Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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A guy had met each of us. This guy told each of us that we should meet. I called them and told them my story up to that point. They told me theirs. We agreed to meet. Maybe we each thought we could gain something from the other. I claimed to have locations for treasure. They claimed they had a electronics that could pinpont it. We were in our early thirties and cocky. Curiosity? Boastfullness. I was worse then than I am now.

They could have made millions. They were too greedy to share the technology. Their partnership imploded. They seem to be enemies. The one with the electronics know how does not need the money. Believe what you want, this is the truth.

As far as Ovid, let me give you an example. If you were to take 10,000 people who said they could do something well (dowse, metal detect, golf,swim,jump etc) and had a competition to see who was the best, someone will be at the bottom and someone will be at the top. The majority will be in the middle. I think Ovid would be at or near the top in dowsing abilities. This is just the way life is.

How did I happen to meet him? I was 1500 miles from home "researching" a treasure story unrelated to dowsing. This was well before PC's existed. I heard a story about him from a local and found his name in an area library in an obscure news article. I traced him down and drove 600 miles to meet him. Luck? No. You usually have to look for things to find them.

Ovid had dowsed for 35 years for hundreds of people before I met him. He had a great story, I had a great story. He'd had guns aimed at his head in the past and by the time I met him he no longer trusted strangers. He liked me. We had a great time on our many adventures together. When I met him he was 87 and was told he would not live much longer because he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He died a month after showing me the Pots-of-gold locations.

I have met many extrodinary people in my life. Some of them's stories makes Ovid's pale in comparison. I have many hobbies and pursuits. I meet a lot of people. I tell them my story. They tell me theirs. Just like on here.

I joined TN in March. I blabbed some of my story. You have no idea of the behind the scenes PM's, E-mails, meetings, hunts, negotiations, plans that are now going on because of my blabbing. Anybody reading this has the potential for meeting me. What if all my story is true? If you are not willing to give others the benefit of the doubt and do not have an open mind, don't expect to meet an Ovid or an inventor with a new device or a guy will a great story.

Signal--You and anybody can ask all you want and I may answer all questions. I only get pissed when someone implies I am not telling the truth. There have been TN members that were willing to meet me. I think I made true believers out of them. Your in Florida, come and meet me in person then make a decision. Then come back on here and tell everybody about it.

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I am going to try to convince the state that they cannot afford to ignore this opportunity to enrich the states coffers. Florida is claiming to be short on funds. I came up with the idea today that I want to work with the state on a live pay-per-view internet based dig at this site. I want 50% of the silver and 50% of the funds from the internet site with the est going to the state. This will cost the state NOTHING and I am not asking them to do anything but stay out of the way and watch.

We will have state certified archaelogists on site to insure things are done properly. The first phase will be a test survey with all the electronic equipment that we can utilize. If what I say is there appears to be so, we will regroup and then do a supervised, slow, careful dig down to what is hopefully a pile of silver. With the amount of free press that we could get we could have an audience in the tens of millions. If we charged a couple of bucks to subsrcibe to the website we could posiibly bring in a huge fortune in money. Again, this would cost the state NOTHING. If there is nothing there but junk, so be it. I look the fool, of course, a rich fool.

I don't know why the state officials would turn this down. It could be a win/win situatiuon for all involved. I am ready.

So what do you all think? Try to keep it to constructive criticism please.
BDD,Please reread #1 & #2 of my previous post.
The State of Florida was not convinced with your dowsing and LRL "proof",so why do you hold the belief that you can still convince them with the same "proof"
It is because you will allow them to keep 50% of all finds on property that the state owns 100%?
You have already stated that the state does not return your phone calls.
"They don't give permits for TREASURE HUNTING".

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Now if you are given a permit to dig the area, do you have enough funding to dig the site, do you have liability insurance, and if nothing is found do you have the funding to restore the area back to the way you originally found it? Just questions I had to answer when I went on an archeological dig here in PA.

We also had to get an environmental impact report which we paid out of pocket, we had to hire a state certified archeologist and have him on site to make sure we did not destroy anything of historical significance. The insurance policy was for 2 million and we had to get bonded. Some things people most of the time don't think about.

