Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I didnt realize that conventional metal detectors still signaled ferrous metal in the hole after 5 feet.. Thats a good sign that everyone can understand. But with a disturbed site such as this, it could be anything.

He said "non- ferrous".

The coming weekend is the annual treasure hunters barbecue. It is being held at the Pennwood Motor Lodge in Wabasso Florida. I am looking forward to meeting as many new people as possible. It is a great place to talk treasure and be able to meet people face to face. It is too bad it only lasts one day. The next few weeks will be very interesting treasure wise. Come to the barbecue, there will be plenty of colorful characters.

View attachment 980823 Anybody know these two? I do. Hope to talk to them at the barbecue.

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Gosh, BDD, I am back after a year and a half and you are still at it... Congrats on your staying power... You may recall I gave u a hard time at first, until I realized you were serious! I hope I live long enough to hear you have dug up your treasure... Good luck

Gosh, BDD, I am back after a year and a half and you are still at it... Congrats on your staying power... You may recall I gave u a hard time at first, until I realized you were serious! I hope I live long enough to hear you have dug up your treasure... Good luck

Thanks for the wish of good luck. I have been very busy treasure wise over the last year and a half. I have invited treasure hunters to come meet me at my house and many have taken up the offer. I have got the chance to see about five different long range type detection methods first hand. I have worked with numerous remote sensor style hunters. I have acquired four new detectors and am now in possession of a borrowed Nokta Golden King GPR unit. Because of a pilot that was shot for a TV show I now have a GPR expert on my team that operates his own unit.

Although it may appear that all I do is dig empty holes, it is all part of a learning and testing process. Seeing things first hand is the only way to form your own honest opinion of what may work. I have learned new digging methods and have acquired some one-of-a-kind devices. Just today we received a mini-cam capable of focusing from 1/2 inch away. It is lighted and will be used to be put into the ground or down probe pipes.

I currently have five hotspots that we will be digging in the coming weeks. The critics can make fun of me and it really doesn't bother me a bit. I will be glad to meet and discuss any of this on a face to face basis at the treasure hunters barbecue next weekend.

vor, ECS, lastleg-Somebody reading this thread might think that I would be bothered by you all's constant negativity. You can put whatever label or spin on it that you want but it is really quite sad. All I feel is pity for you three. You seem to go thru life denigrating others to somehow make yourselves feel better. I hope it is working for you. I don't follow your posts so I do not know who else you may criticize. I doubt I am the only one you make fun of as that is probably what you do in real life. I dare any of you three to come meet me in person. You might change how you feel and think. It is guys like you all that help keep me motivated so that I can prove you wrong. I WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH.

View attachment 981573 View attachment 981574 View attachment 981575 Just a couple of the future digs. These are not at Rocky Bluff.

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FROM:Post # 1/May 12,2012

I am trying to get a permit to dig up a cache of pirate silver buried on Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) controlled state property. My initial request has been denied... They gave me 4 reasons to deny the permit. I do not think that any one of them is a good enough reason to stop me.
What I think it boils down to is that the State Archaeoligists do not want me to do any digging as they consider me a "treasure hunter". They also told me that even if they were to let me dig I would not be allowed to keep anything that is found...
I know that there will be people on this board that will think I am being stupid for going about it...
I have known about the treasure at this location for 25 years...
The gentleman that showed me this location also showed me the location of dozens more treasures. I have written an un-published book about my adventures called "My Treasure Story". I have a meeting scheduled with a reporter from the Tampa Tribune that is interested in doing an article about this treasure, my involvement, and the ongoing battle between the Archaeologists "archies" and the treasure hunters...
I am seeking a 50/50 split on anything found... There are other Treasurenet members that are involved in this. They will remain unnamed by me. I believe there may be over a ton or more of silver bars/coins buried. I know the exact location and depth. One way or another they will be LEGALLY dug up by me...
It is interesting to note that you knew from your first post that the State said you would NOT be able to keep anything that you found EVEN IF THEY ISSUED YOU A PERMIT. :dontknow:
Still,you were willing to give the State 50%. :laughing7: ...
and two years of a purposeless thread about getting a permit to dig at Rocky Bluff.

He said "non- ferrous".
oops typo. I didnt realize he still had a signal. But it could be anything on a construction site such as this.

View attachment 981575
Just a couple of the future digs. These are not at Rocky Bluff.

Do they now make metal detecting equipment that can differentiate between gold and other NON- ferrous metals such as lead?

It is interesting to note that you knew from your first post that the State said you would NOT be able to keep anything that you found EVEN IF THEY ISSUED YOU A PERMIT. :dontknow:
Still,you were willing to give the State 50%. :laughing7: ...
and two years of a purposeless thread about getting a permit to dig at Rocky Bluff.

It was not the "state" that said I could not keep anything even if they were to let me dig, it was just one particular archaeologist. On some shipwreck sites the finders can keep 80% of what is found. I asked for 50% which seems reasonable. There is no set fee. The state can choose what to give or not give if something is found. Not only do the Archies not want us to dig, they do not want anyone to have anything found anywhere. They are not willing to dig for it themselves and they think it belongs to them and are not willing to share.

A "purposeless thread"? The only thing that is purposeless is your constant harassing posts on here. If this thread is so purposeless why do you feel the need to constantly post on it? I would be willing to guess that you have posted at least a couple hundred times on this thread alone while pursuing your need to feel superior and put me in my place. ECS-Give up and go away.

View attachment 981575

Do they now make metal detecting equipment that can differentiate between gold and other NON- ferrous metals such as lead?

I now have in my possession a Nokta Golden King DPR unit. DPR stands for deep processing radar. It is more than a metal detector. It can find wood, PVC and more. It can tell the difference between non-ferrous and ferrous and can even tell the difference in pure gold versus gold with an alloy. It can also locate cavities such as a buried box. Check it out at the Kellyco website. The picture I posted is a screen shot from the Nokta. It is basically saying that there is gold and possibly silver in a box with the gold and silver/alloy sitting side by side. It also says there is more of the silver/alloy. It also shows the depth. This was taken just a few days ago at one of my sites.

I am in the process of getting a signed contract on this site. I already have a signed contract on the site where I posted the GPR screen shot on post #1490, left side, which shows some objects EXACTLY where I was expecting them to be. It is about to get real interesting

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BDD, If ECS had any cohones he would show up at the cookout and meet you face to face. Otherwise, everything he has had to say on here is just his negative opinion which doesn't amount to anything.

I have offered to give him a ride in case his mommy won't let him go alone. I will extend the offer again. I am sure he won't take me up on it. It is much easier to sit in front of a computer making fun of others.

It was not the "state" that said I could not keep anything even if they were to let me dig, it was just one particular archaeologist... The state can choose what to give or not give if something is found...
After two years,it seems that the State has chosen NOT to issue a permit to dig at Rocky Bluff,which is the basis of this thread.

ECS you have expressed your opinion multiple times, if you have nothing positive to add to the thread kindly move on.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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