Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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So then they must of had permission to dig holes there...or no one cares. So next time someone is out there digging a giant pit to bury their trash...give the operator a $100 to dig his pit over where you want it, and for $100...if nothing else...you can finally rest assured of the answer of whether or not anything was there.

Nothing illegal. He was free to dig his hole anywhere. If you find treasure, and the landscapers want to go public (not likely), all you were doing was trying to get them to dig further away from the bridge supports for public safety, and then this wonderful treasure was uncovered.

I tried talking to the back hoe operator, he spoke no English. He directed me to the dump truck operator, he spoke a little English but he could not seem to understand what I was trying to tell him. Ain't America great!

Jon has a great idea. Seems like they can dig wherever they want and D.O.T doesn't have a clue to what the sub-contractors are doing. Get one of your buddies that speaks Spanish to go with you.

Ah!!! The old "No speaky English" defense...It would have came in handy if they had scooped up a bucket load of silver coins!

I drove by there Thursday afternoon going to Hickory Hollow, and saw a dump truck sitting under the overpass, and all the new palms, and thought how much B.S. all the "No digging" responses were from the D.O.T...... Everything they do involves digging in all these "No digging" areas.....

BDD Just take a friggin backhoe over there and dig it!

I am the one that drove to the FDOT headquarters in Bartow and asked for written permission to dig. I was turned down twice in writing. Kind of hard for me to play dumb. Now you and Salvor6 are another story. Why don't YOU take a friggin backhoe and dig and you don't even have to play dumb.

For the record-With all this talk, all this activity, and all the digging that has taken place, as of yesterday NOBODY has dug a serious hole in the spot where I think the silver is buried. If it was there to begin with, IT IS STILL THERE!

I am the one that drove to the FDOT headquarters in Bartow and asked for written permission to dig. I was turned down twice in writing. Kind of hard for me to play dumb. Now you and Salvor6 are another story. Why don't YOU take a friggin backhoe and dig and you don't even have to play dumb.

For the record-With all this talk, all this activity, and all the digging that has taken place, as of yesterday NOBODY has dug a serious hole in the spot where I think the silver is buried. If it was there to begin with, IT IS STILL THERE!

I'm not exactly sure how to take that...Anyway, as I recall, we offered to do something like that and you said you wanted to get a permit and do it all legal like. I live a hundred miles away, you live one. Talk to you at the cookout.

I'm not exactly sure how to take that...Anyway, as I recall, we offered to do something like that and you said you wanted to get a permit and do it all legal like. I live a hundred miles away, you live one. Talk to you at the cookout.

I'm just being "funny". One meaning for dumb is not being able to talk. If we had dug and found pirate silver Salvor6 and I would be blabbing all over about it which would have eventually gotten everyone in trouble. It is not over until someone digs a deep hole in the location where I think the silver is. As I have stated numerous times it may be nothing more than junk. If that is the case then none of this really matters. If there is really silver there I will be the one digging it up and I will be doing it legally. The "FORCE" is with me.

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I'm just being "funny". One meaning for dumb is not being able to talk. If we had found pirate silver Salvor6 and I would be blabbing all over about it which would have eventually gotten everyone in trouble. It is not over until someone digs a deep hole in the location where I think the silver is. As I have stated numerous times it may be nothing more than junk. If that is the case then none of this really matters. If there is really silver there I will be the one digging it up and I will be doing it legally. The "FORCE" is with me.

Where do you live I'll go dig it up and we can split it.

If I get caught I'll just play dumb. Ohh I'm just a out of towner and my research said that there was something right here

Better jump on this offer before it goes away.

If I needed a DPD (digger playing dumb) I would have no problem finding one. I watched the "Homesteaders" pull out yesterday hauling their backhoes. Just some more new members of "The Gang That couldn't Dig Straight" club. If you watched the whole Rocky Bluff saga from my point of view you would get a real kick out of it.

I have bigger fish to fry and they are over the legal limit. I may be planning a "Geraldo" only with a better ending. Should be getting the Nokta unit in the next day or so. We will see how well it works on some large deep objects that the GPR detected that I have contracts to dig up.

I am going to put a package together to present to the higher ups to see if I can get permission to do a proper site survey and possible dig at the Rocky Bluff site. I know they will defer to the State Archies and I will be glad to discuss this with all of them.

Nice of the boyz to come back and help again.

