

Hero Member
Jul 5, 2013
is it fair to say that most of the high mountain have fissures in them? is it also fair to say gold follows water? with these questions in mind if i find an old dried up creek bed coming down off the mountain and i dig in the right spot i can get what im looking for or has it nit made it down off the side off the mountain yet(ie not reach the creek yet)?

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The water should not be jetting in like that. You do need to slow it down not the volume but, how it is jetting across the aluminium before the inspection mat you don't want that kind of "push" from the water. You are also introducing a lot of air bubbles which effects recovery of fine gold. The way the black sands are concentrating behind your riffles looks good to me.I disagree with Jason but, don't think he is wrong he just works different creeks than me. I have tried expanded and no expanded and saw no affect on my recovery. I run expanded over just vmat sometimes and I run miners moss under expanded over vmat sometims too. Sometimes I run a drop riffle. Some guys will say you need to tune your sluice to the type of gold you are "trying" to recover. I say Gold is Gold and does what it does. I tune my sluice to the type of material I am seperating gold from, and to the volume and flow of the watercourse my sluice is in.In a power sluice you can control your flow I would personally want my water a tad deeper than yours is running and I could then tune the sluice by adjusting the angle. Now to your are keeping yourself focused on if your sluice is working right when you don't truely know if this creek is going to produce enough for you to justify digging such big deep holes. You could have a decent amount in a good crack in the bedrock somewhere nearby.Is there bedrock in or next to the creek? If so get a screwdriver a paintbrush a small trowel and/or a spoon. Plop yourself down and scrape some cracks.Almost certainly that creek has flooded and gravels have washed onto this bedrock if it is exposed and if there is gold you will find some in the cracks of the bedrock. A very good way to sample.As you said you dug down and found another boulder? you are atleast a foot or MORE from bedrock in the creekbed. I would move on and find bedrock.Can you get up on the hillside and take a pic of the drainage looking down so we can see the lay of the land a little better?

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its a jobe power sluice. i dont see how to adjust it. its screwed and silicone together. and as far as bedrock... i dont know how deep it is to bedrock. i can tell you im getting in from a well know gold mining district. the water pump i bought a 2200gph pump that comes with a reducer that takes it down to 1600gph. shouldnt the v in the water be before the black mat right? do i change the slope? im learning a lot but i know there is tons more to learn. mayb ill have to find a place to to show me. i watched this guy on youtube explain.

oh and this spot below central city colorado that im going to is open to the public and is know to have gold in it clean to denver.

at 1600gph your getting about 26 to 27 gph.You want around 40gph at the least 35. try to hang some sort of curtain off of the header where the water comes into the box. watch what it does to the flow, settles it down a bit. and try to make it into an attachable modifacation.its better to have your material leave the aluminum slowly and for the gold to be on the bottom of the box before it hits the black mat.

ok thank for the info. i got a piece if rubber roofing membrane ill put on it. so i should keep it at 2200gph and flap it?

One thing I hope you are learn from all this is that there are LOTS of ideas and opinions on set-up of your gear. None of them are really wrong. Different areas do require slight changes. Just keep adjusting and testing!

added flap... it stopped the jetting but as far as the bubbles, humm cant figure that one out.

Looks way, way better! You will never get rid of those bubbles at the end unless you are running deeper water. Like has been said before, everything is a tradeoff. I think it's looking pretty good! Now go run about a dozen buckets of screened material and do a cleanup / pan-down.

yes take off the reducer, it is and you are at he lower end of preferred and your actual flow is going to be less as those 12volt bilge pumps lose volume with every bit of distance they are pumping "uphill" I would recomend trying to run two 2200gph pumps.

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and yes it is running way better.

i dont dave a reducer on it... it calls for 1 1/2 tube i put 1 7/8 shopvac hose on it and it 7'. ok on the river i set it up so it fills 2/3 of my troff, should that be the same on this recirculating system? im gonna run what i got. im gonna wind up making a mini sluice with v matting.

check out this video and tell me what you think... its not my idea but its cool!

Needless complexity in my opinion. Can't run stream material, fragile, doesn't do anything a regular sluice does.

Build one like it and try it. Like the same thing built into the gold cube, it may help with your recovery (depending on how well you can control your water flow).

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