Raise your hand if you have found the Lost Dutchman Mine.

From reading about Waltz and His Partner Wiesner, when you find the "mine" it will be a shaft gone straight down with Wiesners bones in it. He buried Wiesner in the shaft and covered it over with logs and dirt. That according to a story I read in 1964 at the Florence Women's Club Library.

Write a book about it and you could sell a lot of them. Hell, you even might convince me to buy one.

Write a book about it, you could sell a lot of them. Hell, you might convince me to buy one. You make a movie or a tv show.

Write a book about it, you could sell a lot of them. Hell, you might convince me to buy one. You make a movie or a tv show.

The problem is, all these treasure hunting stories, movies, and tv shows share the same ending.
And Lust for Gold has already been done so, why bother.

But where this legend crosses into historical fact, that is absolutely worth reading/writing about.

So, what do you think it was that Waltz found?

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Waltz found/took 2 mines, a pit on a mountain on a flat/short ridge, the other one on a ridge below the pit. The one below the pit is the one that Holmes says that Waltz covered with logs and dirt. Waltz had said that there was a vein with gold about 400 feet below the LDM down ridge. He said that he dug it out and filled it with rocks.

From reading about Waltz and His Partner Wiesner, when you find the "mine" it will be a shaft gone straight down with Wiesners bones in it. He buried Wiesner in the shaft and covered it over with logs and dirt. That according to a story I read in 1964 at the Florence Women's Club Library.

Those must have been some old womenz if they overheard that ! Ima gonna hang out at college libraries instead :P

nobodie, did answer that for me thanks to him,
and thanks to you for asking,
nobodie, continue, keep at it, pass the broom sometimes:tongue3:

regards Frenchy

Hello all this I came across this and think its a alright place to start. Let me start by saying I'm here looking for beta, I'm new to this but will be living in gold canyon for a year and will have roughly 20 hours a week to spend in the supes, not including camping if need be. I have lots of backcountry and alpine experience and am technical rescue/ rope rescue trained as well as an EMT, avid climber and all around poly outdoor athlete however i realize that i can't keep at it like that for long and have had several close calls so I'm looking for a change of pace and this seems to be it. What i need is a mentor or several who are willing to pass down knowledge of the area weather it be readings, personal exp, or knowledge passed to you. Im not here to steal anyones claims or anything like that simply to "Stand on the shoulders of Giants".
Thank you all for your time.

Frenchy, I'm not sure what you mean by pass the broom sometimes, I hope that I didn't do anything wrong. thanks for the advice about the thread.
I'm sorry, but I don't make contact with anyone. There are a lot of experience people on this forum that might be able to help you.

Here is one of the first clues he said the rock formations looked like a 1000 German solders this is on I 10 between Wilcox Arizona and Benson Arizona ... the next clue you can see the military trail from the mine its also called the old butter field stage line it ran between fort Bowie and right along the stronghold mountain then he could graze his horse there with out the Apaches seeing the horse ..and

and you could lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink , in less you cross the three streams, then . you would be some place in the stronghold that is what the German did. and I

So next I will start my posts on Aztec gold seeing that I am in the same place that Spanish explorer passed right thru and found the seven city's he said when he came back thru from the fountain of youth the Indians covered this up ? they named this place after him . so if I can and did find the Dutchmen this is next for me . Fridays in sun-sites
they have a side walk sell its just fun for sun-sites so my rocks will be there showing there selfs off .

I'm sorry I spelled your name wrong, my phone changed it on me.

haven't been on one (a mule that is), but have ridden and worked off horses both with saddle and without, fairly certain it wouldn't be an issue. And no worries about spelling it wrong.

Yer 100 % ok Eusless. In Mexico almost all use the single cinch which gives problems when going up or down hill. Have an interesting / embarrasing story on them.

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Perhaps if you were to describe it, exactly what you think will be found, the conversation would build. Years into it, I couldn't describe it with any certainty.
And yes, stories about it are great.
My favorites include Julia. In fact, it could be argued that she was indeed a prophetess, and that a branch of her strange religion continues today in the cult of DLM hunters.
You would have to step pretty far back to see yourself that way.

So, describe it.

View attachment 1297622
I am thinking of setting up a table at the base of Weaver's and selling these.

A man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man? Victor / Victoria (Robert Preston, Julie Andrews 1982)

That photo sure makes me glad that women don't look like that anymore!!

Cult of the Julia's.


First , I want to express my condolences for your loss . I wish God to protect all the children on the Earth .

Second , you wrote : "... My feelings about the LDM is that it's not that far into the range and near water. "

IMO , the LDM is at last 6 miles
( on trails ) from the closest trailhead , about 300 feet from an old and little used trail and about 700 feet from water .

Thank you Marius, I appreciate that.

We're on the same page you and I. Going off my little time spent in the Superstition's, only about six months, I couldn't tell you if this is true or not. I can say from what I have found down here that may possibly be the LDM, or The Mine with the Iron Door, or some other lost gold mine of the Spanish Crown, that the symbols and monuments they used are universal but different artists use various ways of making the same thing. So at the very least some of it may apply too the Superstitions. It depends on how long they had in there. The location of the Treasure Trove I found down here by myself looks as though it was opened up many times over the years and the main system tailings are missing. The secretion of the main system has a plethora of systems each with it's own solution that leads to no where. Only one system is the right one for locating the mine entrance without the death traps. Jacobs mine may very well be one of these glorious gold mines of the crown. Than again it may not be. It may just have been a Mexican mine hidden from the King for the sole purpose of avoiding the fifth. If that's the case it is an anomaly and not a normal royal mine. Then we're dealing with something the Crown was not aware of and not subject to the normal ways of Treasure Secretion.

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