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20190226_134926.webp the twisted fish. I've been fixing this guys art these days. I fixed one and now I'm on my third. These copper sculptures are powered by the wind but after a few years the bearing goes bad. I sweat the pieces apart, replace the bearing, and then solder them back together. Don't really know how I got elected but I'm now the guy that fixes these things. I've got another big copper pineapple to fix when I get back from my next trip.


You mentioned about having all this accumulated stuff stacked up everywhere. Do you have any fleamarkets in your general area?

Might be worth renting a table on weekends and flushing out some of the stuff to build up some cash.

Myself I try to stick to postage stamps and coins and try to resell at least some so I don't have to continuously add fresh funds.

Regards + HH


Hey BC Mike can you clue me into how to post picture from an apple tablet onto t-net? It's been bothering me having to go to the library to use their computer.

Before my once a year hair cut the library folk are scared of me, Ater annual hair cut I'm just too clean cut and out of place. It's kind of nerve racking. :laughing7:

Just saying... Before any stupid people get ANY stupid ideas about my coins...
You need to know a few things about your prey first!
Firstly and most importantly,
I am a law abiding citizen who loves his country and its support for my God given right to defend not only myself and my family but also my property.
I live in a pro second amendment State with a very, Very generous Stand your ground law!
A castle doctrine!
I wasn't always white trash.
Long ago I was stupid with money.
However, I know the value of protection. TLTX60x6.. Amvault. Go ahead and try!
Be like the last fools who are in prison regretting those round scars..
Just saying! :icon_thumleft:

I'm still stupid with money. That's how come I spend my spare change on three dollar rummage sale handsaws. I got me a Disston 100, 22", six point. Good etch, with no chips or owner's mark. I would like to show off a couple tools, nothing expensive. Just good deals.

Here is a scared H.Chapin #30 four-fold brass bound rule, made around 1900 iirc. From my album-


I paid six bucks. :thumbsup:

i'm kinda of stupid with money. i buy old baseball card packs off Ebay

View attachment 1685093 the twisted fish. I've been fixing this guys art these days. I fixed one and now I'm on my third. These copper sculptures are powered by the wind but after a few years the bearing goes bad. I sweat the pieces apart, replace the bearing, and then solder them back together. Don't really know how I got elected but I'm now the guy that fixes these things. I've got another big copper pineapple to fix when I get back from my next trip.

Thank you for posting this pic!
What a life enriching moment!
Art, especially that far out there, eclectic art like this, touches a place in my heart that few things or people get access to!
Maybe it is the highly sensitive person in me.. Beautiful things make me cry.
I think it is a weakness... My wife says that is (the sensitivity) one of the reasons she was drawn to me.

You just HAD to say that didn't you! :p
I know that you know that is my thing.
I'd suggest staying with microsuck winblows 7..but it is no longer supported and unless you are a nerd like me = NOT SAFE.
I'll help out somehow lol.. Gimme time.

LOL NO!! I didn't write that on purpose and didn't even think about that when I posted...

.I'm trying to put things together so I can list things on FB and Ebay. While I was jumping back and forth to the forum. I have a Computer in front of me that I was using for Ebay, trolling Tnet:laughing7:, and youtube. Then I just got a Macbook air that I'm just learning(My Mom bought it hated it and I gave her a new Home computer with windows 10 that she liked better) .I'm still new to Mac...And I'm a.....Uhhhh? Nuts? about a certain amount of privacy and data collecting....So, it gets frustrating to make sure I change settings and try not get everything to sync...etc... When trying to list or open accounts. I know we can't do anything about that...It's just one of my things that drives me insane..The whole privacy data collecting thing.....

I don't want things in the clouds, that is where airplanes and angels belong.They don't need to be running into my stuff up there!!! I don't want some woman guiding me through or suggesting things, I get enough of that as it is. I just want simple to use and I'll track and look up my own info..hahaha and I could do that if I could get all the nonsense out of the OS's and simplify them.

I tried to edit a couple videos for youtube. I got them into the program worked on them....and...have no clue where they went! HAHA Tried to upload one to youtube and it was just a bunch of red lines across the screen.. haha That's not the video I made!! Mine had color and video, not red lines!!!:laughing7:

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Hey BC Mike can you clue me into how to post picture from an apple tablet onto t-net? It's been bothering me having to go to the library to use their computer.

Before my once a year hair cut the library folk are scared of me, Ater annual hair cut I'm just too clean cut and out of place. It's kind of nerve racking. :laughing7:

Why? Why me Lord? Lol. Why Apple!!
For as big a nerd that I am... I'm clueless on Apple anything.
I'm an android kinda guy.
Android is based in the Linux core.
I love my penguin.
Apple is too restricted for me.
I control my devices. Not Groogle.
With that being said, I know what forum software Tnet uses.
I think I can figure it out for you. I'll just need some time to figure it out.
I enjoy helping others.
It is the glue that completes me.

I'm still stupid with money. That's how come I spend my spare change on three dollar rummage sale handsaws. I got me a Disston 100, 22", six point. Good etch, with no chips or owner's mark. I would like to show off a couple tools, nothing expensive. Just good deals.

Here is a scared H.Chapin #30 four-fold brass bound rule, made around 1900 iirc. From my album-


I paid six bucks. :thumbsup:

You've hit on my earliest passion in life!
Antique tools!
I love old tools.

