Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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All this activity and still the actual existence of any silver bars at the "well known" pirate camp is based on lore,a dowser and some LRL guys taken there by BDD because of his speculation based on those tales of lore.
...and after any digging at this site,when nothing is found,it will be because one didn't dig deep enough,or there was treasure here once,but it was removed;when the obvious that there never was is never mentioned.

obvious that there never was is never mentioned.

Obvious to whom? Do you have proof to the contrary? You yourself have posted about silver bars, a black schooner retrieving a chest, numerous named pirates in the area, Civil war gold/silver passing thru the area and more. ECS-I was raised to have patience with the less fortunate so I try to answer your points, but you remind me of a nasty turd that refuses to be flushed down the toilet. Just when you think it is gone it pops back up again.

No one has proven that there is no silver at the specific spot near the overpass that numerous people have pinpointed with many different methods and even conventional detectors still read that there is non-ferrous metal still buried at the site. What is so hard to understand here?

...1. You yourself have posted about silver bars, a black schooner retrieving a chest, numerous named pirates in the area, Civil war gold/silver passing thru the area and more...

2.No one has proven that there is no silver at the specific spot near the overpass that numerous people have pinpointed with many different methods and even conventional detectors still read that there is non-ferrous metal still buried at the site...
1. BDD,posting about the pirate tales of Egmont Key Lighthouse keeper,Capt Charles Moore,and the black schooner story told by his friend in Ellenton,Dudley Patton,or the tales of ghosts, pirates and treasure that appeared in the 1895-1910 THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD,written by editor,Adrian P Jordan,or the fact that CSA blockcade runners operated on the Manatee River,or that 3 silver bars from that period were found in the 1960's DOES NOT provide evidence of pirates burying silver bars at Rocky Bluff.
2. BDD,neither you or nor anyone else has proven that there is silver at the specific spot near the overpass.Gold and silver are not the only non-ferrous metals that can be found there.
What is so hard to understand here?

The ONLY way to prove a treasure exists is to find it. As proven by the many holes I have dug in many other places I am not afraid to try to find out whether I am right or wrong about any given site. You keep attempting to prove that a treasure does not exist and that is impossible.

ECS-Please answer the following questions with just a simple yes or no. You are now on trial and I am giving you the third degree as you have repeatedly attempted to do to me for the last couple of years. Please do not explain your answers. Just a yes or a no.

1. Is it possible that the place I am attempting to get a permit to dig, near the I-75 overpass at the location known as Rocky Bluff, a former pirate camp/hangout? Yes/No?

2. Is it possible that there may be silver bars or coins buried at the exact location that Ovid and many others have pinpointed near the overpass at a location known as Rocky Bluff? Yes/No?

3. To the best of your knowledge after reading this entire thread, has anyone proven without a shadow of a doubt that there is no silver buried at the exact location pinpointed by Ovid and many others near the overpass at the location known as Rocky Bluff? Yes/No?

4. Do you believe that I believe there is silver buried at this location and if I were to receive permission to dig, I would proceed with a dig? Yes/No?

5. Do you believe that I have purposely lied or tried to deceive ANYONE on Treasurenet as pertains to any of my stories? Yes/No?

ECS-I want a one word yes or no answer to each of the above questions. Is any of this hard to understand?


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I believe you need to get that toilet fixed or dig a hole in the backyard.


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After reading this thread...I would literally go crazy if there was a spot where I thought there was treasure and was unable to get it!!! I would have gotten creative by now and found out!! Lol I give you respect for having the self discipline to go about it the legal way! Just had to throw this in there!lol

The fact is I am already crazy. Because of this thread I have had more than a dozen TNET members come to my house to meet me and share their stories and methods. I am involved with some sites on private property that have the potential to be way more exciting to find and as they are on private property it is much less complicated.

I have met with over a dozen government employees while trying to get a legal permit to dig at the Rocky Bluff site. I am trying to do things right and I don't believe in blowing up any bridges behind me (pun intended). I am in this for the long run and the big picture. I am trying to gain allies not enemies.


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ECS-Please answer the following questions with just a simple yes or no. You are now on trial and I am giving you the third degree as you have repeatedly attempted to do to me for the last couple of years. Please do not explain your answers. Just a yes or a no.

1. Is it possible that the place I am attempting to get a permit to dig, near the I-75 overpass at the location known as Rocky Bluff, a former pirate camp/hangout? Yes/No?

