question: why is it when someone finds scratches on rocks everyone automatically thinks there is treasure near by. Why can they not be put there by a camper a few years ago or something similar? What is it I am missing?

God bless
Good thinking and if it were I who found it I would have already thought about that....Lots of graffiti everywhere....

Michelle said:
pgill said:
New to this part of the game, so sorry if I sound like im pulling you guys a part... promise I am not.

Question: why is it when someone finds scratches on rocks everyone automatically thinks there is treasure near by. Why can they not be put there by a camper a few years ago or something similar? What is it I am missing?

God bless
Good thinking and if it were I who found it I would have already thought about that....Lots of graffiti everywhere....

I guess that is what I am thinking as well...that is why I said it had a Stonehedge feeling to me....reminds me of some sort of ritual (be it good or bad) place, may have been an old village of hundreds of years ago (if not longer) or even graffitti...didn't think of that :)

Not to say the original poster does not have something here.....

right and I would continue if instincts told me too but with caution and not alone never know what may come tumbling down....Be careful

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