Dis 'ere be ticklin' me rudder if ye knows what me means.
First ye need t' be doin' yer researchin' on how dem pyrates be workin'. Arrr, does ye even how dem pyrates be dividin' up booty an' whatnot? Does ye be knowin' ev'ry pyrate got demself a share o' dat booty? Does ye be unnerstannin' dat dem pyrates was most tryin' t' be puttin' demselfs up wit' a wench on land?
Second ye need t' be knowin' dat what be on land belong to him what own dat land an' if it be on land what be owned by th' gov'ner it be belongin' t' the' gov'ner lest ye be fightin' wit' th' naval cap'n.
Terd, ye best be lookin' fer gold not silver and if ye be wantin' gold I be tellin' where der be lots buried on land what be owned by gov'ner. Ye need only sail north, to th' territory what be called New York an' the town what also be called New York.
I be tellin' ya, there be loot aplenty, but it be buried deep like Oprah's belly buttin'. I be knowin' right where it be buried, but it be buried deep an' it be buried right by dem' who buried it. If ye wants it, ye just need t' be diggin' right at what be known as 33 Liberty St. in th' town what be called New York in th' territory what be called New York.
It be plenty o' gold in th' chest what be there, soes ye might be needin' a crew o' strong men an' a sturdy wagon er two