OK, BDD, you asked for comments so here is one that has remained unanswered. You say those two guys had a home-built LRL and
a metal detector, right? Your claims are foundless for the following reasons:

No metal detector invented thus far can discriminate at those depths. This is common knowledge. To claim otherwise makes you seem
amateurish. If you had taken the time to find out the capabilities of metal detection you might have sensed those two were mistaken.
If it was possible to detect non-ferrous objects that deep the metal detection manufacturers such a Minelab and the rest would be in
full production around the clock.

If Ovid was able to locate buried riches with his pendulem why didn't he show you a closet full of gold items? It's called "bait and switch".
The treasure is NEVER here with ME, it's always over the rainbow. Not one of the LRL merchants will show you a stack of gold bars they
have found because they make ridiculous profits on worthless gadgets they sell to gullible dreamers.

These two reasons are why THers who have been in the field for 30-40 years are skeptical.

You are a likeable guy and a dog-person so you get a big thumbs up for your imagination and spirit.

ECS-I never claimed to have "proof". The state does not want to let anyone but archaeologists dig. The archies make the rules and issue the permits. It really is not about me as to why they won't do it. I have been told that it is because it might be there that they don't want me digging. If I found a pirate treasure they are afraid that everyone will be swarming the area wanting to dig. ECS- this is not about me, so drop that line of thinking. If the state is broke, maybe they should let treasure hunters help out.

lorddean13- It will cost almost nothing as we plan to dig by hand. There will be no enviromental impact at this site and the FDOT agrees. I have a two miillion dollar policy and a copy is on file with the county.

lastleg-At what depths are we talking about? This site is 5 feet or less. I also think you need to do a little more research of your own before you call me amateurish. Also if this particular LRL was never publicised, how would you or anyone else know ANYTHING about it? No one tried to sell me anything. All they wanted from me was treasure locations as this was after they tested Ovid and he passed all tests. I have never met an LRL merchant.

Bait and switch? Ovid wanted nothing from me other than for me to take him to treasure locations so that we might dig something up.

Kentucky Kache-I would be okay with them doing the digging as long as I could have the video rights and some sort of share of any "treasure" found. I don't think the LRL guy is interested in talking with anybody at this point. He does not need money. This guy is a little "different".


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BBD,if you "NEVER" claimed that you had proof,what is the purpose of continuing the Ovid and two guys with LRL stories-justifacation of a hunch that a chest of silver is really buried at Rocky Bluff?
Or is it beause it is a well known pirate camp that a chest of silver is really buried there?
It always comes back to these two reasons that you believe that a chest of silver is buried there.
Now,I must confess,I did enjoy the recent version you posted here-Ovid with pendulum in hand tracing a square chest in the dirt,and the two LRL guys using flags and string that met in the center,exactly above Ovid's pedulum spot.
It raised a grin- :cross: does mark the spot!

BCH -Thanks for sharing. Not. Check your sources, I was told non-ferrous. No ferrous at all. Just for the record I have never set foot on this property with a metal detector in my hands.

ECS- I believe I have said at least once or more that the only "proof" that ANYONE will ever have is after they have dug up a treasure and it is real. I have tried to state all the reasons that I am convinced enough of the POSSIBILITY of treasure to go to all the trouble of convincing the state to let me dig. Other than drilling or digging there is NOTHING that will prove a treasures existence. PERIOD

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BCH, the "pulse star" makes no depth claims (you can figure out why).

BDD, "The site if five feet or less"? How did you arrive at that figure? Did the PS person tell you that there was a non ferrous
target at five feet through solid limestone? Did you know that aluminum is non ferrous?

I gotta know, where did Ovid stash his treasures, and if you tell me he did it for the fun of it, I'm OUT OF HERE.

OK KK, why would TVs go off if Minelab started producing full discrimination PIs non-stop?

