RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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So for 2 years I've been searching out info on a possible pirate camp site here in the islands. The oral tradition was that there was a pirate site with earth works and 2 cannons just barely exposed in the sand. Well today I tried once more to locate this spot, and after a 2 hour hike up some very steep brush covered dunes I finally located the first cannon......and then the second....and then a third, fourth, fifth, and incredibly a sixth !! I spent five hours penetrating farther and farther into some of the roughest terrain I've ever been in. I did not carry my phone so I will try and get some pics tomorrow morning. I'm totally blown away by this obvious breast work with not just the 2 cannons but 4 more. I'll investigate more and more on my return trip in 2 weeks. I searched for ambergris on the hike up the beach and rock cliffs. Got a handful of beachcombed curiosities. I'll take some pics in a bit. I'm exhausted and have been cramping in my hamstrings from lack of food and water all day. What a feeling seeing those guns back in the bush. There could be more as they are arrayed strategically to guard a specific waterway. there should be at least 2 more to be the most effective. These guns were of several different styles and sizes, and one is quite large and has a z or N on one trunnin. One has what looks like a flash pan by the touch hole. Sorry....I'm excited and rambling. Got to go take a shower. Bbl.

Ok. Maybe there were a couple of posts I am looking for.

Dang cool news, bart!

Sorry, ARC. I have to include the pic for this one.
Its freaking cold here boys 20 degrees outside w/wind.Thank God for these little heaters :)


Edit: Or not since it isn't showing up anyway. No problem. RTR knows I love his Cobra.

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Morning peeps.......say what.....WD is in the house !! Welcome home sis !!

Here it is!!!

Good morning....uh...afternoon.
It was morning when i started catching up with the thread. [emoji15]

Well son pressed the "new version" of you tube for me on my phone, i was afraid my ph would go crazy if i did it....the world is still here i see. Whew!
I can now see you tube vids, but when i hit the back icon to return to the thread it sends me to the main forum, and i have to click everything else, then miscellaneous. Then the random thread, which is always 2 pages ahead of where i was.

Lol! Is it just me?

We all know it is, but just say no so i feel normal. [emoji12]

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Ok the icons are not the ones i picked, not sure why.
[emoji15] surprised [emoji12] one eye, tongue out

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

See its not posting right.
Its not me...its not me...its...never mind.

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk


Thanks for the chuckles...no problem with being a bit technology challenged.

Matey, It tarn't ye. It be that tapatalk app. Did give me more headaches than barnacles on the hull.

Alrighty then. Maybe we be in the same boat.


Sorry folks....cannon pics will have to wait until I return in 2 weeks. I did secure permission to hunt the spot though !! Also through a miss understanding I was able to get permission to hunt another spot that has 2 big guns and the remnants of lord dunmores fort on the property. Seems they thought I was talking about one property that I didn't know about, so I have both properties to hunt now !! This second rental property is being knocked down and cleared for a new build. The land is being pushed around and cleared and looks real promising with the remnants of a stone fort there. Both spots are early to mid 1700s and pretty historically significant. I'm hoping to donate some finds to the local library here.


Don´t do that Son! Think twice about it!

It doesn't matter if he joins what branch it is. He will have to be tested to tell what he would be best for.

I'm flying home today from Spanish wells to spend some time with my family. Wooo hooo !! I miss my wife and boy so much !! Hope to be home for my boys first T-ball game tomorrow!! And then spend some time with the guys from A.S.A.P. on the mag boat hunting for angel beuano. It will be nice to take a break from the fishing grind. I have to get a fish spine removed from my hand by the doc too. It's starting to bother me quite a bit.

Space force GB I've looked into it and they are hiring and open for business!!

Good morning forum friends.64ce1de61ff62d1b7a9ed57c82795984.gif :occasion14:

Good morning, GGB. Thank you so very much for your prayers!


So, no HBP either? Did we all abandon ship on you at once? bloody pirates. :blackbeard:

It’s that time of the day. See ya.EF7F5B87-FA43-4288-BAA9-B65DC887567F.gif

WD. your welcome:thumbsup:

Here’s my treasure related pics for the past month. We had a big flood. It wasn’t as bad as last year, but almost.



My hunting honey hole hole is further left which would be NE. I hunt the whole creek though because of the floods. My friend and I found this and it gave us hope for still more bottles. Does anyone know what that chain would have been for? It’s not real heavy. Squared not rounded.


Then about a week later I went to my honey hole. Right where I stopped digging last year, I found this hanging in the roots and dirt. Boy was I shouting the bad words. Really failed at taming the tongue.


UGH! WHAT A HEARTBREAKER! The E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co. Paducah, KY. Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar- Honey. Maybe from the early 1900’s. I have got to rescue these bottles this year! 🤬

That's a cool lookin' chain. Would be great to see it cleaned up.

I'd say it's likely hand made, by a blacksmith.

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