ECS, don't you think the objective has been accomplished, the attention received, the fantasy prolonged?
How much longer reality can be suspended is anyone's guess. But I fathom we do not really want it to end.
We need that tension between authority, a full dozen "government" employees vs One of "us". Actually I
don't know how the "government" became involved but now it is part of the fabric of the saga. The "hangout"
of bloodthirsty "pirates" who felt the need of burrowing under a sheet of limestone to safeguard a booty of
not gold but mere silver, the "bridge" to somewhere "definitely has to be the site" with FDOT, a state agency
charged with oversight of Florida's roads and bridges presented as a hindrance to our native freedom to
follow our treasure filled dreams.
Also the OP previously admitted he passed up the opportunity to file the necessary paperwork to dig at the
site some "years" ago. Some of us too have missed the "window" because of ordinary obligations. time and
distance barriers but the OP cannot claim to be so far removed. indeed he still drives by daily to check if
some parties have accomplished the task he is entitled to.
So let it roll, let it not be forgotten how one small peculiar man can rise above humility into a legend.
I will answer for ECS. No, the objective has not been accomplished until the site is thoroughly detected, surveyed, and perhaps dug. I do like the attention but that was not the main objective. We would not even be talking about this site on here if I had not shown it to some modern day pirates. Maybe I should have let them do their thing but that is not the way it happened. Fantasy? What fantasy?
Reality suspended? What reality is that? ECS thinks there is no treasure to be found and I think it is there. A perfect example of a negative attitude versus a positive attitude. He has NOTHING to base his opinion on of thinking there is not a chance of silver being buried at Rocky Bluff. In fact all the evidence including his supports the FACT that it is highly likely that there may be multiple treasures buried in the area. There has been no evidence to support ECS's side of the argument other than the treasure has not been found. If that is all he has to go on then I guess every treasure on the Legend Forum does not exist because no one has found them.
"a full dozen government employees vs One of us"? Is that one supposed to be me? Actually almost all the government employees were in favor of letting me dig. The head state archaeologist and the FDOT chief were really the only two against the dig. I do not look at this as me against them. They are just doing their job as they see fit. Their jobs are temporary. Others will take their place. Perhaps the two against a dig will have a change of heart.
The government became involved because I sought the help of many different people to try to sway the decision made by two individuals. In fact I had several high ranking local officials wanting to get involved with the dig.
"bloodthirsty pirates"? lastleg I have to commend you on your new found writing skills, or should I commend Mrs. lastleg?
Yes, I passed up the opportunity years ago when I seemed to have had the go ahead to pursue this site. I have many different interests besides treasure hunting and it was not until recently that I have decided to get real serious about it and not allow myself to get too sidetracked as I have in the past. I am going with the path of least resistance and that certainly does not include the Rocky Bluff site. I can't help but drive by it daily as that is the direction I drive, sometimes many times in one day.
"the task he is entitled to"? I don't feel I am entitled to this site. It is not mine. As evidenced by the past dig attempts it is up for grabs by anyone willing to dig. In a way I don't really care. If somebody finds something there I would like to know what was found. I still think I will be the one doing the digging and I will be doing it legally.
"one small peculiar man"? lastleg, have we met? I may be peculiar but I am not small. Humility equates to humble and with my oversized ego I am anything but that. A legend? I like the sound of that. I will have to see what I can do. Stay tuned.