Solomons Gold and Historys Great Treasures

Welcome Albertaclipper - muchas gracias for the very kind words (speaking for all of us) and please do "jump in" as our discussions are always enriched when everyone contributes, even when we disagree.

RWLJ had referred to a passage in Deuteronomy earlier, in support of his idea of the ancient Hebrews going to Utah specifically 28:65. It is one of the passages that has a debatable translation into English, for while the King James version, the best known says,

And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.

A more literal translation goes like this
And Jehovah hath brought thee back to Egypt with ships, by a way of which I said to thee, Thou dost not add any more to see it, and ye have sold yourselves there to thine enemies, for men-servants and for maid-servants, and there is no buyer.'

This is quite a difference, a future tense versus a past tense. I don't intend to go back over all this again, just thought I would point out that there are some points of that Utah theory which are built on a questionable foundation. Whenever we read ancient texts, the translation we use can lead to problems and questions.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Thank you Loke and Oroblanco! High doses of passion and misinterpretation combined make for toxic results.....btw Loke...I only have a couple of dino bones, but my sons are more proud of me for all the rusty fishing hooks I have found for some reason lol!!:laughing7:

Hello Albertaclipper and others,

It is obvious to me you are bias and out to defend those you have fallen in love with, which is human and represents the natural man.

You need to recognize what is good for Oroblanco as well as yourself. That is the truth, that whole truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth. The truth is more important than the messenger. Otherwise idolatry takes over.

Christ was very sharp in dealing with critics that were down on what they were not up on. I think he said, be ye hot or cold or I will spew you out my mouth, If my memory holds.

There is no question Oroblanco has done a lot of research. His last post, after your first post on this thread, he spun what I said. It shows his biasness towards what I have said.

I never said the Israel got to Utah in ships. I have always said Utah, the land around it and the western United States was the land of Genesis where the first land of Israel has always been. The Israelites were taken to the Middle East as Moses said. They went from being liberated in the Motherland of the Mizraims through the Exodus and Joshua’s time the next big event was the ten year Trojan War a mixer of Mediterranean people which included the Philistines of the west here. After Troy the center city of first Jerusalem fail they were hauled by the Greeks and their allies the Sea People and over ran the new Mediterranean area. Trojan was a Greek name for Israelites. They showed up with the Sea People invading the land of Egypt the descendants of the Mizraims at that time the land that we call Palestine was called Egypt. The Philistines and the Israelites making up part of what we call the Sea People. This is when the Trojans appeared among the Etruscan of Italy for the first time. There is new Troy for the first time in Turkey. You have Philistines on the Eastern Mediterranean Coast for the first time. Scientist have not been able to find a trace of a Philistines or Israelites in the Middle East before that time. Then we have a few communities in the high land where people lived and there were not pig bones with them. They were Israelites or what the Greeks called Trojans.

You need to study The Bible Unearthed as I mentioned previously. You need to read the book The 101 Myths of the Bible. Can you answer his questions without over throwing your, Oroblanco’s and other’s positions on the Bible. In the meantime it is ignorant and rude to be down on what you are not up on. Those that are mediocre feed the fires of those that have no morality that are sweeping the world.

It appears to me that Oroblanco and others are afraid to look at and truly analyses what I have said. The very fact that someone would think that I said that Israelites came to Utah after the time of Moses demonstrates that he is either grabbing at straws to defend his positions (or his sacred cows) or he is an outright spin artist. If someone cannot recognize that it is because they are so much on the defensive that they put their abilities in preference to the truth. I have liked listening to Oroblanco and others discussing stuff. It gave me a real good feel where some were at. I could see, like apostil Paul said about the Greek that they were forever learning and never deriving at the truth.

You mentioned that you have been entertained by the discussions, which is fine. A lot of people are continuously entertained from movies to books. I was entertained at times by their discussions.

I posted some maps a couple of years ago. One or two of the maps where incomplete. They showed a correlation between different maps and locations of different mines. I do believe any seeker of truth will recognize the common denominators between the different stories. They can recognize where the mines would have to be and then disregarded the red herring that were added to the stories.

For someone to continually negate the Molina Documents and the Peralta Stones and the true land of Genesis, it shows that they did not due their research in the fields that would have taken them to a bull’s eye.

