Everything is not related to a conspiracy against you. Stuff happens.
BDD,in addition to our posts that were edited,just look at another poster's recent post that was edited. HH at the cookout.I never said it was a conspiracy against me, I just wanted to know what "stuff" happened. I thought it was a simple request.
BDD,in addition to our posts that were edited,just look at another poster's recent post that was edited. HH at the cookout.
The last time all the pictures were on the thread was around April 20. I was on the thread in the evening and everything was fine. Late that night I went to read this thread and it was GONE. I tried a few more times and it was not even listed on the Cache forum. Later that night it came back up and all the pictures and likes were gone. No one involved with Treasurenet seems to be able to figure out what happened. Still seems to be very strange. I am not claiming some conspiracy but am starting to have some doubts about how this site operates. You say that no mods or admins deleted them but it lists a number for each as an attachment which makes me think they still exist. This is all within TNet unless some higher power can control your site.
So you were reading posts from 2 years ago?
Admins looked they are not on server. All the pictures missing are before format changed. If they were edited or deleted it would show posts edited which it doesn't.
Sorry but there is nothing that can be done about it, pics are not on server so they can't be restored, I asked.
American by birth, Patriot by choice.
I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......
When was this "format change" that you are talking about? No I am not talking about two years ago as far as the pics. . I am talking about pictures from just a few days ago and on back on this thread. In fact on page 75 of this thread post 1483 there was a picture I posted from last years treasurehunters barbecue that was of a parrot sitting on somebodies shoulder and the back of their head looked just like yours. Either someone within Treasurenet decided to edit this entire thread or someone else from outside Treasurenet has the ability to come on this site and do as they please without your knowledge. The fact that no one connected with this site seems to know what happened is kind of scary don't you think?
we are not going to go through 1700+ posts looking for pictures to delete..
As an experiment I went back and added the parrot picture to post 1483. I guess if it really bothers me about the missing pictures I could take the time and go back and try to add them all back on as far as the ones I posted. I know that when I go back an edit one of my own posts if it had some "likes" on it they will not be on it any longer once it has been edited. So not only did the "software glitch" eliminate every picture on the entire thread it somehow or another edited every post that had a like as there were over 250 likes on this thread and as of this post there are now only 11. If this is all only because of a computer problem that would make me feel a little better about continuing to post on this thread and Treasurenet in general.
Just about every time we do a serious treasure dig we always seem to have electronic "glitches" that no one can explain. It has happened to me dozens upon dozens of times. Maybe some one is sending me a "message".
Remember a PM I sent you that mentioned those that took our banter too seriously?What are you talking about when you mention "another poster's recent post"?
Remember a PM I sent you that mentioned those that took our banter too seriously?
...or someone doesn't like a Burma Shave!
Those old Coke cans are just like gold in Istanbul.