Gold Member
I watched the 2nd video also and agree this is probably how the pyramids were for the 2nd part of the mystery how did they get the thousands and thousands of huge stones to the site from the quarries? They say via the Nile but somehow I have a hard time believing they had enough ships available for a task of that size.
Bill, the quarries for the normal lime stone blocks are directly in the area of the pyramid's! Just the red granite came from Assuan and I don´t remember yet where the white Tura lime stone blocks for the finish of the sides came from.
I don´t know if they was real Tura lime stone blocks because ALL of those who are now visible as finish stones are replicas! They have the wrong angle so they can´t be real and must be from 18 or 19 century. I would bet the finish was also made from stones of the quarries nearby!
The Nile was much higher at the time of the pyramids and there was harbors for this ships to bring the stones near to the pyramids. There was also ship locks to bring the stones on a level to get them easy from the ships.
The ships was also not a problem to transport very huge blocks. On papyri it is written that they used some time sup to 4 ships to transport larger sculptures and also obelisks.
About the video: The most interesting part is when they show this shafts and chambers which are not visible yet! In the 80´s I saw this square block just behind the sarcophagus and it was clearly to see that the joints was much wider as on all other stones. Also the sarcophagus is placed a wrong direction - just to cover this entrance to the real kings chamber! It has also exact the size from the block of the entrance to the kings chamber (it is now gone but the shaft size is the same)
It is a real shame that they need so long to open it and to research it. People has a right to know BEFORE they die!! Some times archeologists and those who are in charge simply