Solomons Gold and Historys Great Treasures


You wrote : " Egypt is an alteration of the Old Testament text " .

When and who made this alteration
? This is a very serious claim . But maybe you saw the Magic of Jericho and became yourself a magician .
You want to change what religion books and history wrote until now . You recognize the north to the east like the Masons .
At last , what is the name of your secta ?

RW - I posted a lengthy reply to your post in the Atlantis thread, as it appears that this is the identical post of yours, it would be a waste of your time for me to re-post the same reply here.

Hello Oro Blanco


You say you can’t agree that Plato had information that he failed to understand well. The very fact that he says that Atlas was the son of Poseidon and fails to tie them both in with the original Mount Olympus, and fails to recognize that Atlantis was the Troy that the Greeks fought a ten year war at, tells those who aren’t biased, who have done some real ancient research, that he is really naïve with what little information he had or he wasn’t telling what he knew. When I listened to the way you guys have been discussing this for several years, it reminds me of what the apostle Paul said about the Greeks, that they were forever learning but never deriving at the truth.

Even one of the Dead Sea Scrolls states that the center city of Jerusalem was called Troy Poseidon, and they sure weren’t talking about what Alexander the Great called New Troy. And by the way, Mount Ida was a long straight hill, some could call it a mountain if they weren’t around any big mountains, and that place was on the flanks of the original many times larger mount or mountains that made up Mount Olympus, that had many of the ancient gods or goodly places, which was the greater Mount Zion of ancient Hebrew history.

I feel you are grabbing at straws, straining on gnats and swallowing camels. Plato knew little about the bigger picture of world history, he might have been a good philosopher, but he sure wasn’t an authority on ancient world history. The Aztecs and many other Ancient cultures, some knowing Atlantis by different names, sure knew a lot more about the place than Plato. It was the Aztecs homeland in much more recent times. The American Indians were far more accurate, when it came to knowing the true roots of their homeland. It was something close to 700 years since the Greeks fought the Trojan War, they had been far more removed from the place where they had conquered Troy.

From the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the top of Bryce Canyon, geologists as well as myself can see where the ocean has been over all that land there 11 different times, and Lake Bonneville geologists, as well as I, can see where Lake Bonneville filled up two different times, one at the time of the first sinking of Atlantis and one at the second time Atlantis sunk, which was the time of Noah. Atlantis had seas that you couldn’t cross because of the shallow mud. Lake Bonneville is roughly the size of the land that Plato describes, and it is the Homeland of the Aztecs, it is their Motherland. The Island itself of Atlantis, its capital city was Troy itself, and the fact that Plato didn’t call it the Island of Troy, showed his ignorance.

The first Atlantean Sea was the Sea that began at the place of the big Right Hand that God or Nature created. The Pillars in front of the hand were the Pillars of Hercules. You are grabbing at straws when you state that larger meant greater, you are playing with words that have been used all over the map to mean different things at different times. The Continent of Atlantis is America. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Mountains on the west coast that reach to the end of Baja California, Mexico, you have a basin land that was once an inland sea, which the Sierra Mountains made a great wall to the west of the Continent of Atlantis, and anything more or less than that is playing with words and corrupted history, and demonstrates the lack of understanding of real history.

The scientist who haven’t sold out to the Government, who want the vote or backing of the Native Indians, have blocked or slowed down the true history of America. I have seen a documentary in the last couple of years, where the scientists say, that they haven’t found a Mongolian Indian type of Skeleton older than 6,000 years here, all the Skulls or Skeletons before that time were European type, I read enough in past times, that even the Indians used to say that North America was originally White Man’s land. Even the Aztecs identified Atlantis as a White Man’s land. All the darker races are more Johnny come latelies. The Greeks, Egyptian, Romans and Israelites Underworld and their original place of Origin was in the western part of the United States and the Rocky Mountains. It was identified as the land of Mizraim. The high land above the Hurricane and Wasatch Fault Lines, were the upper of Heavenly (Heaved Up) lands, and the basin lands that were below it were called Earth lands or dirt lands.

You can look in the Strong’s Concordance and most others, they show the Hebrew Root of Egypt being Mizraim. In the land of Mizraim you had the Original Nile River, which would relate to the Sever River in Utah, real Egypt is in the land of the River that was called Egypt in ancient times, which Egypt was named after, which is now erroneously or copycat named the Nile River.

You people who have a problem with what I say need to start doing some real homework and quit being influenced by the nations that make up the image of Babylon, because you are a part of the Babylonian confusion and make up Babylon the Great today.

Oro Blanco, you make a big deal out of the Sinai Desert, you need to read the last Biblical Archaeology Review Magazine, March/April 2014 edition. In it you have an article by its editor Hershel Shanks in that article he mentions that there is over 20 different researchers who each believe they have located a different mount Sinai, each believing they have the correct one. He lists two possible candidates and discredits Mount Sinai in the area that Constantine’s Mother Helen identified, and states in so many words that here is no true science that substantiates it, it is something that you have to accept by faith, a false historical place given by Helen. In other words nothing needs to be based on any kind of reality; all we need to do is have faith in any blind leader that comes along. This has been going on for too many hundreds of years, and that is why we have Babylon the Great today.

Mount Sinai was the place of the Ta and Ra, the U pot in the mouth of the volcano created a Ra, a great light, the Ta Cross above it is why the natives called the land around it Utah. It is the place where Moses gave Israel the Ten Commandments and why the First five books of the Old Testament are called the Torah. We have the true Mount Sinai right where Natives never lost track of it or its name.

The World of Babylon has had many hundreds of years to nail down the true Mount Sinai, and have failed miserably. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. If I didn’t know the difference I would keep my mouth shut until I learned something, which I have done for the bigger part for over 30 years while the fools and ignorant mocked what little I said. Those who seek truth above all else will find peace in looking at reality that doesn’t contradict the God of the Hebrews or Nature.

Many years ago I could see the Greeks at Athens, name many things and create many images after their mother place in the Western United States. When you go to the roots of their culture you will find them in the Western United States. But this will be hard to be recognized by those who are looking for grand Monuments and glamorous things.

Moses told the Israelites, if my memory holds true, to take all the cut stones and smash them to dust, when they conquered Utah/Canaan, he also told them they would eventually be carried captive out of that land, and told them not to build with cut stones. When the Greeks conquered Troy in that area, Homer says they dug up the foundations. Every Powerful nation that conquered that land destroyed all surface evidence, to protect the greater things that were in the Underworld below that land. When the Mormons built the fort of old Harmony, below Atlas, who’s feminine offspring were half-sisters to Hades, the Greeks God of the Underworld. Chief Walkara was upset about them using cut stone in that area, and he went around and pissed on the walls, and a flood came down and destroyed the fort and first Harmony, now they have what they call New Harmony as a result, located on better ground.

The Ancients thought that no structure should be built in certain areas due to traditions. On top of not building stuff that would lead to places being exposed, why build monuments, in the land of the gods, when you have the original gods already there. You only build monuments and things in effigy in places where people don’t have the opportunity to see the real things, in general to this day, all the parks and monuments here, they like to see the natural monuments left alone and not destroyed. We are not going to find a lot of ancient monuments and temples built in the ancient land of Paradise, for the same reason, those that govern those parks and monuments in the land of Paradise will not allow you to do it today.

I have known for many years that Solomon’s mines were in the land of Eden of Paradise, and I know that the officials that govern ancient paradise are out to protect its beauty, and they wouldn’t want you messing with the greatest sacred things of history, and I am not going to give you a map that would take you to that place that would get the greedy in trouble with the powers that be. But those that think that Tayopa Mines are in Northern Mexico, might want to take a private look some time at copies of old Spanish Maps that I do have, that shows Tayopa right where history identifies Solomon’s Mines, north of the Colorado River. Someone may have found a mine, but I can guarantee them that they have not found the original Tayopa Mines in Northern Mexico. The evidence I have from a lot of different fields is huge.

The Dutchman was working one of the Tayopa Mines, you might want to take note there is an account where he stated the Indians were attacking him to get his food, and there is some truth to that. When John D. Lee who used the Dutchman Alias, who was the Horse of Santa Fe, who pastured North of the River from Lee’s Ferry at Lonely Dell, when he was hiding out from the law. He let Indians have his food, which kept them from killing him, but while he managed the ferry, and was robbed by Indians at the time, he also had the opportunity to ferry miners, particularly Spanish and Mexicans, across the ferry, who were going to old Spanish Mines, which he followed their trails behind them, and was therefore able to find and locate their mines.

These Mexican had maps that showed them where the mines were, but the maps had the name of a Mexican that had been convicted of Crimes in Utah, which included taking young Indians as slaves and selling them, and he was told not to come back into the country, and so he sent others in. Who was number one responsible for having them killed, I can only guess. The Dutchman or John D. Lee claimed that he was involved in killing them. I have also heard that Porter Rockwell with others executed the Mexicans under the direction of Brigham Young, which John D. Lee considered his wise partner. Some of the exact detail may be hard to come by, but a number of Mormons believed spinning the truth was justified in protecting greater things.

The Dutchman or John D. Lee, where he got his gold from he referred to it as a funnel. The Peralta Fish Map that came from Linda Peralta, refers to the water jug of Indian gold, on page 325 part 1 of the Golden Dream, you might want to take note that the Salt River on that map is shaped similar to what is on the Peralta Stone Heart Map, the Heart is in a place that represents the Indian Water Jug in relationship to that river. There is an old Irish Legend that talks about that same spot, and it says that far-far across the Atlantic Ocean is a pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow, in other words in Color Country Utah. New Hebrew records translated into English for the first Time refers to it as a cistern, where much Gold was hidden.

The story of this place is told in so many ways around the world, particularly in the southwest, I wouldn’t myself believe it if I hadn’t of seen it. It is carved in stone and told over 400 times north of the Grand Canyon, but many thousands of times in different ways in the southwest. For someone to say that Solomon’s Mines aren’t the Dutchman Mine, and the Dutchman Mines aren’t the Tayopa Mines, amongst us that know better it would be like saying that New York City is not in the state of New York in the Eastern part of the United States. Even Adam, who was driven out of the Garden Lands to the Land of Desolation, wasn’t allowed to partake of what was in that sacred area. The Molina Map shows an ancient library and a temple in that area, this Molina Map shows a black rock where there is a diagonal line that goes across the map, it has a counter clockwise spiral, which means downhill, it says petroglyphs but it uses a Spanish word for it. I went in the direction it points to and calculated the distance that the map lays out and found a bunch of petroglyphs just as the map directed you to. I also found Ogham Script, a finger alphabet writing that the ancient Irish used. The writing directed you to a place where some rainbow colors ended next to a pot

According to some of the legends in the southwest, the Spanish hid a whole bunch of gold where they found a whole bunch of other treasures. The Hebrew records translated into English for the first time, identifies the treasures put in that pot or cistern, hidden there from Solomon’s temple to keep the Babylonians from getting them. I would be awful careful in trying to put Solomon’s temple in the place in the Middle East where they have created new temples. If anyone can show me any evidence of Solomon’s Temple being underneath Herod’s Temple or in the area, myself and thousands of scholars would like to see it.

Just because you can find old ruins in that area it has nothing to do with where Solomon built his temple. In fact the precious stones of Solomon’s temple are buried north of the Grand Canyon, and there is a cave that tells you where they were taken to and concealed.

We are not to be confused by the mixed up histories from the nations that Daniel saw, that made up the image of gold, silver, brass, iron and clay, because all the nations that have made up these empires have given us confused history. When Ezekiel mixed up the Stick of Judah with the Stick of Ephraim, Ezekiel 37:15, Naive scholars think it only applies to the Israelites and the Judahites in the Middle East that were taken there, and their new name places there, its main implication is the mixing up of Israelite history in western America that was at last mostly Judah, with the predominate Israelite history in the Middle East.

This confusion has been going on for around 3,000 years or so. Remember Isaiah said that they had things upside down. You might do yourself a favor and find the Volcano (Mount Sinai) that Moses gathered the Children of Israel around after he left the Mizraims and where they ended up in the Promised Land where there was good gold and silver, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Your Middle East Promised Land is the biggest hoax that has ever been pulled upon the Christian, Israelite and Muslim people. You have a bunch of pied pipers out there, that are singing the tune with a lot of false assumptions, that naïve religious people are grabbing onto by blind faith to hold onto their Babylonian beliefs, they don’t realize they make up the Whore of Babylon. The most naïve people on Biblical history fitting it in the Middle East are the want to be Righteous that haven’t looked at the real facts, or don’t want to look at anything that would threaten their false faith.

