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Guys, don´t miss the scene at 10:35 on the game video with the drunk driver

PSML !!!


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Yeah, never really understood that ridge running, not on foot, cycle or dirt bike. Like really what the heck are they training for, to be Taliban undercover goat herders.

One of my cousins lives in Austria,a bit younger than me in his forties, and he does this stuff. Used to invite me for it and try to say dumb stuff when I said heck no. He said once you think what you do makes you all that, but this will really make a man out of you. I laughed so hard, and told him that if you are going to risk your life for no one and nothing then you need to see a mental health provider.

Hey Tom,

You hear anything about Germany going to block youtube completely come the new year for all of Germany.

Hey Tom,

I know you said you do not drive, well check this out. First one is a Sunrider.
The sunrider is a pretty highend cruise around velomobile. These start off at about 12K Euro, but this comes with a Pinion Drive, Rohloff and E-Assist, with less than 1200 kilometers on it. Fella says willing to work on the price, and as it is he only wants 2800 Euro. This rig is easy worth as it sits with such low kilometers about 16K, but new built I bet he spent something close to 22K on that build.

It is the same exact one my son got as his first one, and this can use all sorts of trailers from a Bob Yak style, Radical Designs or even the big one from Surly. Its like the deal of a lifetime. However this is heavy and normal speeds on these is around 40 Kmh, you can crank it out hard but cruising will do you about 40.

But on this exact model, my son had his insured out of Frankfurt and it cost 30 Euro a year. These and the Orca are really cheap I think because they have live sim card trackers in them. You can steel it, but you will not get far, especially when your phone rings to let you know it is on the move.

Hey Tom,

You hear anything about Germany going to block youtube completely come the new year for all of Germany.

I just heard yet a rumor that YT will shut down all private channels completely because YT can be sued if someone brakes copyright laws and uses contend without permission.
The YT spokes woman said something like this.

The whole thing has nothing to do with copyrights etc. because in most cases this is advertisement for the original sources. It has to do with too much truth that is spread on YT! at first they have shut down many truther sides here and than the censorship on YT started as well.

As I mentioned some time ago, we have passed 1933 a second time but this time it gets more worse! It will not end good!

Hey Tom,

I know you said you do not drive, well check this out. First one is a Sunrider.
The sunrider is a pretty highend cruise around velomobile. These start off at about 12K Euro, but this comes with a Pinion Drive, Rohloff and E-Assist, with less than 1200 kilometers on it. Fella says willing to work on the price, and as it is he only wants 2800 Euro. This rig is easy worth as it sits with such low kilometers about 16K, but new built I bet he spent something close to 22K on that build.

It is the same exact one my son got as his first one, and this can use all sorts of trailers from a Bob Yak style, Radical Designs or even the big one from Surly. Its like the deal of a lifetime. However this is heavy and normal speeds on these is around 40 Kmh, you can crank it out hard but cruising will do you about 40.

But on this exact model, my son had his insured out of Frankfurt and it cost 30 Euro a year. These and the Orca are really cheap I think because they have live sim card trackers in them. You can steel it, but you will not get far, especially when your phone rings to let you know it is on the move.

If it runs with electricity, here you need a license too :BangHead:

I just heard yet a rumor that YT will shut down all private channels completely because YT can be sued if someone brakes copyright laws and uses contend without permission.
The YT spokes woman said something like this.

The whole thing has nothing to do with copyrights etc. because in most cases this is advertisement for the original sources. It has to do with too much truth that is spread on YT! at first they have shut down many truther sides here and than the censorship on YT started as well.

As I mentioned some time ago, we have passed 1933 a second time but this time it gets more worse! It will not end good!

Thats the same stuff I am hearing too. Really it is a shame, there is so much educational help for students on there in Germany. Many univeristies in Germany have help programs on YT for students from 5th-Abi.

There is a user on this site, German fella, who has a channel, its all in English, but still, he looses money when this is over.

Your right, YT is highly vetted on content and that often comes directly from the source of the advert. Big issue is the kids have have channels that make like 9K a month, heck that Black Germerican dude that does science stuff for kids clears like 60K in the month.

All throughout history when Germany gets a wild hair up their rear end the first victims are always the people of Germany. Sick Oppression.


Yep we started eating more mediterranean style about 25 years ago. Like you lots of fruits and veggies, limited amount of processed food and try to eat more chicken and fish than red meat.

We eat a steak maybe 6 times a year now and we share one for the 2 of us, unless you're working all day with a pick and shovel you don't need the volumes of meat that most people eat.

If it runs with electricity, here you need a license too :BangHead:

In Germany only if it goes faster than 25, but with the Pinion you can go faster but only if you turn off the assist motor.

I lived in Germany for many years and spent 9 years of my time there on a Police Pro Cycling Team. Velomobiles are often targeted for Blitz, but dude the German cops we had on the Team use to go out looking for Blitz controls, I mean these guys where protesting from within. It was really bad for a while in some areas. I lived near Kaiserslautern my self, our group or rider was about 60 velomobiles, I would guess about 45 of them where local cops, small town, so not much of an issue really.

Also, Germany is offering that tax rebate on human powered vehicles, 2500 Euro. This is only 2800 Euro. This is one reason I think the Velove Armadillo blew up so big in Germany. My son has one of those on order right now, it has to be shipped to Luxembourg because they will not ship state side, but we will ship in from there.