2. Is it possible that there may be silver bars or coins buried at the exact location that Ovid and many others have pinpointed near the overpass at a location known as Rocky Bluff? Yes/No?

3. To the best of your knowledge after reading this entire thread, has anyone proven without a shadow of a doubt that there is no silver buried at the exact location pinpointed by Ovid and many others near the overpass at the location known as Rocky Bluff? Yes/No?

4. Do you believe that I believe there is silver buried at this location and if I were to receive permission to dig, I would proceed with a dig? Yes/No?

5. Do you believe that I have purposely lied or tried to deceive ANYONE on Treasurenet as pertains to any of my stories? Yes/No?

ECS-I want a one word yes or no answer to each of the above questions. Is any of this hard to understand?
BDD,You can not expect one to answer with an absolute yes or no to a question that contains the word "POSSIBLE".
1.Yes,it is "possible".
2.Yes,it is "possible".
3.No,but no one has proven that it ever existed.
5.No,but have embellished them over time.
BDD,I hope that made you happy,but what you find hard to understand is this:
Just as I or anyone else can prove that there is no pirate silver at Rocky Bluff,you or anyone else can prove that there is pirate silver bars at Rocky Bluff.
If man made objects (tools,coins,weapons,silver bars,etc)made over 50 years ago are found on State of Florida property,who has legal ownership?
Has this thread been a labor of futility?
Yes or no?

BDD,You can not expect one to answer with an absolute yes or no to a question that contains the word "POSSIBLE".
1.Yes,it is "possible".
2.Yes,it is "possible".
3.No,but no one has proven that it ever existed.
5.No,but have embellished them over time.
BDD,I hope that made you happy,but what you find hard to understand is this:
Just as I or anyone else can prove that there is no pirate silver at Rocky Bluff,you or anyone else can prove that there is pirate silver bars at Rocky Bluff.
If man made objects (tools,coins,weapons,silver bars,etc)made over 50 years ago are found on State of Florida property,who has legal ownership?
Has this thread been a labor of futility?
Yes or no?

Yes I think it is possible to answer a question when asked if something is possible with an absolute yes or no. What is the difference between a yes and an absolute yes? I also knew that you could not answer with a one word answer. You had to put possible in quotes. Why?

#3 with your "no, but" is an example of your unwillingness to admit when you may be wrong. I am trying to prove it exists by digging as that is the only true way to prove a treasure exists.

#5 another "no, but" answer when I asked for one word only. If we were in court and you were on the stand you would not get away with that. You are saying that I "embellished" my stories which means I added fictitious details which is untrue. I have only related the stories as how they were told to me and no one has proven anything fictitious. I never purposely lied or deceived which is what the question was.

You have not made me "happy" nor were you trying to. I passed the test, you failed.

No, you CANNOT prove there is no pirate silver at Rocky Bluff. If you think you can please tell us how you would do that.

As far as who would have ownership of anything found it is "possible" that the state could or may award some of it to the person that found the site. It is in the wording of the law. Do your research on this as I have and you will see that I am right.

Has this thread been a labor of futility? No.

Have your efforts to discredit me been a labor of futility? Yes.

I am trying to prove it exists by digging as that is the only true way to prove a treasure exists.
Well,BDD,since starting this thread about two years ago,you have not dug at the Rocky Bluff site-but others have,including the recent landscape activities of Manuel Diaz Farms workers.
Treasure found-ZERO!-but construction debris and other items were recovered by those who dug at the site.
Digging and talking about digging does not prove that treasure exists,its all in the finding and recovering!

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ECS, don't you think the objective has been accomplished, the attention received, the fantasy prolonged?
How much longer reality can be suspended is anyone's guess. But I fathom we do not really want it to end.
We need that tension between authority, a full dozen "government" employees vs One of "us". Actually I
don't know how the "government" became involved but now it is part of the fabric of the saga. The "hangout"
of bloodthirsty "pirates" who felt the need of burrowing under a sheet of limestone to safeguard a booty of
not gold but mere silver, the "bridge" to somewhere "definitely has to be the site" with FDOT, a state agency
charged with oversight of Florida's roads and bridges presented as a hindrance to our native freedom to
follow our treasure filled dreams.

