Ship Bell Found

That bell is WELL beyond a church bell... this bell was meant to be seen up close.

Church bells and the likes that were hung high did not have the relief this has NOR would it gave been marked in such.

Just my view.

But who really knows... at this point it is a mute point.

No word from OP...

No more words from me.

Oh and BTW... "Anno" has nothing to do with "church" OR "masonic".

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Anno means year.

"In the year"... Latin.

jeez ARC, not meant to imply that this artifact was a church bell - slow down
the comment was about a palmetto border (on a much later larger bell bell)

I too suspect that more info will not be forthcoming, the OP was not the finder and the finder did not seem enthused - and why would he be?
The finder is liable to get a THing lesson about posting photos.
See what happens


You tell 'em AARC. I agree it is unlikely a church bell.

correct Anno means" in the year of" but the small "o" means --"Ordinis" ---=the order --as in the catholic church / masonic = knight templar who where a holy order of knights of the catholic church --ps I am a catholic well versed in its history and archives

and yes plain old ships bells often used "Ao" to mean " in the year of the lord" with the current date it could be a ships bell quite easily ..highly possible the date the bell was cast often followed the Ao

Ao is latin short hand … for year of our lord

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AARC...EDIT your posts....DONT add MORE!!!!!!!!!

AARC...EDIT your posts....DONT add MORE!!!!!!!!!

I go back and delete. heh

In my time here on Tnet... I bet I have deleted as many posts as it says I made. :)

You tell 'em AARC. I agree it is unlikely a church bell.

What the funk... Scream1... where have you been through all this ?

And this is all you add ? :)

Um,... was it you OR not you that found this bell ?

IF it was you OR you have seen this in person... WHAT IS THE SIZE ?

You have been noticeably silent on this... correct me if I am wrong but YOU posted this thing for solve correct... so why no input or responses to questions... are you not reading the thread / keeping up with us ?

Listen... I love a good solve but hey man its work at times... I love it so its not really "work" but it helps if you PARTAKE in the "quest" for a solve.

Not just mutter a quick response then split without further anything.

Not giving you crap... just wondering here... what gives ?

jeez ARC, not meant to imply that this artifact was a church bell - slow down
the comment was about a palmetto border (on a much later larger bell bell)

I too suspect that more info will not be forthcoming, the OP was not the finder and the finder did not seem enthused - and why would he be?
The finder is liable to get a THing lesson about posting photos.
See what happens


Just the way I come across.

No intention.

yea, I was a bit mystified when the supposed finder appears, only to encourage your misunderstanding . . . .
that he chose to ignore the outstanding requests tells me more than enough, ciao


What the funk... Scream1... where have you been through all this ?

And this is all you add ? :)

Um,... was it you OR not you that found this bell ?

IF it was you OR you have seen this in person... WHAT IS THE SIZE ?

You have been noticeably silent on this... correct me if I am wrong but YOU posted this thing for solve correct... so why no input or responses to questions... are you not reading the thread / keeping up with us ?

Listen... I love a good solve but hey man its work at times... I love it so its not really "work" but it helps if you PARTAKE in the "quest" for a solve.

Not just mutter a quick response then split without further anything.

Not giving you crap... just wondering here... what gives ?

Skream1 didn't post it for solve. Salvor 6 posted it, and said it was found by a friend. In his first post Skream1 called Salvor 1 out on it saying he didn't know him and asked whether Salvor1 had lifted the photo from a short lived Instagram post. Skream1 did not seem to be thrilled about the post but has welcomed the feedback.

Having said all of that, I'd like to know the dimensions of the bell too.

Found another artefact resource that seems to be pretty close to this one?

Because, well....size matters.



Skream1 did not seem to be thrilled about the post but has welcomed the feedback.

I would appreciate it if someone in the group might direct me to where I could possibly begin researching the origin of this artifact or give me an opinion of what the marking means. So far, without a definitive name to research, I am just stabbing in the dark.

Ships Bell Found

One would expect some basic feedback on the artefact, given that help in identification has been asked for?

There is already an image, why not an image of the entire bell, instead of a sketch? Basic dimensions? I am actually concerned that the OP stated that encrustations would not be removed...(ref artefact conservation 101)

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This thread was started on March 14th by Salvor 6. On April 6th Skream1 created an account and questioned Salvor 6 in this thread about being friends and where he got the photo.

Skream1 then started his own thread, sans photo, with a sketch that is purportedly the back side of the bell. So while he didn't start this thread he apparently did start A thread asking for help with ID. I stand corrected.

So how big is the bell? Inquiring minds still want to know.

no worries...

So how big is the bell? Inquiring minds still want to know.

See my post above! :laughing7:

(very concerned about AARC in all of this.....)

well, the lunatics will postulate until we get some details!

Sorry, its cold, cant splash today...and nothing more dangerous than a bored diver...

originally posted by BillA
none of Columbus' ships had a bell at all

to me it is apparent that you have not read Columbus's ship log of discovery.


and these bells are just what was taken ashore in the long boats on the first landing. You must think about it, as all crew had noise makers, because they were all wanting to be known as first to sight land so they could collect from the king the reward promised for first to sight land. Columbus was educated by the Italians on captaining ships. During his higher education he came upon the Chinese Map that Marco Polo had brought back with him and Columbus had a copy of the map for the voyage. I can see it now Columbus standing in the building that now houses the Archive of the Indies and saying to the king " It is ok that our ships have no voice (that is what the bells were called) because there are no other ships out there in the middle of the ocean!"


Besides that was Columbus even the first ship to visit the northern Caribbean Islands? on his first landing he saw Natives with gold coins that were worn as jewelry. Try as he might the Natives would not give up the coins. The Natives told the Spanish that the gold came from what is now known as Cuba.

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