Peyton Manning
Gold Member
no kidding, and bloody if you miss the tail
Now that would make the sport of "noodling" very interesting!
Smee tried a "wolfpack" forum a couple years back, but was pretty quiet. I see someone is trying again, hope is is more successful. BTW, I was "Pokey" on Smee's forum.
to see where this goes
thanks Red. I have hunted, just not that into it. Maybe if I had someone who liked dressing them better than me..
am i right that sheds are dropped in jan and feb?
I went shooting the other day and tried out a Glock 40, a colt 45, and a sig 9mm - I gotta tell ya, I shot that Sig like I was a proffesional!!
What's your thoughts on the Sig Sauer brand?
I have a sig in 45 ACP with a laser, and I love it. It's mostly a self defense weapon for me, but I did dispatch a deer that had been hit by a car out front of the house. Poor thing had a broken back. The pistol really shoots well, no jams, and accurate.
Maybe I should not say this but I am gonna anyway, what I have noticed after the last few days, that all of those that tried so hard to kill the 2nd forum and then prevailed...have disappeared like a fart in the wind, barely any of them post lately, makes me think it was probably just one or two psychos using a bunch of proxies and different user names...I find that annoying.
PS where exactly do farts go ? is there like a fart zone somewhere ? chemtrails made of farts ? bleh dunno heh.
Maybe they are actually posting about treasure hunting and metal detecting, and not hanging out here. Ya think?