Dear group;
Another hint verifying the falsness of the tablets lies in the words "ESTA BEREDA ES PELIGROZA" The correct sentence should have been written as "ESTA VEREDA ES PELIGROSO". Any, and I mean ANY true Spanish speaker 150 years ago would have known that VEREDA is spelled with a V instead of a B and the word PELIGROSO is masculine in form and ends in O and not A. Also, there is no mistaking the Z for the S either. Again, the same mistake is inscribed in the words "YO BOY". Correctly it's written as "YO VOY". Again this not a common Spanish misspelling, however it's a very common misspelling for English speakers. Also, it's much more common for a native Spanish speaker to use the word LA instead of ESTA in this manner "La vereda es peligroso". Not only does it save time and labor when carving letters into stone, it also sounds more natural in construction and therefore is used much more frequently. Only someone who learned Spanish in school outside of Latin America or Spain would use the word ESTA instead of LA in this instance.
In the phrase "YO BOY 18 LUGARES" the mistakes are not quite as obvious, yet they are still there. Aside from the misspelled VOY, it is much more common for a native Spanish speaker, especially in Mexico, to state "Mi voy' rather than "Yo voy". To a person who learns Spanish as a first language, the word YO (meaning ME or I) is considered as rude and egotisical, therefore it is not used and the word MI (also meaning ME, MY or I) is used in it's place. Again, only in schools where Spanish is taught as a second language is the word YO considered to be correct. Also, in the phrase "YO BOY 18 LUGARES" the word A (TO, in English) has been omitted. The phrase should read as "YO VOY A 18 LUGARES" ( I GO TO 18 PLACES, SPOTS, SITES or TOWNS)
All of the misspellings, misused genders and poor sentence construction points to a modern English speaker trying to write like a Mexican.
Your friend;