Spanish Galleons


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Looks like a great time sorry I couldn't make it, maybe next time!

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Sounds like a great time. How is Deepsix doing?

Guys I'm so frustrated that I couldn't make this meeting but I'm excited that it was such a sucess! I still hope that my wife and I can become a part of this venture when our marriage is repaired.


Dale, I'm sorry to say Deepsix47 is in the Bay Pines VA hospital. That leg that was injured in the long ago motorcycle accident is jammed up with bloodclots. I don't yet know what's going to come of this.

My thoughts and prayers are with deepsix. It is amazing that yesterday he was posting comments here and today he is in hospital with a serious problem.


Aquadude et. al., sorry i had to bail out at the last minute (out of town guests - who are still here....)but it sure sounds like the weekend get together was a success. Please keep me in the loop as i would really like to participate as the effort progresses.

Deepsix, you're in our thoughts and prayers.


Just wanted to say thanks to you Aquanut for a great time...sorry I arrived late and missed a lot of people who I really wanted to meet...Diver Lynn, Mad for wrecks, Fisheye, Rgecy,Signumops, Dell winders...just to name a few ...maybe next time...

I also want to send my regards out to Deepsix47 for a speedy recovery...

It was great to meet with you Debbi,Kristy and Salvor6 and Ivan and Les, look forward to meeting up with my new friends again in the near future...

And tell Deepsix47 if there is anything he needs I'm close by and would be happy to bring it to him, or maybe even just go and keep him company one day.
Sincerely, Limo Bob :icon_pirat:

AquaNut, looks like you accomplished goal #1 successfully. Once the dust settles, people will answer your question with a resounding YES, we want to form a group. Form looking at who was there, you can likely form two or three if you want. I see a west coast team, a Sebastian Team, and a Fort Pierce team there. LOL

Great work, and while I need most of my luck down here with me, I'll donate a small portion to you guys. :)

:hello2: :hello: HEY, OVER HERE..... We are interested and ready to go. We may be moving the boat to the Keys or heading for the east coast in a few weeks. We have been sitting here to long. Gotta Treasure Hunt! Like the man said, Today is the Day! Well, I've got to get back to working on whatever it is that I do.
Watch it deepsix, them thar vet docs are vet docs. Know what I mean? Watch anything you want to take home with you. Last time I was in there my Vet Doc lost a watch. They wanted to look for it with x-rays. I decided I didn't want to know where it might be. Now I keep getting the urge to be on time. The wife sprained her ankle and look where they put the cast. (not really)
Be well deepsix47, Return to the TNET soon.

Later Y'All, :laughing9: :laughing9:


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    Family 374.webp
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Hey Guys,
Thanks for the thanks and thanks to all you that helped out.

To all of you that couldn't make the cookout. I appreciate your follow-up.

Thanks Jason for giving us some of your luck, we can sure use it!

Limo Bob, I just got off the phone with Deepsix. He said he'd love to hear from you. The poor guy is going to be in the hospital at least through the weekend, and depending on what they're going to do to him , probably longer. He doesn't have a laptop, so he can't BS on line until he gets home. The phone to his bed is 727-319-1416. If anybody else wants to talk to him, I'm sure he'd be glad to hear from you. We all know what it's like to be cooped up in a hospital bed.

Russell, what did you do to Sherene this time?! The poor girl will never be fit for lifting our gold and silver bars off the bottom (much less our cannons) if you keep getting her injured.


Hey Aquanut, just tried the number you posted and it don't work, I have a lap top he can borrow and was going to bring it to him, get back to me ASAP...

Limo Bob :icon_pirat:

had a fine time chatting with folks about wrecks and stuff and showing em my "shipwreck" pottery shards .

Scuba, eat mi heart out? sheeesh it looks like I wouldn't have had a chance to eat or drink anything with those pros around. As for the err, ah, sea stories hmmmmmm. Still, I miss my dance with lynn sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

As I told Limo Bob over the phone this evening, Deepsix is in intensive care. He had an operation today and will undergo another in the morning. Say a prayer for him. I don't want to lose a good friend, not to mention I'd miss his great Gumbo! He'll probably be in a new room after intensive care, so as soon as he calls me I'll post the phone number for those of you who would like to wish him well.

I've had a few PM's wanting to know if we're going to form a group. I've got a small core group interested, but I'd like to hear from each of you, either here on the thread, or if you don't want to share your opinions publicly, PM me.

I'll be contacting those interested parties soon, but I'd like to get as much information together as I can before making final decisions and commitments.


P.S. I'm really getting tired of watching TV programs associating us treasure hunters with Grave Robbing Scavengers and such. I just saw another tonight I had recorded about the Star Disks. Anybody else see it and get the same warm, fuzzy feeling I got when they described treasure hunters and their methods?

archeologist are grave robbers (they steal the bodies)--- treasure hunters leave the bones , we only remove the gold :icon_thumright:

It was a real pleasure meeting you in person. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to spend more time talking to you at the cookout, but I know you understood that I had a lot to take care of... We'll talk some more over the phone shortly. Lets leave the bones and find the gold!

Dell, Thank goodness you came. The girls reminded me afterwards that I never took the first photo. Thank you for taking pictures and posting them!

I brought my camara in my breifcase of info , but was so buzy chatting that I forgot to get folks to take pictures of me with others or take any myself of the other folks there. :tongue3: geez.

Thanks a heap Dell! I didn't get any pictures either. Your's are all I got.

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