The "Homesteaders" are a new group. They don't dig up trash, they bury it. The original "Backho Boyz" are from the trailer park next door. They are the ones that could barely scratch the surface. They thought they could "scoop" up the silver and never even put the hoe down. There was also the "Phony Wire Fibber" with the "Tesla Effect" performing his original "Waistatyme". Then came Pirate Pete's positively piss-poor performing too pooped to dig deep daredevils. Their claim to fame was digging almost two feet and calling it five. With the metal detector still detecting metal they got tired, skeered, bugged, and pulled out.

I never eye witnessed any of these "performances" except for one act of the "Homesteaders". As soon as I heard of each of these efforts I did do a follow up inspection so that I could write up a review for the fans. I don't doubt that there will be new Players. Someone should paint a big orange X on the spot. Maybe even use fluorescent paint for those that only come out at night.

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BDD just for the record my "daredevils" did dig down 5 feet. They said they put a shovel across the pit and measured down 5' with a tape measure. At that depth they found "duplex nails." You know the ones with two heads. These are modern nails. At five feet. Thats when I told them to fill it back in and go home.

BDD just for the record my "daredevils" did dig down 5 feet. They said they put a shovel across the pit and measured down 5' with a tape measure. At that depth they found "duplex nails." You know the ones with two heads. These are modern nails. At five feet. Thats when I told them to fill it back in and go home.

OK for arguments sake let's assume they actually had the tip of their shovel at five feet. Modern pirates would never lie or exaggerate. At that depth they found "modern" nails. What would have happened if they had kept digging? Was the metal detector still giving a reading for metal at a greater depth? What type of metal detector was it? You have to dig past any trash metal to get to the old stuff that may have been buried at a deeper depth back when people weren't lazy or in a hurry. If there is silver buried below the recent junk you would only be able to find it by digging deep enough.

Do you think Ovid and the dozen other people led to this spot were drawn to it because of some duplex nails or a little bit of phone wire? Nowadays everyone gives up too easily. I knew this location would not be an easy dig. That is just one of the reasons I was not interested in doing it without permission which would allow me to be able to put in the amount of time and effort it would take to walk away knowing it is either there or not there.

How many serious treasure hunters reading this have filled in a hole and then later wished you had spent more time and effort to be sure you didn't miss something? I know I have many times.

Quote from BDD:
"What would have happened if they had kept digging? Was the metal detector still giving a reading for metal at a greater depth? What type of metal detector was it? You have to dig past any trash metal to get to the old stuff "

Who knows what would have happened. Maybe they would have found more nails. The metal detector was still detecting metal below that. It was a Aquapulse AQ1B. It was 9:00pm and they had been digging for 4 hours. They called me and I told them to go home. If there are silver bars down there they could be 10 feet deep. The funny thing about it is that they never hit water!

Quote from BDD:
"What would have happened if they had kept digging? Was the metal detector still giving a reading for metal at a greater depth? What type of metal detector was it? You have to dig past any trash metal to get to the old stuff "

Who knows what would have happened. Maybe they would have found more nails. The metal detector was still detecting metal below that. It was a Aquapulse AQ1B. It was 9:00pm and they had been digging for 4 hours. They called me and I told them to go home. If there are silver bars down there they could be 10 feet deep. The funny thing about it is that they never hit water!

Yes they could have found more nails but if they had kept digging they could have found something more valuable. Yes the silver bars could be at 10 feet but they also could be a 5 feet 1 inch. My point is that because of the way they went about it they wasted their chance to find something because they did not allow themselves enough time and filled the hole in with the metal detector telling them there was something a little deeper.

I watched some professionals digging a hole about 75 feet from this spot. I assume they were not looking for treasure. It took them a couple days to dig down about 8 feet or so. This was farther from the river and higher up on the bank. They did not hit water either. I still doubt that your guys dug to five feet. They didn't happen to take a picture did they?

I am not interested in doing a half-assed dig at this site. I only want to do it once. I actually planned on having a motorhome parked next to the dig site and was not going to leave until I found what I was looking for or had to give up because nothing of value was there. It sucks to have to fill a hole in and then possibly not be able to try again.

Your guys wasted their time. Four hours is NOTHING when it comes to putting out a good effort. Back in the old days people had plenty of time and energy and would have had no trouble digging a pretty deep hole. Give me one day with a shovel and I will get much deeper than these two guys did. It ain't over yet.

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