In the future I will have to look at what is said whether or not I consider it worth replying to. I will try from time to time to answer serious questions that will be overall constructive for the people. Many will believe what they want to believe, but please don’t destroy the beauty of our parks, looking for what has already been found. I can show many where they are wasting their time in looking for what has already been found. You would be a lot better off just taking good hikes and enjoying the scenery, and doing research and exercising your own mind in libraries, and look at the opposite view points of your own way of thinking.

I can show you where there are many stories across Mexico and the United States that are nothing more nor less than different versions of the same story. There were Spanish People as well as Jesuit people that understood the greater truth of history; I am just a Johnny Come Lately. There have been a lot of arguments about what the Jesuits knew or did. There is some real good missing history of the Jesuits, but it is written in code and is camouflaged to where people will look for things in the wrong place, like they are looking in the Grand Canyon for Egyptian stuff. I can show you much evidence that is in the book, that nails it to the Island of Atlantis, and on the Island of Atlantis you have some of the same story carved in stone.

That book is called the Count of Monte Cristo, it was written underneath the authority of a teacher that was in the Jesuit Order, by Alexandre Dumas, to do a preparatory work. Francis Bacon wrote the New Atlantis, who is behind the exploration that was made to the island of Atlantis, and I have seen the evidence of that exploration at the Island of Atlantis. A person, who helped bring that about, was Marguerite de Valois, who was denied her rightful place as Queen because of the Salic Law. There were those who were working with the Jesuits who didn’t share everything they knew with other Jesuits. My Grandfather eight generations back was a Jesuit (until he decided to graduate), and the history I have through is family or my relatives, helped me identify some connections between Francis Bacon, Marguerite and the Jesuits.

He himself was known by Francis and many other Aliases. It was discussed between him and another Jesuit how they changed their names as often as some people changed their clothes. He and a Jesuit he worked with were double agents. He wore a number of different hats, just as the Count of Monte Cristo did, and being a Jesuit was one of the number one ways of getting behind enemy lines such as in New Spain.

There is a lot of interesting history that is not taught in school books or churches. Very few are going to undermine their false base and quit supporting the Great Babylon of confusion of Today.

Let me give you one good example, they quote where it says the Sun would be darkened and the Moon would turn to blood, so there are many expecting things to happen on this planet, and the Sun would be darkened and the Moon would be red like blood. If the Sun was darkened so you couldn’t see it, you wouldn’t see a red Moon. I knew many years ago, due to cross examining the way language was used anciently, that the sun was the symbol for education or church, the moon was the symbol for state government. When churches or schools quit teaching moral and correct law, then state government turns to blood revolution and anarchy. State government is a reflection of the light or the lack of light from education.

Edmond Dantes in the Count of Monte Cristo, his name identifies the place that has been hidden or put in prison for a long time, by someone that was his friend (who represents the corrupt or are of the Babylonian World).

To properly understand what went on in past times, you need to realize we had English colonies in the eastern side of the United States, these English colonies grew to be greater than their motherland, which were the English Isles. Even though these colonies here in America were English, they weren’t their English motherland. Egyptian history makes it real clear their Underworld or Motherland was where the sun spent the night, that when the sun sets on the River of Egypt, the fourth and fifth hour after it sets it is in the heart of the sky over their Underworld.

In their Underworld is where the Israelites were slaves building their Underworld treasure cities Pithom and Ramses, which the Israelites considered rigorous and hard work. This Underworld was their Motherland of Mizraim. Even though their people in the Motherland were called Mizraims, their people in what we call north Africa today by the River Egypt were also called Mizraims, but that was not their Motherland of Mizraim.

Mizraim identifies a place in Utah, and one of the symbols of that place was a Calf of the Mountain of the Bull, Taurus the Bull, that Abraham crossed according to one of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Zohar, and local records. The Bible doesn’t tell us the whole story, when the Israelites were worshipping the Golden Calf that was a parable for the Israelites wanting to plunder the two treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses. Keep in mind the bull is the Alpha, the place of beginning, the land of Paradise. Moses new that if they had of plundered Pithom and Ramses they would have been taking upon themselves the wrath of Mizraims great colony, in what we call North Africa today. Africa itself means a shadow place of the Bull, not the real place, and it is not even the first shadow place or Africa.

There could be a lot more said on these different topics that could be of interest to the seekers of truth. I will say this much, the Mizraim army thought they had Moses trapped between walls and the Sea of Eden, but Moses had already sent people ahead to damn the streams that fed it, he took his staff to dig or drain the last part of it, then when the Israelites went through that sea, a five or six mile journey, Moses got up on a place and held up his staff until the Israelites were all through, and the minute he lowered his staff it was a signal for the dams to be broken, and so walls of water came in from both sides and drowned the Mizraim army. Moses allowed people to think it was an act of God. Josephus referred to angles heaping up walls of water.

It was obvious that Moses would rather have the Mizraims in Egypt think God was punishing them, to prevent more shedding of blood. The records on the wall that is here flatly state that the Mizraim army was entrapped. The Mizraims thought they had Israel trapped and were going to destroy them, and they reaped what they had intended to sow.

Moses tells the Israelites what is going to befall them, he knew that they still lacked eyes to see and ears to hear to value moral standards of law, he tells them they are going to be taken in ships and scattered among the globe, and would be among the Mizraims again. I quote three versus of Deuteronomy chapter 28, verse 63, 64 and 68.

“Deuteronomy chapter 28

Verse 63, And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.

Verse 64, And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.

Verse 68, And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt (Mizraims) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.”

If you don’t know where Atlas is on Mount Olympus, you will never find the treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses below. This should help you understand why the Egyptians and many others wanted things hid from the world. Close to their treasure cities you have the Underworld of the Greeks and the Romans, not too far from there you have the Underworld and the Tower of Babel.

Among certain nations there was mutual respect, you don’t plunder my underworld and we won’t plunder yours, and for the bigger part that was respected, and it wouldn’t be very healthy for anyone to not respect it today, it is a good way to get all other nations of the world down on you.

You are safer to go after lost mines and treasures outside of the land of Paradise or it’s Underworld. If we seek a government of good law all else can be added, at least for those who respect the rights of others.



