The story goes the boys started digging in 1795. From what I understand, the first documented telling of the dig shows up in 1861. That’s a long time for no letters, diaries, or sketches to appear. The story of the lights, finding a pulley above the pit, the layers of logs, the carved stone, and the claimed start of flooding below 100 feet are all based on articles that came out long after those alleged events transpired. It’s a great tale, but it could be 90% baloney with a dash of swindle.
And yet…something has kept treasure hunters there all this time. It’s been a 200-year horror show of how not to preserve evidence or document findings, but have real things been found over the years to keep the fires stoked? If much of the history of the early digging is false, why was a dig started there in the first place? Why go down to 100 feet if there was nothing but dirt the whole way down? It’s hard to tell what is the baby and what is the bath water anymore.
Personally, I think the parts about the pulley and the carved stone are complete fiction. How the boys came to the spot doesn’t matter to me as much as this question: were there really logs every 10 feet down? If yes, the boys returning as men to dig again shows faith based on evidence. If no, then maybe the boys returned as men to con treasure investors.
Two things on this TV show give me hopeful pause: the core samples, and the scans of the bottom of Borehole 10-X. I’m curious if either of the two “wall” gaps shown in the 10-X sonar scan face the direction of the nearby Money Pit.