Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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your chasing phantoms ,do crack dealers bury their profits ?
name me 1 or 2 pirate treasures that have ever been found ?
and even if they did bury some loot ,it would have been retrieved by 1 of their band soon after .
pirates didnt save for a rainy day they lived a short life on the edge and died young at the end of a rope.

Big if you are so sure that you want to belittle anyone trying to give you some solid advise then why don't you hop out from behind your keyboard and go get something to prove your claim. FYI I have a masters in Archeology and my PHd in history. Yeah I rock the Skull Candy noise canceling head phones (**** I'm only in my 30's not some cranky old man). I have been digging sites since I graduated in 2003. I was detecting before that since i was 12. I have been working on the Jamestown settlement for the past 3 years and before that I helped uncover the Presidents house in Philly. I work with a lot of archeologists and yeah I get paid to research things. Am I an archeologist? No. I am an historian with the credentials and the experience to back it up. Right now though all you have presented us here is a story. This is how it is seen and this is why you can't get a permit. We had to find, document and date a 16th century foundation before anyone would even consider giving us a permit. That's why we can get a permit and dig and you aren't getting that lucky. I am saying there are hundreds of treasure stories out there and until something is found they are just stories and no one is going to let you tear up their property based on a story. That is unless you have some evidence. Some one will dig up Rocky Bluff while you fight to get a permit, they'll find nothing and the story will continue, or they will present their find as evidence so they can get a permit and pick the place clean before you get to dig. That's how the world works.

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Well, I can be a cranky old man especially when I hear Joe College tooting his own horn and slamming someone a little older. Maybe without all the opportunities from your credentials, you would have had to get a better detector than that used by 12 year olds. See, age discrimination works both ways! :laughing7:

Well, I can be a cranky old man especially when I hear Joe College tooting his own horn and slamming someone a little older. Maybe without all the opportunities from your credentials, you would have had to get a better detector than that used by 12 year olds. See, age discrimination works both ways! :laughing7:

Hotzone: I detect as a hobby, something to do when I am bored. I am not about to break out the GPL 2000 or the EMP-400i to search a local park. Funny how you say 12 year olds use my detector when there are quite a few people I have met while MDing that use the 505 and swear by it. Oh...I only spent $300 on my detector that makes it a kids detector. Blow it out your ass, like I said I don't take this hobby that seriously. I do however take my job seriously so when I find information that is interesting I will access my sources and research it. It's the cranky old men that make this hobby look bad in the eyes of the public. Also when some one makes a comment about what I put in my profile that sounds a little derogatory you're damn straight I will make a comment. So keep your barbs and mercs and let "Joe College" make the bigger finds. You're right I didn't spend much on a detector because I though spending money on my education was and still is more important.

Now who's cranky? :icon_scratch:

Aquanut--I am trying to be funny and serious at the same time. I am the most honest and trustworthy person I know. It ain't over till it's over.

lorddean13--I must have missed your advice/advise. Were you implying that the treasure does not exist and therefore I should give up? I am old and cranky, please be more specific when giving me advice. Go to my website to see some examples of my efforts to dig up pirate treasure. This was before you could spell. I don't hide behind anything. I AM trying to get permission so that I CAN dig to prove what is there. What type of evidence could I (providing I wanted to) put on here to back up my claim. All the naysayers are going to look kinda lame (I am using nice words) when I dig up some treasure. If it turns out to be junk at least I had the testicles to put my shovel where my mouth is. Also thank you for explaining to me how the world works.

BCH--Don't delete anything. I am the one saying too much. The area was used as a place to illegally dump trash. This works both ways as a metal detector might go off all over the place. As far as my replying to any body posting on here, I don't want to push away anybody who is trying to "help" me. Unwarranted negativity is not much help.

bingbong--I don't know what your putting into your bingbong but why do you always seem to bring drugs and drug dealers into the conversation? I had no idea there were so many pirate "experts" on here. Tell me what they did with their "booty" and where they kept it. They spent it? Where? On drugs?

Hotzone--Don't be so mean to the young guy. You will hurt his feelings and I have been told that is discouraged on here. He might quit talking to us. Not sent from my iphone.

