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Now that looks tasty, I am thinking a good slow ground cook, fresh pico de gallo, guacamole, some lime, fresh made tortillas.

Also makes good thick sliced jerky as well as good spicy dried sausage but you need to mix in some beef fat for that but thats not bad.

Looks like >> Battle of Lynchburg The Temp. boat/plank bridge was located where the route 29 bridge is now.THAT would make sense,because 1/2 of the river at that point is an island.

Thats what I was seeing as well, but was not sure since I had not been researching the topic my self, so I just threw it out there just in case and figured you would certainly know what your looking at.

But I am going to get me a Donner now, Tom keeps posting food and I am too hungry.

As Ocala/Silver Springs as part of the escape route for CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin, CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge, and CSA Capt of CSS TALLAHASSEE John Taylor Wood (nephew of Jefferson Davis and grandson of US President Zachery Taylor), that happened.
Benjamin had cousins in Ocala, and David Levy Yulee (another cousin) wife stayed with them after Jefferson Davis's baggage train made it to Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation in Archer where her 15 yo son, C Wickiliffe and CSA Lt John S Purviance, CO G, 10th Fla Reg, buried two of Davis's trunks.
After Ocala, Breckinridge and Wood escaped down the East coast of Florida, and at Fort Dallas (Miami) hijacked a Cuban fishing boat and sailed to Cuba.
Zachery Taylor was commandant of Fort King (Ocala) during the Seminole Wars and the Marshall family of Abbeville, SC where Davis and cabinet made final escape plans also had a plantation near Silver Springs on the Oklawaha River.
Benjamin went to Gamble Plantation in Ellenton (Breckinridge's sister Letitia was married to Robert H Gamble) and sailed to Bahamas with one of his blockade runners associated with the Gamble Plantation.
There is a lot of Florida's War of Northern Aggression history that has been ignored in the history books. :thumbsup:

The Marshall plantation and Holly's Grist Mill & Farm across the Oklawaha River supplied the Confederacy with sugar, cotton, grits, salt pork, cane syrup, and whiskey along with spiderwebs collected by the ladies of Ocala/Silver Springs for bandages., and where shipped by Harts riverboat blockade running the Oklawaha and St Johns Rivers.
Union gunboats patrolled the St Johns , catching and sinking many of the river blockade runners, but Hubbard Hart with his JAMES BURT was successful due to intelligence supplied to CSA Capt J J Dickinson by Lola Sanchez, a CSA spy living in Union occupied Palatka on the St Johns River.
CSA Capt JJ Dickinson, of Orange Springs, was known as Florida's "swamp fox" conducting hit and run calvary raids from Crescent Lake in east Florida to Otter Creek on the west side, and the Union called the west side of the St Johns, "DIXIE's LAND".
May 1864 Dickinson received word from Sanchez that the Union gunboats USS COLUMBINE and USS OTTAWA with a company of men was sent upriver (south) from Jacksonville to capture or kill Dickinson and his cavalry.
Just south of Palatka, at Browns Landing, Dickinson and his 120 men hidden on the banks and in trees watched as the Columbine steam south ahead of the Ottawa. Rolling up to brass cannon manufactured at Dickinson's Orange Springs neighbor, Pearson's machine shop, shelled and fired upon the Ottawa, which retreated from Browns Landing, heading north.
Dickinson then moved south just below where the Oklawaha joins the St Johns to Horse Landing waiting for the Columbine's return.
Once again firing from the trees and banks, a cannon ball took out the Columbine's wheel causing it to run aground.
The clash killed 20 union , 6 were wounded, and 65 were taken prisoner, with no Confederate casualties.
Dickinson retrieved the Columbine's lifeboat , then burned the Columbine.
This is the only incident where a horse cavalry captured and sunk a naval vessel.
Dickinson gave this lifeboat to Breckinridge and Wood, transporting it by wagon to CSA Fort Butler (Astor) on the St Johns where they sailed it down the St Johns to Fort Mellon (Sanford) where the CSA cow cavalry transported to the inter coastal where Breckinridge and Wood continued to Fort Dallas.

*NOTE* Hubbard Hart transported Benjamin, Breckinridge, and Wood from Black Creek (Middleburg) down the St Johns past Palatka under cover of the night with information provided by Lola Sanchez, she was given 500 Mexican silver dollars from a keg, the keg with the remaining silver dollars was buried at Fort Brook (Orange Springs).
Hubbard Hart received $4500 in various gold specie.
For a week in May 1865, Benjamin stayed at his Benjamin cousins house (still standing) in Ocala where the ladies sewed gold coins into his overcoat, while Breckinridge and Wood stayed at the Ocala home of CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock (cousin of Theodore Roosevelt's mother).
The Union at Gainesville recovered some of Davis's baggage and personal papers at Yulee's RR Depot in Waldo and $35,000 in gold coin at Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation, it is not known if the two buried trunks were ever recovered or if they still remain.

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"not known if the two buried trucks were ever recovered or if they still remain. "

Trucks ?

"not known if the two buried trucks were ever recovered or if they still remain. "

Trucks ?

Yeah dude, you did know they used to skate back then, some very old school goldwing trucks.

Well I am sure they meant "tracks"... but my point really is... Wth are they talking about...

Talk about "dropping the ball" in that story... I mean what tracks ?

There is no PRIOR mention of "tracks"... Just "RR depot"... nothing more.

Now I know ALL RR depots would have tracks...

BUT wth do THEY... THE storyteller / writer "point" to ?

I think this story was written by Stephen King...

He always just drops off at the end. heh

So these " trucks / tracks " or whatever the heck the writer is referring to is what ? where ? hopw ? when ?... and what do " trucks / tracks " have to do with anything at all ?

This mysterious "trucks" ?

What the heck ... sounds like area 51 ?

No its was the CW Skaters back in the day, very little mention of them because they had not place to free style; so they buried them. But then picked up some old High Wheel bicycles and invented the Knack Knack, Table Top, Superman and a few others there.


Had my semi annual lunch with the old farts retired crowd I belong to. The oldest guy there is about 85 so I decided to have some fun and have one of the sexy waitresses flirt with him so I could get a shot for posterity....lol.


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good idea there

gold boy,

I was kind of worried that his heart couldnt handle it but at least he would have gone with a smile on his face....lol.

Regards + HH


:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: I simply love this rats


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