Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I was surprised to read it myself but its written many places. Ocala Star-Banner - Google News Archive Search

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Many Spanish and Native American artifacts have been found in that section of the Oklawaha River.
This event happened 11 years after Panfilo Narvaez's encounter with the Ocali tribe,who were not too keen on these white invaders.DeSoto,after the death of his favorite dog,looted the food supplies of the Ocali,then pushed ahead to Apalache (Tallahassee).

They don't want me to dig, especially if I were to find something. Digging something up on state property without a permit is a third degree felony. If I dug I don't think it would be in my best interests to show them what I found.

I finally got through again to the head state archaeologist, sort of. His secretary said he did not want to talk to me. She said that they don't issue permits for TREASURE HUNTING! I replied that it would be a good idea to dig up the treasure to put it somewhere safe. She said if they were interested in doing that they would have to dig up THE WHOLE STATE. Her words. I told her that they had their chance. I hung up. In no way was I saying that I am going to do anything illegal. I was implying that we could have done things the easy way. Of course that is not how our govenment works.

If anybody wants to remind the state archaeologist who he works for and answers to his name is Dan Seinfield and his number is 850-245-6340 ext 4301
They have now officially pissed me off. I am not even worthy of talking to.

Here are some facts.

So why am I not allowed to dig up some treasure?

Are you getting the idea I may have an attitude problem with all this?

Now along comes this Bigdogdad dude claiming he may know where some honest-to-God pirate treasure is located. He wants to dig it up exactly like the rules say it should be done. He has contacted numerous archaeologists to make sure it is done right. He has contacted his counties museum as the state claims they would not know what to do with a real treasure if it was found. Bigdogdad is an EVIL TREASURE HUNTER! The state needs to stop him. This treasure is only for the wonderful archaeologists to dig up. Of course they are not interested in getting off their lazy butts and doing an actual dig.

Are you starting to get the idea that I am PISSED OFF about this? This will give you an idea of what the Tampa reporter and I chatted about. I AM JUST GETTING STARTED!!! All this and there may not be anything there but a pile of scrap metal. I do things on principal. Besides, I want to sell copies of my book. We also love capitalism.
In all reality BDD,did you expect a different outcome?
Did you apply to the STATE of Florida with a written request for a permit,with documentation from legitmate historical archaeologists?
...or did you come on strong with legend lore and tale about dowsing to make your claim?
Academics want researched facts,not beliefs based on esoteric arts.
Do you think by exacerbating the situation with a reporter will improve your chances with getting a permit from the state?

I think the story of Bruno has somehow been mixed up. First of all, Grayhounds dont have a "great paw", and hard to believe he was pierced by "50" arrows. Of course that doesent have a lot to do with this thread, but it call into question the reliability of some of the "history", that we read.

I think the story of Bruno has somehow been mixed up. First of all, Grayhounds dont have a "great paw", and hard to believe he was pierced by "50" arrows. Of course that doesent have a lot to do with this thread, but it call into question the reliability of some of the "history", that we read.
OK check out this one from the publication Archaeology. . Archaeology Magazine - More than Man's Best Friend - Dogs as Food

When the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto came to the southeast United States, he brought with him his own war dogs, animals similar to greyhounds and mastiffs, ...

I read a lot about this dog Bruto in the past and how many kills were attributed to it. The great paw part doesnt make any sense but apparently DeSoto thought this dog had heart and I think most dogs can be bred to kill. Doesnt the white dog have greyhound features?

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I went to the FDOT in Bartow in 2006 about this. I met with the head of the FDOT and the state lawyer. I told them what I thought was there and why I thought it was there. They were all for it. They wanted to help me. I should have dug then. My mistake. Now there are new people in charge. They are AFRAID to let me dig. They are AFRAID that it might be there. I applied in writing. I was turned down twice.

ECS-Read this-It....is.....a.....known.......pirate......camp!!!! The.......pirates......had.......silver. It........may......still......be....there. Do....you.......understand?

BCH--Okay we get it. Enough about the dogs. Sorry I mentioned it.