I was told a story about some drug dealers hiding a stash of paper money in the millions stuffed into coolers. They were high when they buried it and when they tried to dig it up at a later date they could not find it. Bummer.

I have been posting on the Swamp Gold thread and mentioned LRL's. It was posted that LRL's don't work. Actually he said nothing on the market works. I just happened to have met some guys who built their own and were not trying to sell it. They used it to locate the pirate silver. Ovid had previously shown me the exact location. I watched them do it. This was over 20 years ago. This was their first version of an LRL.

I found out recently that they used a newer version when they went back to the Swamp Gold site without me knowing about it. They told me there was gold in the area that Ovid had marked. They used their machine while parked on the side of I-75 (Alligator Alley section) They did not do any detecting over the gold site as it was illegal and they were run off by the authorities.

They took one of their latest machines to a remote testing site and I was told it had worked for them at a distance of 18 miles. This will be impossible for some people to believe. These guys are electronic experts. or at least one of them is. They split up years ago. I do not think any video exists of their machine. I just talked to the smartest one this afternoon. He has told me in the past that he became rich in the real estate boom and had gotten burned out on treasure hunting.

He said they never tried marketing it. He also said that if someone had one that really worked you would not see them trying to sell it on the internet. They had nothing to gain by trying to fool me. They were not trying to sell me anything. I took them on an out of state trip with Ovid. I took them to a location south of Atlanta where Ovid showed me a spot where he believed 12 saddlebags full of gold were buried.

I wanted to see what their machine could do. This was over 20 years ago. I parked a good distance from the spot. They set their machine up in different locations. Thru triangulation they came up with a location that they said had buried gold. Yep, the same spot next to the creek where I had tried to get to the gold.

Believe it or not I had tried to dig in the past and was thwarted by some beavers who had built a dam in the one week period from when Ovid showed me the spot and my wife and I came back to dig. At the risk of losing a vital body part I had taken off my clothes, swam over, and busted up their dam. (Long story-please read book).

I know the naysayers will think everything I say to be BS or a figment of my imagination. I am a pretty smart guy. I know what I witnessed. One of these guys also took a boat out to the gulf without my knowing of it at the time, to go after a sunken gold location that was identified by Ovid as part of an elaborate test. Once the boat had gotten out of the channel leading into the gulf the transom broke. The boat flipped and sunk sending all their equipment to the bottom. These guys were carrying around some bad karma.

Now it is many years later. We are all older and wiser. The smarter of the two guys is willing to build a new machine to locate gold. I think he will be part of the team I am assembling. We will be going after all the treasures that we can. I have researchers, multiple dowsers, one of a kind LRL's unavailable to the public, numerous treasure stories, high tech metal detectors with people that know how to use them, and good karma.

Getting back to the LRL's. If they do not work, what do you think radar does? Is it not an electronic device that can locate metalic objects at a long distance? I am really getting tired of the so-called experts coming onto this thread and telling everyone how dowsing, LRL's, and my stories are all BS. I can hardly wait to prove them all wrong. That is partly why I came onto TN. I am giving them the rope to hang themselves.

There are probably lots of people who think I am giving out too much information on here. These stories are the tip of the iceberg. I have used them as bait to bring the people that I need, to me. So far it has worked great. No one reading this thread has any idea of all the PM's (personal messages) that I have recieved. These have led to long extensive e-mails with many people. The team is almost assembled. The pirate silver site is MY test to be passed.

One of the hardest things in treasure hunting is getting permission to dig on someone elses property. I am pretty good at it. Now I am no Rick Savage. I do have a very manly handshake and I do not come across as a buffoon. I also do not need to fake ANYTHING. You will all soon see. Remember, you read it here first.

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To those who want documented proof that this treasure exists, I have it. I did some research for BDD and found records of the USS Grampus. She was a Revenue Cutter ship built to supress the pirates in Florida. There is a record of the USS Grampus chasing a pirate schooner up the Manatee River. The pirate ship ran aground at Rocky Bluff (their campsite) and the pirates jumped overboard and escaped with the help of their buddies. The crew of the Grampus set the pirate ship on fire. There is more documented proof that this treasure exists but I am not posting everything.

Okay, maybe I missed it earlier- But this seems to be an awful lot of work going into this before a bit more checking on the site had been done.

