Peyton Manning
Gold Member
LOL most things down there are smaller than normal
Red? am I allowed to visit? ( if you say no I will respect it and stay away)
I'm not much into hunting ( although I like to watch meateater). I do fish some. I hunt arrowheads and this year I put my salt block under a tree with low branches hoping to snag some sheds. Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?
Anybody is welcome here jeff,just obey the thread rules is all I ask.
Find em quick before the rodents get to them.They dont last long.Try your hand at hunting sometime jeff,you just may need it someday.
Jeff all are welcome on any thread as long as rules are obeyed.....
I beg to differ-LOL most things down there are smaller than normal
jeff-gordon; Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?[/QUOTE said:Deer, especially Whitetail deer spend the winter in a core area where food is available at the least amount of travel that i needed to get to it. Try not to enter this area while they are trying to live through the winter or you may cause them to waste the needed energy reserves to make through the hard part of the winter.
I beg to differ-
I used to find the dead snails like the one in your photo when I was a kid (from Africa) and play with them. We would ue them as toy tops.
Red? am I allowed to visit? ( if you say no I will respect it and stay away)
I'm not much into hunting ( although I like to watch meateater). I do fish some. I hunt arrowheads and this year I put my salt block under a tree with low branches hoping to snag some sheds. Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?