
G'd evening Ed, why are you pulling your posts?? Many might find a clue on something in them? You asked what is the difference between Sierra del Campañero and Campana--> Campanero is Bell maker, Campana is Bell shaped. side issue campañero and Campanero are also different, campañero means companion.ahhh sheesh .

Dobies Map fits Tayopa like a glove. I have posted a side by side comparison with aerial photo of the Tayopa zone, in here once, need it again? Google is almost worthless on Tayopa. First don't forget to orient Dobies map to that of Google which you are using. I.E west is to the Sonora side ifc you are looking south wth Google..

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Morning Loke yer coffee is ready, a bit of Oirish Booze in it?? "Y" consists of various countries surrounding Jerusalem hehe, we don have no stinkin political correctness laws down here yet.

( hmm playing "There will Blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover" ?? kinda from the past. -- does bring back a bit of memories though, evenn IF I was in thePacofic ))

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don't mind if I do - coffee is good, but hey - some o'that Oirish stuff surely doesn't go amiss :-)
And btw - yer is still wrong - further East ...

Ya know what - I'm still more than eagerly waiting on that book of yours - I know you have 60 more years in which to finish it - but ... but I ain't!! So get cracking me oirish friend!

Don Jose

Good morning .In Dobie map is written " Montana de la serrania del Campanero " which means " Mountain of the Ringer range ".

I want to add something . The Dobie map fit in a place between ( midst ) Tayopa 1 in Sonora and Tayopa 3 in Sierra Obscura and is in Serrania del Campanero . This place can to be seen in these pictures from GE . Now , somebody could say how the GE pictures are not so accurate , but I say how is enough to see the similarities . First look to the runt hills which are to the entrance of Tayopa

Tayopa.webp Tayopa and runt hills.webp

And second look to the similarities ( roads , land shape , etc. ) between the Dobie map and this place .

Tayopa 0.webp Dobies%20Map%20of%20Tayopa.webp

The conclusions are yours .

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Loke, Calma te, I have been iin Mexico too long, I have absorbed the "Mañana, mañana, siempre Mañana" Philosophy, sides much can simply be read in here. But I agree, must get off of my posterior and write, but I am such a poor writer that I have tried to commission Oro de Tayopa, but he begs off sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s Still like yer pooch.

Ed, believe it or not, I am sincerely pulling for you, however remember you will then be obligated to write the story of your success.

Don jose de La Mancha.

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Marius, my friend, join loke and ed for coffee? Mesa del campanera means literally "Mesa of the Bell Maker"As for the difference between Google Earth nd Aerial photograph, especially for Tayopa and Dobies Map -->>>>

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.p.s. Tayopa co-ordinates for Google Earth

View attachment 925114View attachment 925115View attachment 925116

The three supposed Tayopas . With red colour is the place which I believe how is shown in Dobie map .

Red point.webp

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That is nice to hear Marius...

I take chances everyday...And at times I feel as if I am being poisoned very slowly by the medications which I take Marius...But that is another story...

I am glad that you live in peace Marius...I too am more into peace than into war...

That is one heck of a rock formation...There are many things visible in it...

As for my post yesterday...I was just giving another perspective as to what the mesa del campanero might be...The Villa de Conception, as the beginning of the trail...And as in the table of the bell maker...The actual table that the bell maker used to make his bells...And the directions being from the trailhead to Tayopa...It is just an off the wall thought...The rock with the 7 to 8 indentations could actually be a compass point...But who can be certain???I was going to post some of the pictures...But I could not find them...Maybe some other day...I was just saying that I may have found the trailhead that leads to Guadalupe de Tayopa, Marius...Who knows???There could be a thousand trailheads that have the Virgin de Guadalupe at its beginning...

Just some more silly thoughts...This message will self destruct in 2 hours...LOL

Ed T

Ah mi amigo, how can you delete it now? It is inside of my post! :tongue3: I do wish that you would not keep deleting your posts so quickly, at least leave them for a day or so, as some of us are not online all the time and never even see them. I promise I won't copy your posts like I did with this one, if you wish to keep removing them just please leave them up for a full day? I would much appreciate it.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Sock coffee anyone?


Muchas gracias amigo, I do appreciate it, and just would add that I am interested in what you have to say.

I doubt that the "white lead" described by Agricola was platinum (platino) because of the ease of melting it, and that it alloyed easily, which is exactly what tin does. In support of this, Pliny the Elder states the "white lead" is what they added to copper to make bronze - which is exactly what tin is used for, add it to copper to make bronze. Platinum has a very high melting point, while tin can be melted with a soldering iron - in fact that is what the "lead free" solder is, mainly.

Tin is worth hunting for by itself - the last I had checked it was bringing around $10 a pound, more than double what you get for copper.

Good luck and good hunting, and as to your reading - it is always good to feed the brain!

ED: you posted-->.I believe that I will no longer have internet service shortly...So, I will no longer be able to come around and pull ya'lls chains and such, for some time...I have had such fun with all of ya'll, believe it or not...LOL...

_____ and just why not? also, ya don't get away without serving me coffee !!!!!!

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Yes, I realy do have 'the' Tayopa of Dobies fame.

ED: you posted-->.I believe that I will no longer have internet service shortly...So, I will no longer be able to come around and pull ya'lls chains and such, for some time...I have had such fun with all of ya'll, believe it or not...LOL...

_____ and just why not? also, ya don't get away without serving me coffee !!!!!!

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Yes, I realy do have 'the' Tayopa of Dobies fame.

Yes , you did have Don Jose , if you have claimed the red point .

!00% of the data confirmed and locared Marius. Oro de Tayopa and I have it's location pinpointed, but unfortunatley am still unable to open it, maybe this year the permits will arrive and I can then openly file pictures of it and it's ancillary projects.

Don Jose de La Mancha??

Well done Don Jose !

Hio Ed, you posted -->we both know that Tayopa truly is nothing more that a mystical fantasy.


Could be, but since I have located the main workings and several of the surrounding smaller mines, plus many other positively identifiable things, I tend to consider it true.

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'd morning, Pipiiiii coffee? I see that you have access to the same Lawyers in Mexico city as we do. One thing not mentioned in that resume' is Patrimonial rights.\, my hold up.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

Marked by a Palo Verde pointing away from weavers needle. Do you see the carved S, and the crescent?


Tayopa- do you have a picture the clear?

My theory is that tayopa, tommacocuri, the apache gold, and Jacob waltz's mine are all in the same place. Jacob waltz mined the Guadalupe mine, LA conception mine and the remedios mine. All of the descriptions match each other, and they all add up to the richest Manning district, and an enormous historical site- also known as The Casa Grande. "You can't find the mine without finding the cache first"

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