If you are already wise in your own conceit and already have all the answers then you will ignore the keys I am about to give you. You will be judging yourself as you have in the past. I have manly pointed out the truth of what you are doing. If the truth hurts you are judging yourself again.

What I am saying now is for you, Tayopa Tramp, Oroblanco and other.

I have not posted on this site to win a popularity contest. The mediocre will be quick to condemn me failing to recognize and properly answer what I have said. When you see their main answers is a spin on what I have said it is obviously who is inspiring them. They have failed to be forth right and honest. They have failed to ask honorable questions as if they were above humility. I am going to give you some real clues.

Let us start with page 39 and 40 in the lost Tayopa Mines in John D. Mitchells book, The lost Mines of the Southwest. He talks about the Cow Tit Mountains. When you are in the right place the Cow Tit Mountains are very plain to see. He talks about the Tayopa Mines being located some distance to the north by the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains are talked about in the Indian legends as well as old Spanish records. I knew where the Blue Mountains were from ancient history and they are right where Hopi history places them.

There was a Spanish leader back there in history that stopped at the Hopi Indians on his way to the Blue Mountains. When he saw how much farther he had to go and heard about the ruff country he turned back to Santa Fe but he mentioned that there was silver and cinnabar by the Blue Mountains. It is still there today. That Blue Mountain is Pine Valley Mountain in southern Utah. There is a road north of St George that is called Blue Mountain Road. The silver reef mine there was mined for quite a while the cinnabar is on the north side west of Cedar City. When I was a kid a man by the name of Ernie May showed me mercury that he got out of the stream on the south side of the mountain. Tayopa itself is just to the east of Blue Mountain and is a part of Zion’s National Park. It makes up Hops Valley and part of La Verkin Creek making a big Ta Cross. Some Indians called it Tayopa and other Indian tribes called it Utah. Other referred to it as the Uinta. There where at least a couple of Mormons that wanted to fool the government and throw them off. They put the Uinta’s in northern Utah.

This place is talked about and carved in stone in many places. There is a lot of history about Tayopa or Solomon’s Mines long before any Spanish got here.

The T A throughout history all around the world represented Taurus the bull, the place of Alfa. That truth of this may be hard for some to see because of corrupted history.

Let us go to J. Frank Dobie’s book Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver. On page 219 he shows a map of the Minerals De Tayopa on the map it shows a church and four rooms on the north side. I can show you what is left of that church and the four rooms. On the lower part of the page or on the south side of the map you have a masa and next to it you have a bell shape hill.

One of several keys is PARAMO PLACERES DE ORO. Pa is the southern Utah word for water. Ra is an old name for sun or sol. Mo stands for moon. Other words the waters of Solomon.

You can tie this to what the Dutchman said and other Spanish Maps that identify the mines of Don Pedro Peralta. The map of Tayopa in Dobie’s book is incomplete with key elements left out. At the top of the map you have Mapa del Camino de Tayopa. Whoever wrote that map and left it behind was leaving red herring. They slightly changed the name of the map to throw people off. We have the same map but a little more accurate in the book called The Gold of Carre-Shinob, by Carry Ross Bowen on page 197. There on the top of the map you have MAPA del Camino de los Mines del Yutas. There again in the middle of the map you have PARAMO PLACERS DE ORO.

On the Molina Document Map you have the Agua (waters) of San Ramon. Instead of having Carre-Shinob you have Tumacacori. There is Opatas instead of Tayopa. Two words reversed. There is the LA PURISIMA CONCEPTION. There is conception on both of the Tayopa Maps. The place of conception is where Abraham was from. Abraham had gold and silver from the Promise Land. No one has found any gold or silver in the false Promise Land in the Middle East. The original place of the conception of Gods family was also known as Alfa. On the Molina Document as well as the Tayopa Maps you have the Mine of Guadeloupe written in Spanish. There are many other things that these maps nail down when you know where Solomon’s Mines are at.

Now let us go to two more recent Spanish Maps in the book; Lost Gold of the Uintah / The Rest of The Story, by Gale R. Rhoades. On map #009 you will see Paramo (the water of Solomon) on the lower right hand side of the page. There is San Pedro’s trail going across part of the map. There is the Placers de Oro of Paramo. There is also Camino de los Yutas in the middle of the map. This map shows some of the key mines. The maps identify Mapas por mi Antonio de Reinaldo. On the Peralta Stones there is small writing on the back of the horse that says Pedro. On one of the stones there is Don. They all stand for Don Pedro Peralta. You also have one of the stones with a big cross on it standing for the land of the Ta.