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Greetings, This reply is very lengthy, so I must ask your indulgence again. Thank you in advance. RWLJ wrote
Hello Oro Blanco 2-25-14 You say you can’t agree that Plato had information that he failed to understand well. The very fact that he says that Atlas was the son of Poseidon and fails to tie them both in with the original Mount Olympus, and fails to recognize that Atlantis was the Troy that the Greeks fought a ten year war at, tells those who aren’t biased, who have done some real ancient research, that he is really naïve with what little information he had or he wasn’t telling what he knew. When I listened to the way you guys have been discussing this for several years, it reminds me of what the apostle Paul said about the Greeks, that they were forever learning but never deriving at the truth.
I have seen nothing to support the contention that Troy was Atlantis, nor that the ten year war recorded by Homer, had anything to do with the Atlantean war of conquest across the Mediterranean eight thousand years previously. RWLJ also wrote
Even one of the Dead Sea Scrolls states that the center city of Jerusalem was called Troy Poseidon, and they sure weren’t talking about what Alexander the Great called New Troy
Poseidon was an important deity to the Trojans, which does not make them Atlantis, any more than it makes Athens or Sparta into Atlantis, Poseidon was the god of the sea among many peoples of that age. RWLJ also wrote
I feel you are grabbing at straws, straining on gnats and swallowing camels.
I don’t know why you are getting that impression at all; I am certainly not grabbing at straws nor swallowing camels etc. We disagree on many points however. RWLJ also wrote
Plato knew little about the bigger picture of world history, he might have been a good philosopher, but he sure wasn’t an authority on ancient world history. <snip>
I don’t think Plato was attempting to be a great authority on ancient world history. His story of Atlantis is his only attempt at telling a history, and even so, made sure to state that he was calling the people Athenians when they really were not necessarily related at all, but had lived in the same region as “his” Athens. RWLJ also wrote
From the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the top of Bryce Canyon, geologists as well as myself can see where the ocean has been over all that land there 11 different times<snip>
Where is there any evidence of any ancient cities in that region you refer to? Should there not be ruins, and roads, not to mention sea ports along the dry lake bed coastlines? I am sorry but I cannot agree on this theory, nor in your classifying Plato as showing his “ignorance”. In my opinion he is one of the more gifted minds of his age. RWLJ also wrote
The first Atlantean Sea was the Sea that began at the place of the big Right Hand that God or Nature created. The Pillars in front of the hand were the Pillars of Hercules.
I must respectfully disagree, and will point to Plato, Hellanicus, Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Strabo for their identifying the Atlantic ocean as the sea of Atlantis, in fact that is the very way that Herodotus termed it, the “sea of Atlantis”. The Pillars of Herakles, the same sources identify as the Straits of Gibraltar. RWLJ also wrote
You are grabbing at straws when you state that larger meant greater, you are playing with words that have been used all over the map to mean different things at different times.
While I am NOT an expert in ancient Greek, I am absolutely certain that the Greek word Megos means greater, not larger. I am sorry if this poses a problem for your theories, but unless we want to start calling Alexander the Great, Alexander the Large, then Plato said Atlantis was greater than, not larger than and it is a very different meaning in context. RWLJ also wrote
The Continent of Atlantis is America. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Mountains on the west coast that reach to the end of Baja California, Mexico, you have a basin land that was once an inland sea, which made a great wall to the west of the Continent of Atlantis, and anything more or less than that is playing with words and corrupted history, and demonstrates the lack of understanding of real history.
I must again respectfully disagree, the continent of America is NOT Atlantis. If you read Plato, in Timaeus he clearly describes America as the great “true continent” which lay BEYOND Atlantis. America can not be Atlantis. Also, Plato made no mention of any inland sea in Atlantis, only a port with a harbor, with unusual rings of land and canals. RWLJ also wrote
<snip>I have seen a documentary in the last couple of years, where the scientists say, that they haven’t found a Mongolian Indian type of Skeleton older than 6,000 years here, all the Skulls or Skeletons before that time were European type, I read enough in past times, that even the Indians used to say that North America was originally White Man’s land<snip>
Perhaps you have not heard of the discovery of even older human remains in the Americas, which are neither Asiatic nor Caucasoid, but most closely related to the Australoid (Aborigines) race. There are a number of articles online and in published periodicals. The Americas were always a “mixing pot” of the human race. People of the African race were also colonists in the Americas as well, we can look at very clear evidence in the gigantic stone carved heads found in Mexico attributed to the people known as Olmecs. RWLJ also wrote
You can look in the Strong’s Concordance and most others, they show the Hebrew Root of Egypt being Mizraim. In the land of Mizraim you had the Original Nile River, which would relate to the Sever River in Utah, real Egypt is in the land of the River that was called Egypt in ancient times, which Egypt was named after, which is now erroneously or copycat named the Nile River.
My copy of Strong’s Concordance states that Mizraim was Egypt, and the Nile river flows through it. Trying to link these Middle Eastern places to Utah will take more than our debate. I have to respectfully disagree on these points. RWLJ also wrote
You people who have a problem with what I say need to start doing some real homework and quit being influenced by the nations that make up the image of Babylon <snip>
I don’t know why you seem to think that we do no research on our own, I do quite a bit, as much as time allows in fact. RWLJ also wrote
Oro Blanco, you make a big deal out of the Sinai Desert, you need to read the last Biblical Archaeology Review Magazine, March/April 2014 edition <snip>
The fact that so many mountains have been named Mt Sinai, does not truly prove that any of them are the one associated with Moses. However the mountain can not be SO far from Egypt, considering that Moses reached the mountain in only 45 days, and that is counting battles and days spent NOT traveling. Even allowing for 30 miles per day travel, and deducting days spent fighting etc, Mount Sinai cannot be more than 630 miles from Egypt. In fact the Israelites more likely traveled MUCH less than 30 miles per day, in which case mount Sinai has to be even closer to Egypt and the Nile, it cannot be located in the Americas. RWLJ also wrote
You should be ashamed of your ignorance.
I do not pretend to be a scholar nor expert, there are a great many things of which I am ignorant, however these topics we have been discussing are subjects which have long held a deep fascination for me, and I have done a respectable amount of research on my own. Trying to “shame” me is never going to convince me of your theories. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> Moses told the Israelites, if my memory holds true, to take all the cut stones and smash them to dust, when they conquered Utah/Canaan, he also told them they would eventually be carried captive out of that land, and told them not to build with cut stones. When the Greeks conquered Troy in that area, Homer says they dug up the foundations. <snip>
I have several different Bible translations including Young’s Literal, none of them refer to Canaan as Utah, nor is the name Utah found in them. I must respectfully disagree on this entire paragraph. RWLJ also wrote
I have known for many years that Solomon’s mines were in the land of Eden of Paradise, and I know that the officials that govern ancient paradise are out to protect its beauty, and they wouldn’t want you messing with the greatest sacred things of history, and I am not going to give you a map that would take you to that place that would get the greedy in trouble with the powers that be. But those that think that Tayopa Mines are in Northern Mexico, might want to take a private look some time at copies of old Spanish Maps that I do have, that shows Tayopa right where history identifies Solomon’s Mines, north of the Colorado River. <snip>
History does not give us much indication as to where Solomon’s mines were located, in fact the only clues we have are that it took three years voyage to reach them and return to Judaea. All the evidence to locate the Tayopa mines indicates they are located near the headwaters of the Mayo river, right where a mutual friend of ours found them a few years ago. They are not in the USA. RWLJ also wrote
The Dutchman was working one of the Tayopa Mines, you might want to take note there is an account where he stated the Indians were attacking him to get his food, and there is some truth to that. When John D. Lee who used the Dutchman Alias, who was the Horse of Santa Fe, who pastured North of the River from Lee’s Ferry at Lonely Dell, when he was hiding out from the law.
Jacob Waltz was the Dutchman associated with the famous Lost Dutchman mine of the Superstition mountains in Arizona, not John D. Lee. I must respectfully disagree on this as well. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> The Dutchman or John D. Lee, where he got his gold from he referred to it as a funnel. The Peralta Fish Map that came from Linda Peralta, refers to the water jug of Indian gold, on page 325 part 1 of the Golden Dream, you might want to take note that the Salt River on that map is shaped similar to what is on the Peralta Stone Heart Map, the Heart is in a place that represents the Indian Water Jug in relationship to that river. <snip>
The Peralta stone maps are most probably modern fakes. I must respectfully disagree again. As to John D. Lee being the Dutchman, then you must somehow explain why the friends of the Dutchman lived in Phoenix and proceeded to search the Superstition mountains where their friend the Dutchman told them his mine was located. Utah simply won’t work. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> The Molina Map shows an ancient library and a temple in that area, this Molina Map shows a black rock where there is a diagonal line that goes across the map, it has a counter clockwise spiral, which means downhill, it says petroglyphs but it uses a Spanish word for it. I went in the direction it points to and calculated the distance that the map lays out and found a bunch of petroglyphs just as the map directed you to. I also found Ogham Script, a finger alphabet writing that the ancient Irish used. <snip>
Most academics dismiss the Molina map as a forgery; even so, if it is genuine, the named mission on the documents is written as Tumacacori, which is known to be located in southern Arizona, not Utah. RWLJ also wrote
According to some of the legends in the southwest, the Spanish hid a whole bunch of gold where they found a whole bunch of other treasures. The Hebrew records translated into English for the first time, identifies the treasures put in that pot or cistern, hidden there from Solomon’s temple to keep the Babylonians from getting them
This line of reasoning does not make sense to me, unless you are transposing the information on the Copper Scroll with Spanish legends? RWLJ also wrote
I would be awful careful in trying to put Solomon’s temple in the place in the Middle East where they have created new temples. If anyone can show me any evidence of Solomon’s Temple being underneath Herod’s Temple or in the area, myself and thousands of scholars would like to see it.
Nothing I can say is going to convince you. Perhaps a trip to Israel, and specficially to the Temple Mount, would help convince you of the error of your theories. RWLJ also wrote
Just because you can find old ruins in that area it has nothing to do with where Solomon built his temple. In fact the precious stones of Solomon’s temple are buried north of the Grand Canyon, and there is a cave that tells you where they were taken to and concealed.
I have seen nothing to indicate Solomon’s temple is located anywhere else other than on Temple mount in Jerusalem, certainly not in the Grand Canyon which has suffered from massive floods and erosion over the centuries. It would have been the height of folly to build a temple in the Grand Canyon, where it would certainly be destroyed in a matter of time, and located SO far from the city of God, Jerusalem. I must respectfully disagree on this as well. RWLJ also wrote
<snip>Your Middle East Promised Land is the biggest hoax that has ever been pulled upon the Christian, Israelite and Muslim people. <snip>
I must respectfully disagree, and would hesitate to start calling the faith of so many billions of people as “false faith”. As far as I can understand, the relationship between a person and God is a personal thing, of which no other person can ever know beyond what is spoken. RWLJ also wrote
In the future I will have to look at what is said whether or not I consider it worth replying to. I will try from time to time to answer serious questions that will be overall constructive for the people
In the future, perhaps we can address these many subjects and issues one at a time, or in shorter segments than in these long posts which are probably a nuisance for our readers. RWLJ also wrote
I can show you where there are many stories across Mexico and the United States that are nothing more nor less than different versions of the same story. <snip>
While there are some cases where several different stories are indeed probably talking about the same thing, it would be a mistake to start trying to fit MANY stories to the same thing. Just because a story has some similarities, does not make it the same thing. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> Even though these colonies here in America were English, they weren’t their English motherland. Egyptian history makes it real clear their Underworld or Motherland was where the sun spent the night, that when the sun sets on the River of Egypt, the fourth and fifth hour after it sets it is in the heart of the sky over their Underworld.
That is an interesting theory, but remember the Egyptians believed the world was flat, and that the Sun was passing through the Earth under their feet at night. RWLJ also wrote
In their Underworld is where the Israelites were slaves building their Underworld treasure cities Pithom and Ramses, which the Israelites considered rigorous and hard work<snip>
The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, and there is clear evidence of them being used as slaves at Egyptian mines in Sinai and southern Egypt, by graffiti left in the mines. Not in the Egyptian Underworld, so I must respectfully disagree again. RWLJ also wrote
Mizraim identifies a place in Utah <snip>
No amigo, Mizraim is Egypt, if you say Utah is Mizraim, then what do you call Egypt, a copy cat? The ancient pyramids and sphinx are a testament to the age and identification of Egypt. I must respectfully disagree again. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> If you don’t know where Atlas is on Mount Olympus, you will never find the treasure cities of Pithom and Ramses below. This should help you understand why the Egyptians and many others wanted things hid from the world. Close to their treasure cities you have the Underworld of the Greeks and the Romans, not too far from there you have the Underworld and the Tower of Babel.
Atlas on Mount Olympus? The Atlas mountains, named for Atlas the Titan, are located in northwestern Africa. The treasure cities you mention have been located in the Nile delta of Egypt. The Underworld of the Greeks and Romans are not one and the same with the Egyptian concept, and the Tower of Babel was most probably located within what is Iraq today, where quite a few ziggurats stand as proof. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> You are safer to go after lost mines and treasures outside of the land of Paradise or it’s Underworld. {/quote] The lost treasures and mines that I search for, are located in North America, not Eden nor the mythical Underworld. RWLJ also wrote
If we seek a government of good law all else can be added, at least for those who respect the rights of others.
Jesus gave us the best hint as to our government – render unto Caesar those things which are of Caesar, and unto God those things which are of God. Religion and state government have proven to be incompatible when mixed. Good luck and good hunting to you Wes, I hope you realize that nothing I wrote was intended to cause offense. I hope you find the treasures that you seek, and that goes for all of our patient readers. Oroblanco

Greetings, This reply is very lengthy, so I must ask your indulgence again. Thank you in advance. RWLJ wrote I have seen nothing to support the contention that Troy was Atlantis, nor that the ten year war recorded by Homer, had anything to do with the Atlantean war of conquest across the Mediterranean eight thousand years previously. RWLJ also wrote Poseidon was an important deity to the Trojans, which does not make them Atlantis, any more than it makes Athens or Sparta into Atlantis, Poseidon was the god of the sea among many peoples of that age. RWLJ also wrote I don’t know why you are getting that impression at all; I am certainly not grabbing at straws nor swallowing camels etc. We disagree on many points however. RWLJ also wrote I don’t think Plato was attempting to be a great authority on ancient world history. His story of Atlantis is his only attempt at telling a history, and even so, made sure to state that he was calling the people Athenians when they really were not necessarily related at all, but had lived in the same region as “his” Athens. RWLJ also wrote Where is there any evidence of any ancient cities in that region you refer to? Should there not be ruins, and roads, not to mention sea ports along the dry lake bed coastlines? I am sorry but I cannot agree on this theory, nor in your classifying Plato as showing his “ignorance”. In my opinion he is one of the more gifted minds of his age. RWLJ also wrote I must respectfully disagree, and will point to Plato, Hellanicus, Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Strabo for their identifying the Atlantic ocean as the sea of Atlantis, in fact that is the very way that Herodotus termed it, the “sea of Atlantis”. The Pillars of Herakles, the same sources identify as the Straits of Gibraltar. RWLJ also wrote While I am NOT an expert in ancient Greek, I am absolutely certain that the Greek word Megos means greater, not larger. I am sorry if this poses a problem for your theories, but unless we want to start calling Alexander the Great, Alexander the Large, then Plato said Atlantis was greater than, not larger than and it is a very different meaning in context. RWLJ also wrote I must again respectfully disagree, the continent of America is NOT Atlantis. If you read Plato, in Timaeus he clearly describes America as the great “true continent” which lay BEYOND Atlantis. America can not be Atlantis. Also, Plato made no mention of any inland sea in Atlantis, only a port with a harbor, with unusual rings of land and canals. RWLJ also wrote Perhaps you have not heard of the discovery of even older human remains in the Americas, which are neither Asiatic nor Caucasoid, but most closely related to the Australoid (Aborigines) race. There are a number of articles online and in published periodicals. The Americas were always a “mixing pot” of the human race. People of the African race were also colonists in the Americas as well, we can look at very clear evidence in the gigantic stone carved heads found in Mexico attributed to the people known as Olmecs. RWLJ also wrote My copy of Strong’s Concordance states that Mizraim was Egypt, and the Nile river flows through it. Trying to link these Middle Eastern places to Utah will take more than our debate. I have to respectfully disagree on these points. RWLJ also wrote I don’t know why you seem to think that we do no research on our own, I do quite a bit, as much as time allows in fact. RWLJ also wrote The fact that so many mountains have been named Mt Sinai, does not truly prove that any of them are the one associated with Moses. However the mountain can not be SO far from Egypt, considering that Moses reached the mountain in only 45 days, and that is counting battles and days spent NOT traveling. Even allowing for 30 miles per day travel, and deducting days spent fighting etc, Mount Sinai cannot be more than 630 miles from Egypt. In fact the Israelites more likely traveled MUCH less than 30 miles per day, in which case mount Sinai has to be even closer to Egypt and the Nile, it cannot be located in the Americas. RWLJ also wrote I do not pretend to be a scholar nor expert, there are a great many things of which I am ignorant, however these topics we have been discussing are subjects which have long held a deep fascination for me, and I have done a respectable amount of research on my own. Trying to “shame” me is never going to convince me of your theories. RWLJ also wrote I have several different Bible translations including Young’s Literal, none of them refer to Canaan as Utah, nor is the name Utah found in them. I must respectfully disagree on this entire paragraph. RWLJ also wrote History does not give us much indication as to where Solomon’s mines were located, in fact the only clues we have are that it took three years voyage to reach them and return to Judaea. All the evidence to locate the Tayopa mines indicates they are located near the headwaters of the Mayo river, right where a mutual friend of ours found them a few years ago. They are not in the USA. RWLJ also wrote Jacob Waltz was the Dutchman associated with the famous Lost Dutchman mine of the Superstition mountains in Arizona, not John D. Lee. I must respectfully disagree on this as well. RWLJ also wrote The Peralta stone maps are most probably modern fakes. I must respectfully disagree again. As to John D. Lee being the Dutchman, then you must somehow explain why the friends of the Dutchman lived in Phoenix and proceeded to search the Superstition mountains where their friend the Dutchman told them his mine was located. Utah simply won’t work. RWLJ also wrote Most academics dismiss the Molina map as a forgery; even so, if it is genuine, the named mission on the documents is written as Tumacacori, which is known to be located in southern Arizona, not Utah. RWLJ also wrote This line of reasoning does not make sense to me, unless you are transposing the information on the Copper Scroll with Spanish legends? RWLJ also wrote Nothing I can say is going to convince you. Perhaps a trip to Israel, and specficially to the Temple Mount, would help convince you of the error of your theories. RWLJ also wrote I have seen nothing to indicate Solomon’s temple is located anywhere else other than on Temple mount in Jerusalem, certainly not in the Grand Canyon which has suffered from massive floods and erosion over the centuries. It would have been the height of folly to build a temple in the Grand Canyon, where it would certainly be destroyed in a matter of time, and located SO far from the city of God, Jerusalem. I must respectfully disagree on this as well. RWLJ also wrote I must respectfully disagree, and would hesitate to start calling the faith of so many billions of people as “false faith”. As far as I can understand, the relationship between a person and God is a personal thing, of which no other person can ever know beyond what is spoken. RWLJ also wrote In the future, perhaps we can address these many subjects and issues one at a time, or in shorter segments than in these long posts which are probably a nuisance for our readers. RWLJ also wrote While there are some cases where several different stories are indeed probably talking about the same thing, it would be a mistake to start trying to fit MANY stories to the same thing. Just because a story has some similarities, does not make it the same thing. RWLJ also wrote That is an interesting theory, but remember the Egyptians believed the world was flat, and that the Sun was passing through the Earth under their feet at night. RWLJ also wrote The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, and there is clear evidence of them being used as slaves at Egyptian mines in Sinai and southern Egypt, by graffiti left in the mines. Not in the Egyptian Underworld, so I must respectfully disagree again. RWLJ also wrote No amigo, Mizraim is Egypt, if you say Utah is Mizraim, then what do you call Egypt, a copy cat? The ancient pyramids and sphinx are a testament to the age and identification of Egypt. I must respectfully disagree again. RWLJ also wrote Atlas on Mount Olympus? The Atlas mountains, named for Atlas the Titan, are located in northwestern Africa. The treasure cities you mention have been located in the Nile delta of Egypt. The Underworld of the Greeks and Romans are not one and the same with the Egyptian concept, and the Tower of Babel was most probably located within what is Iraq today, where quite a few ziggurats stand as proof. RWLJ also wrote
<snip> You are safer to go after lost mines and treasures outside of the land of Paradise or it’s Underworld. {/quote] The lost treasures and mines that I search for, are located in North America, not Eden nor the mythical Underworld. RWLJ also wrote Jesus gave us the best hint as to our government – render unto Caesar those things which are of Caesar, and unto God those things which are of God. Religion and state government have proven to be incompatible when mixed. Good luck and good hunting to you Wes, I hope you realize that nothing I wrote was intended to cause offense. I hope you find the treasures that you seek, and that goes for all of our patient readers. Oroblanco