I happen to think that an entire chest of highly conductive silver would far exceed the expected depth of any detector. My minelabs Quattro doesnt air test well on coin size objects, but yesterday in the park after hitting a buried object I raised it 2 feet in the air before loosing the signal. Given the car parts I dug in the area and the size of the target I suspect an engine block must be buried in the lawn.

Last leg: Do you have experience detecting chest size silver objects at depths up to 5 feet?:laughing7:

No, Hotzone, I have never dug five feet except for lateral lines. Found some pretty blue clay down there.

Lastleg- I never asked Ovid where he stashed his treasures. He did show me a spot in his yard where he had buried a jar of silver coins. He used it for testing. Why do you metal detect? If you tell me you do it for fun, I will believe you.

So, BDD, Ovid just LOCATED fabulous treasures. He never DUG up any, right? I've been detecting since the late 1960's.
I don't coinshoot much anymore, I prefer to hunt ghost towns in the Southwest, also I love panning for gold. I ran out of
places to store all my finds. Need to stop aquiring and start dispensing. Yes it is the quest that matters most.

BCH-I own three metal detectors. One is a Garrett GTI 2500. I have a dual coil set up for it called the "treasure hound". The makers claim it will locate objects at over 10 feet if they are big enough. Does it work that well? Don't know, I have not done proper testing with it. I bought it at Kellyco. I drove to Orlando three times to talk to them. I was hoping that they would have a test site on the property. They had one but it was not set up properly.

For the record, you are supposed to get a permit from the state to metal detect in some areas. This particular site is well traveled by many people. Months ago I asked the head of the local DOT for permission to metal detect. He gave me a verbal OK. Less than a week later he called and told me he had to rescind it. There was a window of opportunity to detect. Multiple detectors not belonging to me or used by me may have been used. Enough said.

BCH- You continually state that LRL's don't work as if that is some sort of FACT. Is that because of what you have read or do you have actual experience in the field watching them fail tests? If you had seen them work on multiple occasions as I have would you then believe it?

Lastleg-Ovid did tell me of finding treasure. He also told me of having a shotgun pointing at his face and having to put the gold that he had just dug out of the ground, back in the hole. He told me that "the sight of gold will make a man crazy".

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Bigcypresshunter said:
Yea I seem to remember that.

I still use a CB radio. A standard CB really doesn't interfere with other signals. When you add an illegal modification called a linear then no frequency is safe.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Maybe it was the microwave parts that caused all TVs to quit working, pay attention KK. I shouldn't have to keep you focused
on the subject at hand. You say CBs, I say dumpster microwaves. You say generators, I say now you got it. :laughing7:

Long Range Locator- a device that can locate metalic objects from a long distance. Radar has been used to locate ships and planes from a long distance away since WWII. A device as simple as a compass works off of metal attracting metal. Metal detectors use electronics to locate metal at varying distances. BCH- Go ahead and tell us why it is impossible for LRL's to work. Please educate us. Please keep it to verifiable known facts and not your opinion.

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Long Range Locator- a device that can locate metalic objects from a long distance. Radar has been used to locate ships and planes from a long distance away since WWII. A device as simple as a compass works off of metal attracting metal. Metal detectors use electronics to locate metal at varying distances. BCH- Go ahead and tell us why it is impossible for LRL's to work. Please educate us. Please keep it to verifiable known facts and not your opinion.

BDD you're fairly new here and we have been over LRL's many many times. What usually winds up happening is arguing and arguing and no one's mind ever gets changed.

We've seen the testing, we've seen the fakes, we've seen the outright fraudulent crap put out there. I feel the same way BCH does about LRL's, obviously.

I found the forum on here- Long Range Locators

This forum has been put up, removed, put back more than once if I remember correctly because of all the shenanigans. Feel free to browse it some and see what you think of it.

Here's a bakers dozen reasons why LRL's don't work...... http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/long-range-locators/272023-dozen-points-proving-lrl-fraud.html

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I'm new to this site but i read alot of what you wrote. Have you sought the help of a univeristy near you. they usally are granted access to government and state areas without much question exspecially state universities. being you are willing 50/50 split its atleast worth looking into. Good luck!

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