Hey Red - Great job!!! I was just about to delete my account with TN. Now, I might stay. Please be patient with me though, I am being followed and I need to be very careful what I post. Yesterday was the first time in my life, my words were deleted from existance. Wow?????
Are you familar with the bump fire stocks for Semi auto's? Wanted to know if anyone has tried them out?

Morning all.I may pop in here every once and awhile and just wanted to say I'm so glad too that Red got this thread going but alas ,even though we have an AR-15,I still shoot 22lr through it ,am a terrific shot (ask my mister) though I do look as bad*** as Bonnie Parker while doing it so I can't participate much in the discussions.Ringfinder I'm sorry that happened to you,so not fair,emotions were at an all time high yesterday and I behaved badly too.Maybe once the smoke clears around here you will get the bad check taken off. i don't think I've ever had my words deleted,even when that squirrel girl went after me.

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Morning all.I may pop in here every once and awhile and just wanted to say I'm so glad too that Red got this thread going but alas ,even though we have an AR-15,I still shoot 22lr through it ,am a terrific shot (ask my mister) though I do look as bad*** as Bonnie Parker while doing it so I can't participate much in the discussions.Ringfinder I'm sorry that happened to you,so not fair,emotions were at an all time high yesterday and I behaved badly too.Maybe once the smoke clears around here you will get the bad check taken off. think I've ever had my words deleted,even when that squirrel girl went after me.
Good morning. :hello:

Speak for yourself, I'm 65 and all parts still working. ..:D



We will NOT go quietly into the night!

You know most men would probably never admit to this, but I am not even 45 yet..
And my obviously defective part..:BangHead: for lack of a better word, has not all in more than 6 it up buddy, I envy you lol.

P.S. atleast it lets me know one thing, my beautiful wife is loyal and truly loves me, so I guess that makes it ok...but it would still be nice if it worked..once in awhile anyway lol...:sadsmiley: lol

Hey I would like to ask you guys, since I know you know guns quite well, can you guys please tell me the cheapest place you know of for ammo ?
there are so many websites and physical locations that it makes my head spin.
Looking primarily for .460 wby magnum and possibly the ammo for a very old 7mm mauser.
I would appreciate any info ya'll may have

Mike...aka BigCountry

Since this is the perfect thread for this I have something I would like to say and hopefully it does not sound to mushy.
But I really want to thank you guys/gals for helping me step back from the brink of self destruction over the last few months.
Ya'll reminded me that I do indeed have rights in this great country I am proud to call home, my pops side of the family is choctaw native from alabama, where is my mothers side is immigrant from poland...yeah I know helluva combination that one is...pops used to say we are

Anyway, ya'll let me know that it is ok to actually live again, to stop feeling like a burden to society, even though I barely exist in it, at least on paper anyway...and that's the way I like it.

Ya'll convinced me to seek out and get the help I needed for my mental health issues, and now as much as I was opposed to taking those man made drugs that I feel change who you are intellectually..I have to say after a month on them I am starting to actually enjoy life again for the first time in a very very long time, and am no longer afraid to enjoy my life.

A lot of you helped me in times of need, and I don't want to make anybody feel left out in what I am saying, but a very special Thank You goes out to Roger aka DeepseekerADS for your words and sharing the Lords words...literally saved my life...You're my hero man and I'll never forget the kindness you showed me in my greatest time of need.

Thank you all for letting me know it's ok to live again...and not merely exist.

Mike aka BigCountry

Well Red, up here in the northeast those of us who fish the saltwater often use a fish called a "bunker" for bait. I have yet to see a red, white, and blue one!! Don't see 'em celebrating the fourth of July either!!

You know most men would probably never admit to this, but I am not even 45 yet..
And my obviously defective part..:BangHead: for lack of a better word, has not all in more than 6 it up buddy, I envy you lol.

P.S. atleast it lets me know one thing, my beautiful wife is loyal and truly loves me, so I guess that makes it ok...but it would still be nice if it worked..once in awhile anyway lol...:sadsmiley: lol

Maybe you should try to get all rid of all that crap the docs are feeding you and try the medical marijuana that is available in your state. The combo of the drugs you mentioned and the JD can hurt your performance. Too much JD alone can do it also. Maybe with the MM and getting the other pharmaceuticals out of your system the lizard will spring back to life. Millions of folks in CA say that when they switched to the MM and got off all the crap pushed down our throats by the big drug companies that their health has improved greatly. Best of luck!!

