The craziest thing I've ever seen...My brother and I went hunting/camping with our Dad and Grandfather in southern Ohio. We did more messing around than actual hunting. It was just a thing we did every year at the end of Oct. It was a state park and we were usually the only ones there in that section. when the lights were off it was DARK!! My Brother and I use to dare each other " Bet you won't walk down to the ...... and back with no flashlight." This would go on for hours and each time it a different place. Now this sounds like we were little kids? No, I was in my 20's and he was his late teens.

Anyhow, we saw something glowing down in the woods and snuck down to check it out. Hardly anyone believes this but it's the truth...A log was glowing!!! We even took a piece of it anf put it in a zip lock bag. We could never get it to glow again!! People use to laugh and told me we must have been on good drugs, but I swear...We saw a log glow in the dark.
Later, in life I found out that under the right conditions, temp, moisture, and some kind of bacteria or fungus it will glow in the dark. But all of the conditions have to be just right. I've never seen anything else like it. Other than a small plant that glows in the dark that we saw in Boy scouts on a night hike. But nothing as big as that log. It was about 18 inches thick and maybe 16ft or so long. Glowed bright enough that we saw it for quite a ways off. At first we thought someone was down there with a light of some kind. It was the last hunting trip that I got to go on with my Brother too....Strange how that all works and I have that memory from the strange log too from the same trip.