This whole group that is getting together should also attend this and show how the real world of shipwreck exploration does it:Call for Papers for Technology Papers at SHA Amelia Island 2010
Call for Papers!
Amelia Island, Florida
January 2010
The SHA Technology Committee Presents Its First Symposium:
“Technology Across the Divide: State of the Art Tools for Terrestrial and
Marine Archaeologists”
Modern archaeologists use PDA’s, cell phones, and portable GPS’s on a daily
basis, but few have the access to the latest state of the art technology in
the field. The line separating terrestrial and marine archaeologies is
blurred when technology is entered into the equation. The SHA Technology
Committee invites you to submit papers covering new technologies and the state
of the art in archaeological technologies. This symposium’s intent is to
cover technological topics including: digital archiving, filmmaking, GIS, GPS,
remote sensing, new mapping technologies, publication, conservation, virtual
reality, 3D imaging, artifact cataloguing systems and databases, online
education, and more. It is the Technology Committee’s goal to present as
varied a program as possible based on the technologies archaeologists are
using in the field, lab, and office.
Proposals and questions should be sent to Kimberly Eslinger at by June 15, 2009. The SHA Technology Committee looks
forward to hearing from you!
Pirate Diver