I was told a story about some drug dealers hiding a stash of paper money in the millions stuffed into coolers. They were high when they buried it and when they tried to dig it up at a later date they could not find it. Bummer.
I have been posting on the Swamp Gold thread and mentioned LRL's. It was posted that LRL's don't work. Actually he said nothing on the market works. I just happened to have met some guys who built their own and were not trying to sell it. They used it to locate the pirate silver. Ovid had previously shown me the exact location. I watched them do it. This was over 20 years ago. This was their first version of an LRL.
I found out recently that they used a newer version when they went back to the Swamp Gold site without me knowing about it. They told me there was gold in the area that Ovid had marked. They used their machine while parked on the side of I-75 (Alligator Alley section) They did not do any detecting over the gold site as it was illegal and they were run off by the authorities.
They took one of their latest machines to a remote testing site and I was told it had worked for them at a distance of 18 miles. This will be impossible for some people to believe. These guys are electronic experts. or at least one of them is. They split up years ago. I do not think any video exists of their machine. I just talked to the smartest one this afternoon. He has told me in the past that he became rich in the real estate boom and had gotten burned out on treasure hunting.
He said they never tried marketing it. He also said that if someone had one that really worked you would not see them trying to sell it on the internet. They had nothing to gain by trying to fool me. They were not trying to sell me anything. I took them on an out of state trip with Ovid. I took them to a location south of Atlanta where Ovid showed me a spot where he believed 12 saddlebags full of gold were buried.
I wanted to see what their machine could do. This was over 20 years ago. I parked a good distance from the spot. They set their machine up in different locations. Thru triangulation they came up with a location that they said had buried gold. Yep, the same spot next to the creek where I had tried to get to the gold.
Believe it or not I had tried to dig in the past and was thwarted by some beavers who had built a dam in the one week period from when Ovid showed me the spot and my wife and I came back to dig. At the risk of losing a vital body part I had taken off my clothes, swam over, and busted up their dam. (Long story-please read book).
I know the naysayers will think everything I say to be BS or a figment of my imagination. I am a pretty smart guy. I know what I witnessed. One of these guys also took a boat out to the gulf without my knowing of it at the time, to go after a sunken gold location that was identified by Ovid as part of an elaborate test. Once the boat had gotten out of the channel leading into the gulf the transom broke. The boat flipped and sunk sending all their equipment to the bottom. These guys were carrying around some bad karma.
Now it is many years later. We are all older and wiser. The smarter of the two guys is willing to build a new machine to locate gold. I think he will be part of the team I am assembling. We will be going after all the treasures that we can. I have researchers, multiple dowsers, one of a kind LRL's unavailable to the public, numerous treasure stories, high tech metal detectors with people that know how to use them, and good karma.
Getting back to the LRL's. If they do not work, what do you think radar does? Is it not an electronic device that can locate metalic objects at a long distance? I am really getting tired of the so-called experts coming onto this thread and telling everyone how dowsing, LRL's, and my stories are all BS. I can hardly wait to prove them all wrong. That is partly why I came onto TN. I am giving them the rope to hang themselves.
There are probably lots of people who think I am giving out too much information on here. These stories are the tip of the iceberg. I have used them as bait to bring the people that I need, to me. So far it has worked great. No one reading this thread has any idea of all the PM's (personal messages) that I have recieved. These have led to long extensive e-mails with many people. The team is almost assembled. The pirate silver site is MY test to be passed.
One of the hardest things in treasure hunting is getting permission to dig on someone elses property. I am pretty good at it. Now I am no Rick Savage. I do have a very manly handshake and I do not come across as a buffoon. I also do not need to fake ANYTHING. You will all soon see. Remember, you read it here first.