bill from lachine
Platinum Member
See you bright and early in the a.m.
See you bright and early in the a.m.
Good night who just left.. Lol
In case you missed it awhile back here's my answer on your italian coin.
Ok here's the scoop 8th Edition of Krause catalogue lists this coin as KM23, .835 silver-F-$10.00, VF-$30.00 and EF-$100.00.
You can't always do a decent job of assigning a grade from a picture but off the cuff I'd say VF given there's still a fair amount of details left on the high points of the hair.
It doesn't make any mention about rotated dies or such in the catalogue, however, like you it looks pretty obvious that at least the date has been double struck.
Hope this helps.
Here's hoping your wife's condition improves....keeping my fingers crossed for you both.
BC1969, I have been reading your posts. I noticed you have faith. I am praying for you and your wife. Do you see that guy in my avatar? As I stated that is my brother. I used to take him back and forth to his Drs and hospital stays. At one particular Dr. visit, we spread out all of his prescriptions on the exam bed so the Dr. could try and sort it all out and hopefully reduce some. He had 36 or 37 different scripts. The Dr. was able to reduce them to 23, but that was it.
May God put his healing touch on you both and give you peace, strength, and comfort, according to His Will.
I really appreciate the prayers.
Things didn't go bad until she went cold turkey of all the opiates that her doctors fed her for 16 years.
It has been two years this March, since she quit the pills.
The cold turkey killed her.
My training and more importantly God's grace and will I brought her back.
She's had seven grand mal seizures since that first brutal one.
She fell and cracked her head twice from seizures.
Sorry, I get talking about it.
If you listen to me long enough, you'll go crazy like Crispy and Jeff Gordon!
Had to post before I quit tonight. 3D river rock floor. very nice.