There was some Mexican miners that showed up in Utah that where killed by some renegade Mormons. They were working with some Indians to protect some sacred mines and they killed some Mexicans or Spanish that had the map. They gave it to Brigham Young and Brigham Young gave it to Rhoades.

Here we have a map showing Don Pedro Peralta mining in Utah at the Tayopa Mines. We have another map in Rhoades book map # 007 here it shows San Pedro’s trail as the other map shows. It calls the waters of Ramon as Rock Creek that the Dutchman or John D. Lee called Boulder Creek or Canyon.

There is much much more that nails things down that could be said.

Tayopa Tramp is tramping the wrong direction if he is looking for Tayopa. Some people may need to keep looking by the Mio River in northern Mexico.

I am giving Oroblanco here some of the information I think he wants. He will never arrive at the truth unless he can give up the mediocre path that most are on when it comes to Biblical history.

When I state that I believe in certain things it means that I have evidence that outweighs other things. I do not claim to know it to be a fact. But on the other side of the coin I absolutely know for a fact by many facts out there that the land of Genesis, The Promise Land and Solomon’s Mines are in the western United States.

The reason certain one’s cannot find the most important mines in history is due to red herring for obvious reasons. Reason people cannot nail down the Bible is due to a lot of red herring for hundreds of years for obvious reasons. People could recognize that if they would stop following their church leaders blindly and start studying what all the different scholars are saying about the Middle East, they may wake up to some true reality. One little example is their assumptions on where the Island of Patmos is. Pat stands for patriarch and mos stands for calve. When you go to the true Island of Patmos you can still see the same writing of things that John the Beloved saw. It is very sweet and nice to see it. But when it comes to waking up the public it is a bitter pill in the stomach. One of the things you see there is the whole Exodus story. John obviously recognized that most of the world in his day was duped on red herring with copycat places. That is why Apostil Paul says in Romans 11 verse 25 “unless you be wise in your own conceit blindness in part until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in”.

There will be pictures coming in the future but not immediately.

Anybody actions that is down on what they are not up on will be stumping pearls of truth in the mud.

Investigation in to a far bigger story is the key to success.

Joseph Smith got far off on a number of things and set himself up as a king in Nauvoo and erred in judgments and stumbled in vision, as Isiah 28 describes. He had ability to think outside the box of traditional Christianity. When he looked through a peep stone or seer stone inside of a hat, he psyched in to some truths and got a lot of people to the real Promise Land. A land in his Book of Mormon that came through his psychic and through the King James version and many other records. He refers to this land as the Promise Land choice above all other lands. That is the land that God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Some of his psychic-ness had some truth in it that was closer to the truth then the Christian’s assumptions that they had made over hundreds of years in making parts of the Bible fit in the wrong areas. I was once completely down on Mormonism. Now I have to recognize that God is no respecter of persons.

Anyone that seeks truth it is to that degree he can receive the truth. What could be a greater test in dividing the righteous seekers of truth from the mediocre, then for enough truth to be given to prepare the ground for the choose wheat, barley and rye. I think that it is explained in Isiah. Truth is truth no matter where it comes from. Those that already have all the answers and think that they are already saved will not be willing to pay the price and stand with a few in the holy places. The scriptures tell us that as it was in the days of Noah so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.

I have given some truths that nail down Solomon’s Mines in the Garden of Eden as the Treatise of the Vessels state.

If you truly want to help your friends, get them off the path of forever learning and never deriving at the truth.

An intellectual kick of a friend is a lot better than a mushy kiss of an enemy.

R. W. L. J.

Umm, can I have some of whatever it is you're taking? :hello:


I've been reading your posts and have a request that might make it easier for me and others to understand. First of all, I think people should be able to believe whatever they want to so I'm not being sarcastic in my request. If you create a post that gives a chronology of events as you see them for instance, Garden of Eden located in Utah and here's the proof, Tower of Babel located at ---- and here's the proof. I know it's a lot to ask but a lot of the extra stuff you're adding is making your posts me anyway.

There is a book titled Where Troy Once Stood by Iman Wilkens and he has a theory that the Trojan War was fought in England by Celtic tribes who were fighting over tin and not a woman. He speaks of the cities mentioned in the account of the Trojan War as being Celtic cities whose names were used again by the Greeks and others. It's a real fun read. He also believes that Odyseus sailed to North America in his travels.