Aquanut---Thanks for your comments. It is nice to know someone is enjoying this.

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There's one thing I never thought about in your quest to do this right. The state of Florida won't even give ocean salvors permission to recover anything new when they have the proof and pictues of the stuff on the bottom of the ocean. I think Florida has decided the ban ALL treasure recovery.

I love this thread and have enjoyed reading about your trials and tribulations. I think its great that you are trying to do it the right way. Unfortuate that you have come into nothing but roadblocks along the way. Keep us informed, its a good read and good information for future hunters!

After just a casual look at florida history I find: No maps or Actual field notes of DeSoto are known to exist. However several chroniclers recorded what they saw or understood by often communicating with a line of different native interpreters each representing different linguistic interpretations. Furthermore, important as distance was to establish a colony, a chronicler actually exaggerated the length of the Florida Trail!

ECS-Read this-It....is.....a.....known.......pirate......camp!!!! The.......pirates......had.......silver. It........may......still......be....there. Do....you.......understand?
BDD-Read this-Known.....by.....whom????Who.....claimed.....the.....pirates.....had.......silver?
Do.....you.....understand.....the .....questions?

There's one thing I never thought about in your quest to do this right. The state of Florida won't even give ocean salvors permission to recover anything new when they have the proof and pictures of the stuff on the bottom of the ocean. I think Florida has decided the ban ALL treasure recovery.

Jason, I think you hit the nail on the head. Florida isn't issuing permits to anyone. Land or Sea. The other problem I see is that perhaps too much has been said about the location of this find. Sometimes it is better to keep all the details to yourself until the permit is obtained or the operation is deemed not worth pursuing.

A perfect example is when a few kids found a couple of gold coins washed up on private land near Sandy Hook back in the late 40's. They opened their mouths and in the ensuing days several hundred people were digging up the beach.

If anybody wants to remind the state archaeologist who he works for and answers to his name is Dan Seinfield and his number is 850-245-6340 ext 4301

Hey BigDogDad, Dan Seinfield is not the head archie in Tallahassee. In fact he is at the bottom of the list of archies for the Public Lands Archaeology. Maybe you should talk to his boss. Mike Wisenbaker is the supervisor for Public Lands Archaeology. Or you could go to HIS boss, Mary Glowacki, Director of All Archaeology.


PYRATE said:
Dis 'ere be ticklin' me rudder if ye knows what me means.

First ye need t' be doin' yer researchin' on how dem pyrates be workin'. Arrr, does ye even how dem pyrates be dividin' up booty an' whatnot? Does ye be knowin' ev'ry pyrate got demself a share o' dat booty? Does ye be unnerstannin' dat dem pyrates was most tryin' t' be puttin' demselfs up wit' a wench on land?

Second ye need t' be knowin' dat what be on land belong to him what own dat land an' if it be on land what be owned by th' gov'ner it be belongin' t' the' gov'ner lest ye be fightin' wit' th' naval cap'n.

Terd, ye best be lookin' fer gold not silver and if ye be wantin' gold I be tellin' where der be lots buried on land what be owned by gov'ner. Ye need only sail north, to th' territory what be called New York an' the town what also be called New York.

I be tellin' ya, there be loot aplenty, but it be buried deep like Oprah's belly buttin'. I be knowin' right where it be buried, but it be buried deep an' it be buried right by dem' who buried it. If ye wants it, ye just need t' be diggin' right at what be known as 33 Liberty St. in th' town what be called New York in th' territory what be called New York.

It be plenty o' gold in th' chest what be there, soes ye might be needin' a crew o' strong men an' a sturdy wagon er two

ROTFLMAO PYRATE is right there is a lot of gold at 33 Liberty street in New York NY. You just have to get past the armed guards and 12 layers of security to get to the 50 ton 4 foot thick steel vault door.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Jason in Enid-The archaeologists are in charge of the permittng process. They have signed some sort of oath that they will not pursue treasure or do anything for profit. That's very noble of them. How about if Florida starts a new division devoted to HELPING treasure hunters. The state would benefit from the treasure found and the money from the permits. Out of work archies will benefit by getting hired by the treasure hunters. The state will benefit from the people coming here to hunt treasure. All you have to do is read some of the old posts on here to come to the conclusion that people are going to hunt for treasure whether they get a permit or not. Under those circumstances the state gets nothing.

