Platinum Member
So for 2 years I've been searching out info on a possible pirate camp site here in the islands. The oral tradition was that there was a pirate site with earth works and 2 cannons just barely exposed in the sand. Well today I tried once more to locate this spot, and after a 2 hour hike up some very steep brush covered dunes I finally located the first cannon......and then the second....and then a third, fourth, fifth, and incredibly a sixth !! I spent five hours penetrating farther and farther into some of the roughest terrain I've ever been in. I did not carry my phone so I will try and get some pics tomorrow morning. I'm totally blown away by this obvious breast work with not just the 2 cannons but 4 more. I'll investigate more and more on my return trip in 2 weeks. I searched for ambergris on the hike up the beach and rock cliffs. Got a handful of beachcombed curiosities. I'll take some pics in a bit. I'm exhausted and have been cramping in my hamstrings from lack of food and water all day. What a feeling seeing those guns back in the bush. There could be more as they are arrayed strategically to guard a specific waterway. there should be at least 2 more to be the most effective. These guns were of several different styles and sizes, and one is quite large and has a z or N on one trunnin. One has what looks like a flash pan by the touch hole. Sorry....I'm excited and rambling. Got to go take a shower. Bbl.
Ok. Maybe there were a couple of posts I am looking for.
Dang cool news, bart!