Season Two - Nov. 4, 2014 9:00 pm

One of the three original discoverers of the Money Pit was Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island just prior to his discovery.
These lights were made by the Freemasons when they returned for their treasure.

How long do you suppose that it would take to excavate and refill a hole of this size? How many people would have been involved?

What would be the odds that they'd be noticed?

Why would they bother to backfill the hole after they were done excavating it?

If you were excavating a treasure, in an area where electricity did not exist (and as such the locals would be quite sensitive to lights where they don't belong), would you:

A. Do the work during the day.
B. Do the work at night with hooded light sources.
C. Do the work at night with completely unshielded light sources and let everyone within miles know.

C would be my last choice, but I'm not as smart as a Freemason.

I'm somewhat pleased to see that the "Freemasons funded the Revolutionary War with the Money Pit" theory is no longer being shopped around. We're making progress, however slowly.

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Freemason's "Celestial Map" from their "Star Charts"

I'd hate to speculate that the treasure was of english miners, or from the freemasons who were storing part of the pillaged Cuban stores.....

who steals a spanish boot and leaves it on the island?? and a pair of spanish scissors.

that seems more like a camp with grooming tools and personal items of soldiers who were there.....

they are finding Spanish coins that are of lesser value, used by the 'common' soldiers......not any gold or silver coins....carried by the Pirates and other sailors who had booty.

If the Freemasons pillaged tons of silver and gold, than how come they are finding common spanish coins? used in everyday spanish commerce amongst the lesser ranked?

the stars were not the treasure map, even though they stayed in the same relation in the sky. the whole map rotates and you have to know the exact time and date to find the alignment.......

your map is saying that the stars were in that alignment, according to the direction the boat is laid, and the direction the cross is laid on the island to form a segment of a star chart.

looking at the island I see the coincidence you mention, but which star it points at is a little hard to follow,

@ ROBOT.........what time and date does that make the stars line up to in that area?? you said you are able to find the star charts and find the date? I am just saying that you realize that 'star map' is only a time/date marker and not a charted course to the treasure right??

Hi Eldo

Here is the "Star Chart" that points to the "Location" on the "Island" where the "Star" "Gamma Cassiopeiae" signifies the "Marker" of the "Treasure Vault"

You can view this on your computer by downloading the program "" and following the instructions below.

How to view the Freemason’s Celestial Map for the location of the Oak Island’s Treasure Vault

Download: Stellarium at:

Click on left lower side to open menu
Click on first window – location
Set up information:
Latitude: N 44 deg.51’.22.80”
Longitude: W64 deg.29’.49.45”
Altitude: 38m
Name/City: Oak Island
Country: Canada
Planet: Earth
Click on second window – Date/Time window
Set up information:
Year: 1762
Month: 9th month (September)
Day: 22nd day
Time: 0 – 0 - 0
The Oak Island Money pit was built by the Freemasons in 1762 ad
Bacon left clues as to month, day, and time.
Click on lower menu:
Enable Constellation Lines
Enable Constellation labels
Enable Ground
Enable Cardinal Points
Enable Center on Selected Objects
Enable Insure on Full Screen

Turn the Star Map so you are facing north and adjust the Screen so that (Star) “Polaris” and the Stone Marker 1 (Star) “Kochab” are perpendicular.
Adjust the Screen so that (Star) “Alioth” and (Star) “Mizar” are in line pointing to the lowest part of the Screen where the Triangle would be located.
With the letter “N” just clearing the lower part of the screen.
You are now viewing the “Celestial Night Sky” from where the “Freemason’s Triangle” was located as they did in 1762 ad at midnight, September 22nd, during the Autumn Equinox.
The Treasure Vault is represented by the (Star) "Gamma Cassiopeia" in the (Constellation) “Cassiopeia”.
Both the last Stone in the Nolan's Cross (Constellation) “Cygnus” (Star) “Deneb” and the outside Stone Marker #2 (Star) “Giausar” in the (Constellation) “Draco” both point to the Treasure Vault Marker’s Location..