You Go Boy! :headbang:

sorry this is not going very well. before we get into what usually happens when folks get too emotional about these sort of disagreements i wanna ask you a couple things , of course you aren't obligated to answer me . i wanna say first i am not a claim jumper or anything like that , in fact i try real hard to stay away from someone else's "treasure site". its more about principle , and I kind felt a little violated myself once , after some shady stuff in dealing with a certain government type group but that's a long boring story .

i wanna ask you why you don't just mine the stuff you already have "allocated " . i mean wouldn't you know then just what it was ?
why do you have to have the religious angle attached to this ? maybe it is just none of my business , and forgive me for prying into your business , but instead of attaching almost every legend about gold and other things to your research , just dig it up . the little geographic area you keep hinting about and there are records , not that i really care to look into that . IMHO does not really scream out to me "richest gold mine in the world ". now I'm not saying its impossible just if there is a large" unknown" load down there , why not use what you already have the means to, and develop it?

now on the other hand if you have discovered an ancient depository and it is so mind blowing that the only way you can explain it is with the current avenue of thought ,,,,,,these thing would be somewhat difficult for the rest to follow , maybe i can see this through your eyes . , but its tough . you have said a few things in your post that have raised my eyebrows , and in truth i just kind of want to stay away from your area of interest , although some of your research has crossed paths with my own , we are far from searching the same spot at least from what i have been able to gather. good luck to you anyways .///bob

Hello Oroblanco


You are making some good progress, if you can recognize that the traditional land of Sinai can’t be nailed down by scientists. The fact that there is so much confusion on all the different Mount Sinais and different places that people think Atlantis was, shows that we have real confusion out there, which is the meaning of the way Babylon is used and has been used. Since the Tower of Babel such languages became confused. If you or anyone else wants to get out of the Babylonian Bubble that is very great today, you will have to recognize the keys whereby you can derive at the truth.

I will share some of those keys after I answer some of your statements.

You are not going to recognize what keys I have already given you, if you spin my statements out of context. Being a spin doctor you will give a band aid approach to those who aren’t seeking the truth and that want to float with the broad road that is travelled by the confused or today’s Babylonians that are complacent with the ignorance of the day.

In reply to your first statement
“I have seen nothing to support the contention that Troy was Atlantis,”

I have a lot of things that supports and says that Troy was the island of Atlantis, and in time I will show a lot of these thing, but in the meantime you might want to practice some patience and not be down on what you are not up on.

You go on to say
“nor that the ten year war recorded by Homer, had anything to do with the Atlantean war of conquest”.

I never said or implied they did. They were 8,000 years or so apart. Their main connection is that first Troy was built on the Island of Atlantis.

You are not being fair to the readers if you spin my statements.

You say
“Poseidon was an important deity to the Trojans, which does not make them Atlantis”.

I never said it did.

You say
“Poseidon was the god of the sea among many peoples of that age”.

It is clear that he became recognized as the god of the sea, but in the beginning he was the geological area that held the Poseidon Sea, which was the Sea of Eden, which was the Red Sea with a fault line that went through it that broke up into three forks, known as Poseidon’s Trident, the spear that created or shaped Atlas the Right Hand of God or nature (Atlantis) a place where the original Atlantean Sea began.

When you take what I state out of context is that not grabbing at straws like I said previously? And you do it some more.

You state
“Where is there any evidence of any ancient cities in that region you refer to? Should there not be ruins, and roads, not to mention sea ports along the dry lake bed coastlines?”

There is evidence where numerous people lived and wrote their history. And I said once before when the Israelites entered the land from the Grand Canyon to the Salt Lake they destroyed all the cut stones as they were instructed. I personally dug holes around the island of Atlantis and found a lot of broken up tools and stone-works where they hid the works of those that had lived there, and I also plowed up a lot of broken pieces of pots, pieces of pottery that were pretty colorful and fancy, unlike more crude types of pots I found in other places. The Broken up stones they ground their grains on were much more refined than hundreds of others I have found in the southwest that were cruder and of the more recent Natives.

I have found a key harbor and you can see the two distinct ancient shorelines at the point of the Mountain between Salt Lake and Provo, you can see major distinct shorelines around Ogden, Salt Lake and Provo, UT, as well as you can see them in other places. When you have an inland sea with a lot of land eroding into it, a lot of the low lands get covered with mud, and in some of these dried up places they are finding where structures had existed. When it was occupied by the Israelites who tended their flocks and herds, they weren’t big city builders, they were more nomadic and lived in more simple and temporary shelters.

When Solomon built his temple he brought in those from the east of the Mediterranean Sea, who knew how to build structures, to build his temple with cut stone. You are not going to find his cut stones in the eastern Mediterranean world, because the Israelites gathered up them precious stones and hid them, just as it states in the Treatise of the Vessels. If the Israelites had of been builders of stone and elaborate cities, they wouldn’t have imported people east of the Mediterranean Sea.

You state
“I am absolutely certain that the Greek word Megos means greater, not larger.”

Your assumption on this is no problem for me. You might want to realize that in general when they referred to that which ties in with land the word great also meant larger, and when they referred to Alexander as Alexander the Great, it was because he conquered a great or large area of the Globe (more than what a lot of scholars recognize today).

The Atlantic Ocean took you to the continent of Atlantis, and in the continent of Atlantis you had the Atlantean Sea, and in that first Atlantean Sea you have an island, which is in the land or the Sea of the Right Hand. I can show you where cultures all around the world identified the island in the land of Atlantis or the Sea of Atlantis as first Troy.

I would like you to show me anything that identifies what Alexander the Great called first Troy, as the original Troy, and why the original Troy was named Troy, and what does Troy mean?

For you to imply and quote a half a dozen Greeks saying that the Atlantic Ocean was the Atlantean Sea.

That has been the Atlantean Sea since America was first identified as the continent that had Atlantis and that had the first Atlantean Sea and the island of Atlantis, that is now called Lake Bonneville. The very fact you would make this kind of a spin on what I said, shows that you are not arriving or recognizing the truth of what I have said. I never said that what we call the Atlantic Ocean today wasn’t called the Atlantean Sea.

Again you make a deal out of America being the “true continent” which lay beyond Atlantis.

America is the Greater Continent of Atlantis and surrounds the original Island of Atlantis and the first Atlantean Sea that makes up part of the Great Basin between the Sierras and the Rockies.

I don’t know what you are trying to protect or what you are after for the reason you are grabbing at straws, and assuming that a few Greeks knew everything. I would put my trust just as much where some of the church leaders of today put the Garden of Eden and the place of the New Jerusalem.

I mentioned the Scientists say they haven’t found any Mongolian Indian type skeletons older than 6,000 years in North America. Here again you spin what I say as if I was talking about all the Americas. I never referred to all the Americas. I have known for a long time that they had found stuff in South America of a people that wasn’t a white race, and if my memory holds true it was also mentioned in Archaeology Magazine. Anybody with common sense on history knows that America has been a mixing pot for a long time.

You say
“My copy of Strong’s Concordance states that Mizraim was Egypt”

Here again you demonstrate your lack in understanding true history. By Los Lunas, New Mexico you have a rock that has the Ten Commandments on it in Paleo-Hebrew writing, it flatly says that God led Israel out of the land of Mizraim, and one of the Translators has Translated Mizraim into Egypt. The original Hebrew Bible says Mizraim not Egypt. Around that writing and above it on an area that was an Israelite fort, you have other writing that tells you where the land of Mizraim was and still is, which is right where the Egyptian history says their Motherland/ their Underworld was. If that is not enough, you have much older and more accurate stories in Utah that tell you where their travels began and ended.

You have failed to point out which mountain is the Hebrew Mount Sinai, and you make a bunch of generalities about the distance they travel. You fail to point out the wilderness that a lot of the Israelites and their herds travelled in or what sustained them. Maybe you would like to point out what the Manna was that they lived upon in the wilderness (not deserts) that rained down from the heavens or raised up places in the wilderness where they travelled (the meaning of heaven is not properly translated in today’s English). Manna in Greek meant Ponderosa, today we call it Pine Nuts.

According to history an Indian Squaw would roll the Pine Nuts with a Grinding stone, over a flat rock and crack away the shells faster than one or two white guys could eat them, and when they rolled the meat part into a type of tortilla or waffle after they were roasted it, it tasted fairly sweet and made a pretty good bread. But the whole of the story can be told another time.

There are a bunch of things you need to ask yourself and think out for yourself.

Where was Ezekiel measuring from the house or temple in Ezekiel 47, going eastward, and at a 1,000 cubits he was ankle deep in water, and at 2,000 cubits he was knee deep in water, and at 3,000 cubits he was loin deep in water, and at 4,000 cubits he was to a river that he couldn’t cross over that had evergreens on both sides? That Chapter fits like a hand in a glove when you are at the Jerusalem that has Troy Poseidon at its center, where Solomon built his temple. There is enough evidence in that area alone that exonerates the Bible as being founded on true history. The scholars sure have not been able to do that in the Middle East. There are many who are asleep and don’t know what has gone on and is going on in the Middle East.

Upon this subject you might want to ask yourself, which one of the New Testament gospels is accurate? One of them says that Christ first appeared to them after his crucifixion at Jerusalem, the other ones say he first appeared to them at the sea of Galilee. If you are in the Middle East that is about 80 or 90 miles apart, but if you are at the Troy Poseidon-Jerusalem, you can be in Jerusalem and stand on the first Galilean Sea shore, and you can see where the archangel Gabriel is still sitting overlooking the Galilean Sea, which the Sea was named after. You can see where this angel just as the bible describes, has his right leg upon the sea and his left leg upon the earth, which the Sphynx was built to represent.

Why don’t you show us where all the country as it is described in the book of Enoch translated by Richard Laurence. I would like you to show me where you could make it fit anywhere on the Globe outside of the land that is north of the Grand Canyon. Show me where Adam stood in one place and saw the head water of the Four Rivers of Eden, as it described in an early Christian book called the Forgotten Books of Eden, as well as show me where Adam and Eve went under the summit of a hill, where a huge flat rock entombed them for three days.

You might want to see if you can show us where the waters of judgment (the Jordan River) went off the high place and where they flowed backwards when the priest stood on some rocks that crossed it, which caused the waters to flow backwards. Those Rocks are still there and you can see why the water has flowed backwards when they stepped across that stream. This was a place called Gilgal.

You might want to show me where Joshua had each of the tribes of Israel set up a stone as a memorial stone.

