Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Dang, I sure missed a lot while I was out working. You all like to argue. What happened to my request that we all get along ?.

BCH-You will probably never believe in LRL's no matter what you read. Again, you need to put yourself into a position where you can see one operate in the field as part of a test. You can find either side of an arguement on the internet and it is always easy to go with the side that makes you feel like your right.

Kentucky Kache-If you have written a book on treasure hunting and have been on TN this long, I have to hand it to you. You have more patience than I do. It sometimes seems like a lot of people completely ignore rational lines of thinking that don't fit their side of an argument. It's all getting a little old to me.

ECS-I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. It has now become obvious to me that you have a real attitude problem. Your fixation on trying to make me look like some sort of fool has gotten real old. In real life I would set you straight real fast. Ovid was a unique individual and I and everyone that met him had the utmost respect for him. For you to come on here and slander him is unacceptable. With all your supposed skills at researching, you could not seem to find any info on pirate silver at Rocky Bluff when even a 5th grader could find the links through TN. You only seem to find the facts that work for your somewhat weak arguements. If you can't find something positive to say, I would prefer that you stay off this thread.

I spent time in the army and had a lot of specialized training. Everything works on the principal of go or no go. We went with things that worked. I have spent the last 33 years in the construction business. I also have a real estate license. I have a great reputation in the business world where I live. My family has a great reputation. I can understand people not believing parts of my story. To write me off as some sort of charlatan is very disrespectful. I am 56 years old, have a college degree and graduated from the school of hard knocks a long time ago.

I started this thread to see if anyone could help in my quest to get the State of Florida to allow me to dig up a possible abandoned treasure trove. I have been turned down twice by the FDOT. My initial request with the Historical Resources Division was turned down over the phone as I was told they would not consider letting me dig for treasure no matter what the circumstances. In the last week I tried once more to talk to them and have been ignored.

I am now proceeding to the next level. There will be an extensive news article in the St. Pete Times. I anticipate more newspaper stories and am prepared to go to the TV news organizations in my area. This is mostly about principle. The treasure located on state property in Florida whether it is on land or in the water, belongs to the tax paying citizens of of Florida, not archeologists or government officials.

The Florida government is claiming to be short on capital. There is billions of dollars in treasure hidden on state property. There are thousands of treasure hunters who would be willing to help find and recover it just for the thrill of the hunt and digging. Of course getting credit for the find and maybe a share of it would only be fair.

The state archeologists control the permitting process. At the moment their stance is that they will not issue ANY permits for treasure hunting. This is selffish, childish, and short-sighted. The treasures will eventually be dug up. The ones that are dug up without state approval will not benefit the taxpayers. To think that by denying permits will stop the modern day pirates is naive. I am trying to do things the right way. I am trying to be a good citizen. It appears I may need to start a "crusade" to change the way the laws are now.

There are provisions within the statutes that would allow the Historical Resources Division to work with me as an indivdual or corporation. There are provisions within the statutues that state the Historical Resources Division is obligated to recover and protect a possible treasure if it is in danger of being taken by unauthorized treasure hunters or looters. I have provided the FDOT with copies of these statutes. They are choosing to bury their heads in the sand in regards to the information I have provided to them in writing.

I told them up front of the consequences of inaction on their part. I will now follow through with the next phase of this undertaking. I will attempt to go over their head if it means bringing this to the attention of Gov. Scott. He is not an ex-lawyer. He is a business man. This can only help the state. This could be a win-win situation for everyone except the Archeologists who want it all for themselves.

The archies are not virtuous angels. There are instances on record of them stealing the treasures that they are supposed to protect. There are stories out there of real treasure being exchanged for fakes. There are stories of things dissappearing. Kind of like the fox guarding the henhouse.

If I am stepping on any toes on here, so be it. I am not here to make friends or try to please anyone. If you don't like what I have to say, stay off this thread. It's your choice.

I almost forgot to mention, it is very possible that there may be nothing at the site that I have identified. It could be a lot of hoopla for nothing. Time will tell.

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I really wonder about the mental state of people today !

BDD says one of the reasons he can't get permission to dig is the authorities consider him a "Treasure Hunter". Why not when his unpublished book is called "My Treasure Story" ?

