- Jul 7, 2014
- 1,890
- 698
- Detector(s) used
- Brain, Pointing Finger, occasionally the Pinky Finger
- Primary Interest:
- All Treasure Hunting
There is a way to find out and locate any tunnels on Oak Island but it cost a lot of money, We plan to use it at our site this spring in New Ross. Yet after all the money spent so far , I wonder why they didn't try it. Or they are afraid they might not find anything and the tales of the tunnels are fake . I am sure if they did do the tunnel hunt and found nothing they still would not show it on TV. The 1st drill rig was way to small and Marty knew it. Thats his job. What they need to do is look at this site and try some of the ideas posted here.
I think the 10' rooms were storage rooms for treasure down to 90' and the stone was planted at 90' to rase investors to keep digging. I just wish they would dig in the swamp area. The coins found on shore prove nothing, they could of washed in from a ship wreck. Drilling one hole to locate a tunnel is crazzy , it takes many holes to locate a tunnel. 310 islands in Nova Scotia and everything is burried on Oak Island ? I think the treasure is gone but there is a lot of artifacts still in the swamp area.
SHHHHHHH stop telling them my secrets.....LOL
As the person on the show said the symbols "look like", I used the language Tifinagh/Berber to translate the stone carvings. (granted they didn't have Burton block and tackle styled pulleys 2500 yrs ago to hang from a tree but )
The weird thing about that language is that you are supposed to write it from right to left, in vertical columns, from bottom to top.......
So in doing so according to their old ways, I came up with a horrendous letter transposition that does not even mumble a single word in english, french, or spanish.......not even close to latin in its most arcane forms
I still think the stone is a directional guide by markers, and the letters also transpose as a dual cypher in Spanish, because if the translation is to be read from vertical columns the markings rotate a different way, and give a different meaning for some, and an unknown character is formed for others.
This means whoever wrote the cypher, wrote using these symbols because they could be used to give directional interpretations, as well as deceive a person into thinking they were Berber, and English, or even unknown codes. These are clearly written from left to right, in two lines, with a clear meaning in mind, one to translate easily into english but with a missing and forced letter showing an incomplete phrase, the first word even. Should have noticed that first, but they dug further BEFORE they translated the stone.
The guy on the show was holding back the fact that if he had actually studied these codes, the symbols would be read sideways, and even if translated horizontally, they would still make jibberish, he should have known that the English translation was about spot on, and that was closer to being accepted as a clue, after they actually dug forty more feet and triggered the flood!!!
Thats why you know the stone was actually a part of the mystery. The stone was sent to the professor regardless of money, they kept digging even without knowing what it said, and at times investors were interested without the previous person finding anything either......so this wasnt planted to lure money. they stopped when they bout dug the whole island up and found nothing
back then it was only known by a handful of people, what there possibly was there......now we have internet so everyone says hell no we wont go, that a 'money pit'
back then there was more commotion around the latest fasions than what some old gold prospectors were after on an island, and the island was overlooked in the newspapers in the us for years
Right now my Spanish is rustier than the scissors found, so here's the key word for anyone who wants to take a try at cracking the rest of the worded codes, I have charted the directional info already
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