Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I have never dug 4-5 feet either but I always considered a Pulse Unit to be the deepest detector on the market for large metal objects. I cannot air test a coin in my side yard because my coil pics up the car, the fence and even the electrical wires overhead cause havoc. I wouldnt be surprised if a 40x40 coil on a Pulse Unit signals a very large metal object at less than 5 feet if set at the highest sensitivity. Is the Pulse Star a PI Unit?

But I dont know and I am not at all familiar with the Pulse Star.. Thats why I tried to open a discussion. My source tells me he got a large NON ferrous signal with the PulseStar. He didnt say how deep.

Bigcypresshunter, I do know about a Pulse Star ll. I've owned one since the mid 1990's when they first came out. I bought one because they claimed to detect a cannon from 40 feet away, with a 40 inch coil. Guess What ? They do everything they claim to. I've detected a non ferrous ( Extremely Large Target ) target more then 40 feet deep in salt water and yes, I dove the target and there was a large amount of non ferrous metal ( read silver ) down there.

I do not know BDD and have never been to his site, but a pulse star ll does work and it is not an LRL. It is a pulse induction metal detector.:occasion14:

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Snaketounge2-Thanks for the advice. At the begining of the permit process I contacted the head Archeologist with the University of South Florida in Tampa. I am not going to put his name on here. They have an outreach program. He actually lives within my county and knows the history of Rocky Bluff and the pirate camp. He is the one that told me of the archeologist oath against treasure hunting and doing things for profit. He will get involved if I get the permits. He did speak to the state archeologist for me. He will do no more than that. I have spoken to him a half a dozen times on this and called him again Friday with the intent on setting up a face to face meeting. I tried to get with another closer University and have had no luck. I have met with and lined up our local museum to help with the storage of anything found. They are willing and eager to help me.

Jeffro-You all's minds are sure made up on this one. LRL's seem to be a taboo thing here. I am not sure what the big deal is. I read the "baker's dozen" and it has changed nothing in my mind. It keeps refering to the promoters of LRL's. When the guys I knew had their LRL perfected they were not that interested in promoting it. In fact they traveled with it to the Carolina's years ago to try to claim a $50,000 reward being offered to anyone that could prove their LRL worked. Before they would demonstrate it they wanted proof that the person offering the reward had the $50,000 available in some form to be able to pay them at the end of the testing session/s.

This peron was unwilling/unable to do this. My guys felt this was a scam being used by someone trying to get their hands on a device that really worked. As they were not promoting their device and were the ones that approached the reward offerer, who is the 'Scammer" here. My "guy" told me this last week when I talked to him about LRL's. He is not impressed by the general level of intelligence to be found on TN.

He is already purchasing parts to build the next generation of his LRL. He and I have renewed our relationship and I have spent many hours with him discussing each others past exploits and our past history together. I did not trust these guys as a pair. I will work one on one with the one i consider to be the smartest and the one behind all the electronic genius. The other one I feel is more apt to try to take advantage of me. As the smart one is now a millionaire and is only going to do this for the fun and adventure, I feel safe in sharing some of what I know with him.

I feel sorry for all the close-minded "treasure hunters" on this forum. You are severely limiting what you could accomplish by not actively seeking all means of finding treasure and then deciding with your own eyes and brain what works and what does not work. By only doing your research by reading the words of others you will never become successful to any degree other than by luck.

Perhaps the reason that your friends LRL was never made public was because like the illegal linear amp for CB the power exceeded what is allowed by the FCC. A former Navy Electronics Technician and CB user, I have a respect for high power radio and radar. As a precaution if you are planning to have more children, don't stand to close when using the Guys LRL. :laughing7:

Hotzone-Thanks for the heads up. I have no children and don't expect any. I never stand close anyway. My heart of gold and magnetic personality can affect electronics and people. I have also been accused of using hypnosis on my "victims.'. I could not tell you the specifics of my guys unit. The unit back in 1990 needed a generator to power it.

I recently witnessed a LRL being used at my Englewood pirate treasure chest site. It was run by a car battery. It seemed to incorporate dowsing to a certain degree. This guy was hired by an investor. I did not pick him for the job. I was not overly impressed. His assessment was that there had been chests but they are now gone. He did say there seemed to be a signal for one about a half mile away. He charged a substantial fee for his services. He later stated the chest was buried under a local four lane highway.

lorddean13-I actually sugar-coated what he said.


