Hello Oro Blanco
You say you can’t agree that Plato had information that he failed to understand well. The very fact that he says that Atlas was the son of Poseidon and fails to tie them both in with the original Mount Olympus, and fails to recognize that Atlantis was the Troy that the Greeks fought a ten year war at, tells those who aren’t biased, who have done some real ancient research, that he is really naïve with what little information he had or he wasn’t telling what he knew. When I listened to the way you guys have been discussing this for several years, it reminds me of what the apostle Paul said about the Greeks, that they were forever learning but never deriving at the truth.
Even one of the Dead Sea Scrolls states that the center city of Jerusalem was called Troy Poseidon, and they sure weren’t talking about what Alexander the Great called New Troy. And by the way, Mount Ida was a long straight hill, some could call it a mountain if they weren’t around any big mountains, and that place was on the flanks of the original many times larger mount or mountains that made up Mount Olympus, that had many of the ancient gods or goodly places, which was the greater Mount Zion of ancient Hebrew history.
I feel you are grabbing at straws, straining on gnats and swallowing camels. Plato knew little about the bigger picture of world history, he might have been a good philosopher, but he sure wasn’t an authority on ancient world history. The Aztecs and many other Ancient cultures, some knowing Atlantis by different names, sure knew a lot more about the place than Plato. It was the Aztecs homeland in much more recent times. The American Indians were far more accurate, when it came to knowing the true roots of their homeland. It was something close to 700 years since the Greeks fought the Trojan War, they had been far more removed from the place where they had conquered Troy.
From the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the top of Bryce Canyon, geologists as well as myself can see where the ocean has been over all that land there 11 different times, and Lake Bonneville geologists, as well as I, can see where Lake Bonneville filled up two different times, one at the time of the first sinking of Atlantis and one at the second time Atlantis sunk, which was the time of Noah. Atlantis had seas that you couldn’t cross because of the shallow mud. Lake Bonneville is roughly the size of the land that Plato describes, and it is the Homeland of the Aztecs, it is their Motherland. The Island itself of Atlantis, its capital city was Troy itself, and the fact that Plato didn’t call it the Island of Troy, showed his ignorance.
The first Atlantean Sea was the Sea that began at the place of the big Right Hand that God or Nature created. The Pillars in front of the hand were the Pillars of Hercules. You are grabbing at straws when you state that larger meant greater, you are playing with words that have been used all over the map to mean different things at different times. The Continent of Atlantis is America. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Mountains on the west coast that reach to the end of Baja California, Mexico, you have a basin land that was once an inland sea, which the Sierra Mountains made a great wall to the west of the Continent of Atlantis, and anything more or less than that is playing with words and corrupted history, and demonstrates the lack of understanding of real history.
The scientist who haven’t sold out to the Government, who want the vote or backing of the Native Indians, have blocked or slowed down the true history of America. I have seen a documentary in the last couple of years, where the scientists say, that they haven’t found a Mongolian Indian type of Skeleton older than 6,000 years here, all the Skulls or Skeletons before that time were European type, I read enough in past times, that even the Indians used to say that North America was originally White Man’s land. Even the Aztecs identified Atlantis as a White Man’s land. All the darker races are more Johnny come latelies. The Greeks, Egyptian, Romans and Israelites Underworld and their original place of Origin was in the western part of the United States and the Rocky Mountains. It was identified as the land of Mizraim. The high land above the Hurricane and Wasatch Fault Lines, were the upper of Heavenly (Heaved Up) lands, and the basin lands that were below it were called Earth lands or dirt lands.
You can look in the Strong’s Concordance and most others, they show the Hebrew Root of Egypt being Mizraim. In the land of Mizraim you had the Original Nile River, which would relate to the Sever River in Utah, real Egypt is in the land of the River that was called Egypt in ancient times, which Egypt was named after, which is now erroneously or copycat named the Nile River.
You people who have a problem with what I say need to start doing some real homework and quit being influenced by the nations that make up the image of Babylon, because you are a part of the Babylonian confusion and make up Babylon the Great today.
Oro Blanco, you make a big deal out of the Sinai Desert, you need to read the last Biblical Archaeology Review Magazine, March/April 2014 edition. In it you have an article by its editor Hershel Shanks in that article he mentions that there is over 20 different researchers who each believe they have located a different mount Sinai, each believing they have the correct one. He lists two possible candidates and discredits Mount Sinai in the area that Constantine’s Mother Helen identified, and states in so many words that here is no true science that substantiates it, it is something that you have to accept by faith, a false historical place given by Helen. In other words nothing needs to be based on any kind of reality; all we need to do is have faith in any blind leader that comes along. This has been going on for too many hundreds of years, and that is why we have Babylon the Great today.