Celestial Map.webp


Its just that its so far from the time of Bacon to say he was instrumental in this,

when the coins are printed before.......and are all Spanish

I feel that you may be looking at something that needs to be researched on the island, as there is some mystical charting in the works of shakespeare, and there is also some missing texts to be found. Possibly their greatest works in original form.

its just your times are dated after these types of markings used in the Money Pit and Oak Island areas, so you may be onto another use of the Island that Bacon had set as his "Treasure Island" as well.....

I think what is going to be discovered soon, is more than most can fathom from the partial tales from three separate types of Troves here in the area.

It will become evident soon that this area was a trove storage place for very important items......all right under their noses.

"What light through yonder window breaks?"

How long do you suppose that it would take to excavate and refill a hole of this size? How many people would have been involved?

What would be the odds that they'd be noticed?

Why would they bother to backfill the hole after they were done excavating it?

If you were excavating a treasure, in an area where electricity did not exist (and as such the locals would be quite sensitive to lights where they don't belong), would you:

A. Do the work during the day.
B. Do the work at night with hooded light sources.
C. Do the work at night with completely unshielded light sources and let everyone within miles know.

C would be my last choice, but I'm not as smart as a Freemason.

I'm somewhat pleased to see that the "Freemasons funded the Revolutionary War with the Money Pit" theory is no longer being shopped around. We're making progress, however slowly.

I "Believe" that the "Flotilla" of "10 Ships" that the "British" returned with to "Oak Island" from "Cuba" would have had to consist of at least "400 Sailors".

Their choice of "Sailors" would have been "Surveyors" "Manual Laborers" along with 30-50 "Cornish Miners".

"Evidence" has been presented that a large "Regiment of Men" at one time "Camped" on "Frog Island" located adjacent to "Oak Island".

I "Believe" that this was their "Base" and "Oak Island" was their "Construction Site".

One can see the "Logic" in how the construction of the "Money Pit" would have been "Sheltered" to "View" from the "Mainland" and "Protected" from the "Sea" by "Frog Island".

The "Lights" seen by the first "Discoverers" were from the ships of the "American Freemasons" led by "Grand Master President George Washington" which went directly to the "Treasure Vault" on "Oak Island" to recover the "Treasure".

Their was no need to bother with the "Money Pit" as this "Treasure Vault" was located at the tip of the North/West end of the Island.

The recovery of this "Treasure" was done with very little effort and time expended.

Oak Island - Frog Island.webp

Oh blah di Oh blah da.........

I still think you missed something in finding the Star maps to the dates and times of certain placements of other troves.......leading to set sail in the direction of the 7 degree rise, some leagues away, to another island that held the second part of this treasure, the larger part !

I think the Cross was there as you have shown in the stars but they did leave holes drilled in marker stones???

what do you think these are for??

to me they are both a direction and a scale on a map of distance to the second location where the trove is located.

I think you are right that there may have been the Freemasons diggin up some booty, but they werent the original money pit makers, and they knew it was a trap as you said.

I think you have a map that is unfinished a part of a larger solve, from the English Bacon/Shakespeare connection, AND a historical fact that someone followed the Freemasons green lights to accidentally trigger the hunt in the pit just afterwards the Freemason's left.

If Washington and his men left so quickly after digging, how did they leave a star chart made of numerous stones in the shape of a cross???

I think you have stretched this a little and combined clues from two sources and dates......just saying

Oh blah di Oh blah da.........

I still think you missed something in finding the Star maps to the dates and times of certain placements of other troves.......leading to set sail in the direction of the 7 degree rise, some leagues away, to another island that held the second part of this treasure, the larger part !

I think the Cross was there as you have shown in the stars but they did leave holes drilled in marker stones???

what do you think these are for??

to me they are both a direction and a scale on a map of distance to the second location where the trove is located.

I think you are right that there may have been the Freemasons diggin up some booty, but they werent the original money pit makers, and they knew it was a trap as you said.