You should read up and check the german Human Powered Vehicle forum. Just do not at all mention this rig if you have an interest in it. That site is in German and most users are German, the site it is for sale on is in French, so that is a plus. There is a guuy near you whoo builds and sells these on German ebay, he is sick high with his prices, but really velomobiles inside of Germany always cost and arm and a leg. Check Marktplatz in the Netherlands, Tweedehands in Belgium, this one in France, it is always way cheaper.

But check that site, heck even Velove or the ADAC Cycle site or the EU comision for bikes on the law. I would not try to screw you mate, especially on bikes man. Plus you should be able to find that tax rebate online as well.

Thing with the Sunrider and Orca, they have a hatch to get in and out and both have under steering. This means even super fat cats can ride, people with messed up injuries can get in and out. Not like the others. Dude I am six foot six at 135 kilo, not small, but I get in and out of the racing ones no problem. Hatch ones are really nice though.

you have to watch this! What kind of game is that??

Somewhere in the middle he get stopped by police, show them the middle finger, takes one shot more of his beer, burbs and throws the bottle on the street and the police gets again the finger LOL

And watch how many boxes of beer he has in his car :laughing7:

I need that game! I laughed TEARS!!

I use to play Grand Theft Auto. Well, never played it right. Would just steal cars and see how long I could go lol
But then I discovered buses. Those things were like tanks. So I would grab one and go on rampage. They could really take damage!

Thats the same stuff I am hearing too. Really it is a shame, there is so much educational help for students on there in Germany. Many univeristies in Germany have help programs on YT for students from 5th-Abi.

There is a user on this site, German fella, who has a channel, its all in English, but still, he looses money when this is over.

Your right, YT is highly vetted on content and that often comes directly from the source of the advert. Big issue is the kids have have channels that make like 9K a month, heck that Black Germerican dude that does science stuff for kids clears like 60K in the month.

All throughout history when Germany gets a wild hair up their rear end the first victims are always the people of Germany. Sick Oppression.

many good youtuber here will loose their income.

I will miss some of them like Joerg:

I just hope David Canterbury will still be available!!


Yep we started eating more mediterranean style about 25 years ago. Like you lots of fruits and veggies, limited amount of processed food and try to eat more chicken and fish than red meat.

We eat a steak maybe 6 times a year now and we share one for the 2 of us, unless you're working all day with a pick and shovel you don't need the volumes of meat that most people eat.

Well your doing better than me on red meats. Heck I will eat easy 3 racks of ribs or 7 or 8 steaks in one sitting and still eat a kilogram of greens. Salad, forget it, I am not a dressing fan at all, hhate dressing but man I can eat in a sitting 5 heads of let. Cabbage easy a head alone. Had Rosenkohl the other night in Germany, about a week ago when I was there. I purchased 5 500 grams bags and ate them in a single sitting.

My son really eats like a horse now, I do not know where he puts it either, he is now seven foot exact, but only weighs like 130 kilograms. He will kill some green. I am six six and at the same weight but I have been lifting my entire lift, that boy just looks so skinny its funny. His mama is skinny too though, she is my height but only like 100 kilograms, little thing. But both of us are the smallest in our families; LOL, we have four kids and when we are all together and cook, it always looks like so much food. Then nothing is left over.

My boy is eating tons, and he is at the height now where all his bikes are customs frames. I have custom rigs that I paid up to 60K for, but seriously he is a teenager and his bikes are costing me close to 80K. He races adult class under UCI Pro Card, so on the roster his age shows with his number and everything. Then when he shows up people just think its funny, had a few even question his age through the officials.

Man when they grow they eat. LOL

I use to play Grand Theft Auto. Well, never played it right. Would just steal cars and see how long I could go lol
But then I discovered buses. Those things were like tanks. So I would grab one and go on rampage. They could really take damage!

Never played those games.

I was in the beginning of computers full into adventure games like Monkey Island, Broken Sword and my all time favorite Lands of Lore (1). Than a family member brought me to Medal of Honor, Call of Duty and RTCW.
I never liked shooters but those with a historical background and such great atmosphere on original locations of WWII took me on a hook. Guess I broke a lot of time records playing RTCW BLIND LOL

I just watched a "Let´s play" of Assassins creed (The pirate game) on YT. GREAT!! It is incredible what is possible now with graphics etc!

many good youtuber here will loose their income.

I will miss some of them like Joerg:

I just hope David Canterbury will still be available!!

That guy is wild, been watching him for years. Sucks for these users.

Alright folks, nearly 0200 here in Austria. I have a meeting in 4 hour, so I need to be up in 2 hours. See you all around.

Tom get well, and check them sites out mate. Velomobiles will change everything about your life.

You wont believe how many bad stuff just get one of those "E" numbers now which was only for food colors until the 90s.

There is a big food and pharmacy mafia out there :icon_thumleft:

When I am out of germany and growing my own stuff on natural and not infested oil, I bet my body can´t handle any longer such healthy stuff LOL

Alright folks, nearly 0200 here in Austria. I have a meeting in 4 hour, so I need to be up in 2 hours. See you all around.

Tom get well, and check them sites out mate. Velomobiles will change everything about your life.

Will do it Buddy! Have a good sleep!

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