Mount Sinai was the place of the Ta and Ra, the U pot in the mouth of the volcano created a Ra, a great light, the Ta Cross above it is why the natives called the land around it Utah. It is the place where Moses gave Israel the Ten Commandments and why the First five books of the Old Testament are called the Torah. We have the true Mount Sinai right where Natives never lost track of it or its name.
The World of Babylon has had many hundreds of years to nail down the true Mount Sinai, and have failed miserably. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. If I didn’t know the difference I would keep my mouth shut until I learned something, which I have done for the bigger part for over 30 years while the fools and ignorant mocked what little I said. Those who seek truth above all else will find peace in looking at reality that doesn’t contradict the God of the Hebrews or Nature.
Many years ago I could see the Greeks at Athens, name many things and create many images after their mother place in the Western United States. When you go to the roots of their culture you will find them in the Western United States. But this will be hard to be recognized by those who are looking for grand Monuments and glamorous things.
Moses told the Israelites, if my memory holds true, to take all the cut stones and smash them to dust, when they conquered Utah/Canaan, he also told them they would eventually be carried captive out of that land, and told them not to build with cut stones. When the Greeks conquered Troy in that area, Homer says they dug up the foundations. Every Powerful nation that conquered that land destroyed all surface evidence, to protect the greater things that were in the Underworld below that land. When the Mormons built the fort of old Harmony, below Atlas, who’s feminine offspring were half-sisters to Hades, the Greeks God of the Underworld. Chief Walkara was upset about them using cut stone in that area, and he went around and pissed on the walls, and a flood came down and destroyed the fort and first Harmony, now they have what they call New Harmony as a result, located on better ground.
The Ancients thought that no structure should be built in certain areas due to traditions. On top of not building stuff that would lead to places being exposed, why build monuments, in the land of the gods, when you have the original gods already there. You only build monuments and things in effigy in places where people don’t have the opportunity to see the real things, in general to this day, all the parks and monuments here, they like to see the natural monuments left alone and not destroyed. We are not going to find a lot of ancient monuments and temples built in the ancient land of Paradise, for the same reason, those that govern those parks and monuments in the land of Paradise will not allow you to do it today.
I have known for many years that Solomon’s mines were in the land of Eden of Paradise, and I know that the officials that govern ancient paradise are out to protect its beauty, and they wouldn’t want you messing with the greatest sacred things of history, and I am not going to give you a map that would take you to that place that would get the greedy in trouble with the powers that be. But those that think that Tayopa Mines are in Northern Mexico, might want to take a private look some time at copies of old Spanish Maps that I do have, that shows Tayopa right where history identifies Solomon’s Mines, north of the Colorado River. Someone may have found a mine, but I can guarantee them that they have not found the original Tayopa Mines in Northern Mexico. The evidence I have from a lot of different fields is huge.
The Dutchman was working one of the Tayopa Mines, you might want to take note there is an account where he stated the Indians were attacking him to get his food, and there is some truth to that. When John D. Lee who used the Dutchman Alias, who was the Horse of Santa Fe, who pastured North of the River from Lee’s Ferry at Lonely Dell, when he was hiding out from the law. He let Indians have his food, which kept them from killing him, but while he managed the ferry, and was robbed by Indians at the time, he also had the opportunity to ferry miners, particularly Spanish and Mexicans, across the ferry, who were going to old Spanish Mines, which he followed their trails behind them, and was therefore able to find and locate their mines.
These Mexican had maps that showed them where the mines were, but the maps had the name of a Mexican that had been convicted of Crimes in Utah, which included taking young Indians as slaves and selling them, and he was told not to come back into the country, and so he sent others in. Who was number one responsible for having them killed, I can only guess. The Dutchman or John D. Lee claimed that he was involved in killing them. I have also heard that Porter Rockwell with others executed the Mexicans under the direction of Brigham Young, which John D. Lee considered his wise partner. Some of the exact detail may be hard to come by, but a number of Mormons believed spinning the truth was justified in protecting greater things.
The Dutchman or John D. Lee, where he got his gold from he referred to it as a funnel. The Peralta Fish Map that came from Linda Peralta, refers to the water jug of Indian gold, on page 325 part 1 of the Golden Dream, you might want to take note that the Salt River on that map is shaped similar to what is on the Peralta Stone Heart Map, the Heart is in a place that represents the Indian Water Jug in relationship to that river. There is an old Irish Legend that talks about that same spot, and it says that far-far across the Atlantic Ocean is a pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow, in other words in Color Country Utah. New Hebrew records translated into English for the first Time refers to it as a cistern, where much Gold was hidden.