I think you have a map that is unfinished a part of a larger solve, from the English Bacon/Shakespeare connection, AND a historical fact that someone followed the Freemasons green lights to accidentally trigger the hunt in the pit just afterwards the Freemason's left.

If Washington and his men left so quickly after digging, how did they leave a star chart made of numerous stones in the shape of a cross???

I think you have stretched this a little and combined clues from two sources and dates......just saying

"Sorry" but the "Two" are so "Intertwined" that it cannot be anything "But" the "Consortium" of the "1762 Freemasons" working off of the "16th Century Clues" of "Sir Francis Bacon"

Guess you will have to prove that it cannot be anything else but Bacon??

So close minded to think that..... as there is proof that the charted codes in Bacon's Encryption techniques of this area and its location are derived from Poussin's Coded Shepherds of Acadia, created almost a century earlier in France.......

How can you state that there is only one use of the island?

You still havent answered my question? What do you think the holes drilled in the two rocks stood for in the whole map?

While your theories are interesting, you answered only one of my minor questions and only in passing at that. Will you take a shot at the major questions?

The "fixation" of Oak Island is rooted in the simple myth and legend. Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, they are dotted with holes in the earth and all sorts of ancient sign, no doubt that a few "freemasons members" were involved in the creating of many of them. If we take "celestial maps" and "star charts" we can easily align many lines and points to a number of these numerous holes and "signs". So in my mind, the Bacon theory as it applies to Oak Island is only presented in support of that particular myth and legend.

Freemasons' Markers

Guess you will have to prove that it cannot be anything else but Bacon??

So close minded to think that..... as there is proof that the charted codes in Bacon's Encryption techniques of this area and its location are derived from Poussin's Coded Shepherds of Acadia, created almost a century earlier in France.......

How can you state that there is only one use of the island?

You still havent answered my question? What do you think the holes drilled in the two rocks stood for in the whole map?

The (2) "Drilled Stones" located on the Island were "Freemasons' Markers".

"Stone 1" represented by the (Star) "Kochab" lines up directly with the "Triangle" and the "Rocks" running through the "Triangle".
This line runs right through the "Stone 1" and up to the (Star) "Polaris", giving a "North Position" establishment for the "Star Map"
The "Drilled Hole" was to hold a "Rod" to enable a "Surveyor" to line up this "Positioning".

The "Triangle" has a "7 Degrees Offset Line" which "Points" directly to the (Star) "Pherkel" which is the "Marker" for the "Money Pit".

"Stone 2" represented by the (Star) "Giamusar" lines up with the (Star) "HIP 47193" in the "Draco Constellation" and is the "Eastern Pointer" to the (Star) "Gamma Cassiopeiae" in the "Constellation Cassiopeia" which represents the "Heart of Mankind", and "Rebis" which represents "Mercury" the name "Sir Francis Bacon" used for "Himself".
This (Star) "Gamma Cassiopeiae" represents the "Marker" for the "Location" of the "Treasure Vault".
The "Drilled Hole" was to hold a "Rod" to enable a "Surveyor" to line up this "Positioning".

Celestial Map.webp


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My "Answer" to your "Multiple Choice Major Question" would be "A" "B" and "C".

While your theories are interesting, you answered only one of my minor questions and only in passing at that. Will you take a shot at the major questions?

My "Answer" to your "Multiple Choice Major Question" would be "A" "B" and "C" - "Depending" on the "Circumstances".

Just saying how can you miss the poussin code that already had these astrological alignments created in these mapped sequences as an earlier than Shakespeare/Bacon timeline of knowledge, and if you recognize the earlier sequences you would see there is another origin to a code, that is a navigational code, and due to the Cerro Punto-Hobson Is-Oak Island Clues, along this Square Route, how can you not see that there are numerous Islands involved in mapping clues to a larger map.

If you still think this is involved, I can see the reasoning clearly that you show, but I am saying this star map of yours is an english translation hidden after the time for the continuation of this Mystery.

