Ok I read all the posts. It wasnt as entertaining as I thought.
Hey BDD, did you like the dog song?
Can someone answer this question? (I have asked this before). I think I know the answer but Im keeping an open mind.
Everyone knows the Treasure Coast is full of gold and silver. Some amazing finds have been posted. Digging in the sand is easy and you dont need a permit. BDD why dont you take your TN member remote guy and your other remote guys and your LRL guy and dig up some easy treasure?
I have thought often of spending the time to try to do this and do it right. I have not worked with my main remote guy yet on this. I was asked to go to the east coast this weekend because of Hurricane Arthur but chose not to. I have taken one of the LRL guys to some hot spots. I have looked in the area marked by one of the map dowsers. It is never as easy as it sounds. If it were the gold would be gone as a lot of it is. If you dig near the water the hole will fill in and it is almost impossible to dig any real depth. One of the LRL guys came up with a digging device and when he tried to use it he was kicked off the beach.
One of my map dowsers gave me a location that I went to. I won't go into details but what I saw at this spot was VERY INTERESTING. I had two friends with me with short attention spans and we did not stay at the site very long. I plan on going back. Many of the dowsed spots were in the water which we cannot legally access. You also cannot dig in the dunes. You are limited to the area between high and low tide. If you try digging in the low tide area it will just be a matter of time before the tide comes up and washes the hole away. Some of the hot spots have beach cams and they frown on serious digging efforts.
BCH-I am sure you know most of this. Finding gold on the beach usually happens because a storm has cut into the sand making a "CUT" as it is called, and someone is able to detect deeper than normal. Sure the occasional ring or silver coins are found on a regular basis. I have never put much effort into this. You know me, not content with a base hit, got to swing for the fences.
My plan is to pick the right area, have my remote guy do his thing, use a digging device like the other LRL guy made, have a special deep detecting probe we made, have a deep-seeking PI unit, and see if I can find something. He has given me a spot on one of our local beaches and if I recall correctly it is supposed to be at about a 10 foot depth. If you know anything about how hurricanes effect the local barrier islands you will know that a 10 foot depth makes sense.
BCH-Like you said, digging in the sand is easy. You suggested we dig up some easy treasure. Ever heard the saying that if it was easy everybody would be doing it?
BTW-I did not listen to the song. I already know it. Don't want it re-stuck in my head.