In the original Jerusalem you can see where those stones were moved from and how much desert varnish is on them stones that dates to the time of Joshua. You can still see the alters and the place where they made sacrifices, in that area. You can go from that place to the southwest and see the true Jericho with a spring of water coming out of the base of that place. When you look at all the things in that area, you can see from the scriptures where the first place of Biblical history was and is, with numerous things still standing as they were described in the Bible, plus the oldest stories of Israel carved on stone.

Those who are trying to protect their sacred cows and who are a part of the Babylonian confusion, can keep their eyes that can’t see and their ears that can’t hear.

I can show you a painting from an Egyptian tomb that is a painting of the part of that mountain that is over their Underworld. There are literally thousands of things that identify the original Promised Land that was given or that was promised to the righteous offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

There was a copper tablet dug up in the Michigan area, that was an exact drawing of hills and certain things in that area, that people are looking for and can’t find in the Middle East. There are many records of one type or anther around the Globe that show the true place, but due to the fact that we have accepted the Babylonian confusion, when we see these things not knowing the place they fit we fail to recognize their significance or their importance. We have been conditioned and channeled to see things through the Dark Ages of Babylonian confusion.

Did Josephus know what he was talking about when he said Eden meant Red Earth? Show me the Four Rivers of Paradise in the Middle East, then show me the mines of Solomon that were in the walls of the Garden of Eden according to the Treatise of the Vessels.

You say
“Trying to “shame” me is never going to convince me of your theories.”

In the first place I am not dealing with theories I am dealing with facts as testified to from all over the world. And if you are going to continue on throwing in a lot of flak and can’t show us any of the key places of Biblical history that would nail down the Garden of Eden and the first land of Mizraim, then you need to feel ashamed, especially if you can’t quit sucking the breast of Babylon. Isaiah 28 talks about those who are weaned from the breast and drawn from the milk, who would learn and understand true doctrine.

I know what I have found and seen I am not a want to be finder that has a wild imagination that he has found something that he hasn’t, such as many treasure hunters think, as well as those who think they have found Atlantis and Troy, just like those who have put Egypt in the place of the name Mizraim (was it ignorance or was it deception?).

You say
“I have several different Bible translations including Young’s Literal, none of them refer to Canaan as Utah”

The editors of these different Bible translations and others like them for hundreds of years have interpreted a lot of books outside of the Bible to fit their ignorance, that is why we don’t have a better translation of the Books of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, the Forgotten Books of Eden, the Lost Books of the Bible. Everything is biasedly translated to fit their traditions of the Middle East, even though a lot of translators, way back in time, tried to tell what they could without getting their heads chopped off (or executed in some fashion or another). Even Josephus found himself in the hot seat and was careful to not say too much and camouflaged some of what he did say.

Our history is too much corrupted which creates confusion, the result of the powers of the empires in the past, and that is the reason we have so many contradictions in the Bible, which I just gave you one good example.

I will re ask the question. Did Christ first appear to the Apostles at Jerusalem or the Sea of Galilea?

It is funny that they cannot find the place that the New Testament talks about by the Sea of Galilea, and yet the Bible doesn’t mention one name of the Cities that have been found by that Galilean Sea in the Middle East.

You might want to show me where any scholar identifies the Philistines or their culture in the Middle East before the Trojan War. You would do real good if you started showing me some real geological locations in the Middle East as it is described in the Bible. Anybody can negate anything, I would like to see some real light shining on true history. I would like someone to show me the real cave of Machpelah and how its name identifies the place they are claiming to be the Cave of Machpelah in the Middle East. This is a good example of how the Bible has been misapplied to fit the Middle East.

Doors of new discoveries have been opened and no one will ever close them doors again. The gates of Babylonian confusion are being broken, and the greater truth will continually flow and it will not be stopped. There are things in the near future that will be revealed, and the whole Globe will be more compelled to accept it, and those that don’t will lose their credibility in the eyes of those who can recognize truth.

You say
“History does not give us much indication as to where Solomon’s mines were located“

There are those who have known for a long time where Solomon’s Mines are at. Besides there are many other records that make it real clear, one being the Treatise of the Vessels, which exonerates those who have been on the right path. There are hundreds of testimonies where they are at in the Western United States and other places.

You say
“All the evidence to locate the Tayopa mines indicates they are located near the headwaters of the Mayo river”

I have far more evidence that they are located somewhere else. A mutual friend may have found some mines, and there were those in the past who did some red herring to throw people towards less important mines and to protect the far more important ones, and also because of what was placed in them important mines, just like someone mixed the records of the Tayopa mines with the surrounding of Tucson, with the Molina Documents. They did the same thing with the Spider Rock Maps in Texas.

Someday it will be recognized and proven that the Spider Rock Map, one that has a ring inside of a ring represents the same place that the Aztec Calendar represents with its rings inside of rings, it also represents the most important place in the land of Atlantis, an island in a lake, with the Seven Cities of Cibola, the Homeland of the Aztecs. That land is the Alpha land, the place of the Beginning of Adam’s race. Alpha is the symbol of the bull, and there are many places carved in stone in North America that shows in the horns of the bull a U and a Ta Cross with the bird of Paradise sitting on top of the Ta. That is the land of first Canaan where the Mexicanaans are from.

If you want to hit the bull’s eye, you have to hit the center place of the target that is surrounded with rings, the place of the heart that the Peralta Stone Maps lead you to.

You say something to the effect of,
Jacob Waltz was the Dutchman and his mine was in the Superstitious Mountains.

You can’t separate red herring from the facts. I suggest you do a little bit more investigation before you make bold statements that are not true.

You say
“The Peralta stone maps are most probably modern fakes.”

It just happens to be that there are those who know better, even though they were made to appear as if they were done by the Spanish.

You say
“Most academics dismiss the Molina map as a forgery;”

The Molino Document is nothing more nor less than good red herring, giving you facts but under the cover of the wrong place. They did the same with the Spider Rock Maps of Texas. For the same reason there were those that wanted you to believe that the Tayopa Mines were in a place where there were other mines, so that it would keep you tied up forever, never arriving at the truth, an excellent job of red herring.

You say
“This line of reasoning does not make sense to me, unless you are transposing the information on the Copper Scroll with Spanish legends?”

The Copper Scroll found with some other Dead Sea Scrolls covered some of the same area that the Treatise of the Vessels covers. Neither one will be properly understood until they find the real Promised Land, if they had of understood them they wouldn’t of published them treasure records.

You say
“Nothing I can say is going to convince you. Perhaps a trip to Israel, and specficially to the Temple Mount, would help convince you of the error of your theories.”

Wow that is pretty good. It is me that needs to take you to the real land of Israel, where there is good gold and silver like the Bible says, and show you the Temple Mount where the veil or the covering over the temple was rent, and let you see Abraham’s Altar and Jacob’s Pillar Stone or the Stone of Destiny. You would sure see reality for the first time. Whether you have eyes to see or ears to hear I cannot say, but you are supporting the Babylonian confusion pretty strong. I have hope for you, but it may take some time to wake up and come out of Babylon, and not be partakers of her plagues.

You say
“It would have been the height of folly to build a temple in the Grand Canyon,”

I never said or ever thought a temple was ever built in the Grand Canyon. I said North of the Grand Canyon.

You say
“I must respectfully disagree, and would hesitate to start calling the faith of so many billions of people as “false faith”.”

The fact is most of the world has thrown out the Bible because it does not fit, for the bigger part, in the Middle East, and very few in the world have any real faith based on the Bible’s Moral Teachings. Even the Bible states and identifies the churches of the day as the Whore of Babylon the Great. I would not base my faith on their corrupted faith.

No one has a personal relationship with God, unless they understand the true God of Israel, which laid out some concrete standards. Not that God is not working with many people to some degree, but most people have a relationship with idols of their own creation, sometimes representing a lot of good and other times doing more harm than good.

You say
“Just because a story has some similarities, does not make it the same thing.”.

However that doesn’t take away the fact of what I know and said. If you had of studied the Josephine Document with the Molina Document, with one of the Spider Rock Maps and seen the place that they all talk about, and all the other things that are in that place, then you could know that the Molina Document Mines, the Tayopa Mines and the Solomon Mines are one and the same group of mines.

I am sure you and others would like more easy evidence. You wouldn’t expect me to cast pearls, when there are those that would trample what you said in the mud and run you through to have the pearls.

In connection with my knowledge on the Egyptians meaning and use of the Sun, you state
“That is an interesting theory, but remember the Egyptians believed the world was flat, and that the Sun was passing through the Earth under their feet at night.”

I can’t speak for all the Egyptians, but I know a lot of them weren’t that dumb. The land of the earth was flat (lake bottoms), there were many throughout history, including Egyptians, that knew the Globe was round, and the lake bottom that was called earth was flat, generally speaking. Just remember the sun is going to set on the days of Babylon the Great, and a new sun will rise in the west as it did in the Beginning, this is told by Aztec and Egyptian history and Prophecy.

You state
“The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt,”

The Israelites were slaves in the land of Mizraim. If the Israelites were the Hyksos as you say, they conquered Egypt, they weren’t slaves, even though a little copper mining was done in the deserts northeast of Egypt, that is not where the Israelites were slaves in the Underworld.

You state
“The ancient pyramids and sphinx are a testament to the age and identification of Egypt.”

That is correct, but what does that have to do with their Motherland, their Underworld and where they came from.

You state
“Atlas on Mount Olympus?”

The Atlas Mountains named for Atlas the Titans, are located in northwestern Africa”.

Africa and their mountains, are truly (Africa) shadow or copycat places of the bull (which is what Africa means, Ca means shadow or a new like place). By the way the treasure cities that I have mentioned, they have not been located by the River of Egypt, and the ancient underworld of the Greeks Romans and Egyptians are in the same area, and the Towers of Babel have not been identified in Iraq, no more than you have identified the true Mount Sinai.

You say that
“Jesus gave us the best hint as to our government”.

I am not sure what you are trying to say here, it sounds pretty general to me. If you are implying that we should float with the stream of corrupt governments, that is not what I heard at the Dutchman Rendezvous, where people said if they found something they would melt it down, and buy a mine for a cover. I think the implication was to keep the government from taking most or all of it.

Modern Caesar has robbed me of hundreds of thousands of dollars, most of them are crooks or criminals, they owe me, and all the future generations to have true liberty, and if they were honorable they would become servants in paying back their debt, but they are adding sin to sin to where everything they touch is corrupted.

They have parks, monuments and wilderness areas that to keep new mines and discoveries from coming forth and to have favor with the corporations that have bought them so these corporations or monopolies would not have competition from new discoveries. That is why it wouldn’t be wise to show them something on a park etc. They wouldn’t let you touch it, but they would know how to get permission and steal and claim it all for themselves through their puppet scholars. They could get certain boundaries reduced, if that is what it took, and they would own the mines.

I suggest you read the lengthy documents that are on the website, it outlines what it takes to be a true honorable man or a true Christian.

Most are agreeing with what feathers their nest, under the pretense of agreeing with their adversary.

I think in time you will recognize that the empires that make up the image of Babylon, did not give their world the whole facts, nor did the churches, some of it was for good reason, some of it was to feather their own interest.

There are a lot of things that I bumped into that took me away from an incomplete history, it filled in the gaps and got rid of a lot of contradictions. Mankind has made a lot of discoveries in the last 100 or so years, and they have got a lot of things right. I believe if you ever saw the bigger picture you would soon recognize that the bigger picture of what I am saying is correct, but that doesn’t mean I have it perfect by any means. There are thousands of people that are way ahead of me in many fields, and there are thousands that are smarter than me in many areas, but some of the gates I have opened or the discoveries I have come across will not be closed.

What is in the bull’s eye will bring about a marvelous work and a wonder, it may not be in my lifetime but it will rewrite history. In the very near future, if people will be patient, I will show you something that ties some of Francis Bacons works with the Peralta Stones.

The greater truth will contribute to the benefits of all good men, and how you serve the greater good or the truth is how you will enrich your own life.

On the Website, there is a picture of a key part of Mount Lebanon, that makes up part of the walls of Paradise, and just as the Treatise of the Vessels identified.

You can rest assured that I wish you the very best and all the others that are true seekers of truth in finding the treasure that will help you.


Hello Shortstack

You once commented that I had likely read a certain book in Connection with the Spider Rocks. For the Record I have never heard of the book before much less read it. But nevertheless may you find the treasure that will contribute to a better life for you.


Hello kanabite

I was once looking for something else and found Porter Rockwell’s gold mine. I filed claims on it and the powers of government found things to block my ability to move forward on it, or do anything with it. I have a brother who has been a treasure hunter, who would come and help me in doing so much work, if I would go with him to look for a treasure he was seeking. So indirectly I was involved in accompanying him in looking for a treasure. I have never gone out and directly looked for gold treasures, not unless I came across evidence of one while looking for other things. People have given me treasure books believing I could help lead them to the treasure they were looking for.

