Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Mapquest it,and go to the aerial view.Just want to know what he "sees" there,and if it matches the lore.

I asked a simple request to PM me the GPS number of the general spot. Google Earth it and give me the GPS number in the bottom right. You are the one that requested this.

You boast an engineering backround. Think about it. Its a half mile tolerance.

My tolerance is shrinking. A GPS number that is within a quarter mile is a quarter mile from it. What difference does it make, you're not involved.

Why don't you let that shark go? He has been swimming in a figure 8 for way too long. He is making me dizzy. I liked the bug better, more you're style as you like to bug people.

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White Tornado
A quarter mile to the left and a quarter mile to the right = 1/2 mile tolerance.
The shark is kind of growing on you, isn't it?

Bdd does you dowser get a gold signal over fort Knox?

Ok I read all the posts. It wasnt as entertaining as I thought.

Hey BDD, did you like the dog song?

Can someone answer this question? (I have asked this before). I think I know the answer but Im keeping an open mind.

Everyone knows the Treasure Coast is full of gold and silver. Some amazing finds have been posted. Digging in the sand is easy and you dont need a permit. BDD why dont you take your TN member remote guy and your other remote guys and your LRL guy and dig up some easy treasure?

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ECS I went to the NE corner of Marion Co. and found the Oklawaha river but I could not find Orange Creek. It is not marked on the map. So what is supposed to be there?

White Tornado
A quarter mile to the left and a quarter mile to the right = 1/2 mile tolerance.
The shark is kind of growing on you, isn't it?

The reason I asked ECS for a GPS number that is NEAR the location he wants searched is to make sure I am giving my remote guy the right area. If ECS wants to give a number that is within 100 feet it is entirely up to him. I picked a quarter mile for no particular reason. vor-I have read all your posts on here and many on other threads. You are a nit-picking, trouble-maker. I know your type well. Your only real value in all this is the fact that all your criticism may cause something to be questioned and maybe it will help. I already have that on our team.

The shark has grew on me like an infection from a spider bite.

Bdd does you dowser get a gold signal over fort Knox?

Golly gee, I never thought to ask him. Do you think he should do this to test himself or do you have doubts as to whether there is gold in Fort Knox? Maybe he should check the Mel Fisher museum. Maybe all his local banks, pawn shops and jewelry stores. Maybe he should bury some gold and then see if he can locate it. I would guess that he has done all of this. Here is the deal, I believe in him. He is no fool and neither am I. He has been working at this for a very long time. He is working with many others. He has tried to explain what he does but the truth is I don't want to know how he does it. It is not dowsing. I am afraid that if he told me too much I would then tell you all and then I would have to kill myself.

ECS I went to the NE corner of Marion Co. and found the Oklawaha river but I could not find Orange Creek. It is not marked on the map. So what is supposed to be there?

I think he is going to keep what he thinks is there a secret at this time. You now see why I asked him to give me a coordinate that is close to the search site. This should not be difficult. I don't know exactly how he will use this as a test. The odds are he has read one of his research sources and it has said there was something buried or lost in the area. We know that whatever ECS says is the gospel truth when it comes to these maters as his research skills are phenomenal and his sources of information are 100% accurate down to the minute details. His info will certainly not come from any treasure mags and will not fall under the heading of legend or lore. I am anxiously awaiting his PM.

It is really not that good of a question. It comes close to falling under the heading of "Stupid Question".
OK so the answer is yes? Is Fort Knox an anomaly? I still havent received an answer to my Treasure Beaches question. Maybe its stupid too? If I knew someone that could detect gold 3-4 feet under the sand, I would grab my shovel and jump in the car and so would many others.

Because there is gold in almost every bank, pawn shop, church and household, I am going to guess that dowsing does not work this way. As you have said in the past it detects certain anomalies but somehow your remote guy has determined that the church yard anomaly is gold, silver and diamonds. Im not being a wise guy, just asking questions.

anom·a·ly noun \ə-ˈnä-mə-lē\
: something that is unusual or unexpected : something anomalous
plural anom·a·lies

Full Definition of ANOMALY

: the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
: deviation from the common rule : irregularity
: something anomalous : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified

Well hey I guess we dont need to know how it works, as long as it produces..There are some things in this world that just cannot be explained or tested. We will just have to take your word for it and I will probably never get an answer to my Treasure Beaches question..

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ECS I went to the NE corner of Marion Co. and found the Oklawaha river but I could not find Orange Creek. It is not marked on the map. So what is supposed to be there?
Wow you jumped on that lead quickly. 8-):skullflag:

Ok I read all the posts. It wasnt as entertaining as I thought.

Hey BDD, did you like the dog song?

Can someone answer this question? (I have asked this before). I think I know the answer but Im keeping an open mind.