Even better would be to fire all state paid archies. I guarantee you that there will be qualified people willing to replace them and work for free for the ability to recover and record artifacts. More money saved by the state. Why do we need the archies in the first place? Does anyone want to become the treasure "CZAR"? I am not joking about any of this. Why is there not a department dedicated to the recovery of treasure on state property in Florida (land/sea) ?

Jarlbartar- Thanks for the compliment. I will keep posting as long as people want to keep reading what I have to say. If the negative people posting on here don't believe that treasure exists to be found' why are they on TN? Do they really think they will convince us otherwise. To the people new to treasure hunting-do not listen to, associate with or encourage the naysayers. They have such a sad, meaningless life that they want to try to drag everyone else WAY down to their level.

Hotzone- What are you implying about Desoto? He did not come here and go after gold? His expidition and life are well documented. There are books dedicated to him and his expidition. I think you need to 'research' a little harder. All it takes is moving your mouse around more and pressing keys. Ask ECS. He is an expert at pressing buttons, especially mine.

ECS-If you are so convinced that I am wrong about everything, why don't you actually try seeing what you can come up with about Rocky Bluff and pirates in Ellenton Fla. I am sure with your superior computer skills you will know more about it then what I have learned from living near it for the past 44 years. I would answer your questions but apparently you don't believe a word I say.

Old man- maybe I have said too much. If I have I don't think it has had any effect on my ability to get a permit. They flat out said that they don't issue permits to treasure hunters for treasure hunting. I could have lied about what I was looking for. If I had said there were drugs buried there the cops would have been digging for them (and probably keeping some for their own "evidence"). If I had said there was a dead body there the place would have been crawling with cops and reporters. If I had said there was a bomb buried there you would have immediately had cops/swat team/reporters/FBI/TV crews and they would have shut down I-75. It would have made national news. I said there was pirate silver......Nope, not interested, go away.

Salvor6- you always seem to come up with good advice. I was originally directed at the begining to Mr Seinfield. I had called Mary Glowacki. She was not in. My mistake for not trying to get back with her. I will call her tomorrow and try to arrange to meet her in person. This would entail a 350 mile round trip, but as you know I am very serious about all this and will do what it takes.

lorddean13-I am at a loss for words as how to reply to your post. Are you sure that you and pyrate are on the right thread?

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BDD,I have never said you were wrong,I only have question your sources when you state-"WELL DOCUMENTED LOCATION, SOURCE,SILVER...",etc.
You never cite a legitimate source of said documentation,but always revert to local folklore and dowsing tales,or some guy named-----. It does make one skeptical.
Most of my research comes from BOOKS-history,personal accounts,military records of events.I do have a vast library to research from,before I ever go to the internet.
Hey,BDD,if you don't underestimate me,I won't underestimate you.
No feud here.Can't promise about the button pushing,it just seems to happen when you read one of my questions.

I was implying that the story of Bruto was exaggerated! I could however believe that mastiffs bread for guard dogs and not for speed made the actual kill. Perhaps 5 arrows were incorrectly recorded as 50! It is just a good story after all, as a field log was never found to exist. Further study is not necessary as you are done talking about your big dog children!:headbang:

Hotzone- I am going to do something just for you. It has to be our little secret, okay? I am going to give you the website address for my dogs. Don't tell ANYBODY because it has my name on it. SSSHHHHH! Mum's the word. My dogs have been the #1 in the country numerous times in different catagories, but don't tell ANYBODY about this. OAKLANE-Polaris.com When it come up it may go to MastiffWebring-just reclick on our .com

Go take some cores, if you come up with gold or silver slivers send an ounce to the archies and let them know you are serious. Or...... get a partner with a backhoe and make sure you have a great alibi when he digs it up.

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