I need something new to look at.
Anyone know of any corrupt people in positions of power that really shouldn't be in that line of work?
Pm me.
Here's an obscure fact about a very old saying.
Snitches get stitches didn't come from a no honor amongst Thieves kind of thing.
It came from corrupt peace keepers who expected their partner to look the other way!
Not that guy! He's a straight arrow. Totally Honorable!
The just can't tell a lie to save his own life kind of guy.
I hate this kind of corruption!
It destroyed my youth.
If you are corrupt and I find out! You're going to prison!
I care more about Honor than stitches!
BigCountry!.. For the eyes.
Don't know if any of the members dabble in the stock market or not. The market is going south today so I doubled down on some CVS shares.
Been playing the market on and off probably for 35 years. Got my butt hicked with wrong picks especially early on and less so now as I play mainly blue chips.
Like Warren Buffet says buy when there's blood in the streets in other words when it's tanking and everyone is giving the shares away. Sometimes it's easier said than done and you have to be a bit of a gambler to play it successfully.
Thanks for the chuckles....I usually pick up a Barron's on my weekly outings downtown.
Back in December the did a 3 part year end wrap up and forecasts for the coming year for best stocks to buy.
Well they have a round table of about 10 of the supposed best professional stock pickers. On the wrap of of the 2018 results only 3 of the 10 managed to beat the S+P averages.....
That's why I don't take anything I hear or read as gospel always do your own due dilligence.
Don't know all the rules but believe banner items have to be found metal detecting and be recent find....collection items not applicable.
Well... Someone has to do it!