You've hit on my earliest passion in life!
Antique tools!
I love old tools.
I'll relate the story.
Growing up, our next door neighbor Joseph, was the most frugal man that I had and have yet to meet someone more frugal.
My earliest childhood memories are of spending my Saturdays sitting on his driveway with an antique hammer and straightening old bent nails.
Or unrolling triple ply toilet paper onto old rolls.. Three for the price of one deal.
Joe threw nothing useful away.
As a brilliant engineer and fabricator, he found usefulness in most things that other people would consider trash and discard.
That man really shaped me too.
A small story about Joe.
When I was a boy, a powerful thunderstorm tore the storm door off of Joe's house.
So broken that even my Father and Joe couldn't put humpty dumpty door back together again!
By this point in life, Joe had lost enough of his vision to lose his driving privileges.
My Father and I took Joe to home depot for a new door.
A long story short, when Joe found out how much a door cost in that time period,... He almost killed the salesman! Lol not really, but we think that he wanted to.
Joe's response was, "That's more than I paid for the ENTIRE house"
Yep.. No new door.
Him and pops knocked back a few dozen pabst blue ribbons and fabricated that damned door back in place.
I just felt the need to share this.
I almost forgot about your passion for tools!
I am going to make this one pretty again.
Old tools.. WWIII could happen... Those tools will STILL work!
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