One is supposed to be alarge amount of gold and silver buried at 12 feet on a piece of commercial property. The other is supposed to be a large amount of gold, silver and diamonds at what was first said to be at seven and a half feet and was later said to be at three feet.
I was told by my church contact that we could only dig on Saturdays. A dig was planned. On the day of the dig my dig partner of choice was unavailable. I brought in two good friends. When we showed up at the church a grounds maintenance worker was mowing the area. The church guy did not want him to know what we were doing so we had to wait until he left. This delayed us about an hour. My friends had limited time.
We set up a small tent and I began to dig. We videoed everything. I immediately encountered some broken up old concrete pipes. It took some doing to trace each of the three runs. I found different metallic objects. This all took a little longer than planned and I knew my guys were running out of time. About this time my phone rang and I was informed of a friends death that had occurred just hours earlier. I was suffering the effects of a brown recluse spider bite and was not at my best.
I posted the results on this thread and as was to be expected the critics were quick to claim that the dig was a failure. This was no surprise to me but the negativity sometimes gets to me. I know this is what some want. I know there are people on here that want to see me fail. That is not what this site is supposed to be about. I choose to share my story but I am not on trial and do not have to prove ANYTHING.
BDD, I admire your persistence. What I'm going to say may be long and rambling, but bear with me.
It's understandable why people question your theories on why/where treasure could/should/might/definitely be. When a person claims to know the exact locations of multiple treasures ranging from tons of gold and silver in Florida to the almost mythical Beale treasure, you have to accept that people will question you. After all, exceptional claims require exceptional proof. If not, this entire site would degenerate into illogical tit for tat arguments over who found a bigger treasure, and the whole site would be a joke.
Your hunt was fueled by stories told by Ovid, who supposedly showed you treasures buried/hidden/in plain view all over the country. However, he never really showed you anything of substance he'd found, he dug at the site of the mythical rocket shells full of gold/diamonds/money orders and came up empty, and one of the wives quoted in the article about the rocket shell hunt admitted the two intrepid hunters were broke. Doesn't sound like Ovid, his buddy, and the Duke from Pahokee were taking advantage of the hundreds of treasures they were supposedly able to find with their crystals, or whatever dowsing contraption they relied on.
Every story you've told here has ended up the same way every single tv show about hunts for Bigfoot, buried treasure, space aliens, monsters, etc....something happens to stop the hunt. In your case, the reasons include the boat breaking down, people having to leave early, you want to dig in the "exact" spot but someone else for whatever reason wants to dig somewhere different, it rains, the rental equipment needs to be turned in, you didn't dig deep enough, you should've gone 2ft to the left, or someone is mowing the grass.
Again, I admire your determination, it's got to be humbling admitting your digs only produce septic fields or dog caskets. Maybe part of the issue is, like I highlighted above, every treasure you're looking for is a "
large" amount of gold, silver, diamonds, etc.
I'm not sure what you class as large, but the Rocky Bluff site was purported by you to contain
tons of gold and silver. If that's the way you class every large find, it's understandable why a researcher like ECS questions you. Finding a shipwreck with tons of gold is different than finding a land site with tons of's more reasonable to believe. For someone to hide that on land, (A) they'd have to have that amount, (B) they'd have to transport it, and (C) they'd have to have a good reason to bury it.
I'm interested in what you're doing with the various LRL and dowsing guys, comparing their results to GPR. I'm not yet a believer in LRL's because way too many have been exposed as fakes. Dowsers can certainly locate water, pipes, underground wires, etc, but I've never seen a dowser be able to produce treasure. To me, I'm thinking dowsers may be picking up on some sort of disturbance in the earth, maybe it's a disruption in natural planetary magnetism when someone has dug a hole, or an underground stream is present. Dell Winders was a big dowser proponent here a while back, in fact I think he relied moreso on psychic dowsing. Whether he was on to something or whether he was nutty, I can't say, but he seemed to truly believe in his abilities. I haven't seen him post here in a while, I don't know if something happened to him or not (seemed like he or his wife were having health problems), but you may be able to do a search on the site and find his contact info. I'm pretty sure he went to one of the cookouts a couple of years ago, one of the old timers on the Shipwreck forum might have his contact info. In fact, seems like I remember him predicting there was treasure buried at the hotel site, but they couldn't get permission to dig. Ask Salvor or Aquanot, they may know something about him. He seemed like an interesting guy.
Again, not slamming you, just engaging in reasonable discourse. You're obviously dedicated, and willing to state your case. I don't think guys like VOR and ECS are purposely hard on you, I just think it's natural to play devils advocate.
Did you ever look for the diamonds someone pinpointed were buried in your brother's back yard?