I had a little success in my dirt fishing. But, some DUHmb arse used the sd card in her camera that the laptop can't read. So, go ahead rook3434 and post your favorite meme for me. Unfortunately, there were fish pics on it. I will try to get them at work this week. It's probably a good thing because I retook pics of the highlights and you are spared the trash from Saturday. There was lots of trash. The original campground owner talked to me for 30 mins +/- and was impressed with all the stuff I dug up. He was raised in the house across the street and he gave me the lay out as best he could remember of what it used to be. His son (the new owner) came and checked out my finds and told me to, "find something worth a million."
I started out on my own lot, which proved to be the most profitable. I found a quarter, a dime ( which I am 100% sure was ours to begin with because of the date), and 2 pennies. Then I went over to the boat trailer parking and I found the screw driver and the railroad spike. Both the owners are quite puzzled by that one. The other two cents were found over at the "hunting lodge" where I was told I would probably find older coins. So $0.39 on Saturday.
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I also found these whatchamajiggies over by the boat trailers.
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Today I went back to the lodge. I found two pennies by sight in the drive. Lots of trash. And I rescued a wheatie. Then, it was time to go down by the boat ramp to wait for Mr. Wd and the boys.
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I found this "what's it" there. It says "SEARS" and "4.0" are on both ends. I found that little piece with it and I think it is broken off of it.
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Here's my pennies.
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I can't read the date very well, but I think it is 1946.
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Anyway, I had fun. I learned a lot about my detecting tools and the history of the campground. AND, I didn't have to Perch fish. I hate perch fishing!