Also the OP previously admitted he passed up the opportunity to file the necessary paperwork to dig at the
site some "years" ago. Some of us too have missed the "window" because of ordinary obligations. time and
distance barriers but the OP cannot claim to be so far removed. indeed he still drives by daily to check if
some parties have accomplished the task he is entitled to.

So let it roll, let it not be forgotten how one small peculiar man can rise above humility into a legend.

Well,BDD,since starting this thread about two years ago,you have not dug at the Rocky Bluff site-but others have,including the recent landscape activities of Manuel Diaz Farms workers.
Treasure found-ZERO!-but construction debris and other items were recovered by those who dug at the site.
Digging and talking about digging does not prove that treasure exists,its all in the finding and recovering!

You are absolutely right. I am in the process of planning a dig at another site. We may be digging this week. If and when the time is right I will be involved with a dig at Rocky Bluff. In the meantime I have many other irons in the fire.

ECS, don't you think the objective has been accomplished, the attention received, the fantasy prolonged?
How much longer reality can be suspended is anyone's guess. But I fathom we do not really want it to end.
We need that tension between authority, a full dozen "government" employees vs One of "us". Actually I
don't know how the "government" became involved but now it is part of the fabric of the saga. The "hangout"
of bloodthirsty "pirates" who felt the need of burrowing under a sheet of limestone to safeguard a booty of
not gold but mere silver, the "bridge" to somewhere "definitely has to be the site" with FDOT, a state agency
charged with oversight of Florida's roads and bridges presented as a hindrance to our native freedom to
follow our treasure filled dreams.

Also the OP previously admitted he passed up the opportunity to file the necessary paperwork to dig at the
site some "years" ago. Some of us too have missed the "window" because of ordinary obligations. time and
distance barriers but the OP cannot claim to be so far removed. indeed he still drives by daily to check if
some parties have accomplished the task he is entitled to.

So let it roll, let it not be forgotten how one small peculiar man can rise above humility into a legend.

I will answer for ECS. No, the objective has not been accomplished until the site is thoroughly detected, surveyed, and perhaps dug. I do like the attention but that was not the main objective. We would not even be talking about this site on here if I had not shown it to some modern day pirates. Maybe I should have let them do their thing but that is not the way it happened. Fantasy? What fantasy?

Reality suspended? What reality is that? ECS thinks there is no treasure to be found and I think it is there. A perfect example of a negative attitude versus a positive attitude. He has NOTHING to base his opinion on of thinking there is not a chance of silver being buried at Rocky Bluff. In fact all the evidence including his supports the FACT that it is highly likely that there may be multiple treasures buried in the area. There has been no evidence to support ECS's side of the argument other than the treasure has not been found. If that is all he has to go on then I guess every treasure on the Legend Forum does not exist because no one has found them.

"a full dozen government employees vs One of us"? Is that one supposed to be me? Actually almost all the government employees were in favor of letting me dig. The head state archaeologist and the FDOT chief were really the only two against the dig. I do not look at this as me against them. They are just doing their job as they see fit. Their jobs are temporary. Others will take their place. Perhaps the two against a dig will have a change of heart.

The government became involved because I sought the help of many different people to try to sway the decision made by two individuals. In fact I had several high ranking local officials wanting to get involved with the dig.

"bloodthirsty pirates"? lastleg I have to commend you on your new found writing skills, or should I commend Mrs. lastleg?

Yes, I passed up the opportunity years ago when I seemed to have had the go ahead to pursue this site. I have many different interests besides treasure hunting and it was not until recently that I have decided to get real serious about it and not allow myself to get too sidetracked as I have in the past. I am going with the path of least resistance and that certainly does not include the Rocky Bluff site. I can't help but drive by it daily as that is the direction I drive, sometimes many times in one day.

"the task he is entitled to"? I don't feel I am entitled to this site. It is not mine. As evidenced by the past dig attempts it is up for grabs by anyone willing to dig. In a way I don't really care. If somebody finds something there I would like to know what was found. I still think I will be the one doing the digging and I will be doing it legally.

"one small peculiar man"? lastleg, have we met? I may be peculiar but I am not small. Humility equates to humble and with my oversized ego I am anything but that. A legend? I like the sound of that. I will have to see what I can do. Stay tuned.

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Mrs Lastleg insisted I correct your misinformation regarding "one small peculiar man". She said to me "Mr
and Mrs Dog think you were referring to him. ?? No, I was presenting a tribute to Rvid, of course.

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