The story of this place is told in so many ways around the world, particularly in the southwest, I wouldn’t myself believe it if I hadn’t of seen it. It is carved in stone and told over 400 times north of the Grand Canyon, but many thousands of times in different ways in the southwest. For someone to say that Solomon’s Mines aren’t the Dutchman Mine, and the Dutchman Mines aren’t the Tayopa Mines, amongst us that know better it would be like saying that New York City is not in the state of New York in the Eastern part of the United States. Even Adam, who was driven out of the Garden Lands to the Land of Desolation, wasn’t allowed to partake of what was in that sacred area. The Molina Map shows an ancient library and a temple in that area, this Molina Map shows a black rock where there is a diagonal line that goes across the map, it has a counter clockwise spiral, which means downhill, it says petroglyphs but it uses a Spanish word for it. I went in the direction it points to and calculated the distance that the map lays out and found a bunch of petroglyphs just as the map directed you to. I also found Ogham Script, a finger alphabet writing that the ancient Irish used. The writing directed you to a place where some rainbow colors ended next to a pot
According to some of the legends in the southwest, the Spanish hid a whole bunch of gold where they found a whole bunch of other treasures. The Hebrew records translated into English for the first time, identifies the treasures put in that pot or cistern, hidden there from Solomon’s temple to keep the Babylonians from getting them. I would be awful careful in trying to put Solomon’s temple in the place in the Middle East where they have created new temples. If anyone can show me any evidence of Solomon’s Temple being underneath Herod’s Temple or in the area, myself and thousands of scholars would like to see it.
Just because you can find old ruins in that area it has nothing to do with where Solomon built his temple. In fact the precious stones of Solomon’s temple are buried north of the Grand Canyon, and there is a cave that tells you where they were taken to and concealed.
We are not to be confused by the mixed up histories from the nations that Daniel saw, that made up the image of gold, silver, brass, iron and clay, because all the nations that have made up these empires have given us confused history. When Ezekiel mixed up the Stick of Judah with the Stick of Ephraim, Ezekiel 37:15, Naive scholars think it only applies to the Israelites and the Judahites in the Middle East that were taken there, and their new name places there, its main implication is the mixing up of Israelite history in western America that was at last mostly Judah, with the predominate Israelite history in the Middle East.
This confusion has been going on for around 3,000 years or so. Remember Isaiah said that they had things upside down. You might do yourself a favor and find the Volcano (Mount Sinai) that Moses gathered the Children of Israel around after he left the Mizraims and where they ended up in the Promised Land where there was good gold and silver, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Your Middle East Promised Land is the biggest hoax that has ever been pulled upon the Christian, Israelite and Muslim people. You have a bunch of pied pipers out there, that are singing the tune with a lot of false assumptions, that naïve religious people are grabbing onto by blind faith to hold onto their Babylonian beliefs, they don’t realize they make up the Whore of Babylon. The most naïve people on Biblical history fitting it in the Middle East are the want to be Righteous that haven’t looked at the real facts, or don’t want to look at anything that would threaten their false faith.
In the future I will have to look at what is said whether or not I consider it worth replying to. I will try from time to time to answer serious questions that will be overall constructive for the people. Many will believe what they want to believe, but please don’t destroy the beauty of our parks, looking for what has already been found. I can show many where they are wasting their time in looking for what has already been found. You would be a lot better off just taking good hikes and enjoying the scenery, and doing research and exercising your own mind in libraries, and look at the opposite view points of your own way of thinking.
I can show you where there are many stories across Mexico and the United States that are nothing more nor less than different versions of the same story. There were Spanish People as well as Jesuit people that understood the greater truth of history; I am just a Johnny Come Lately. There have been a lot of arguments about what the Jesuits knew or did. There is some real good missing history of the Jesuits, but it is written in code and is camouflaged to where people will look for things in the wrong place, like they are looking in the Grand Canyon for Egyptian stuff. I can show you much evidence that is in the book, that nails it to the Island of Atlantis, and on the Island of Atlantis you have some of the same story carved in stone.
That book is called the Count of Monte Cristo, it was written underneath the authority of a teacher that was in the Jesuit Order, by Alexandre Dumas, to do a preparatory work. Francis Bacon wrote the New Atlantis, who is behind the exploration that was made to the island of Atlantis, and I have seen the evidence of that exploration at the Island of Atlantis. A person, who helped bring that about, was Marguerite de Valois, who was denied her rightful place as Queen because of the Salic Law. There were those who were working with the Jesuits who didn’t share everything they knew with other Jesuits. My Grandfather eight generations back was a Jesuit (until he decided to graduate), and the history I have through is family or my relatives, helped me identify some connections between Francis Bacon, Marguerite and the Jesuits.