I'll relate the story.
Growing up, our next door neighbor Joseph, was the most frugal man that I had and have yet to meet someone more frugal.

My earliest childhood memories are of spending my Saturdays sitting on his driveway with an antique hammer and straightening old bent nails.
Or unrolling triple ply toilet paper onto old rolls.. Three for the price of one deal.

Joe threw nothing useful away.
As a brilliant engineer and fabricator, he found usefulness in most things that other people would consider trash and discard.
That man really shaped me too.

A small story about Joe.
When I was a boy, a powerful thunderstorm tore the storm door off of Joe's house.
So broken that even my Father and Joe couldn't put humpty dumpty door back together again!

By this point in life, Joe had lost enough of his vision to lose his driving privileges.

My Father and I took Joe to home depot for a new door.
A long story short, when Joe found out how much a door cost in that time period,... He almost killed the salesman! Lol not really, but we think that he wanted to.
Joe's response was, "That's more than I paid for the ENTIRE house"
Yep.. No new door.

Him and pops knocked back a few dozen pabst blue ribbons and fabricated that damned door back in place.

I just felt the need to share this.

I almost forgot about your passion for tools!
I am going to make this one pretty again.
Old tools.. WWIII could happen... Those tools will STILL work!
View attachment 1685118



You mentioned about having all this accumulated stuff stacked up everywhere. Do you have any fleamarkets in your general area?

Might be worth renting a table on weekends and flushing out some of the stuff to build up some cash.

Myself I try to stick to postage stamps and coins and try to resell at least some so I don't have to continuously add fresh funds.

Regards + HH


We did a lot of flea markets last summer. The really good one is about 3 hours from here. The local places are really cheap. We started out selling the stuff from pallet returns. It did real well for a month or two. I thought"mn, I finally found something that I can work!!" Then tons of other people in the area started doing it. So that stuff ws flooded in an area where there really isn't a lot of money. At the end it was actually costing us so I quit doing it. Years back we were set up at an indoor flea market, it was more of a shop type place. We bought and sold Precious metal, coins, pocket watches, jewelry, etc... But I'm in a completely different area, connections, time...Etc...To even think I'd be able to make that go here. Plus that takes a lot of money or backing to move enough volume and have buying power.

Right now? I'm kind of lost in limbo and trying to find my way(been there for a few years)....But..Yes, I need to liquidate and try something different. Just wandering in circles trying to pick a direction to focus on.

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I told you already, about about your avatar- life without purpose is pain.

Edit- you ain't obligated, in fact give me a bit of time and I might figure it out myself.

No obligation felt. I was being sarcastic. Lol
I'll switch to MY original avatar that some POSER claims as his avatar.. Sorry brother.. I made that gif in photoshop years ago.

Hey BC Mike can you clue me into how to post picture from an apple tablet onto t-net? It's been bothering me having to go to the library to use their computer.

Before my once a year hair cut the library folk are scared of me, Ater annual hair cut I'm just too clean cut and out of place. It's kind of nerve racking. :laughing7:

That's funny!! I still haven't shaved and I look like I crawled out of a cave.....No wonder my Son started listening to me lately...I look scary!!

You've hit on my earliest passion in life!
Antique tools!
I love old tools.

I'll relate the story.
Growing up, our next door neighbor Joseph, was the most frugal man that I had and have yet to meet someone more frugal.

My earliest childhood memories are of spending my Saturdays sitting on his driveway with an antique hammer and straightening old bent nails.
Or unrolling triple ply toilet paper onto old rolls.. Three for the price of one deal.

Joe threw nothing useful away.
As a brilliant engineer and fabricator, he found usefulness in most things that other people would consider trash and discard.
That man really shaped me too.

A small story about Joe.
When I was a boy, a powerful thunderstorm tore the storm door off of Joe's house.
So broken that even my Father and Joe couldn't put humpty dumpty door back together again!

By this point in life, Joe had lost enough of his vision to lose his driving privileges.

My Father and I took Joe to home depot for a new door.
A long story short, when Joe found out how much a door cost in that time period,... He almost killed the salesman! Lol not really, but we think that he wanted to.
Joe's response was, "That's more than I paid for the ENTIRE house"
Yep.. No new door.

Him and pops knocked back a few dozen pabst blue ribbons and fabricated that damned door back in place.

I just felt the need to share this.

I almost forgot about your passion for tools!
I am going to make this one pretty again.
Old tools.. WWIII could happen... Those tools will STILL work!
View attachment 1685118


Haha...My Grandfather was like that!! He built his own house from materials that he got when they took down houses for the freeways were being built. He would also straighten and reuse nails. The man had money, but he enjoyed piecing things together. He repaired anything that he could with a paperclip and a matchbook. haha Very smart man...the material stuff didn't mean much to him and would pull things out of the trash, repair, and use it till it couldn't be repaired anymore. He never had debt his whole life. Everything was paid for with cash or you don't need it.


Well there's also craig's list and kijiji. At least you don't have to go through all the hoops, effort and fees that fleabay requires. Or the gas money and table costs of a flea market.

Worth giving it some thought. Just take a few items from your inventory and give it a try no costs just a bit of effort and it might work out for you.

Good luck!


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