Everyone knows the Treasure Coast is full of gold and silver. Some amazing finds have been posted. Digging in the sand is easy and you dont need a permit. BDD why dont you take your TN member remote guy and your other remote guys and your LRL guy and dig up some easy treasure?

I have thought often of spending the time to try to do this and do it right. I have not worked with my main remote guy yet on this. I was asked to go to the east coast this weekend because of Hurricane Arthur but chose not to. I have taken one of the LRL guys to some hot spots. I have looked in the area marked by one of the map dowsers. It is never as easy as it sounds. If it were the gold would be gone as a lot of it is. If you dig near the water the hole will fill in and it is almost impossible to dig any real depth. One of the LRL guys came up with a digging device and when he tried to use it he was kicked off the beach.

One of my map dowsers gave me a location that I went to. I won't go into details but what I saw at this spot was VERY INTERESTING. I had two friends with me with short attention spans and we did not stay at the site very long. I plan on going back. Many of the dowsed spots were in the water which we cannot legally access. You also cannot dig in the dunes. You are limited to the area between high and low tide. If you try digging in the low tide area it will just be a matter of time before the tide comes up and washes the hole away. Some of the hot spots have beach cams and they frown on serious digging efforts.

BCH-I am sure you know most of this. Finding gold on the beach usually happens because a storm has cut into the sand making a "CUT" as it is called, and someone is able to detect deeper than normal. Sure the occasional ring or silver coins are found on a regular basis. I have never put much effort into this. You know me, not content with a base hit, got to swing for the fences.

My plan is to pick the right area, have my remote guy do his thing, use a digging device like the other LRL guy made, have a special deep detecting probe we made, have a deep-seeking PI unit, and see if I can find something. He has given me a spot on one of our local beaches and if I recall correctly it is supposed to be at about a 10 foot depth. If you know anything about how hurricanes effect the local barrier islands you will know that a 10 foot depth makes sense.

BCH-Like you said, digging in the sand is easy. You suggested we dig up some easy treasure. Ever heard the saying that if it was easy everybody would be doing it?

BTW-I did not listen to the song. I already know it. Don't want it re-stuck in my head.

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You always type so nice with no mistakes or editting. OK so I guess thats an answer but one gold doubloon with a nice date can be worth 50 grand and one piece of 1715 fleet jewelry much more. The Queens jewels are still missing.

I have seen some very large holes in the dunes of the treasure coast and I have found shovels left behind. Because digging in the dunes is illegal, they did it at night. Did they get fed up and abandon their shovels? Or did they get rich? We will never know but the holes I saw were too deep for any metal detector.

You always type so nice with no mistakes or editting. OK so I guess thats an answer but one gold doubloon with a nice date can be worth 50 grand and one piece of 1715 fleet jewelry much more. The Queens jewels are still missing.

I have seen some very large holes in the dunes of the treasure coast and I have found shovels left behind. Because digging in the dunes is illegal, they did it at night. Did they get fed up and abandon their shovels? Or did they get rich? We will never know but the holes I saw were too deep for any metal detector.

I completely agree with what you are saying about a single gold coin. Someone brought a nice coin into the Pawn Stars shop. It was in great condition but nothing special with no provenance. Rick gave him about $40,000 for it. I do not have a good answer for why I have not put the effort into finding something on a beach whether it is my west coast or the east coast. You have really got me thinking about checking out the 10 foot spot. It is way up on the beach actually near the entrance to a business. I think I will check into it. Thanks.

As far as the spot you mention with the shovels, here is my guess. They were illegally digging in the dunes at night. They saw someone coming. They left their shovel in the hole and took off so as not to get caught. They didn't go back. I may be wrong. Maybe they dug up one of the "big ones".

Thanks for the complement on my grammar and spelling. I took typing in high school and have always been good at spelling. I love to read. As with everything I do, I believe that anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

I was at the treasure hunter's barbecue on the east coast a few months back. I spoke with the captain's of a couple of the treasure salvage boats about my remote guy. They actually seemed to be interested in giving it a try. I wish I had more time for all of this. Maybe if I stayed off the internet it would help.

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ECS send me a PM with the GPS numbers of your site. I will check it out and let you know what I find.

What I like about Dog is he will always give you an honest answer even if it kills him. And behold!
He is listening to us on ways to improve his chances. BCH is such a sincere THer he tries his best
to talk the Dog down when he's upset. This is all good.

I had a vision on the church site, the 1000 mile remote sensor may have took his readings at the
exact time that Mr T was going by deciding whether to go in for prayers. He almost went in the door,
then he backed out and was walking the grounds in deep thought. Those deep thoughts probably
were picked up along with all the gold necklaces and diamond ear studs he was wearing. Presto,
the remote guy was right after all but his reading was worthless because Mr T is now in Miami
rocking with his crew.

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