My goal for many years was to find out if there was a true base behind Biblical history, but before that I was trying to find out if there were a true base to another claimed history. After spending a lot of time in the Jungle and some exploring in several different countries, I came to the conclusion that-that history wasn’t a true history, but instead only reflected a lot of true history. However with the Bible I found out it had some direct roots of true history, even if they didn’t fit in the Middle East. There were sure a lot of descendants of the people of Genesis living in the Middle East for over 3,000 years.

Before we uncover treasures and leave them uncovered we need to get a lot better government. You might want to look at the website to understand better why we don’t want to mess with or try to negotiate with government parks etc. to open up ancient mines. If we gave way to our appetite we would be feeding the Beast that is enslaving us. Israelites hid things from Babylon for good reason. One of the Israelite kings showed the Babylonians too much and they paid dearly for their unwise actions.

There is one place where the park rangers themselves have snuck out a little gold on the side.

I hope this answers your question.

No one out there should put their trust in anything I say, they need to do their own homework. I could be just having a lot of fun with them all. After all, my goal is the treasure of true history. I believe James White created a hoax, saying he saw the Aztec treasure in the Grand Canyon. I don’t believe for a minute he saw anything there, nor do I believe there is any gold mine in the Superstitious Mountains that belonged to the Dutchman or John D. Lee.

There have been so many red herrings where people wanted to tell you the story, but give you a false place if you want to look for it. Wouldn’t it be only wise for any man that found something of great value to do the same today? You could spend a lifetime if something was in the Grand Canyon and never find it, and that goes for several other places as well. But if enough people will work to change government so it will respect people’s rights, I believe (I do not know) that there is enough wealth in hidden mines that could bless thousands of families. But don’t we at least need to get a good government back to Constitutional laws and our original Bill or Rights with a moral gold standard or a currency backed by real assets.

Thank You for your sincere questions.


RWLJ wrote
I did not re-post your entire last message Wes, as it is just too long. I had hoped that we could keep things shorter, and focus on a point to two at a time, which apparently you do not wish to do.

I do not know what your game is, as has been pointed out, if you truly found the fantastical treasures and sites you claim, what prevents YOU from simply getting that treasure, or re-opening those mines? It makes no sense, like a fair amount of what you posted.

I am very well "up" on ancient history as well as the bible, and your theories simply will not float. You dismiss the gigantic monuments and ruins of Egypt and the Middle East as so much "copycat" work, while trying to "sell" Utah as the "true" Holy Land. I have seen enough of the beautiful state of Utah to agree that it is indeed a beauty, but that it is certainly NOT the "original" Holy Land.

If you would stop to think about your theory, you would see a major flaw in it - for example, if the Hebrews were living in Utah, then how did Hebrews end up living in Palestine, and only Amerindians were found living here? You keep demanding that I "show" you Eden or Mt Sinai etc while ignoring the many other sites which ARE known. Like the Red Sea, the Nile River, the two remaining rivers of the four of Eden, namely the Tigris and Euphrates. How do you explain these, while fitting your theory to it? How do you explain the ancient ruins of Ur, the city of Abraham, the numerous sites in Jerusalem, Jericho, Megiddo, Damascus, the Dead Sea, the real Babylon in Iraq, or the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,

What about the Dead Sea scrolls, found in a cave near Qumran? Did someone carry them from Utah to hide them in the Middle East? You dismiss Josephus yet you can stand on top of Masada the site of the famous seige described by him or tour the ruins of the city of Caesarea, with the man-made harbor.

You have not yet posted a single source text or book to support your statements, nor even a single photo of these "ruins" and carvings you mentioned. One that you did mention, the so-called Ten Commandments stone in New Mexico, is certainly not as old as the pyramids of Egypt, and can be read in two ways, one of which is very different from the 10 commandments.

I am sorry if this offends you, but I am not your "student" and from what I have seen, it appears to me that it is YOU that has a great deal to learn. Perhaps I could recommend a few books for you, but I doubt you would read them. Even your interpretations of names have problems, Africa does not mean "bull" - it is originally a Punic name, which was for the goddess of the continent, then adopted by Rome as the name for the country, which previously had been called both Libya and Ethiopia for the entire continent.

You dismiss every historical point that is at odds with your theories as being somehow "tainted" by "Babylon". If everything is SO confused and mixed up, filled with falsehoods, then you have nothing on which to base a history upon. I do not agree that it is so confused or mixed up, in fact most of what our historians state can be backed up very well. The one point that I find our historians in error on, is that they insist that the Americas were in utter isolation from the Ice Age to Columbus, which is provably wrong, visitors did come to America in ancient times but NOT vast colonies of lost tribes of Israel either.

You ignore Plato while using his story - if you are going to ignore and dismiss what he wrote, then you can not use the rest of the story; there is no inland sea mentioned for Atlantis and I would like you to show me where you read this. America is not Atlantis and could not be - Plato describes the location of America as being past Atlantis island, on the far side of the Atlantic ocean. How then could America ever be Atlantis? It simply can not.

Wes you seem to be mixing everything imaginable in to your site in Utah. You claim that you have "much more" evidence that Tayopa is there and not where ALL the documents and traditions place it in Mexico, well let us see those sources? Show us something to prove that John D. Lee was the Dutchman, and then explain how we had a real man named Jacob Waltz who told his friends Julia Thomas and Reinhard Petrasch that his mine was in the Superstition mountains of Arizona? We have gone over the Peralta stones, the Molina documents, etc these things have nothing to do with Utah and some are very questionable. It is your interpretation of these things as being somehow tied in to Utah, rather than anything on them to indicate that tie. In fact the Molina documents name the mission as Tumacacori, which you also have not explained how we know exactly where Tumacacori is, nor the fact that at Tumacacori we have a Spanish mission in ruins.

Your political views may well be shared by others, but I guarantee that they are not shared by all. In fact I would bet that you would not agree with my political views, and this is not a political forum. And if you believe in Jesus, then perhaps it would behoove you to take note of what he said, render unto Caesar, for the Roman government of Jesus' day was just as corrupt and crooked as ANY we have today. In fact the Romans got so corrupt that they actually auctioned off the emperorship to the highest bidder at one point, which did not work out well.

Just for the record - I think the most likely mountain that is Mount Sinai is Jebel Mousa in the Sinai peninsula, but of course you will say I am wrong. Mt Sinai can not be more than 45 days travel, ON FOOT, from the mouth of the Nile river in Egypt, which is in Africa. Even the name, in Arabic, means the mountain of Moses. The best proposal for the location of Eden that I have seen, is under the Persian Gulf, at the mouth of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, where two extinct ancient rivers also meet.

You say that I am "making progress" concerning Sinai, but really if anything I am far less in agreement with you than when we started. The more you have attempted to explain your ideas, the less sense it makes to me.

I give up trying to discuss this with you Wes, for you have your own beliefs and I could not disagree more strongly with many of your ideas, even to the point about how so many people you dismiss as having "false faith" - have you not read the New Testament, for we are warned NOT to judge, lest we be judged. You can not know what the faith is of any other person, nor can I or anyone else. Only the Lord knows what is in the heart of a man.

Good luck and good hunting to you RWLJ and anyone reading this, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


There is strong evidence that the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah were found on the east side of the Valley of Siddim and just below the Dead Sea.

I don't believe RJ has ever provided any proof for any of his claims.

Take care,


Hello Oroblanco,

You say you do not know what my game is. I have no game.

I am opening up doors for the seekers of truth so they can participate or find for themselves the greatest concealed treasures of all time. These treasures have been found and hid several times since Columbus. I hope it will prevent some from vainly pursuing false paths and help others grab on to a strait path that leads directly to the truth. There have been great things hid up to come forth in a time that will be beneficial to mankind.

They have looked for these treasures in the false land of Genesis for a long time but they will not find them there. All those that are hanging in with that tradition will never have a part if they do not wake up, nor should they if they have sold out to self-appetite.

In the New English Bible with the Apocrypha you have the II Book of Maccabees in chapter 2, verse 7 and 8. You also have it more clearly stated in the Treatise of the Vessels, when certain things are to come forth.

I have made it real clear in what I have said in the past the conditions that will allow these things to come forth.

You said I dismiss the gigantic monuments and ruins of Egypt and the Middle East as so much copycat work. You bet I do. You do not have just a bunch of monuments that represent the real place you have many copycat named places there. That does not mean that there were not many other good works and thing that took place there. The Bible before Joshua’s time never describes any of them Monuments in Egypt. Are you looking for glamor or real history?

In Utah and the West we can find the things in history that the Bible describes before the time of Judges. You might recognize a few things if you get of the defensive and investigate the opposite side that differs from your traditions.

You see major flaws and you give an example “If the Hebrews were living in Utah how did they end up living in Palestine.”

You obvious have not really read what I already quoted. You need to read Deuteronomy 28 particularly verse 68.

You quote a bunch of new name place in the Middle East as if they had those names in ancient history, such as the Tigris and the Euphrates. You fail to identify the other two rivers or were any of the four rivers came out of Eden (the red land). You say “How do I explain the ancient ruins of Ur the City of Abraham” according to scientist and archaeologist that city of Ur in Babylon did not even exist in Abraham’s day. History says Abraham came from the area of the Ur of Chaldeans. He past the four rivers of Eden and Mount Zion and was in the land of Canaan in three days. You are not going to make that fit in the new name places in the Middle East.

You go on to mention a number of other sites in the Middle East that are new name places and state that real Babylon is in Iraq. The Babylon in Iraq is not the first Babylon, nor is it the last.

You quote a web site You have not paid attention to the details of what I have said. The writings of Josephus about Masada and what the scientists have come up with, I believe is very accurate. There is a lot of true history that ties in with the Bible in the Middle East after the time of Judges and the Trojan War. Bible history before the time of Judges or the Trojan War does not tie in with the Middle East at all. Nor does any science used by archaeology show a nation of Israelites being there.

Those that try to make it fit there are saying the Bible is full of big lies and exaggerations and is false for the bigger part. Why I will agree that there are some bad translations and where people gave different accounts of what they believed, the Bible over all is a fairly accurate history when understood in its proper place. There are defiantly a lot of bad interpretations. Some of its metaphors are not understood by anybody that I know of. Because of people’s ignorance they sound pretty stupid or magical. Some examples are; the three Hebrews being cast in the fiery furnace or Aaron laying Moses staff down and it turning into a snake and swallowing up two other snakes. The one that the ignorant scholars are making hay day out of is where Moses was placed in a basket and placed in a river, because there are several other similar accounts from other places around the Middle East. In the ignorance of not understanding history and language they think the Bible story of Moses was borrowed from other stories. This has blinded many from seeing and arriving at the whole truth. We will drop it for now. My reply is becoming too lengthy.

Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities of a plain. Not two cities on a hill, above a sea bed. They were by a volcano in Utah that is by a salt sea. They were destroyed by the actions of that volcano that erupted at that time. I have known the area that these two cities where destroyed at for over twenty-five years. Keep in mind just as the Bible says there is real silver and gold in this Promise Land. The wildernesses in that area did support the Israelites and their flocks and there is their hand writing on the walls that testifies that their history was real.

To imagine some fault line in the Dead Sea (new Palestine) in the Middle East that let a bunch of gas out and destroyed two small hill communities that are not even on a plain and they are about ten miles apart. This is not even a good joke. In one little area of small rooms with one little passage way between them. The total structure is not even fifty feet long with some ashes is really grabbing at straws. The ashes obviously come from the burning of that place. When someone finds a few graves that go back to the time period of Sodom and Gomorrah and says it is proof it show how desperate some are to hold on to their false faith. There have been many thousands of places that have been burnt around the globe in ancient times.

The Bible makes it real clear that all the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed except for Lot and his two daughters. Those two little small communities show no real evidence that would hold up in court that those two small communities came to an end as the Bible describes. Here in the West we have the volcano and the plain where them cities where destroyed. Plus we have not too far from them the cave of Machpelah that has many sacred tombs in them that some of the Pablo Indians called the cave of their ancestors. They are partly descended from and carry some of the history of Israel.

You say “You have not post a single or book to support your statements”

When are you going to quit being a spin doctor in connection with what I have posted?

Only another spin doctor would negate the Ten Commandments written in Paleo Hebrew writing by Los Lunas, New Mexico.

You say that “it is not as old as the Pyramids of Egypt”.

No one ever said it was. The thing the Pyramids have to do with the land of Genesis is that they were built to represent their original home land on the other side of the globe, like their records state.

