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Would you like to know... the "other side" of many soldiers "pay" ?

So then finding a coin(dropped by a civil war troop) would be pretty much out of the question.And I'm not really into artifacts/bullets and the like.So I guess I'll scratch that hunting site off my list.

Hence my above question to you.

But I will so far just say absolutely NO ... NOT out of the question... even remotely.

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You never know what will be found.....I would give it a go. My buddy in Tennessee found an entire confederate body. All the trappings of a soldir were there including a colt 1851 navy revolver, and an old bowie knife !!! It was probably one of the coolest finds I ever saw. Bones ,buttons , weapons.......everything this guy was carrying was there. He had crawled up to a stone wall and pulled himself into a bramble and died resting against the wall. It was an incredible find !! Nice work ARCC !! Go get it RTR !!

On another note.....Whats with all the bees being pissed off this spring ?Anyone else noticing it, or just me.All of them that I come across are like in combat mode.:dontknow:

On another note.....Whats with all the bees being pissed off this spring ?Anyone else noticing it, or just me.All of them that I come across are like in combat mode.:dontknow:

I am surprised they haven't "risen up" and "fought back" long ago...

I mean sheesh... all we do is steal their hard work and swat and spray them... heh

Hey guys... I just realized...

We are having CHAT... In an ACTUAL CHAT thread...
The way it SHOULD be.

Not hijacked threads which confuse new users. heh

Regulations in both armies stated that soldiers would receive pay on the last day of even numbered months (Feb, April, June, etc) for that month and the proceeding month. For example: on August 31 they would be paid for July and August. Sometimes it worked that way. On June 30, 1863, a number of regiments of the Army of the Potomac paused on their march north through Maryland to Gettysburg to receive pay. Very often the paymaster was late, as shown by the pay record of the 97th Pa. Inf.
They were mustered in in September, 1861, at West Chester, Pa. and received pay on:
March 12, 1862, for September - December, 1861
April 18, 1862, for January - February, 1862
April 30, 1862, for March - April, 1862 (The only time in 3 years they were paid according to regulations).
September 15, 1862, for May - June, 1862
February 11, 1863, for September - December, 1862
April 21, 1863, for January - February, 1863
June 23, 1863, for March - April, 1863
July 21, 1863, for May - June, 1863
September 26, 1863, for July - August, 1863
December 8, 1863, for September - October, 1863
February 19, 1864, for November - December, 1863
April 18, 1864, for January - February, 1864
September 1, 1864, for March - June, 1864
They mustered out at West Chester in late September and received all pay owed them.

interesting there AARC


I be back alive and kicking :laughing7:
PC crash...

Did I missed something ? Is Simon back ??

no Simon is not back yet

Hope this sums the question up with a history lesson to boot.


Nicely done, now could you pull that off in a 300 page text book for a semester of work and charge 2500 per student on the semester. LOL

Seriously man, that right there was a good example of Immanuel Kant. Not only did he put his work out in typical test book format, but six month after the release of a book he would publish and amendment so to speak, a smaller much more condensed straight to the point hand out around 20 to 30 pages long, sort of what you just did.

It got to the point that professors would purposely wait until the release came out before they used the book. You can see the conflict this would cause among universities who would rather teach the text book right away in hopes that people failed to grasp the modern philosophy and then charge again on what was being said.

So I have to ask, do you teach? Anything, few are that clear and concise without having taught or used to giving briefings at the very least.


Welcome back... we were wondering what had happened to you.

***ARC deletes all the posts biatching about Tom leaving*** ----- JK :)

Nicely done, now could you pull that off in a 300 page text book for a semester of work and charge 2500 per student on the semester. LOL

Seriously man, that right there was a good example of Immanuel Kant. Not only did he put his work out in typical test book format, but six month after the release of a book he would publish and amendment so to speak, a smaller much more condensed straight to the point hand out around 20 to 30 pages long, sort of what you just did.

It got to the point that professors would purposely wait until the release came out before they used the book. You can see the conflict this would cause among universities who would rather teach the text book right away in hopes that people failed to grasp the modern philosophy and then charge again on what was being said.

So I have to ask, do you teach? Anything, few are that clear and concise without having taught or used to giving briefings at the very least.

Yes I teach...

Sheesh ... Didn't you just learn something :P


photo-876.JPG chain saw and our home made roller cart. photo-875.JPG
Here is the saw hanging from the roller cart. The roller cart fits snuggly on the piece of scaffolding. It works very well and can cut very curved logs easily !! That system and a portable alaskan mill cuts most of our stock.photo-878.JPG
This was the burl set up for cutting. Ill have to get a shot of the split piece. Took only 10 minutes to cut !!

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