
Hey ya'll...I was doing a little meditating last night and I had the silliest thought...I came up with the idea of giving tours of the "Legendary Tayopa" to anyone who would like to pay the sum of $5,000 per person for a one week all expenses paid trip to my little "Tayopa" site...I personally believe that it is a bargain price for those who would like to see the one true "Tayopa"...Or at least one part of it...

If anyone might be interested...Send me an email...hehehe...Oh, and does anyone think it would be a good idea to offer the same trip on eBay to those who bid on my little ore???I had the funniest idea that the purchaser could verify themselves that the ore does come from Tayopa...

I wonder if there are any archeologists in the house that might want to get in on such a thing...Of course they would have to contact the proper authorities in Mexico to organize a dig...Who knows...Ya'll jest might make some very interesting finds if ya'll do make such a dig...

Would anyone like to visit my sweet Helena of Mexico???Notice I did not say my Helen of Troy...LOL

After all...It is filed upon and on private property...Or is it???

What do ya'll think???

Ed T

I think you would very much regret it, if you brought strangers in to your site; they would then know the exact location and would spread that info to many other people. Before long, you would find evidence that people had been in your mine, stealing.

Also, if you take people into any area, you are then responsible for their safety. If any of them are injured or even becomes sick, they can SUE YOU. Is that worth the price you are thinking of charging? You could end up losing all of your property, not just the mine, for some silly city boy who falls over his own feet! I hope you will reconsider this idea.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

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have a competent lawyer draw up a no responsibiity contract first. I presume that you wil excuse Oro and myself from signing up for your Tayopa trip?:laughing7::tongue3: :laughing7:.

Haven't seen a confidentially clause etc., yet that isn't full of holes on such an operation as this.

Don Jose d eLa ancha

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I have not invited anyone Yet to go to Tayopa as curious people, nor investors. Just oro de Tayopa. He is to carry on if anything happens to me==of course that provision is null and void it it originated from him hehehheh


Just what I need for my Escondida mine, but daily, or possibly weekly. Let's see at a high of 127 grms of Au per ton ======??? Sigh unfortunately, the averge is 27 grams of Au With paying AG and plenty of Copper, Zinc, etc. $ 2,000 US a ton.

Don Jose d eLa Mancha

Ed, you posted --> I will believe it when I see a donkey fly.

Well get off of yer arse and mount yer ass and come on down to see for yourself.

Incidently Happy & properous new Year.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ed, just mount that flyng ass, the Pints one, and come on down - at your own expense naturally - meet you at the north east Pasture. Incidentally most of the violence is 'WITHIN' that 30 kilometer zone ???

You also posted ->If I eat me some peyote I just might see some flying donkeys...LOL.

??? IF??? hmmmm. no comment.

In any event Prospero Ano Nuevo.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Though I have yet to see a donkey fly...

You have not seen these?


So no more excuses amigo - besides, some of that gold, silver and PLATINO could change your financial situation in a hurry! :tongue3:

Is that an offspring of a Pegasus Oro???

Not unless old Pegasus had a little too much Vino and met up with a pretty Donkey l-ass! :laughing7:

Getting followed around is the normal thing for all prospectors amigo; once had a guy from a major mining corp trail us for a week straight, made no secret of it, finally just asked if we were finding any gold. Not too different from the way it happens if you hit a good fishing hole, pretty soon other guys are following you to your fishing spot!

G'd morning Ed, oro de Tayopa, your coffee, no Peyote extract, honest. Ed you posted -->I have yet to see verifiable proof of Tayopa though, Don Jose...Maybe one day...If it really does exists.
Oh it does Ed, it most certainly does, and I could post a picture right now, but under the situation and circumstances that I presently find my self, you will have to wait.

As for me, I am property (mines) rich, but with no capital coming in, I am forced to rely upon Father time and others to finish up the Projects, however I might add that they are convinced enough, so we have some 1000's of hectares filed upon, it is ours for miining.

Oro de Tayopa refuses to bring his single jack down and start to work in my Escondida for mutual capital. as it is we are not working on Tayopa right now but a side project. Wish us luck if you ever want to see Tayopa. Until my small group brings that into a successful conclusion , I am forced to keep the exact entry to myself == sorta help keep their minds on the present project.

"Brother can you spare a fellow Aerican a dime???" Ole Humpry was sccessful with that line ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

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"Brother can you spare a fellow Aerican a dime" Ole Humpry was sccessful with that line ??

