Hotzone- I am going to assume you are serious about looking for answers as you do. I actually beleive it and many other things like that are possible. Do you think it is happenstance or do you think you are in some way being guided?
BCH- No, if there was silver put there, it is still there. I am always thinking about the treasures. I mean off and on everyday. I have a lot of other things going on, but my mind always goes back to treasure. I am definitely obsessed. It has almost made me a little crazy. The treasure story started for me in the summer of 1987. I try to do other things and I have lots of hobbies. Treasure is not a hobby to me.
After I found out about the German U-boat U-853 treasure my life has never been the same. This was a first-hand account story that happened to a friend of mine from childhood. It was not about dowsing, LRL's, metal detectors, pirates, Ouija boards, etc. It was about millions in diamonds from the sub. The story I have of the diamonds is not in any book. It was while researching about this sub that I came to know Ovid. I have NO doubts about these diamonds.
Do I have second thoughts about Ovid and all the treasures? Yes. The story is so far-fetched to a normal person that I have to constantly remind myself of all the things I saw to keep from convincing myself that it is not possible that the treasures exist. I have a great eye for detail. I have a way of figuring things out that causes my friends to constantly get with me to help solve a problem. You can ask any of them and they will tell you.
I am going to put something on here that I have not said before. I know that when I say it ALL of the naysayers are going to write me off as a lost cause. I am sharing things on TN that are in my book. Because I will be releasing it in the coming weeks I don't mind putting some stuff on here.
I have psyshic abilities that are not normal. I have PROVEN them to the people closest to me time and again. I have predicted with certain accuracy, fires, deaths, future events and more. I am sure there are many other people that can do this. I refuse to go into a long drawn out discussion on this thread about this claim. Just accept that I believe it. Couple this with all these treasure stories and sites. It makes for one crazy sounding individual.
If I had told you upfront that I think there are pirate chests in Englewood because I am psychic, most reading this would probably have read no more of my blathering about all these "treasure stories". Just remember if some of the things I say on here end up being true, just think of the possibilities. I list at least a half a dozen verifiable psychic events in my life with the details, in my book. That's all I really want to say on the subject. Make fun of me if you want. Try to keep it nice. I can handle the negativity, it just gets old after awhile.
In the future can we please keep the bickering with each other off of this thread. I know a lot of you are old timers on here and I am the newbie. I am sure you all have been at this with each other for years. Please leave me out of it. I have lots more stories. No matter what anyone may think about what I say, I believe everything that I put on here.
Until I become rich and famous and stuck up, if you care to visit me I live in SW Florida. I have put my website info on this thread. I even put my dogs on here. I go by bigdogdad because when I joined in March I needed a name for on here. My name is Tim. Refer to me on here however you want as long as it's not too nasty.
Keep the questions coming if you want. Try not to ask too much more about the details of the pirater silver. As I have been told about a thousand times on
here and in real life. I TALK TOO MUCH.
I have written my book with a young audience in mind. There is nothing bad and there is no vulgarity or cuss words. It is suitable to read for anyone that has learned to read. I will have about 60 to 70 pictures in it from the story. At a later date I will be adding video. I have actually videoed the majority of the dig attempts, sometimes hiring proffesionals. I think the majority of people that decide to recieve my book will find it very entertaining.