That Poussins coded sequences are precisely in line with your estimates, but from an earlier alignment you can see the same use of the apex in these charts, and the variances in the ley lines of direction due to adjustments in different astrological positions according to your location on the seas

View attachment 1080449

This looks like more of what the Star Map shows to me from your layouts.

The Stone Sextant overlays onto these points in the star map

I think your points are off a few degrees and the wrong stars are being well as the fact that these are directional navigational markers that are in a straight line for surveying a path to take in that direction

Some Leagues Away.......

View attachment 1080466

"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"

This looks like more of what the Star Map shows to me from your layouts.

The Stone Sextant overlays onto these points in the star map

I think your points are off a few degrees and the wrong stars are being well as the fact that these are directional navigational markers that are in a straight line for surveying a path to take in that direction

Some Leagues Away.......

View attachment 1080466

Very Perceptive!

Your "Over Line" looks very similar to this "Star Map"

Star Map.gif

Could "Sir Francis Bacon" have constructed a "Map" within a "Map" pointing to the location of the "Treasure Vault"?

"Star geometry produces a giant spear or arrow (dark lines) whose tip pinpoints Oak Island via the principles of celestial navigation; lighter lines show overlapping triangles that give the overall figure the appearance of a sailing ship. Star chart from The Stars, H.A. Rey, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
Did Francis Bacon use the stars to mark the locus of his new Atlantis for posterity? His distrust of earthly monuments defaced by "cormorant devouring time" was clearly expressed. The notion that he may have used the purely practical art of celestial navigation to mark an X on "the old globe" was an intriguing speculation for a long time, before the means to test the idea presented itself.

In the tests of the 17th century alchemist styling himself Eirenaeus Philalethes (i.e.the peaceful lover of the truth), there were a number of discontinuous sequences couched in a mythological matrix featuring those classical deities so dear to Bacon's heart. These suggested a star map to be constructed by joining certain celestial bodies in a kind of game to connect the dots."

"Sir Francis Bacon" was "Claimed" to have been the "Author" with the "Translation" of the "King James Bible".

Could he have used "Mathew 6:21" as a "Clue" to the "Treasure"?

This "Clue" for "The Heart of Mankind" would be "Rebis" represented as "Gamma Cassiopeia" the location of the "Treasure Vault".

Treasure Heart.webp

My "Answer" to your "Multiple Choice Major Question" would be "A" "B" and "C" - "Depending" on the "Circumstances".

Any particular theory will provide the circumstances, so feel free to provide a specific answer. Remember, though...the answer must match the theory while not contradicting existing evidence. We can't cherry-pick our facts here. Every piece of evidence must work with every other piece of evidence unless we can conclusively discount said evidence. (The good news is that there's little "evidence" associated with this story that can't be easily discounted, so a specific answer should be quite easy to supply.)

To “Be” or not to “Be”? That is the “Question”

Any particular theory will provide the circumstances, so feel free to provide a specific answer. Remember, though...the answer must match the theory while not contradicting existing evidence. We can't cherry-pick our facts here. Every piece of evidence must work with every other piece of evidence unless we can conclusively discount said evidence. (The good news is that there's little "evidence" associated with this story that can't be easily discounted, so a specific answer should be quite easy to supply.)

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous “Wit or Ridicule”

My Answers may be:

“A. Do the work during the day.”

The Freemasons could have used a small work force to start and prepare the preliminary work for the “Oak Island’s Tunnels and Shaft” with knowledge and instructions supplied from past “Enlightened Patrons”.

Work may have been done during the day under the guise of scraping the hull of a ship.

The original discovers had reported locating a large bolder in “Smith’s Cove” with a “hand forged iron ring-bolt” inserted in it.

This “ring” was only visible at low tide and may have been used by seafarers to moor and careening "heaving down" their boats.

It would have made a good and accepted moorage for sea boats, due to its proximity to the mainland and the large tide variance in Mahone Bay.