Next consider the fact he talks of coming home from work....why would a successful treasure hunter need to work ?

Third, and this is always the killer question, having been shown the sites of "dozens of more treasures" why haven't they been recovered ?

U.K.Brian-I will try my best to address your concerns. Yes, I too am concerned about the mental state of people today. So many lead such sad lives that they feel the need to try to make other people look bad. This must somehow make themselves feel better. I have nothing but sympathy for these poor souls.

Yes, I consider myself a treasure hunter. My point is, since when did that become a bad thing? Has it always been that way? I have never felt guilty about it. I will admit that shows such as "American Digger" tend to make us look bad. The archeologists are doing their best to portray us as people unworthy of digging up buried treasure. They only want it for themselves, although they seem to have no desire to do any digging for it.

When I decided to write a book, (I don't think this is considered a bad thing, yet) I needed to come up with a name for my treasure story. So I thought about and voila, I called it "My Treasure Story". Wouldn't you know it but mytreasurestory.com was available for the princely sum of about 10 bucks on godaddy.com. Thinking that someday there might be a movie based on it (my severely swelled head and over-inflated ego cause me to have these delusional thoughts) I came up with an incredibly clever name for the the treasure story. I decided to call it "The Treasure Story". Now wouldn't ya just know it, I applied with godaddy.com for this name and presto, 10 bucks later I now proudly own thetreasurestory.com. Heck. it must be some sorta fate.

Ok I said something about work. Where did I ever call myself a "successful" treasure hunter? If I were does that mean I can no longer work? Does mowing my acres of grass count as work (actually I enjoy it). Maybe I should have had my lawn man take care of it. Oh that's right, I don't have a lawn man. Now if I were rich I might have a nice looking babe in a bikini taking care of that chore for me. Hey maybe I should have said I was doing the "chores" instead of working.

I am also restoring a CJ-7 jeep for my own use. I just completed a frame-off restoration and re-wired it yesterday. In fact me and the wifey took it for a spin around the estate yesterday. Well maybe 5 acres is not an estate. Maybe I should not have referred to working on the jeep as work. My bad. In fact I should have said something to the effect of "How busy all you lads have been on this TN site whilst I was out playing on the lawn toy and puttering around on my big boy toy jeep". Remember I am new to TN and don't know the proper rules of how to respond to the jests and jabs at my good name.

Third- Why haven't I recovered the dozens of treasures that I have been shown the location of? Again I never said I was successful. If you really want to read all the sad details of my past failures you are going to have to read my book. Just so you will remember it is called MY TREASURE STORY.

If the tone here seems a tad sarcastic, it was intentional. This is about as nice as I can be. I was up late getting the pictures ready for the book and got up early as i have to go make some more money as the bill collectors are relentless. Maybe someday I will be more successful in life. I will try to do my best. Everybody have a nice day.

I almost forgot. U.K-Brian-My "killer" question for you is- As it appears you may hold some sort of record for the amount of treasure hunting devices owned, I count 16 plus, you must have recovered "tons" of buried goodies, true or false? Please tell us of your most impressive find. I am dying for an answer to these killer questions.

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BCH- Thanks for sticking up for me but I think I can handle these lightweight questions.

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BCH your question is indeed pertinent. If an LRL can alert you to gold from a mile away HOW does it ignore gold jewelry all around?
Maybe you can ask BDD, he seems a bit put off over the average intelligence of the rest of us.


Sherriff Deputy: Where exactly is it that you want us to watch. (Visions of a tropical island drifting through his head, no more midnight shifts, no more dealing with drunks, no more domestic disputes). Could you be a little more specific.

So someone finally used a backhoe and confirmed whether there was treasure. They stopped fooling around with dowsers, quija boards and LRLs. Did they find anything, or come up empty?

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Hotzone-Thanks for the heads up.

Big dog, I have one question for you. If you came on here for advice. Why didn't you take some of it ?? From your quote it looks like you told at least one too many people where your pirate site is located. :icon_scratch:

So BDD, when you and Ovid were traveling about looking at "known" buried gold sites did he get signals from nearly every house?
You know that ladies wear gold rings and other jewelry but especially wedding rings. Or was he able to cancel them out and just
focus on gold that was buried in the ground?

