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Now you have a retirement project to work on when you get older. Collect all the old toy cars you can find. Then you can restore them and make a fortune selling them to collectors.


Good morning everyone.
I got busted by the cops doing donuts in a parking lot in the fresh snow an hour ago.

I let him sit back there and do all the checks that the police do before coming up to your car.
This young buck was definitely gung-ho!
Walked up ticket book in hand.
License and registration and proof of insurance please.

No you may Not have my stuff.

I told him that he can go now.
He said, that's not how this works.

... I laughed then.
I said that you are dismissed Deputy..
This is MY parking lot and my business!
I'll do whatever I please in it!
A few more minutes of conjecture and he slanked away, tail between his legs.
I'm pro law enforcement.
But, I just had to break the new guys balls lol :laughing7:


went detecting the other day and got my Second IHP i'm 95% sure its a 1873 my oldest coin P1100567.webpP1100568.webp


Must be the metal detecting or something that sharpens the eye to find stuff in unlikely places. I probably find about $100. of pocket change per year just from my daily walks.
Over the years I've found rings, bracelets, brooches, etc....as surface finds walking around and keeping my eyes open.

Good morning Bill.
You probably already know the tip that I am about to share, but the rest may benefit.
Me and the wifey love our walks too.
My tip is if you live in an area that gets decent snowfall throughout the winter, then find large parking lots, preferably Mall parking lots.. People love showing off their bling.
If you have ever dropped anything into a few inches of snow, then you know how difficult it is to find whatever.
Those huge piles of plowed up snow..
Always! Full of change and jewelry.
The items that can be identified, we list where they were found locally and if the people who claim it is their item describes it, we return it.
The rest... The Viking confiscated. :BangHead:
Nowadays we find more phones than anything else when the piles start thawing.


Thanks BC1969. There is not many coins i find so this was a big win

I'd like to take this moment to thank Jesus, and confess publicly.
Lord, I know that I have strayed from the right path many times throughout my life.
I've doubted, cursed, and even strayed so far from your Father's grace that I testified against you and convinced another person to abandon their faith with talks of mans science.
I'm sorry Lord.
Please forgive me!

God speaks to us all in different ways. It is up to us to find the calmness within each and everyone of us to hear the subtle whispers.. However they manifest.

I believe that God shows us his will through the things that we see around us in nature... If we CHOOSE to hear those whispers.
My definitive moment came the evening of January 20th 2019.
My whole life and my family's life was based in astrophysics.
When I was very young, I saw a partial lunar eclipse.
All my life, when those events happened.. It was cloudy!
Curse you above!

On the evening of the 20th of January, we here in the northeast were expecting a full and total lunar eclipse!!.. And mostly cloudy conditions!!!!!
I prayed time and time again over the years for this in my lifetime.. Never once.
It was cloudy this moment!
Angst was rampant!
Lord please!
Just this one time.. Please!
Talk to me again!
Five minutes later, the skies cleared here over my part of Michigan and I stood out there in the freezing cold, singing to my Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ for six hours.

Thank you for showing me the path towards strength, compassion and perseverance!

Some may say that it is just coincidence in THIS moment.
Sitting here, in my car, waiting for whichever CSX train that should be coming along any time now... Railfan.
I just spoke of signs..
I was listening to the radio while typing.
The moment that I pressed submit reply, the song on the radio ended and started playing...

I noticed that I left something out of my prayers... Love.
I don't know what that word really means! Trust comes with the ability to love.. I don't know trust!!
He's speaking to me!
I know, because God is Love!
God knows MY pain.
He knows what is holding me back!
Singing it,.. In my life there's been heartache and pain.. I want to know what love is, I know that you can show me how to love again Lord.

That song ended and the next started.. Yeah, he is definitely talking to me again!
He KNOWS my pain!

I'll tell you my pain.. No drama.
This is about God.
Right before my Father left this earth for a ( hopefully) better place, he did a horrible thing to me, since he knew how my mind works.
He made me promise to NOT cry for him!
Because I never kept any promises that I made to my father... We never saw eye to eye on anything!
I was determined to keep this one promise!
Dad left here in October 2008..I have not grieved him!
It is destroying me!

God is telling me that it is okay to say goodbye! :sadsmiley:

gold boy, good score....a little trick that might help put a piece of tracing paper over the coin and take a soft lead pencil and run it back and forth on the paper over where the date is. Sometimes this trick will help lift a date off a badly worn coin.


Yep I'm aware of that snowbank trick....another good spot is if there are any sledding hills in your area. I have one and if I remember come late winter/early spring I usually manage a fair amount of coins and a bit of bling.

gold boy, good score....a little trick that might help put a piece of tracing paper over the coin and take a soft lead pencil and run it back and forth on the paper over where the date is. Sometimes this trick will help lift a date off a badly worn coin.

i did just did that yep 1873

Go BC! Reads like quite a morning.
Cop waiting for you to leave? L.o.l.
I'm certainly not Disney's greatest fan. Well...I am a fan of Walt and what he designed and built. Usually manipulation of environment on a large scale is not my idea of a good thing , he put a lot of thought into it.

Anyway.... Disney's frozen song I don't know by heart , but it has some interesting lyrics.
You don't have to agree with them. Especially the I won't cry part. Who is to say how anyone grieves????
This part would have been alright during the eclipse as it was cold. (We did get a great viewing).
Your song choices were probably better though..

[My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl (obvious edit to guy/boy/man here) is gone
Here I stand in the light of day (edit,the moon. This guy likes to alter lyrics don't he?)
Let the storm rage on]



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I need something new to look at.
Anyone know of any corrupt people in positions of power that really shouldn't be in that line of work?
Pm me.
Here's an obscure fact about a very old saying.
Snitches get stitches didn't come from a no honor amongst Thieves kind of thing.
It came from corrupt peace keepers who expected their partner to look the other way!
Not that guy! He's a straight arrow. Totally Honorable!
The just can't tell a lie to save his own life kind of guy.
I hate this kind of corruption!
It destroyed my youth.
If you are corrupt and I find out! You're going to prison!
I care more about Honor than stitches!

BigCountry!.. For the eyes.

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