He himself was known by Francis and many other Aliases. It was discussed between him and another Jesuit how they changed their names as often as some people changed their clothes. He and a Jesuit he worked with were double agents. He wore a number of different hats, just as the Count of Monte Cristo did, and being a Jesuit was one of the number one ways of getting behind enemy lines such as in New Spain.
There is a lot of interesting history that is not taught in school books or churches. Very few are going to undermine their false base and quit supporting the Great Babylon of confusion of Today.
Let me give you one good example, they quote where it says the Sun would be darkened and the Moon would turn to blood, so there are many expecting things to happen on this planet, and the Sun would be darkened and the Moon would be red like blood. If the Sun was darkened so you couldn’t see it, you wouldn’t see a red Moon. I knew many years ago, due to cross examining the way language was used anciently, that the sun was the symbol for education or church, the moon was the symbol for state government. When churches or schools quit teaching moral and correct law, then state government turns to blood revolution and anarchy. State government is a reflection of the light or the lack of light from education.
Edmond Dantes in the Count of Monte Cristo, his name identifies the place that has been hidden or put in prison for a long time, by someone that was his friend (who represents the corrupt or are of the Babylonian World).
To properly understand what went on in past times, you need to realize we had English colonies in the eastern side of the United States, these English colonies grew to be greater than their motherland, which were the English Isles. Even though these colonies here in America were English, they weren’t their English motherland. Egyptian history makes it real clear their Underworld or Motherland was where the sun spent the night, that when the sun sets on the River of Egypt, the fourth and fifth hour after it sets it is in the heart of the sky over their Underworld.
In their Underworld is where the Israelites were slaves building their Underworld treasure cities Pithom and Ramses, which the Israelites considered rigorous and hard work. This Underworld was their Motherland of Mizraim. Even though their people in the Motherland were called Mizraims, their people in what we call north Africa today by the River Egypt were also called Mizraims, but that was not their Motherland of Mizraim.
Mizraim identifies a place in Utah, and one of the symbols of that place was a Calf of the Mountain of the Bull, Taurus the Bull, that Abraham crossed according to one of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Zohar, and local records. The Bible doesn’t tell us the whole story, when the Israelites were worshipping the Golden Calf that was a parable for the Israelites wanting to plunder the two treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses. Keep in mind the bull is the Alpha, the place of beginning, the land of Paradise. Moses new that if they had of plundered Pithom and Ramses they would have been taking upon themselves the wrath of Mizraims great colony, in what we call North Africa today. Africa itself means a shadow place of the Bull, not the real place, and it is not even the first shadow place or Africa.
There could be a lot more said on these different topics that could be of interest to the seekers of truth. I will say this much, the Mizraim army thought they had Moses trapped between walls and the Sea of Eden, but Moses had already sent people ahead to damn the streams that fed it, he took his staff to dig or drain the last part of it, then when the Israelites went through that sea, a five or six mile journey, Moses got up on a place and held up his staff until the Israelites were all through, and the minute he lowered his staff it was a signal for the dams to be broken, and so walls of water came in from both sides and drowned the Mizraim army. Moses allowed people to think it was an act of God. Josephus referred to angles heaping up walls of water.
It was obvious that Moses would rather have the Mizraims in Egypt think God was punishing them, to prevent more shedding of blood. The records on the wall that is here flatly state that the Mizraim army was entrapped. The Mizraims thought they had Israel trapped and were going to destroy them, and they reaped what they had intended to sow.
Moses tells the Israelites what is going to befall them, he knew that they still lacked eyes to see and ears to hear to value moral standards of law, he tells them they are going to be taken in ships and scattered among the globe, and would be among the Mizraims again. I quote three versus of Deuteronomy chapter 28, verse 63, 64 and 68.
“Deuteronomy chapter 28
Verse 63, And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.
Verse 64, And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.
Verse 68, And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt (Mizraims) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.”
If you don’t know where Atlas is on Mount Olympus, you will never find the treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses below. This should help you understand why the Egyptians and many others wanted things hid from the world. Close to their treasure cities you have the Underworld of the Greeks and the Romans, not too far from there you have the Underworld and the Tower of Babel.
Among certain nations there was mutual respect, you don’t plunder my underworld and we won’t plunder yours, and for the bigger part that was respected, and it wouldn’t be very healthy for anyone to not respect it today, it is a good way to get all other nations of the world down on you.
You are safer to go after lost mines and treasures outside of the land of Paradise or it’s Underworld. If we seek a government of good law all else can be added, at least for those who respect the rights of others.