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There is nothing wrong with trying unorthodox methods but try to be logical.


If you go out in the middle of my street with a 5 mile range LRL, it will signal in every direction. There is gold in EVERY direction. Every house has gold jewelry. I hope Kelly removed his wedding ring. Think about it.

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Ouija boards are made by Hasbro lol. Beware of shoots and ladders and I heard candy land can be a nasty little game. Lol j/k but seriously it is made by Hasbro.

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BCH-I do not know if we will turn the treasure hunters world upside down, but I do plan on getting everyone's attention. I am in the process of assembling a team to go after everything we can. (Dowsers, divers, LRL's, researcher's. metal detector experts, etc) No room in this group for BS'ers. Goals include all treasures I have already mentioned, the Amazing Randi's million dollars (if it is still available), any reward for the LRL proof (this does not mean anyone can have my guys LRL or be able to look inside to see how it works). There are many more treasure spots that I took Ovid to.

I do not want to burn(or blow up) any bridges behind us. That is why I am trying to get the state to work hand-in-hand with us. It could benefit everyone.

BCH-You say that even if I locate silver where the LRL said it was it means nothing? Does it also mean that Ovid showing me the same spot means nothing? The pulsestar came 25 years after Ovid showed me the exact spot. All coincidences I quess. This is the logic that all non-believers use. It is the only way that they can justify never having to admit it when they are wrong.

There is more than enough treasure buried in the ground to keep eveybody looking for a long time. I have sites identified. The pirate silver is part of a bigger experiment. That is why there is a lot riding on this for me. It is only a small part of the BIG PICTURE.

lorddean- I woud suggest that you read Marc's Story on here before you say too much about Ouija boards. Marc is the founder of TN (treasurenet.com)

Ouija boards are made by Hasbro lol. Beware of shoots and ladders and I heard candy land can be a nasty little game. Lol j/k but seriously it is made by Hasbro.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet
Wow lorddean I thought you were college educated. Ouija Boards have been around long before Hasbro.

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Very good to know old man. Have you used it on the treasure coast beaches? How deep will it signal a silver dollar on the beach?
This is why I opened the discussion on the Pulse Star.

BIGDOGDAD why dont you tell DOT you got a large signal from the PulseStar and stay away from talking about dowsing and LRLs?

Old man can you tell me where you wrote the story and post a few pics? Thanks I would love to see your finds made with the Pulse Star and Im sure everyone else would love to see..

Bigcypresshunter, The 40 inch coil is only used for large targets. However, there are two other coils that can be attached to the unit to use on the beach for coins. There is an 18 inch coil which will pick up coins as small as a dime or there is a 10 inch coil. The unit will tell you whether the target you detect is ferrous or non ferrous. The unit is made in Germany, but Kellyco near Orlando sells them. I have used the 18 inch coil to detect on beaches at times. The only problem is that you sometimes dig 4 foot holes and end up with an aluminum beer or soda can.

If you or anyone wants to get in on an underwater treasure hunt, where the side scan images show a large pile of rectangular bars ( which we think are silver ) and what appear to be cannons in the area and if you can either contribute with a boat at least 25 ft long or a side scan sonar with at least enough cable to redo the survey in 300 plus foot of water near Key West. Get back to me. We have the GPS numbers on the cannons, but did not have the equipment with the capibility of getting the images with GPS numbers on the bars. We are heading down there in the next week or two as soon as the seas calm down a little more.
We will also be sending tech divers down to retreive some objects to file and Admiralty Claim. And no this wasn't found with an LRL or the Pulse Star ll.

I'll try and see if I can minimize some pictures of cannons that were located with it and I have a picture of an 80 lb silver bar I can post.:occasion14:

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An antique Ouiji board can be worth quite a bit. I am sure in the hands of skilled users the result would be much the same using the cheap imitation toy model. I recall my dad didn't like us playing with the old board my mystic grandmother gave us boys to play with, when he used it as a temporary repair of a broken window. When he wasn't around we would get the now stained board down and contact the spirit world and would laugh at how badly the spirit spelled. Sometimes the responses could be kinda creepy though and I recall friends being quite frightened and otherwise repulsed to the point of quickly coming up with an excuse to go home.
I have not heard of anyone using a Ouiji Board to find treasure!:icon_scratch:

If this is true, its very exciting. You make me want to obtain a Pulse II and head to the Treasure Beaches but I have other commitments. No I dont have a boat.