Now this is vital to your credibility. Be careful how you answer. Now that KK and BCH are gone I have to take up the slack.

My point of view

My summary without all the discussion:
BDD posts his theory about the location of pirate silver and asked for help in getting in out legally.
Another member states that the location is verified by conventional means to have non-ferrous metal below ground.
An attempt is made by a pirate to dig up treasure with backhoe in middle of night.

I am more interested in the story than the sometimes bitter exchanges on this thread. I would like to know how deep the guys with the backhoe dug through the reported limestone and if it is in the exact location as detected by Tim's "LRL" (if you can call it that as I believe he said it was only 100' away).
I would also be interested in hearing others comment on the ethics of bypassing Tim's efforts and trying to dig up a cache by sneaking in and trying to dig it up themselves (assuming that they heard about it from his thread).

As for all of those that are so critical toward Tim's efforts, how many have had the conviction to put in this kind of effort on the ground?

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just saying

Photos courtesy of http://mytreasurestory.com

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My wife and I took a 45 min airboat ride down at Kissamee recently and got to see the gators up close. Couldn't get over the cows
wading in around them. I enjoyed that as much or more than Seaworld and the rest of the tourist attractions.

Thanks VOR (voice of reason?)- It is nice to know there are members on here who understand what I have gone through in the past and am now trying to do. I knew this venture would not be easy, that is why I waited 25 years to pursue it. It was actually a spur of the moment decision on my part that set this all in motion. History will decide what mistakes were made.

As far as the feeble attempt by the pirates, they got nowhere fast. They took the bait and caught themselves a Red Herring. They exposed themselves and I hope they enjoy their chat with the nice deputy.

Old Man-Which advice do you think I should have taken? Steal it at night, take what is not mine, defraud the taxpayers, risk jail time for commiting a felony? Other versions of the same thing? Set up some elaborate hoax to, steal what is not mine, defraud the taxpayers, risk jail time for commiting a felony? Play stupid and pretend to find it by accident and then presumably don't tell anyone anything forever and ever, amen?

In between the suggestions of commiting a crime (as if I could not come up with those on my own,DUH !)there was sporadic good advice. Such as try to do it legally, which I am.

Lastleg-I will try to answer your question as it is "vital" to my credibility. I really don't know how he did it. I have theories, but that is all they are. Can a metal detector be set up to discriminate? Can a dowser learn to discriminate? I think the answer to both is yes. OH NOOOOOO! There goes my credibility. My credibility score just dropped another 25 points. Darn it, when will I learn to keep my flapper shut.

The LRL's that I saw in action had probes that were put into the ground. They only fixated on buried gold. I can not tell you how it did this.

I have tried for 20 years to find another Ovid. I have met and worked with dozens of dowsers and dowser wannebe's. I did take one to North Carolina two years ago. His method was to place some gold on the ground, circle it while holding dowsing rods, and try to detect the attraction between his gold and any gold close by buried in the ground. It looked like he knew what he was doing. He had found oil in Kentucky using this method and had the checks from the oil company to show me. He is a wealthy man and believes the pots-of-gold are where I think they are. This is an on-going story. That is all I will say.

Ok, lunch breaks over, got to get back to work.

Was he in the same spot as yours and how deep did he get?

Thanks VOR

As far as the feeble attempt by the pirates, they got nowhere fast. They took the bait and caught themselves a Red Herring. They exposed themselves and I hope they enjoy their chat with the nice deputy.

Old Man-Which advice do you think I should have taken? Steal it at night, take what is not mine, defraud the taxpayers, risk jail time for commiting a felony? Other versions of the same thing? Set up some elaborate hoax to, steal what is not mine, defraud the taxpayers, risk jail time for committing a crime.

Ok, lunch breaks over, got to get back to work.

No Big Dog, that is not the advice I am talking about. I noticed in your post that you conveniently left out the advice about keeping quiet about your site until you either obtained a permit or gave up on the project because you could not obtain a permit.