If you spent a little bit more time in seeking and asking the proper questions and quit being down on what you are not up on. I would have already posted pictures and other things on this site. But I do not intend have all the pearls of my discoveries trampled in the mud.

I am going to identify two different types of people. There are those that are; want to be treasure finders, who want to be carried by the confusion of today’s great Babylon. They have failed to seek the truth first. They wanted to find easy quick treasure or a free lunch. That is why they have accepted all the red herring that has been done. The other type of people will seek the true history and the true laws that true history is founded upon. They will apply them great laws. The truth will get rid of the adulterated garbage out of people’s minds. Then their mind would become clear in seeing the red herring and separate it from the truth. Then they will know where the treasures of the Copper Scrolls, the treasures of the Treatise of the Vessels, the treasures of the Aztecs and the treasures of Solomon’s Mines are located.

When you get on the foundation of the correct story then you can correct the stories and separate the red herring from the rest of the story.

If most people on this site are not interested in doing their homework properly and they want to be like all the gamblers that have made a lot of people rich in Las Vegas. They each thought that they were going to be the lucky one and win. They have only helped the smarter ones in building rich casino, rich shows of vanity that have suckered a lot of people in. I have posted stuff on this web site to help the people who want to work towards and build on a stronger foundation. I am not going to try to prove anything to those that are going to be saved by finding a treasure in a place that it does not exist. In fact only those that have been corrupted by false history who are wise in their own conceit would negate what I have posted on these sites. They should be seeking the truth that would free them from their false traditions.

The Bible says that there were good gold and silver in the Promise Land and everything that the righteous would want. I would suggest that all those that believe that the Middle East is the Promise Land pack their bags and move there, if they believe in the Bible. The last part of Ezekiel 37 makes it real clear that the righteous would be gathered to the Promise Land.

I think it would be really nice if all these righteous, know it all Christians should believe in the Bible and if they think it fits in the Middle East that they should pack their bags and move there. I sure will not fight anyone over that false place. This goes for a lot of other false Atlantis’s and Troy’s and other places.

Oroblanco we need people like you to help keep the false believers in Mexico or the false Superstitious Mountains.

If you are trying to find more truth you are going about it the wrong way. You can start asking more civilized questions and quit spinning and grabbing at straws. I am willing to help people but I am not going to do all their homework for them and give them a free lunch. It would only hurt them. I realize the school systems of the day teach their students for the bigger part as if they were the absolute authority and they may be on most things. Many people find comfort in going along with the ignorant masses. I am not saying they are ignorant on a lot of common things but when it comes to ancient world or biblical history they are confused and make up Babylon the Great.

You state that “Africa does not mean bull”.

You say “it was original a Punic name and then it was adopted by Rome as a name for the country that was a Roman Goddess”.

You say “it was originally called Libya and Ethiopia for the entire continent”.

You fail to break down what the name means.

Before we get to the specifics, Ethiopia is not the first Ethiopia that was mentioned in Genesis, nor is Libya the first Libya of Biblical history. Many times names identify a place that has a lot of different characteristics and people associate different characteristics of a place that has a name and come up with different meanings of the place that has that name. For a good example Utah today in most people’s minds represents one of the States of the United States. In times past among the more recent natives it represented a place in the mountains. But in times before that it represented a U pot and a big red Ta Cross that made up a geological cross in nature with streams flowing through it. The U pot represented a volcano. According to records cut in stone across America that volcano with a U pot was caricaturized like a bull in that it pushed out of the ground and ripped up the landscape, as bulls do sometimes when they are mad. They show that particular volcano with the Ta Cross above it with the bird of Paradise sitting on the cross representing Paradise, the land of Alfa.

The Romans originally referred to that bull or that place as Taurus the bull that heaved up (heaven) that the constellation of Taurus the bull was named after. In both Greek and Hebrew languages our A, Alfa originated from a bulls head. This area of the bull is feminine and was one of the ancient goddesses of Rome. The word ca or ka is a word well used in ancient time particularly in Egypt which meant a shadow or something that reflected something else such as a new place that looked like or was built to reflect an old place. On the first place of Alfa or this famine place that was one of the Roman goddesses you would not add the word ca or ka because it was not a shadow place. You would only add the ca or ka to Alfa to a place that reflected the original place in some way or another.

It is kind of naive to think that the Romans where any different than anyone else in naming one place or thing after another. Why where different emperors called Caesar? We give things title that represent those or things that their position reflects. People have named new things in honor of old things and other reasons since the beginning of time. Look how many Kings or Popes we have had with the same name.

On Atlantis you are still hanging on to an incomplete story mentioned by a few Greeks. The American Indians knew a lot more and clearly identified the place which included Troy many times. I will cover this subject at another time when I can do it more justice.

You state that “You are mixing up everything imaginable into your site in Utah”.

That is a clear spin on what I have said. I have many sites in Utah and many sites across the West that tie in with Genesis and the roots of ancient world history. While I do have enough imagination to look at both sides of a story, it would be impossible for me to mix everything imaginable into one site in Utah. Not only are you spinning the truth, you are smearing my premise.

You say “show me something that proves that John Dee Lee was the Dutchman”.

That is kind of funny; I have no interest in proving to you that John Dee Lee was the Dutchman. Like it is claimed the so called Dutchman said “I have already given you plenty of clues”. I have already given more clues along with what he gave. Any of you that believe in God or the spirit of truth, the spirit of truth could guide and show you the proof. John D. Lee had made enough mistakes in live following someone as if they held the keys to heaven. I do not think he was interested in making things clear that those that wanted a free lunch could find the place. I personally believe that he learned enough by his mistakes that he did not want things to fall into the hands of corruption.

I myself have no doubt that those that seek and sacrifice for the truth will find the truth. The greater or the righteous will see the parables and will see through the red herring.

I have already said enough about Tumacacori and the Molina Documents. I do not want everyone to share my personal views. Especially those that believe that Christ statement about paying onto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and interpret that to mean we should support corrupt governments. That makes no different how corrupt Rome was or America is in comparison.

You say the best proposal for where Eden is, is the Persian Gulf. You are only confessing how much you do not know and how much you are following the confusion of Babylon. I thought you were progressing but now it appears you are going backwards by what you say. It will not hurt my feelings if you give up on trying to put me down on things you know little about.

I have never asked you to rush to judgment on things I am posting. If you can keep the more ignorant ones that prefer a free lunch to the truth off my back it will not hurt me any. On the other hand I want to highly thank you for posting your disagreements and giving me a chance to express some truths better.

Have you read the Psuedepigrapha of the Old Testament it is published by different authors out there? It describes different areas in the western United States really well.

I have never said all people have false faith. If I did not make it clear before let me make it clear now. There are a lot of people that have faith in a lot of good things. Most people have some faith in things that are utterly false. It is our individual responsibility to separate for ourselves that which is true and good from that which corrupts us and society. This applies whether you believe in God or are an atheist.

We all need to judge for ourselves where we want to be. If we make wrong judgment calls on where society is at then we will be judged for making those wrong calls. As being wrong by those that know right from wrong. I have to judge you where you have made judgment on what I have posted and have not even looked at my side of the story in the bigger sense or the specific places that it fits. A judge is not a good judge unless he looks at both sides of the story. If you have not seen anything in the West that shows that this is the land of Genesis then you have judged yourselves in where you are at. But you cannot be a good judge about things you have not seen that I have seen. There are those that know better.

If someone shows you all the treasures of Solomon’s Temple you would have no way of knowing if they are true or false unless you investigated all things and hold fast to that which is true, as the Apostil Paul said.

You should read Romans chapter 11, particularly verse 25.

Romans chapter 11, verse 25: For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

When Apostil Paul refers to the fullness of the Gentile to have come in that is a nice way of saying when the fullness of Babylonian confusion has come to a head and reigns over the globe.

You should read the first article on Liberties Greatest Defense at

I have many documents that tells many things and to be fair to ourselves we should want to look at our strongest opposition and not try to learn more through the negative attacks if you do not want people to use fire to fight fire if you have a flock that you are trying to protect and keep them in a rut of chasing false rainbows maybe you are what they need to fulfill their wants and give them all a chance to learn the hard way.

Any way it is fun to purify our silver with fire. I think we can all learn.

R. W. L. J.

Holy smokes RWLJ, I do wish we could keep the posts a little bit shorter, and try to focus on one or two points or issues at a time rather than trying to cover a vast array of topics.

I must respectfully disagree with many of the points you posted. I will try to be specific, as we are not getting anywhere and I would only wish to clarify a few things.

You wrote
You state that “Africa does not mean bull”.

You say “it was original a Punic name and then it was adopted by Rome as a name for the country that was a Roman Goddess”.

You say “it was originally called Libya and Ethiopia for the entire continent”.

You fail to break down what the name means.

I did NOT state that the name Africa was for any Roman goddess. It was the PUNIC name for the native goddess of the land, which by the way they called Zeugitana and Zeugitana DOES mean "bull". The Romans adopted the name Africa for the entire continent of Africa, most probably by the simplest of methods like, asking the people what land it is, being told it is the land of the goddess Africa, and presto it is then called Africa. But it was NOT a Roman goddess. It seems that you have this point quite confused or misunderstood what I posted. In fact I get the impression you are confused on a number of points we have discussed.

You state that I, and we whom are reading this, are all grasping at straws, "swine" that you will not cast your "pearls" before and other mildly insulting comments, to which I have no idea what you expect to accomplish by that approach. If your wisdom and site(s) are such "pearls" that we poor swine are not fit to even view photos of them, why then did you mention them in the first place?

You are mistaken about the ancient history of the Hebrews, Egypt, and several other topics. This reply would get very lengthy if I tried to address every point. Your condescending attitude toward other Christians is rather disturbing, and at odds with the idea of Christian brotherhood.

I think this "discussion" has gone far enough, I won't waste any more of your, or my time on it.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

RWJL: shall we discuss 'one thing at a time'? Since I am probably the one most knowledgeable on Tayopa, sides the Oro's, which you continue to mention, i wish you to be more specific.

Shall we discuss it and your statement that it was King solomon's???

while drinking coffee , naturally.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

Hello Oroblanco,

I may have got confused on what you said or meant and I will stand corrected on my thinking that you said Africa was a Roman goddess.

In connection with the first place of Alfa that place is tied in with several Roman, Greek and Egyptian Goddesses.

In future post I will cover things that clear up the bigger picture.

My next post on keys that will lead to Solomon’s Mines will explain where I was coming from and will help those that want to come to grips with more correct history.

Thank you.

R. W. L. J.


Information that can identify the part of the world where Solomon’s Mines are. Which are the Rhode’s Mines, the Spider Rock Mines, the Tumacacori Mines, the Tayopa Mines and the Lost Dutchman Mines. The Jesuits and Spaniards also referred to these mines by other names which I have not listed here. When you can take all the clues of history that talks about these mines you will have greater evidence to nail down Solomon’s Mines.

Let us start with Alfa. Alfa represents A which stems from a bull head. The bulls head represents the head place which we call Alfa the place of beginning. To those that believe in the Bible that would be the Garden of Eden or Paradise. To the Egyptians and many other cultures it would be the place of their Underworld. To the Aztecs and many others it was the land of Aztlan the land of Atlas. To others including the Celts it was the land of the right hand.

I have known for many years that Solomon’s Mines were in the land of Paradise. Now we have records translated into English from Hebrew for the first time stating that Solomon’s Mines where in the walls of the Garden of Eden.

Why have they now finally published and made these available to the public? The reason is they do not think they have a ghost of a chance of making this place of history fit the Middle East. Most Archaeologist and scholars do not even believe that the Garden of Eden ever existed. James Davila who translated the Treatise of the Vessels into English does not believe that the treasure story is for real. At least that is my take on what he has said.

Likewise the Copper Scroll was not translated into English until certain ones were not able to make sense out of them. We need to recognize that the treasures of Solomon’s Temple will not be found outside of the Promise Land.

As long as people are trying to make part of the Middle East the Promise Land they will not find the Ark of the Covenant or any real evidence that that part of the Bible was ever in the Middle East. The many reasons that we are blinded as a people at noon day is because we have been conditioned to see things certain ways.