Pull off the side of the road. Wear orange vest's if you like and go during the middle of the day. Go to the spot and use the GPR to at least proof if something that size is where you think it is. You would not be breaking any laws by conducting a quick non-intrusive search.

Then start the massive pile of bureaucracy.

Treasure is around, I don't doubt that for a moment. Anclote Key was a charted anchorage in the early Florida exploration days. What I would find fascinating is that the treasure would be located next to the interstate. Not under it, not torn up by the construction or earthmoving phase, but neatly next to it. Truly a one in a gazillion find it it's there.

Best of luck, but dealing with State of Florida 'Officials' is like trying to herd cats up a grease covered rope.

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It would be naive to think that I would put all my cards on the table to the officials or on TN. I have shared some of my story because that's what I like to do. I have always been an adventurer and I like to share my tales with just about anybody that will listen. My wife has been telling me for the last 39 years that I have a big mouth. Some things will never change.

My big mouth on here has caused me to come into contact with people that I might never have met, talked to or chatted online with. I was at the treasure hunter's picnic at Wabasso a few months back. I met Del Winders, Ivan Salis and many others. TN is a great place to meet people that share my passion for treasure hunting.

I am gearing up to be able to go full time in my quest for treasure. The Rocky Bluff pirate silver may not exist. I am putting it all on the line that it does. The same person that located it for me also located dozens of other potential sites. There is only one way to find out and that is to dig. All the researching, talking, thinking, bragging, dreaming, and boasting will produce only limited results. Put a shovel to the ground and start digging. (maybe a pick or air chisel)

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To those who want documented proof that this treasure exists, I have it. I did some research for BDD and found records of the USS Grampus. She was a Revenue Cutter ship built to supress the pirates in Florida. There is a record of the USS Grampus chasing a pirate schooner up the Manatee River. The pirate ship ran aground at Rocky Bluff (their campsite) and the pirates jumped overboard and escaped with the help of their buddies. The crew of the Grampus set the pirate ship on fire. There is more documented proof that this treasure exists but I am not posting everything.

Sounds as if you have done your homework and I never doubted the possibility that you guys will find treasure at this DOT location. I hope you get permission.

Okay, maybe I missed it earlier- But this seems to be an awful lot of work going into this before a bit more checking on the site had been done.

Pull off the side of the road. Wear orange vest's if you like and go during the middle of the day. Go to the spot and use the GPR to at least proof if something that size is where you think it is. You would not be breaking any laws by conducting a quick non-intrusive search.

Best of luck, but dealing with State of Florida 'Officials' is like trying to herd cats up a grease covered rope.
Its easy to miss with all the talk about dowsing and LRLs but yes these guys have already verified the target. They got a huge non ferrous signal with a 40 x 40 inch coil..

I was told a story about some drug dealers hiding a stash of paper money in the millions stuffed into coolers. They were high when they buried it and when they tried to dig it up at a later date they could not find it. Bummer.
lol I am sure that there are many buried stashes of drug money. Usually they come back for it when they get out of prison.

Wow BDD your thread has 31 likes! My Swamp gold thread has about 2. :tongue3: I guess you know how to tell an interesting story.

