Nobodie. If you find treasure keep if to yourself and off the web. The Feds will come after you for their share anytime any place. Just send us wink and "how'd you do" and we'll get the message.
their share will be all of
Nobodie. If you find treasure keep if to yourself and off the web. The Feds will come after you for their share anytime any place. Just send us wink and "how'd you do" and we'll get the message.
DeducedThey will take whatever they want, laws be damned. We are seeing that very clearly with what is happening in North Dakota with the pipeline.
You are mistaken. The Military Trail continues west through Little Boulder Canyon through a saddle, drops down into West Boulder, turns north past Yellow Peak and continues north to the Salt River before turning west and eventually ends up at Fort McDowell.
The map is really pretty simple and not that hard to figure out.
Good luck,
Not saying your wrong but I've been on the old trail and it don't go near little or west Boulder, Now a old timer in his 90's
told me the trail follows real close to the present day road and where the power lines are. And old Milartery reports say there was only one trail officially. Nothing east and west! But you got me interested in lighten me please!
Thanks Joe
I got Milartery maps from the region, I obtained them from the military. Or my uncle did for me since he was a career Milartery dude! None of the trails were Milartery roads but they did provide protection to them. All they have is one the main trail from pumpkin patch to Fort McDowell. And yeah it took me awhile to figure out what pumpkin patch was. The only reference to side trails in that area east and west, is that they were already there beforehand.
Well I'm guessing he included side trails in the book, we probably have the same info!
Thanks Joe
I have serious doubts you have the same information as what Dr. Glover has provided. If you did, you would not have disagreed with the way I laid out the trail that went through Little Boulder and dropped down into West Boulder..... As I recall, Dr. Glover got his map from the War College.I am pretty sure none of the trails were "roads".
The following picture from West Boulder Canyon, is the Military Trail, exactly where it is shown on Dr. Glover's map:
Good luck,
Can't agree with that yet, The Milartery keep good records they list that as a side Trail made beforehand. Now they may have used it but not documented. And I believe you are the one who wants documents on everything. It won't workout for you on this one.
I agree Joe
The map used in Mr. Glovers book is a Survey Map done of the area for BLM or its equivalent of the Time! The maps I have are of the routes used by the military to haul in supplies from fort to fort. That's how my bro found the powder river supply depo in the middle of nowhere in Montana. So I get it now. And it's pretty safe to say there was only one know Milartery Trail in that area, And parts of that still can be seen here and there witch includes where power polls have been placed along the path. And the very one known to the Dutchman! Who knows may the old Dutchman headed north out of Phoenix on that road enter the range from the south and turned in to the first big break in the range may stop at that rest area and drew his doodle proceeded in to a north trending canyon looked back and saw a peak that appears to have a hole in it Saw weavers needle with in a five miles or so away! But who no's all with in eyesight of the military TRAIL!
Thanks Joe I needed to pick your thoughts.
Can't agree with your conclusions about Dr. Glover's map.
As far as picking my mind, that would be slim pickins indeed.
Take care,
White people don't want the pipeline.. It's ok. They'll move it. The Indians don't want it.. we are going to force it on you.Deduced
You got your news from where, I live right here and your comment is as wrong as a lot of your comments are!
Tell me how it's right to shoot at law inforcement, or burn private property or to build a camp on farmers land without permission to do so! And the list goes on. In the last two days they arrested 257 protesters not a one from here! All imported to the site from other states I believe 15 arrested were from AZ! So once a gain Mr. Great Deducer! Where you get your News from. Consider this as SCHOOLED TO THE NEWS!
your delightful newscaster
Where you from dude, That whole protest was 99.99 White. The Standing Rock wanted to settle for millions till the White Douchbags came along and killed off the agreement.
White an't so bad you seem to choose them for metal detecting[emoji3]
However, if you are white. You can do the same and even take over federal lands and buildings.. without being assaulted by the police or authorities. I guess being a white, thief/ranchers has its perks over being an Native Americans