I would “Imagine” that when the main “Flotilla of Ships” arrived, they would have moored farther out to sea, with some of the workforce camped on “Frog Island” and only those day workers doing impending work located on “Oak Island”.

The positioning of these islands (especially Frog Island) to the Mainland offered a reduced exposure to locals seeing any lights, unless someone at night had gone out to sea or avoided and bypassed the posted Sentries on these Islands.

During the 18th Century and without electricity, locals tended not to go out or stray far from their lodgings at night.

Lights seen at night were usually attributed to some sort of encampment or worse, part of evil folk lore.

B. Do the work at night with hooded light sources.

There was only one need for the “Freemasons” to work at night on “Oak Island” and that was to set their markers or relocate these markers if they had been tampered with.

The Celestial Settings of these markers would have been done at “Midnight during the Autumn Equinox” and the use of lanterns would have been necessary.

C. Do the work at night with completely unshielded light sources and let everyone within miles know.

The “Possibility” of “C” was stated to have occurred when the lights from the “American Navy” and “American Freemason Workers” were seen by one of the “Original Discovers”.

These American Ships were safely venturing into British waters protected under the “Treaty of Amity 1794” with the full approval of President George Washington and the Freemasons controlling the Royal Navy out of Halifax.

Their brief stop at “Oak Island” was to “Open” the “Treasure Vault” and “Remove” the “Freemason’s Treasures”.

The “Entry” to the “Treasure Vault” was “Concealed” and its “Contents” were “Whisked” away to their “New Protected Home”.

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Bull pucky...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleepy2:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous “Wit or Ridicule”

My Answers may be:

“A. Do the work during the day.”

The Freemasons could have used a small work force to start and prepare the preliminary work for the “Oak Island’s Tunnels and Shaft” with knowledge and instructions supplied from past “Enlightened Patrons”.

Work may have been done during the day under the guise of scraping the hull of a ship.

The original discovers had reported locating a large bolder in “Smith’s Cove” with a “hand forged iron ring-bolt” inserted in it.

This “ring” was only visible at low tide and may have been used by seafarers to moor and careening "heaving down" their boats.

It would have made a good and accepted moorage for sea boats, due to its proximity to the mainland and the large tide variance in Mahone Bay.

I would “Imagine” that when the main “Flotilla of Ships” arrived, they would have moored farther out to sea, with some of the workforce camped on “Frog Island” and only those day workers doing impending work located on “Oak Island”.

The positioning of these islands (especially Frog Island) to the Mainland offered a reduced exposure to locals seeing any lights, unless someone at night had gone out to sea or avoided and bypassed the posted Sentries on these Islands.

During the 18th Century and without electricity, locals tended not to go out or stray far from their lodgings at night.

Lights seen at night were usually attributed to some sort of encampment or worse, part of evil folk lore.

B. Do the work at night with hooded light sources.

There was only one need for the “Freemasons” to work at night on “Oak Island” and that was to set their markers or relocate these markers if they had been tampered with.

The Celestial Settings of these markers would have been done at “Midnight during the Autumn Equinox” and the use of lanterns would have been necessary.

C. Do the work at night with completely unshielded light sources and let everyone within miles know.

The “Possibility” of “C” was stated to have occurred when the lights from the “American Navy” and “American Freemason Workers” were seen by one of the “Original Discovers”.

These American Ships were safely venturing into British waters protected under the “Treaty of Amity 1794” with the full approval of President George Washington and the Freemasons controlling the Royal Navy out of Halifax.

Their brief stop at “Oak Island” was to “Open” the “Treasure Vault” and “Remove” the “Freemason’s Treasures”.

The “Entry” to the “Treasure Vault” was “Concealed” and its “Contents” were “Whisked” away to their “New Protected Home”.

I wanted to respond to this tonight, but I'm working twelve hour shifts currently and it's already past my bedtime. I'll make a proper response tomorrow but for now, I can summarize it by saying that I disagree strongly on most points. I'll provide details tomorrow.

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