Ok... I heard about an old man from North Carolina that... had been dowsing for over 35 years and had found many things for many people... He said he knew where a pirate chest was in Englewood Florida... We hit it off... I told him I would take him anywhere he wanted to go. He could show me where the treasures were and if we could we would try to dig them up. On the way to Florida we stopped at a number of places that his pendulum led him to. He had already marked them ahead of time on some road atlases... For instance, he would tell me up ahead a mile or so would be where he felt the gold was. He would point off the road down an old abandoned driveway and then lead me to some bushes. He would point into the bushes and tell me it read for gold. After looking into the bushes I would find the old stone foundation of a house... There was a place that I had always heard from the time I was a kid that was a old pirate camp. When we were about a half mile away I told him to get out his pendulum and see if he got a reading. He began swinging it in front of him and said he felt a strong pull. As we drove on the highway and got closer he started swinging it to the left in the direction of the camp. As we passed by it he was swinging his pendulum directly at the camp. He said it was a very strong reading. It was almost dark and I told him I would take him to the location the next day. When I took him there he led me right over to a spot and said he got a very strong signal. He drew out the outline of the area on the ground. It was about 10 foot by 10 foot. He always had a bag with him that had about 2 dozen different objects on strings. He would use them to try to tell what the exact treasure was. He used a gold filled brass tube as his normal pendulum. He had one that was full of silver. He said the ground was full of silver. He carried some wire with him that he would get bouncing and somehow or another he would use it to figure out the depth of the object. He said it was just a few feet down. The ground was as hard as a rock. The area is called Rocky Bluff because a lot of the surface is covered with exsposed limestone. I know this all sounds crazy and maybe it is a little crazy. We did not do any digging. It was on state land. At the time I was more interested in getting him to show me the location of the chest in Englewood... Here are the facts. There is a large pile of heavy non-ferous metal no more than 5 feet deep right in the middle of a known pirate camp... Do I know for a fact that it is silver? No, heck it might be gold or a combination of gold and silver. Could it be lead? Yes. Brass, maybe. What I beleive happened is that the pirates found a spot where they could dig under the limestone layer and stuffed the silver into an area that they dug out... You can choose to beleive what I am saying or not. I took the old man on numerous trips back in 1987 over the next five years until 1992... He showed me the location of a cave full of gold in northern Georgia (I could not find the entrance but we were over the top). A spot where a wagon load of gold was buried near Dalonega Georgia. Pots of gold along a railroad track in central North Carolina. The location of the Beale treasure. A pirate chest location on the bank of the Cape Fear river. Sunken ships in the Gulf of Mexico. Saddlebags full of gold next to a road in Georgia. A 55 gallon drum full of silver dollars in northern Pennsylvania. There are dozens of more locations... I know for a FACT that the old man was for real.
...and you wonder why some may question your validity?
You seem to know the locations of ALL the treasure legends ever commited to print in a treasure magazine.

lol I am sure that there are many buried stashes of drug money. Usually they come back for it when they get out of prison.

Yep, and one stash of cash is on the old Walker Ranch, Kissimmee Fl. It now belongs to Disney/The Nature Conservancy No chance in hell of hunting there.

This is not related to the pirate site but its something that happened in Englewood in 1965. I thought it was an interesting read as to the types of things that were going on in Florida at the time.. Sarasota Journal - Google News Archive Search

This is the reason its so hard to dig in S. Florida anymore.View attachment 648108

View attachment 648111 Its not as crazy here as it was in 65 but if you actually find something and it makes the news the same thing will happen at the DOT site and those in charge realize this. People will stampede and trample each other for a sample of free pirate treasure.

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ECS--I don't wonder why someone would question my validity. I would be suprised if they didn't. I put all this on here for a reason. Just for the record, everything that I have put on TN is exactly as it happened with no embellishment. Most of it is crazier than what I put on here. These are the mild stories. I have saved the best for my book. Either I am the biggest BS'er on TN or I have one heck of a story to tell. I am not afraid for the truth to come out. There are a lot of behind the scenes activities going on right now that will force the truth out. I will keep you posted. Please keep your skepticism coming, I enjoy it. I don't know all the locations but I think I know some good ones.

BCH--You are absolutely right, that is what they are afraid of. They have told me so. Is it a good enough reason to leave a potential treasure buried in the ground? We will see. They can put up a fence if they wanted to or at least No Tresspasing signs. You are quite the researcher, I really am impressed. Do you want to join the research team? Maybe we will hire ECS and Signal. I am NOT being sarcastic. As you know I am not the researcher but if you read my book when it comes out you might be suprised how much I have done. Side note-my dad almost traded a lot he owned for the property where some of the pirate silver may be. This was in 1969 before I-75 came along. I was 14. Of course this does not mean that I have a clue about the history of the area.

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I am not much of a researcher. I just happened to stumble onto the Englewood article when I was looking for something else.. Bramblefind (a member) told me how to search old newspapers.

Im getting ready to move to the swamp and hunt and fish everyday.

I didnt know we has a tropical storm out there. Wow I need to watch the news.

The nasty part of thorough research is finding out the popular legends are untrue. If they were true they would be long gone.
So the best way to go about this is to follow your hunches and proceed as though every one of your tips are spot on. Chances
are you will find a bonanza by accident.

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