A chronology would be very helpful.


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RWLJ wrote
There is no question Oroblanco has done a lot of research. His last post, after your first post on this thread, he spun what I said. It shows his biasness towards what I have said.

I never said the Israel got to Utah in ships.

Thank you for the kind words, but it appears we have another misunderstanding. I did not state that you were claiming that Israel came to Utah in ships, in fact what I was asking you was how they (the ancient Hebrews) got from Utah to END UP in the Middle East? You have not explained that part, and I don't wish to ask you to now, just wanted to clarify that point, I did not think you were saying the Hebrews went from the Middle East to Utah, but the reverse. Hence my question earlier about how did the Dead Sea scrolls get to Qumran, by being brought from Utah?

It has been an interesting discussion for certain, and there are some points we do agree on, for example I am completely convinced that some people were crossing the Atlantic two thousand years before Columbus, but as to the many lost mines and true location of the Holy land etc I hope we can agree to disagree. I hope you will post some photos of the ruins you found, which would go a long way to help convince people, and at a minimum would open a much larger debate.

Good luck and good hunting Wes and everyone, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
Roy ~ Oroblanco


We are privileged to know someone who has viewed the scrolls and held, at least, one of them in his hands. Not many people can say that.

Take care,


I find it at least interesting that the late Ron Wyatt claimed to have located the Ark under and just outside the city walls of Old Jerusalem (near Herod's Gate). His story was that he met the Angels that had been guarding the ark and its content from its creation. They informed him that he would not be taking it out of its location and that it would become know in the time of the end. -
See more at: Does newly-translated Hebrew text reveal insights into King Solomon?s treasures? | Ancient Origins

Tell me Ron what does an angel look like?

RWLJ, You,and you alone are Right in your theory,and way of thinking. but,no matter how much you try to convince people that your theory and way of thinking is the right way,
you need proof to show you are right, not to yourself,because you already know in your mind that you are right in this way of thinking. but since you were so determined to bring
this into the publics eyes, they need convincing ,and only you can do this. every once in a while people do need to hear the words of their faith, no matter what it is you believe in,
but there always a time and place for this. I understand that you are having to use scripture to validate your theory, because that's what your theory is based upon. a lot of people
will not understand what you are saying,some need pictures, and explanations of each picture,and were it fits into your theory,as evidence of proof with a beginning and ending. I
can understand where your coming from,but so, far I think your the only one getting there. best of luck, and remember every ones a dreamer,so why cant dreams come true. np:cat:

RWLJ, You,and you alone are Right in your theory,and way of thinking. but,no matter how much you try to convince people that your theory and way of thinking is the right way,
you need proof to show you are right, not to yourself,because you already know in your mind that you are right in this way of thinking. but since you were so determined to bring
this into the publics eyes, they need convincing ,and only you can do this. every once in a while people do need to hear the words of their faith, no matter what it is you believe in,
but theres always a time and place for this. I understand that you are having to use scripture to validate your theory, because that's what your theory is based upon. a lot of people
will not understand what you are saying,some need pictures, and explanations of each picture,and were it fits into your theory,as evidence of proof with a beginning and ending. I
can understand where your coming from,but so, far I think your the only one getting there. best of luck, and remember every ones a dreamer,so why cant dreams come true. np:cat:

SORRY, Im not very good with buttons.???

MissiNg a few eh ? :laughing7: Drink your coffee. Remember the case of the air liner which was safely landed but at the wrong airport ?

As I once mentioned 'Dobies Map of Tayopa' in 99.5 % correct the only error done on purpose ? was the two trails of Arisichi and Yokivo which are transposed.

Personally I am fascinated by RWL's posts.

Den Jose de la Mancha

real de tayopa, personally me2,np:cat: my coffee just brewed, good and hot left over from this morning, waste not, want more.:cat::coffee2:

After reading this thread,I was waiting for Dirk Pitt to ask,"Have we met before,old timer?"
"Cussler the name,Clive Cussler".

hi ECS:L Dirk Pitt is a real person, he is the son of clive who used him as his character in his novels. Both are Explorers club members.


Don Jose de La Mancha

waiting for someone to come to this thread and have more good discussion has made my coffee:coffee: taste :dontknow:np:cat:

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