RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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So in an effort to get our youngest crew member some time on white hawk I have given up my spot aboard white hawk in this race. I'm currently racing ahead in the sea safari back to mackinac island. Boss said to me " if you trade spots with JB for the race you can have sunday to detect port st. Ignace". I responded with a hell ya !! I replaced the starter on the mockingbird yesterday and saved them from missing this race. I have the best position in this crew....pirate quatermaster....shuffling between boats and captains, fixing the major problems, assessing crew complaints, working on solutions to smooth tensions with each captain and ultimately making the tuff decisions on who stays and who goes. Boss likes to put me on each crew for a bit to get to know the personality traits of each crew member. I report back to the big boss with an honest assessment of what's going on with the captain and crews of each program. I can quickly see who the serious people are and who the trouble makers are. We had a near mutiny on the white hawk when I arrived so we quickly changed crew rosters to put the people who could best deal with the dictator like approach that this captain uses to run the ship. Often I will hash out the crew complaints with the captain and negotiate terms for the crew.....other times it may go the opposite way with me letting the crew know that they will have to step up there game and do a better job. Ultimately this trip we all agreed to let the one trouble maker and instigator go before the mac race.....it worked....and its literally smooth sailing now. Sadly the captain on the "mockingbird" is on very shakey ground right now. I've had to arrange a tow for him when he broke down, replace the faulty starter on his boat, repair 2 winches, his rudder bearing is shot and sticks, and the boat is in disarray under his command. I suggested not racing the boat due to the possibility of a catastrophic rudder failure that could cause the boat to be lost. I was voted down by the other captains and the owner. The boat will race against my advice. I will always err on the side of safety.....for the record I made my protest. I have to keep the weed off the boat, and make sure the heavy drinkers are under control until we reach the dock. Each crew member is allowed one drink at 5 pm when we are underway......that's pretty generous compared to most other programs. On occasion when we anchor I'll allow an extra ration of grog to keep moral up and lighten the moment. I take orders from each captain when on board and try to give my advice to them in a respectful but honest way. On occasion it can get nasty and once or twice even to the point of physical confrontation. It's great to be pirate quatermaster !! Just gotta keep the daggers out of everyone's back. Given the chance these guys will stab each other at will to climb up the chain of command. I'm sure I have a hundred sticking out of my back right now. So guys it ain't all fun and games......just a little glimpse of some of the challenges besides making it from point to point and keeping all this stuff running and working. I wouldn't trade it for any other job !!

"Do your job!" as Coach Belichick says :) (anyone see his girlfriend? Lordy)
You are living the life, Blak. Only thing missing is a cutlass. Have you brought back flogging? Might work.

Lower the rations. A sailing mans heart, lies viewing what is on his plate.

I can only imagine the poor souls who decided to detect in the South Carolina low country today.

its 104 here RR

I try to hold off on the flogging as long as possible hillbilly......I have multiple nick names amongst the crew's black bart, chief, pitbull, shark boy, etc...I'm sure others that cant be mentioned too !! I did purchase a signal cannon for white hawk. I think we could load it with silver ware in a pinch if necessary! Lol.


Same type of weather here with the humidex currently 106f. This gives you an idea of what it feels like outside....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


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Hey RR....have you herd the term mess deck ? Only officers could afford plates and silverware so they would lay a piece of canvas on the deck and dump the food on it and the crew would eat off the deck with there hands. Guess we could always go that route !!

Alright.... ALRIGHT !!!!!!!!!!.... 019.JPG Enough of this BS .This is the temp inside my (insulated) garage ...right now @ 253 pm :(:(:(:(

I try to hold off on the flogging as long as possible hillbilly......I have multiple nick names amongst the crew's black bart, chief, pitbull, shark boy, etc...I'm sure others that cant be mentioned too !! I did purchase a signal cannon for white hawk. I think we could load it with silver ware in a pinch if necessary! Lol.

Just this morning I was reading about Lolonois, a pirate mentioned in the The Buccaneers Of America.
The Spanish loaded cannon with shot and pieces of iron and fired upon the pirates as they advanced. Ouch!
Can imagine the names you been called :D

I try to hold off on the flogging as long as possible hillbilly......I have multiple nick names amongst the crew's black bart, chief, pitbull, shark boy, etc...I'm sure others that cant be mentioned too !! I did purchase a signal cannon for white hawk. I think we could load it with silver ware in a pinch if necessary! Lol.

Its sooooooooooo hot I wouldn't mind a 'flogging':tongue3: :)

Just this morning I was reading about Lolonois, a pirate mentioned in the The Buccaneers Of America.
The Spanish loaded cannon with shot and pieces of iron and fired upon the pirates as they advanced. Ouch!
Can imagine the names you been called :D

One of my favorite reads hillbilly......lolonois was a brutal sea dog with a passionate hatred for the spanish. He cheated death more than once at the hands of the spanish. Supposedly he cut the beating heart out of a spanish prisoner and forced it down the throat of another !! He was a truly brutal buccaneer. One of the best reads on the Buccaneers and a true favorite of mine !! Wish I was born then. Check out the exploits of black bart sharp.....not to be confused with black bart Robert's. Incredible stories !!

Gb, Bill, I don't know how y'all stand it, especially you Bill, being in Canada and all. It's 97 here,but with the humidity, it feels like 105, and the only thing happy right now outdoors, is the cicadas.

But seriously Bart.
You are well aware of the weather.
To the N.W. in lower Mi. they are telling folks to stay off the roads due to flooding.
I even have a puddle out front here in the sand. (Ooooh!)

With higher than "normal" water levels in the big lakes , obstructions visible in recent times can be covered now. Though still hungry.

River run off will be staining water for days or longer around river mouths.
Floating debris including deadheads (no ,not Grateful Dead fans) pic-nik tables and anything else that can float..

Not sure where you are ,or are going precisely (and don't want to know for sake of competitive plotting) but fishing nets are not always marked as required , and storms can move them about too.

You and your crew are up against more than wind and personalities , but you sure have your work cut out for you without the weather.
Travel safe! Eyes open.

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