Spanish Galleons

Hey Guys,
Just to let you know... Deepsix is still in the VA hospital in Bay Pines and will probably be there another week. He's stable, but otherwise still in a life threatening situation. He's out of ICU and has his own room now. For any of you that would like to ease his boredom, he's in section 5A room 140. Scubatreasure is taking a Laptop over to him tonight with an airport card so he may be able to get back onloine with us.

Praying for a speedy recovery DeepSix, God Speed!

AquaNut, Keep at it, you've got the makings of something special. Small core with lots of helpers me thinks! :-) I'm still leaning towards multiple groups, one on Ivan's wreck, a West coast team...which Florioda has needed for decades, and maybe a group to scour the 1715.

You're right ScubaFinder,
We've got the people for that approach, I just need them to get back to me on it.

I got your message, but my phone needs to be recharged right now. Your inquiry should go out to the Tnet guys because I know there are a few out here that can answer your question. I have seen several references to what it is you seek.

well I'll start a thread -- offer a prize --say a barber half dollar to the first person who can give me the right answer . :wink:

Damn Ivan,
Why don't you offer that for a question I can answer? Don't I get any consideration for guiding you away from one that doesn't have the answer?

like the old pirate capts and information pimps of old its for "good" information that I pays me money , ;D --- hows the wife like the 1780 coin I gave you? -- you did get it fixed up for her didn't you ? :wink:

Well I made it over to see Deepsix47, he was in good spirit's despite the seriousness of his situation. He really is a tuff old salt and I can see him pulling thru this one but it is very serious for sure. Unfortunately my lap top could not tap into the system at the hospital , well at least not from the room he is in.

Boy it's a good thing none of you hard core old time treasure hunters were over there with me cause they just hit him up with a shot of morphine and the stories were a flyin by so fast I couldn't keep track...LOL...And I'm just to damn stupid to ask him the right questions or I think the morphine would have told me the answer...LOL...well maybe I just should have asked ...WHERE IS THE TREASURE...but I'm afraid he would have said...WHICH ONE :wink:

And I was right he is just like the big brother I never had and always wanted
Get well soon Bro....and don't let anyone in to see ya around the time they hit you with the morphine :-X
See ya Friday...Limo Bob :icon_pirat:

good meds or a batch of rum and cokes--- both have been known to work as "jaw openers" --- thats why much info can be learned by hanging about the local shrimpers favorite bars as they bemoan loosing a high dollar shrimp net -- on a shipwreck or a "snag" as they often call em.

a shrimpers "snag" cords map can be "very interesting" at times. :wink: --- tell em you like to wreck fish to catch fish ofter to buy a few rounds in exchange for the capts -- shallow water "wreck cords" .

She loves he coin, but for now it's sitting in a place of honor. We'll bevel it for a hangy down when we get a little extra cash.

Scubatreasure, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with Deepsix, he's an old friend. He taught me how to dive and when he did, he said I had to learn it like he did... The Marine Recon way! I'll tell you what, he definitely tried to freak me out and came close a few times, but apparently I passed his test. I'm actually proud that he was as hard on me as he was and that I managed to come through. He prepared me for some of the more dangerous situations I might get myself into. It's always good to have a little more insight to your predicament so panic won't set in... allowing you to think your way out. I talked to him on the phone and he thoroughly enjoyed your visit and is looking forward to the next one.


Ivan, I swear you must have a way to access my PM's to a couple of Guys!

no , I did say my dad was a merchant seaman amd I come from a nearly 300 year old sea going family (I'm the last of the line) didn't I?
well after coming home from a long 4 to 6 month trip -- pop would go to the SIU union hall and "register for work" --- normally it would take 2 to 3 months for his card to become strong enough to be able to ship out again on a "good paying vessel" -- to keep up the houses "cash flow" up in the " 2 to 3 month slack time" as his card built strengh --pop often worked as a hand on shrimp boats to earn a few bucks -- thus I know a few tricks of the trade. :wink: :icon_thumright:

PS most scallops are shark ;D

Ivan, It's just funny that I sent a few PM's out mentioning that hanging with old fisherman o(or Shrimpers for that matter), especially those who drink a bit, might prove worthwhile. You and I know the Gulfside is like a pancake and any rockpiles are not put there by Mother Nature...

yep snagging a net is costly to shrimpers and net boat fishermen --often they want to get close to wrecks since the sea life often hangs around them , but not so close that they hang up on the wrecks --it a fine line -----so most have "snag cord charts" (and so do most "wreck fishing" charter boat fishing capts as well )-- snagging a net is enough to drive a shrimp / fishing boat capt to drink --since his "profiets" for the trip were all eat up on net repair / replacement . :wink: :icon_thumright:

O.K. Guys,
It seems I have a core group for the Central Florida Gulf Coast. Also, a group for the Southern Florida Gulf coast is coming together nicely. Now, I'd like to hear from you guys on the Treasure Coast and see if you could use some help. All this is on the basis that anyone involved is there at their own expense and will be rewarded only when and if treasure is sold off. I'm here to coordinate and send (notify) people where they might find interested partners in their respective endeavors. Already, I have assimilated assets available to us that would cost thousands of dollars should you try this on your own. I have never liked the idea of investors or having to molify and deal with them. I am more for forming a group that provides its own assets and I think that among this community we already have it! Take advantage of this as it develops because it will probably never be available again. It costs you nothing. I'm just trying to see that those of you out there, who are like me, who could never quite put the whole thing together gets the opportunity to do so...
Please, all of you, get back to me on this. I think your personal interests will be greatly rewarded in the end!

How is deepsix doing today?


Did you notice that Deepsix made a posting yesterday on the "Port Nicholson" thread? A good sign, I hope.


Deepsix is out of the hospital. He's recovering at home. He says it will be a while before he can dive again, but he's expexted to fully recover.

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