I have a li'l story similar to that - but in order not to upset anyone let us call them X-country and Y-country (and no, this actually does not have its origin where you might think - infact, Y-country is far, far away from X-country and correspondingly expensive to travel to).
As it is, X-country is a favoured place for Y-country citizens to work - but occasionally, the Y-country fellas want to go back home. In this particular case, the Y-man had amassed almost sufficient funds to go back home - but he was a 10-er short (in X-country denomination). So - he approaches a X-gent on the street saying: "Dear Sir, I want so badly to go back to my Y-country, but I need a 10-er - could you possible oblige?"
The X-gent does not even hesitate for a moment - he takes out a 20 from his wallet, giving it the Y-man saying: "Here son - and you can take one of your compatriots with you!"

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think that we my have a pipe in the NE part of the Tayopa claim. As for our friend Loke, are you forgetting your manners? no Coffee??? Lokes' post is surpisingly close to the Immigration prob in the US, of which I am acutely aware of.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

Could you tell us more about "Chuck Crawford" Loke???I have never heard of him...But I think it is nice to know that someone found Platinum in the state of Arizona...
Ed - I ain't got my notes on it available atm - but will look them up during the weekend. Chuck Crawford is a rather well-known person in the LDM-circles (Superstition Mountains) and (as usual) has a lot of drama associated with it. Suffice to say - he claimed (I have seen no verification) to have found quite an amount of Pt while searching for the LDM - also was 'going to' mine it commercially. A lot of his ore-samples disappeared after his death - so its anybody's guess where they ended up - some guesses being better than others!

I'll see what I can dig up - there was a whole web-site about his 'adventures' - maybe someone else can dig it up before I do?

@RdT (ie Joe),
Yes I know - that's why I pointed out that Y-country was far away from X-country - in this case X-country is UK - Y-country shall remain unmentioned.

Morning Loke yer coffee is ready, a bit of Oirish Booze in it?? "Y" consists of various countries surrounding Jerusalem hehe, we don have no stinkin political correctness laws down here yet.

( hmm playing "There will Blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover" ?? kinda from the past. -- does bring back a bit of memories though, evenn IF I was in thePacofic ))

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hay Chihuahua...Or should it be Hay Caramba???I am pretty sure if I look around a little more...I could probably find another 8 drifts around in the general area... That is if there are supposed to be 21 drifts in Tayopa...But I have found 13...One for water of god and 3 for the holy trinity...Hmm...Maybe one day we shall see who has the one and only Tayopa...But wait...Didn't you say at one point that there were actually 3 Tayopas???Or was it 2 Tayopas???Wouldn't that be silly if you have one and I have the other???hehehe...JK...Don Jose...

Anyhow...How long have you been looking for Tayopa Don Jose???It seems that a couple of days ago, I had read that you were stomping around Choix or Los Mochis in the 50's before they surveyed "El Chepe"???Could this be a clue to your Tayopa???

Ed T

Ed T

I believe how are 3 Tayopas . The distance between each other is about 25 Km and are in an about 20* SE straight line . The First is in Sonora and is known . The second is in Dobie map and the third is where Don Jose claimed it . All are valid , exist and follow the same mineral vein .

Good luck

Ed, el Chepe was before , initial searches and just being a saddle tramp exploring.

1) Guaynopa/Gaynopita

2) near Yecors

3) mine and Dobies the same. The Tayopa.

Marius, 2 are in Chuahua, one is in Sonora, some 60 + miles apart from North -> South.. Although mine is only perhaps some 800 to 1000 Meters from Sonora the mineralizarion does extend into Sonora..

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Don Jose

In Dobie map is written Mesa de Campanero not Sierra Obscura . Right ?
Where is written how one Tayopa is at Guaynopa ? The version says how maybe is between Nacori Chico and Guaynopa , that for the E-W orientation . Other version says how is east from Santa Ana . East from Santa Ana what is it ? Of course , Mesa de Campanero .

G'd evening Marius: coffee or tea? The Mesa del Campanera ( Bell Maker ) and La Sierra Obscura ar the same. As for where it is written that Tayopa no. 1 is at Guaynopa / Guaynopita, that is in some documents that I have. I partially posted them once.Ask away my friend. A refill on your tea?

Oh, you might try for a copy of Adrian Westwood's book "A treasure hunters guide to Tayopa.

You might try Oro, he has a tremendous amount of research materiel.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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