Are you the person that dug 6 foot holes in the dunes at night? I dont know if they found anything but they left their shovels behind.

No, I always fill my holes in and I've never left anything behind. I even carry out the trash I find. :skullflag:


Well I see what it is right off. The play on words part. What BCH said was "If you find treasure at a KNOWN pirate camp with an LRL, thats not really proof" or something to that effect. In other words, yes it is a known site, there have been treasures found there before, and a guy digging a random hole COULD hit something, with or without an LRL. Get it? This site is an already proven site.

If I gave a guy an LRL and asked him to find spare change, do you think he might have a chance in an arcade? Or a laundromat?


If your guys LRL does work, there is a quick million to make from Randi. Hey go for it, and I'd really like to hear the results. I must warn you, it does involve repeated double blind testing, just so you're friends are aware. Been waiting years for someone to FINALLY step up and prove that LRLs actually work. However all we ever get is excuses and "wordplay", LOL!

And finally BCH-

Here is MY favorite LRL video ;) http://www.okmmetaldetectors.com/products/longrange/bionic-x4.php?lang=en

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I guess it never occurred to you that Ovid knew this was a Pirate site.

It seems more important to you to prove Ovid and your LRL is for real than finding treasure. Gold in the swamp and I would be convinced.
BCH,you made a couple of valid points.
According to previous posts made by BDD on this thread,Ovid had a WELL MARKED ROAD ATLAS,and he was active in treasure hunting for over 40years.
Do you suppose that Ovid read many treasure books and magazines during this time and had a working knowledge of alleged treasure legend sites?
On his long drives with BDD,is it not possible that Ovid learned what BDD wanted to hear and used it to his advantage?
Maybe Ovid wanted a LAST TANGO on the treasure trail,and this was his opportunity for a free ride,all he had to do was perform a couple of pendulum magic tricks and regale a true believer with tales of gold and glory.
As for the two guys with there wonderful magic LRL machine,In a past century that would probably sold snake oil at a traveling medicine show.
As for gold in the swamp,it must be there because a native American shaman performed a ceremony at the same spot that a local called "cloud mountain" ,and Ovid and the LRL guys concurred.

First of all, who are my friends? It's YOU who said, "However all WE ever get is excuses and wordplay." Who are YOUR friends?

I put the question to you. If your metal detector gives you a signal over a certain spot, and then you dig that spot and find a silver coin, does that mean it's possible that your detector had nothing to do with it? Maybe it was just luck that it sounded off where that coin was?

No idea what was meant by the "friends" part. I really don't communicate with anybody from this site other than in plain view.

and for the second part, show me an LRL that will sound off like a metal detector and I'll believe you.

If Randi offered me a million dollars to prove my metal detector works repeatedly, damn straight I'd be there to claim the prize! :laughing7:

This has nothing to do with what I can show you. The story here is that an LRL pinpointed the site. Either you believe it, or you don't.
That's if it really is a pirate treasure site and not another one of BBD's cesspool excavations!

Wow, you really are a strange individual. Are you drinking by chance?

Originally Posted by Jeffro
and for the second part, show me an LRL that will sound off like a metal detector and I'll believe you.

This has nothing to do with what I can show you. The story here is that an LRL pinpointed the site. Either you believe it, or you don't.

Originally Posted by Jeffro
If Randi offered me a million dollars to prove my metal detector works repeatedly, damn straight I'd be there to claim the prize!

And I suppose you'd be willing to believe everything the amazing Randi tells you. Is that about right? Do you believe everything Randi says to be true? Do you agree with him on everything he says is false?

That's your answer to my questions? And I'M the strange one? You can't answer my question about the detector signal, so I guess I shouldn't expect you the answer the other ones.

You win. Your completely scientific approach has won me over. I now believe in LRL's..... :laughing7:

Ive been working eBay tonight and I sure missed a lot. Im going to try and keep an open mind and see what happens. I would have to see an LRL work more than 1x before I would believe and I dont think that is too much to ask for a treasure locator to work 2 times in a row.

Did anybody think of what I said earlier? Some of these LRLs can detect a signal from 5 miles away! I ask myself how is this possible when every house and every car passed on the highway probably has some gold or silver? It would detect in every direction. Am I correct or not?

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