Maybe you should try to get all rid of all that crap the docs are feeding you and try the medical marijuana that is available in your state. The combo of the drugs you mentioned and the JD can hurt your performance. Too much JD alone can do it also. Maybe with the MM and getting the other pharmaceuticals out of your system the lizard will spring back to life. Millions of folks in CA say that when they switched to the MM and got off all the crap pushed down our throats by the big drug companies that their health has improved greatly. Best of luck!!

I don't think that is a good idea.

Meh I have tried the med mary jane route, being among other things a paranoid schizophrenic..the weed made me think black helicopters were following me, which as it turns out they really are but thats besides the point lol.
if only the marijuana was NOT ruined anymore, has been ruined since the late 90's when most of the old landrace strains vanished, thanks to eradication efforts, but some is still out there, buggers will never get it all, meh what I would give for the old panama red thai sticks from the early 80's..meh because I do not believe in man made medicines, but for my own good, and probably a lot of others own goods lol...I take them.


Are you familar with the bump fire stocks for Semi auto's? Wanted to know if anyone has tried them out?

I havent tried one,i know they cost a few bucks though.Theres some videos on youtube on how to make your own,much cheaper.The premade ones go for around 250- 300 bucks,make your own you'll probably be saving 150 or more bucks.

Well Red, up here in the northeast those of us who fish the saltwater often use a fish called a "bunker"

I use to fish saltwater when I lived near the harbor.You could rent a row boat for 4 buck for the whole day.Caught blues,mackerel,flounder,pollock.Never heard of the term bunker for a bait fish though.

I went shooting the other day and tried out a Glock 40, a colt 45, and a sig 9mm - I gotta tell ya, I shot that Sig like I was a proffesional!!

What's your thoughts on the Sig Sauer brand?

Mr. Red James cash.... Thanks for starting this thread. Sat right here for an hour reading from the front to here. I hope it stays the way you envision for all of us who are of the same mindset. Gotta go fix breakfast now (real late thanks to you). I got a hunt'in story I'd like to share and see how long it takes for some to figure out what actually happened. It was a weird hunt for sure!

I went shooting the other day and tried out a Glock 40, a colt 45, and a sig 9mm - I gotta tell ya, I shot that Sig like I was a proffesional!!

What's your thoughts on the Sig Sauer brand?
Sig is a well known excellent brand. With that said though I would go with the .40 cal over a 9mm. Much better stopping power and at least for the past year or so much better ammo availability. Consider this too, the police are all switching from 9mm over to .40 cal and they rely on their stuff everyday to protect their lives.

What's your thoughts on the Sig Sauer brand?

I never tried one but my brother carries the sig .357 automag for his duty side arm.If I remember right he shoots a constant 898 out of 900 in his qualifying every year.So its a good piece,he likes it.

Hey I would like to ask you guys, since I know you know guns quite well, can you guys please tell me the cheapest place you know of for ammo ?
there are so many websites and physical locations that it makes my head spin.
Looking primarily for .460 wby magnum and possibly the ammo for a very old 7mm mauser.
I would appreciate any info ya'll may have

Mike...aka BigCountry

I use all the time. It'll find you the cheapest prices on the web.

That .460 is going to be some expensive stuff.A couple months ago I was looking at a decently priced .50-70 trap door springfield.That is until I saw how much the ammo was, 65 bucks for 20 rounds nooo way.

Gary,I'd rather stick needles in my eyes then learn how to knit so kudos to you for trying to appease your wife but I love to shoot.Our friend really RJC helped me with trying to figure out what kind of firearm I might like way back when.I ended up choosing a 357 Magnum that I shoot a 38 special rounds in.
Options abound with a .357. Cheap fun plinking with no powder burnt, though it should be done outdoors.
I shoot red jet wax/plastic from .38 brass with primer pockets enlarged using no powder, primers only..(disclaimer, enlarged primer/flash hole not to be used in a load with powder, sorry, had to). Use mainly in a .38 but can visit .357 if desired. Both large and small pistol primers with best results from the large naturally..When stock from 1960s wears out other substitutes are available as is canning wax!
Going to start reloading .38 loads in .357 brass to avoid a lube/fouling ring in chambers from running .38 brass. This will get some increased mileage from a pound of powder for range work with .357 too.
Due to primer pocket mods for red jet/wax rounds I may need to go to traditionally nonreloadable metal cases for primer only charges to be more sure no brass gets mixed even though they are kept apart.
Dies will be .38 that can load .357 as some exist in the world where .357 won,t work for .38.:thumbsup:
A great wheel gun caliber though in its modern version. A cast 158 Kieth style bullet with a gas check can wring a greater result at receiving end though I have not loaded any of them, yet.

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