I'm sure someone here will know instantly… but here's a weird story I'll come up short on to see how long it takes for someone to figure out… it was a first for me!

It was opening day gun deer season in MI. My lifetime buddy Kevin and I were out into our favorite spots early. I was hunting the inside corner of some woods. A large tall grass field was behind me. Just inside the woods was a thick marsh of about 10 acres. This marsh was about 30yds. inside the woods. My buddy was hunting the other side of this marsh maybe 200yds. from me as the crow flies. There was about 3" of fresh snow… PERFECT! The evening before I took a 6pt. with my bow in almost the same spot I was in now. 20 minutes after daybreak I just happened to look behind me out into the tall grass field. And there was a nice buck slowly walking across the field about 70-80yds.out quartering toward me. All I could see was his rack, head and upper front shoulder. When he got about 50yds. away he changed directions and was now broadside but he started to gently hop toward the woods. Just as he was about to enter the woods and head for the marsh I shot. I was using a 20 gage auto shotgun with a rifled slug and scope. The deer collapsed instantly. Then it got up and started to run/hop along the woods toward me. I was thinking hell ya!!!!! When it was about 30yds. from me it collapsed and didn't move a muscle. I was geeked… As I was walking up to the deer my buddy shot from the other side of marsh. I just finished walking up to my deer and was looking at it when Kevin called me on the little radio's we had. He said if I could hurry to the North end of the marsh and head off the buck he shot before it gets to the fields. So I did…. I had my deer down. I just got to the North end and I saw his deer down within the woods. After he got there we high fived and swapped stories. Then he tagged, field dressed his and we drug his deer around to where mine was. We got about 20yds. from my deer and we saw its head rise up. So I ran up to it while it was trying to get back up and shot it in the neck. We both just stood there looking at each other and the deer. I couldn't believe it. The deer was lying on the side I shot at so we rolled it over to see where I hit it. We saw nothing. Not a mark. So we rolled it back over to really check the other side. Not a mark. The only mark on this deer was the hole in its neck from point blank range. We checked the head, neck, body… EVERYWHERE to see what brought this deer down and found nothing. It was a large 10 pt. buck and field dressed at 195. We figured it out 30 minutes later….. Any ideas folks?..... Brad

Well, you did not mention inspecting his antlers. High hit to jar nerves enough to drop with out trauma enough to kill. Don,t know where else to look.

Well, you did not mention inspecting his antlers.

Yep, I agree.
I had what I thought was a dead buck jump up and take off running when I was getting ready to field dress him.
Brought him back down with a nice 'on the run' shot behind the shoulder and discovered that my earlier 'head shot' hit near the base of one antler, chipping about 1/2" out of it.
I had simply knocked him out with that shot.

That .460 is going to be some expensive stuff.A couple months ago I was looking at a decently priced .50-70 trap door springfield.That is until I saw how much the ammo was, 65 bucks for 20 rounds nooo way.

Just found some for 138 bucks for 20...meh still a lot.. but alot cheaper than what I paid last time.


Yep, I agree.
I had what I thought was a dead buck jump up and take off running when I was getting ready to field dress him.
Brought him back down with a nice 'on the run' shot behind the shoulder and discovered that my earlier 'head shot' hit near the base of one antler, chipping about 1/2" out of it.
I had simply knocked him out with that shot.

Ok Flex68 & releventchair... you guys are NO FUN at all. You can't beat experience though... right! Yea after I field dressed deer and we took turns dragging one buck and then the other I noticed one antler "felt" kind of loose but not much. So I looked real close and there right at the base of it was a grey mark where the slug had "bounced" off knocking the deer silly and then out. Now in all honesty I did notice its eyes were closed when I approached it and had never seen that before (to date) and thought it weird. I was VERY LUCKY the deer stayed "knocked out" during my long absent and didn't get up and stagger into the marsh. We still might have got it... but who knows. Try explaining that to your buddy or anyone.... "Well I did.... have one but its gone now"????

That was to easy for ya.....Brad

Thanks Red Down but not Out.

Normally My son and I don't shoot for the meat just looking for the monster, Year before he shot a nice 10 pointer and saved the antlers for radaling. bad day no bucks so he downed a doe freezer getting low of cow we bought.

Now we all know the trip back no one looks at a Doe on the tailgate so he tied the 10's on her. When we registered her the look on the rangers face was priceless, when he spread her legs. :laughing7:

Ring Finder,

The Sig is a grand weapon. I have two favorites that I have some experience with; The 228, compact 9mm, and the 210 in .45. If you can find a 210 at a decent price you will have a dependable, and accurate firearm that will give years of service....MO only......Gary

I use to fish saltwater when I lived near the harbor.You could rent a row boat for 4 buck for the whole day.Caught blues,mackerel,flounder,pollock.Never heard of the term bunker for a bait fish though.

I fish on the Vinyard a lot, mostly for stripers and blues. The proper name for the baitfish I refer to is "mossbunker", but it is often shortened down to "bunker". Maybe you've heard them called "pogies", same fish.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Try this link.... I will approve all that register as soon as I see them popup.



We will NOT go quietly into the night!

Been alot of shooting in the cornfield across the street from my place the last few days. Shotguns from the sound of it. I assumed it was doves they were after since they do hunt them over there. Yep, just looked it up. Segment 3 goes from Dec 19-Jan 15. Great idea you have here Red. Hope it can stay awhile and people will respect your wishes to keep it within the rules.

Sure its not ducks?

Thanks TH, alrady joined and posted.....much appreciated......Gary

Maybe you've heard them called "pogies", same fish.

Yup,I heard of pogies.We used smelts if we could afford them for bait.But mainly seaworms or clams.Bluefish liked the smelts,flounder and the rest I mentioned liked the seaworms and the clams.We use to come across flounder holes every once and a while,nothing like taking home 2, 5 gallon buckets full of flounder lol.

joined and posted also Thanks

Just found some for 138 bucks for 20...meh still a lot.. but alot cheaper than what I paid last time.


Ouch.More expensive than .50BMG

Could be the reason I didn't have to fight my older brothers for it when pops passed on Red..Now the winchester 16 gauge Detroit police riot pump...I almost had to shoot my brothers over..not kidding we all had guns pointed at each other lol..that's what happens when no will is made out.


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Red? am I allowed to visit? ( if you say no I will respect it and stay away)

I'm not much into hunting ( although I like to watch meateater). I do fish some. I hunt arrowheads and this year I put my salt block under a tree with low branches hoping to snag some sheds. Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?

Yup,I heard of pogies.We used smelts if we could afford them for bait.But mainly seaworms or clams.Bluefish liked the smelts,flounder and the rest I mentioned liked the seaworms and the clams.We use to come across flounder holes every once and a while,nothing like taking home 2, 5 gallon buckets full of flounder lol.
Down here we use gogs (big eye scad) and pilchards. It's best to catch 'em yourself though because prices are through the roof. Last time I bought themt they wanted $60 a dozen for the gogs. Great for Sails, Kings, Dolphin, Grouper and anything else that eats, lol.

Red? am I allowed to visit? ( if you say no I will respect it and stay away)

I'm not much into hunting ( although I like to watch meateater). I do fish some. I hunt arrowheads and this year I put my salt block under a tree with low branches hoping to snag some sheds. Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?
I don't know, down here the deer are the size of German Shepherds but not as stocky, lol.

Anybody is welcome here jeff,just obey the thread rules is all I ask.

Anyone have suggestions on finding sheds?

Find em quick before the rodents get to them.They dont last long.Try your hand at hunting sometime jeff,you just may need it someday.

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