Spanish Galleons

Sounds good. See you here! Bring whatever you feel like. I'm sur with forty people here nothing will go to waste.

I mentioned to my girlfriend that you were bringing Addy and she reminded me that we've got three cats and needed to give you a heads up.
As long as the bird's in the cage or on your shoulder, no worry, but I wouldn't have her walk around unattended.


That Atty looks like a tough character. I'd be worried about the cats ! Have a great time, guys. I'll be thinking about you.


I got $20 on the bird. :D Looks like an African Grey to me...which would only need to bite Ms. Kitty once to get the point across. Am I right WhiteFeather?

On a serious note, you guys are doing great things and I can't wait to watch it all unfold. A similar situation worked out very well for me, and I have no doubt that this will work out for at least a few of the "Shiifty Fifty".

Wish I could be there...



This could be the start of an event to rival SeaHunter's invitation to join him in investigating his wreck.


>:( Aquanut, Regretfully we must cancel on the weekend's festivities. The family problems I emailed you about have come to be a pressing engagement. Please accept our apologies for being unable to attend. We were looking forward to getting to meet all of you but, as I explained in the email, we have no choice in the matter.
It would have been interesting to get together with you and start some kind of Treasure Hunting Club going. We have the boat capable of being involved in staying anchored out on site for weeks or even months on end. We may still get involved after all this family stuff is cleared up. Maybe we'll get to drop in on you at some future date. I'll keep in touch. You have my email , boat address and phone number. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Have a great time,
White Feather, Russ, Sherene & Atty(short for Attitude)

P.S. Yeah, Atty would have had fun with the kitties. She has three here at the marina that she watches. They don't climb aboard the boat anymore. I Can't figure out why... :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

I'm sorry about the way things developed and can't tell you how disappointed I am that you can't make it. I hope things work out O.K.
I'm sure we'll get together soon.


I sent you a PM, but i will be unable to make it tihs weekend due to family coming into town unexpectedly. Please keep me in the loop as i continue to want to be involved.


Needless to say, I am, as I'm sure, many of you, are disappointed that several of our friends can't make it here due to circumstances beyond their control. This is totally understandable... Trying to get thirty or forty people from different areas to be in one place on a certain date is a veritable impossibility.
However, though we have lost a few members for the cookout, I'm sure that everyone will agree, we haven't lost potential members of our group. I intend to keep those who couldn't make it informed on developments. We still have a great many treasure hunters coming and as a few cannot attend, it seems at the last moment we have a few new ones that intend to show up.

:icon_pirat: Although we can not make the cookout we will be keeping up with the results of the meeting. We will be available at other times and our boat will be available from time to time for hunts and diving or explorations. If you are planning a trip into the Florida Keys or Florida's S.W. Coastal area and would like to stop in we will be here until we decide it is time to start cruising and searching some of the wrecks and coastal areas that we have on our list of places to hunt. Hopefully we will be able to leave the marina in the next two months for a trip up the I.C.W. to the Chesapeake Bay for the summer. The engines are almost finished and the other improvements are coming along great. We still have a serious problem with the main generator but I feel confident that with a little help I will have that solved soon. (I knocked a can of spray down into the control box while the generator was running under a test load.) The can damaged something in the open control panel. I am not a generator repairman but am becoming one as soon as I learn how to spell it and spend a night at the Holliday Inn Express. Then I'll fix it and move on to other repairs and upgrades.
Hey, don't forget to take lots of pictures. A nice shot of each person and their partner would be nice for the logbook of the founding members who get this thing off the ground. Later we will be looking back to figure out who it was that is responsible for this mob. We sure would like to know who we should be pointing the fingers at. Heh! Heh! :laughing9: :hello2:
Okay, I have to get packing so I had best get going. Have to much fun at the cookout. Again, Thanks to Aquanut for starting this shindig. I look forward to meeting everyone I can even if it is a bit later on.
Keep Yer Batteries Charged!
White Feather
Russ, Sherene & Atty


  • beergirl.webp
    33.3 KB · Views: 698
  • beergirl.webp
    33.3 KB · Views: 690
can you get over this side of the pond....i have five locations in mind, but until i get my rib, i cant get to them effectively

I sent you a PM.

This whole group that is getting together should also attend this and show how the real world of shipwreck exploration does it:Call for Papers for Technology Papers at SHA Amelia Island 2010

Call for Papers!

Amelia Island, Florida

January 2010

The SHA Technology Committee Presents Its First Symposium:
“Technology Across the Divide: State of the Art Tools for Terrestrial and
Marine Archaeologists”

Modern archaeologists use PDA’s, cell phones, and portable GPS’s on a daily
basis, but few have the access to the latest state of the art technology in
the field. The line separating terrestrial and marine archaeologies is
blurred when technology is entered into the equation. The SHA Technology
Committee invites you to submit papers covering new technologies and the state
of the art in archaeological technologies. This symposium’s intent is to
cover technological topics including: digital archiving, filmmaking, GIS, GPS,
remote sensing, new mapping technologies, publication, conservation, virtual
reality, 3D imaging, artifact cataloguing systems and databases, online
education, and more. It is the Technology Committee’s goal to present as
varied a program as possible based on the technologies archaeologists are
using in the field, lab, and office.

Proposals and questions should be sent to Kimberly Eslinger at by June 15, 2009. The SHA Technology Committee looks
forward to hearing from you!

Pirate Diver


I'm going to pull my freaking hair out - what's left of it. I scheduled myself to attend your cookout/meeting of the minds when my mother plans a trip to come visit from GA. No problem, she visits enough that i can skip out of town for your shindig. Then she calls and informs me that my older brother and his family are coming with her. They are about to move away - he just graduated with his PhD from Emory U. in History and got a sweet job at a University. So i tell you that i cannot make it. Sooooooo, they call me back last night and tell me that now they may not be coming at all - he may have to fly out to find a house......etc, etc, etc. So now my calendar is back open. It may be a last minute thing if i can make it or not. Sorry to be back and forth on this, but my family unit is about to drive me crazy.......

Hmmm can I have first dibs (claim) on any Booze, COFFEE, or goils left over? You DO wish to iimprove relations with your cheap southern neighbor, no?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Remember that I know the locations of a few ships etc., snicker


Nice talking with you today! I really think this will be one of those events to remember.

Look forward to meeting you guys.


Pirate Diver,
I'm afraid I don't quite get where this is supposed to go...


I was hoping to be able to attend. But my plans just changed yet again. Now they are mobilizing one of our AUV's to go to Brazil and help search for wreckage and the black box of the Air France plane that went down. We'll talk soon.

GH've got what you need at your fingertips...make it happen. You need:

Research - first and foremost....a targt worth looking for.
Remote Senising - how to go effectively search the area of interest...mag and sonar guys with equipment AND the knowledge to use it.
Divers - To verify the targetrs generated by the Remote Sensing team.
Lastly, a dig boat and contract to go get it. (lawyers, influential state guys, etc.)

Make it happen, the world is at your fingertips.


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