Apparently that seems to have been pretty good advice as you have apparently told too many people about your site and someone attempted to dig at that site. :BangHead:

BDD, I am merely trying to get you to think of how Ovid's claims seem to rational people. Ya'll are driving by a jewelry store one
sunny day and did Ovid exclaim "Eureka?" Now that seems silly to you because you and Ovid are in the ZONE, the TREASURE ZONE.
Every one of us in TN have been in the zone too. We want our ship to come on in. Why does it anchor is the bay?

Hey, that might make a good title for your next book, "Waiting For My Ship To Come In". Or "Why Is Florida So Mean?"

Can't we uh, can't we all jest get along?

VOR- They did not know what they were doing and dug about the depth of their male member, get it? Wrong location-Red Herring-get it?

OldMan-That was good advice. This incident has caused an escalation in the need for state cooperation. I told them at the begining that this would happen. If I had never come on to TN at all, there would be nothing to talk about. My big mouth is what got the ball rolling. I have been told from the begining by EVERYBODY that the state would never co-operate. Why is that?

I came up with this location 25 years ago along with a lot of other ones. This is the test site to see how everyone deals with it. I chose to show it to other people. Maybe I should not have told ANYBODY about it because then it would be a NON-ISSUE. There is no going back or do-overs. If the state will not decide to work with me on this site then they probably won't want to on all the rest of them. IT AIN'T OVER TILL IT'S OVER!

lastleg-If you don't believe in the possibility of dowsing at this point in your life, it will take an eyewitness account by you to believe it. If you have any understanding of how dowsing may work you would understand the driving by the jewelry store scenario. It's all about the questions you ask your instrument. Computers work this way, metal detectors work this way, Ouija boards work this way. If you believe in dowsing you have to be VERY careful how and what you ask.

I did not start this thread to teach or convince anyone about dowsing, LRL's, Ovid's methods, etc. As I have shown, I am more than willing to share ALMOST everything I have learned up to this point. I will never claim what I say is all facts. It is all my opinion which is always capable of changing.

I had a heart-to-heart talk yesterday in person with my main man on this silver site. We both agree that we want to see whatever is there brought to the surface. We both want to be there when it happens. We both realize we may get little or none of it. We both agree that we are in this for the adventure. We don't agree on the method to accomplish this. We did agree that it is alright for us to disagree. I trust him and he trusts me. There is not a lot of that going around anymore.

lastleg-an alternate name for my book has always been-"The how not to guide to digging for treasure."

The theme of my book is "To never give up".


Wouldn't it be ironic if it was a large aluminum highway sign?

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Get along? End the Contraversy and kill the thread... Thats Crazy Talk! Now I am curious as to why Cy Hunter always makes about 3 unanswered posts in a row when he already has 21,000 posts! But then who's counting... As for KK and old man, I think you are perhaps the only two I haven't ticked off yet! :laughing7:

BDD, Did the guy with the backhoe remember to fill in the holes when done digging?

Let me be a little clearer. The "Backho Boyz" did not know what they were doing and I think they got skeered off before there was a hole to fill. As to the location they were missinformed.

Backho Boyz-Once you get past the gun and badge Deputy Dan is a nice guy. Just don't piss him off. Try it again and the next one to see you will skeer the crap out of you!

You may be surprised to learn that I bought a dowsing pendulum from Carl Anderson in the 1980's while I was in the ZONE.
Still have it, it has a sterling plumbob with a sterling chain and circle holder. I have toted that booger all over Texas, N M and
Arizona. You don't swing it (like Ovid), it is supposed to swing itself toward the au/ag and when you get it right over the load
it is supposed to go round and round.

In the instructions it did not say to ask it anything at all. Must have a mind of it's own. I plan to use it to find some highgrade
nuggets in a can if I can find the right cottonwood. So far I haven't so it must be on private propery next to the old town.

So you see you can't always judge too quickly. I have more info on dowsing relating to cache legends. But long range locators
have too much bad publicity to endorse.

BBD,if you had reread the post before you got your hackles up and made veiled threats of bodily harm,you would have seen that all the questions posed were suppositions,not "slander"(libel is the correct term).
If my referencing or questioning past statements made by you on TN makes you look like a fool,remember it was you that MADE those statements.
You have been quick to criticize others here when they do not agree with you,but you sure overreact when when the onus is put on you.

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