Some good examples: if some Mormon thinks that the Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri or some other religious people thinks it is in Iraq, they will never see or recognize all the different things that nails it down someplace else. Such as the Aztec calendar that identifies it north of the Grand Canyon. Such as the Chiapas Stone with the Tree of Life that identifies it in the Zion Park area. Or a carved wall at Palenque, Mexico, The Forgotten Books of Eden and many other records and things that correctly identify where it is at. Not counting a lot of other world history when you know and understand their different names or the way they identified the place. When you believe that the Jerusalem in the Middle East was the original Jerusalem, when over two thousand years ago Arab Jews where building it as a New Jerusalem. Even Biblical Archaeology Review quoted an argument between the Arab Jews and the Samaritans. The Samaritans told the Arab Jews that that was not the land of Israel and the Arab Jews replied back that they knew it was not but they were going to build a New Jerusalem there. Top Biblical archaeologist and scholars have not been able to find Solomon’s Jerusalem in the Middle East. When you know the many thins some researchers and I have seen you would know why that is not surprising to us.

When you recognize that that Jerusalem is not the Jerusalem that Jeremiah called the City of Desolation that would be desolate for many years according to the Bible, you might start rethinking your past premises. Then you can start recognizing the more ancient ways that Jerusalem is spelt and the brake down of its original meaning identifies it as the place of Troy Presidion. If you take its base meanings, it was a place that was greatly respected across ancient Egypt. Scholars do to their mindset cannot recognize all the testimonies from different nations that are built around that place. Through the root meanings of Jerusalem its place can clearly be identified. Its first spelling started with a letter U not a J.

It is of the upmost important for all religions that are based on or around the Old Testament, particularly the first five books, to recognize these facts. Scholars have all kinds of stories from Egypt to Babylon that reflect many things in Genesis. These records are older than anything that is written in the Middle East by Israelites. What is in the Middle East makes no sense when you try to fit Genesis there. Genesis does reflect Babylonian and a lot of Egyptian records. This leaves the scholars or Biblical historians with nowhere to go but to believe the Bible is borrowed from the Babylonians and Egyptians. That is unless you know the root place of Babylonian and Egyptian history. Then you can recognize that the Bible or Genesis is a true rendition of history as the Israelites saw it in their Homeland in the western United States. Even thou it has been slightly corrupted in the Middle East.

You religions that are based around Abraham are fast losing ground and are losing all creditability in the minds of the rational and those that are squaring themselves with the truth as they know it from their research. Those that reject the true Promise Land in and around Utah are burying their own head in the mud. False traditions that stem from the Middle East will continually bring shame upon your heads for being naive in your refusal to deal with the facts of reality. I would suggest you read The Book of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth by Sir Wallace Budge. Then visit the place in Utah that it is talking about because both the heavens and the earth that it talks about are in Utah. Then the mysteries and the bad translations of Genesis will disappear and you will find that the original Biblical history and science goes down the same path.

If you are to wise in your own conceit to look at things which are the oldest things then you need to read the book 101 Myths of the Bible, by Gary Greenberg and dozens of others like it and many documentaries that are out there. They all over throw the Book of Genesis as having no foundation in the Middle East. It is sad when certain religions cannot look at the whole and help save the Bible as a better history then what comes out of Egypt and Babylon.

No wonder Paul says in Romans 11 Verse 25 “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be some in”. You religions of Abraham need to come out of the confusion of Babylon and find the real Mount Zion in the Promise Land if you want to support your foundation in Biblical history and look and be honorable. Otherwise you are supporting blindness and that which is degenerating what is left of religions. If any of you are real leaders of the greater light you would be finding the truth so that you could build upon a true foundation. Then you could recognize and you would not need to be shown where the great treasures of the Ancients are at.

Those that choose to bury their heads in the mud are not going to be able to save themselves or their family and friends. How are you going to gather to Zion and find the treasures of the ancient when you do not even know where it is at? Why would you want to hang on to false traditions that are a sinking Titanic? What is going to give us a future is when people want to become leaders of light and true history.

When the Ark of the Covenant and what is with it is made public you people that support the Middle East ignorance will claim that the artifacts are fakes because the place that they were place does not fit your miss conceptions on history. The two edged sword of true history will cut through the confusion of Babylon that possesses the world today.

Gary Greenberg in his book 101 Myths of the Bible has done some good research but do to his ignorance of the Underworld of Egypt and Babylon he makes a lot of assumptions that shows his ignorance. He and others like him would carry little to no influence if the religions would turn back to their roots and find the original Homeland and look at what is there. Otherwise the Gary Greenberg’s will mop them up as so much dust that does not have a place in the civilized world.

I am not here to pick on the Gary Greenberg’s or the religions. In the past I have been on both sides of the fence until I stumbled on to some discoveries that were very old.

The Bible refers to a temple that was made without hands that was the original temple of Isis. In front of it sits the Egyptian god the Falcon Hawk that the body of Isis produced in a virgin birth. You can see where Isis put the body of Osiris back together again. You can see many of the things the Egyptian history says took place. You can find a counterpart to their story carved in stone in one of the Aztecs temples uncovered in Mexico City. So when you learn to understand the Aztecs Gods in their Homeland you can soon recognize that they are the same Gods that the Romans, Greeks and the Egyptians had under different names.

I would have to write many sets of books to do justice, so the people could better understand what I have learned. One of the Aztec names that identify the place of Solomon’s Mines is virtually identical to the Hebrew name that identifies the same place. When you identify the relationship of Osiris with geology and his two wives and how Egyptian history states that Isis put the body of Osiris back together you can see their understanding of science comes close to matching our understanding today. When we think that the Egyptians worshiped stone idols any more than we worship chapters on history we are confessing our own ignorance. Keep in mind that sigh language is demonstrated with body language. The body, its color, its posture, what symbols it was decorated with all told a story in one of the older languages in the world. Osiris was a geological place. His geological body literally protected the underworld beneath.

Adam and Eve’s tombs and many others are underneath or in the body of Osiris. Many times we have leaders named after leading key places. They are not to be confused with the places that were goodly or godly places. They simply became gods of the ancients. Many volcanoes were called gods. Later on the Israelites and some of the Egyptians quit calling them Gods, likely to cut down confusion in more ways than one. They started calling them the light bearers or messengers of the greater good or God. I think it would be wise if one of these light bearer or volcanoes became active that we get the message and get out of the way. In ancient time there were all kinds of angels and if people were half smart they would listens to these messages of nature.

I was on a volcano in northern Costa Rica called Arenal, in English that would be the volcano of the sand. I had spent three days on it and ate at a house of some people that were really friendly with us on its north side. On the third day I felt a very strong feeling or sensed something that was not right and I turned to a friend of mine that was hiking and researching with me whose first name was Richard, I told him vehemently let us get out of here and not look back. We headed west and passed a little town of Arenal and got over into north western Costa Rica and that night stayed at a friend’s place in their guest room which was a remodeled bus. During the night the bus rocked I knew that it was an earthquake. That volcano had erupted and I heard that 28 people were killed. I am not saying I heard the Spanish news right.

I have not been back there since. But I have heard it has become a tourist attraction. All I know is that when I left the volcano the afternoon before it erupted I felt the same feeling but more magnified as what I felt when I read the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of all the volcanoes that I have been on that was the only one that I left being concerned. Not too long before that I enjoyed a swim in a volcano lake close to the capital of Nicaragua. Since then I have been in a volcano that was real Mount Sinai. I have been on a number of volcanoes that had flaming swords that guarded or protected Eden at different times.

When Adam and Eve went into the land of desolation when they were driven out of the Garden of Eden by the flaming cherubim later called angels they went into the Holy of Holies below Isis’s temple. They lived there for a while but one day when they were returning to that home one of the cherubim that Ezekiel describes east of that temple was spitting ashes or hot coals. It prevented Adam and Eve from entering their home or staying there. They went to the southern boarders of Eden and eastward. I can show you the place that they live with their history there. In times past I bought property there. You can read about these stories in The Forgotten Books of Eden. Which could have been translated better if the later translators had have been at the right place. The old Indian name for the place still carries its proper name which means the side of Paradise. Their history is verified in ancient handwriting on the walls of the place

To have the proper value for the treasures of Paradise it is not going to come from those that want to believe that the original Paradise is in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. Those that can respect and look at things with new eyes and put aside their false traditions from Babylon deserve to learn more. Only those that are wise in their own conceit will be down on what they are not up on. Those that have true humility will become or will be numbered with the true Israelites and can build a true Christian brotherhood.

I do not blame a lot of Jews from not accepting the Joshua of the Babylonian Christians. The name Joshua originally meant eternal salvation. Those that apply the laws that will bring about eternal salvation will make up a brotherhood of those that truly love their neighbor. You need to read liberties greatest defense on Then you can help bring forth the treasures that has been hid up in the Rocky Mountains and open the temples in these heavens and see the Ark of the Testament. It states in Revelations chapter 11 verse 19 “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament; and there were lightnings, and voices and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail”.

The Aztec calendar states and identifies the same place. At the top of the Aztec calendar you have a box that represents the Ark of the Covenant. In the tails of the two messenger serpents you have two V each one representing five. On each one of the V there are five feathers on them. Feathers represent law (the Ten Commandments). The feather serpents represent messengers of law. In the heads of the serpents there are faces. One of the faces has a veil over it. It represents Moses. The other feathered serpent or messenger represents Christ. They are the two great law givers of Biblical history in the Aztec’s language. The Aztec calendar needs to be translated in the Aztec priest language. The Aztec calendar also identifies the four rivers coming out of the red land of Eden and much, much more when you understand the greater meaning of this parable language of the older Aztecs. Some of their ancient leaders where Christian, long before the Aztecs became corrupted.

It is a shame that we Christians are so righteous in our self-conceit that we have the only history that is the word of God, the Bible. When you understand the greater meaning of the Aztec parables some of their history is just as accurate as many place in the Bible. In fact when it comes to identifying the place of Genesis it is far more accurate than the way most Christians read their Bible.

In the future I will give you more keys that identify Solomon’s Mines in the Rocky Mountains north of the Colorado River. The truth is the greatest key in finding the greatest treasures. If we can sacrifice for the true, particularly our false traditions, our vision to recognize the truth will be greatly enhanced.

To be a great treasure hunter truth is our greatest guide. We cannot sell out to our greedy appetites or be down on what we are not up on.

I want as many people as possible to share in the greatest blessings possible. Only the individual person can choose the greater path for themselves.

R. W. L. J.

Just my humble opinion. I really do not contribute much to TNET due to me only finding a few dinosaur bones, some arrowheads and rusty fish hooks, they do not hold a candle to what is discussed on TNET. I rely on other peoples contributions such as Oroblanco, Don Jose de La Mancha and Cactusjumper.

I have spent countless hours intrigued and fascinated reading their individual and collective input about their adventures, and most importantly, the education and historical information that they have gathered and employed to put them where they have been or where they are going.
If somebody does not agree with these men on their posts, they always remain calm, eloquent and respectful; the odd time they will tell someone to piss off with out actually saying it. I would love an opportunity to pull my camper down south with my two young sons, sit around the fire drinking sock coffee with those three men just listening in awe....anyways...

Now, after finding this specific thread in treasure legends and reading the posts thoroughly; R.W.L.J. , I find you very offensive and condescending. In one breath you want to preach brotherhood and the fundamentals of being a Christian, treat people how you want to be treated.....yet in most of your other breaths you are very venomous and you seem to be force feeding us your kool aid. Yes I said kool aid, but ignorance spawns more ignorance......

I respect any man or person for that matter that stands up for what they believe in! We may not agree, everybody is different, but that's what makes us who we are. This is a website about treasure, treasure legends and more importantly a place for everybody to come down and metaphorically "have a coffee :coffee2:and relax". This is not your personal forum to look down and talk down to us at the same time of telling us your treasure leads and beliefs because we are not as "enlightened" as yourself.

My Great, Great Grandfather was one of the greatest Cree Chiefs in North America, one of the last ones to fight the great fight against oppression, confinement and being told how it is going to be for him and his people. At the end he lost the war, but his cause and message reverberates the fight he didn't lose, a fight that still resonates throughout most places in the world...........I will tell you one thing, he definitely was not a sheep, and I am pretty damn confident that the people you speak to on this forum are not sheep either....Talk the treasure talk and debate the history, but please drop the sermons and your holier than the rest of us (actually, I think you implied that all the people that make up this world, we are all ignorant with our heads in the sand) attitude when cornered! Some day you should come up to where I live and work, I will show you where the grizzly shits in the woods and where the wolves piss.......

Just my humble opinion. I really do not contribute much to TNET due to me only finding a few dinosaur bones, some arrowheads and rusty fish hooks, they do not hold a candle to what is discussed on TNET
-- snip

First - welcome to TN! - and I did like your post.
Secondly - _I_ still post even though I have nothing to say *chuckles* can't even boast of even a single dinosaur bone ... :-( - far less anything that can remotely be turned back into cash! But - what I do have are some memorable times with friends around the campfire - it doesn't get much better than that. Gold-n-stuff is nice, but the fellowship feeling is much, much better!

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