Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I just cant understand why you never picked up any of the Easy treasures, the pots of gold. You drove around for five years, and didnt try to dig any up! Most of us are kinda poor, so we would have dug at least one up, to bank roll future hunts, and at least to see if all this work was really worth it. Very hard to believe, sorry! How do you write a believable book, if you havent dug any of these treasures up?

The pots in N.C. were the last place I took Ovid. I have gone back to North Carolina at least 6-8 times.I have dug three times. Once by hand and twice with a backhoe. Most people would have given up by now. I learn more on each trip and am now ready to dig up multiple pots. There are not to many "Easy Treasures" out there. There is usually a circumstance with all of them that makes it hard to get your hands on it.

The fact that I have not given up is a big part of the story. You have to understand something about me and my story. After the terrible mess I made on my first dig I decided to take Ovid as many places that I could before he died. I am just a construction worker who to this day works paycheck to paycheck. It was a big stress on my finances to do a serious dig.

When I met Ovid he was not expected to live much longer. Each time I took him home I figured that it might be the last time I saw him alive. If I had known he would live another five years I may have done many things differently. In fact if I had known the full extent of his dowsing abilities and how RARE it is to find someone who can actually dowse with success, I would have done whatever it takes to take him EVERYWHERE he wanted to go. He claimed to have locations all over the country where he could pinpoint treasure.

I lived over 600 miles from him. It was not that easy to just go pick him up and go for a ride. His health also had its ups and downs. He was not always ready for a trip. His wife was very concerned about me taking him out on the road under sometimes very stressful conditions. I was lucky to have taken him on the trips that I did.

It is easy to sit back and judge others. Hindsight is 20/20. I was just taking it one day at a time. You have to also understand that I had a lot going on at this time and the treasure was at the bottom of my list of priorities. I was very involved in showing and breeding our dogs. We won many titles and had the number 1 mastiff in the country in different categories. My wife took one of our dogs to Westminster and won. We sometimes had 10 mastiffs living in our house and many of them weighed over 200 pounds. They are hard to ignore. As I type this I have a 220 pounder trying to rest his head on my arm.

I was also constantly trying to figure a way to get my car movie edited or reedited to my liking so that I could put it on the market to make money so that I could do what I want. I have spent thousands of hours and who knows how much money on this movie and have not made any profit because I am too picky and refuse to market it as it is.

I also have tried to have fun with my race cars over the years. There are currently six here and only two of them run. I have also restored a couple cars and an old tractor just to keep me busy. I have a picture of my current favorite car on my website.

I have also had multiple inventions that have cost me a lot of time and money and not made me any profit. My plan was always to make money in one of my ventures so that i could go after the treasure for "fun". Then if I found the treasure I would not need it and would give it to deserving causes. I know this sounds kind of hokey but it is the truth.

I have recently changed tactics. I am going to go after the treasure that has the path of least resistance. I am basically interested in three. Pirate silver at Rocky Bluff, Pots-of-Gold in North Carolina, and Civil war gold in the Everglades near Alligator Alley. I am currently working on trying to make any one of the three happen. As usual I am trying to do too much. I have about three other personal projects as well as my full time job in construction. I am also currently re-editing my book for the last time and will have it ready within a week. I have also had multiple meetings with a reporter from the Tampa paper for the extensive article he is working on about the treasures and me. Oh, and I must include the fact that I am spending WAY too much time on TN blabbing about the "supposed" treasures that I claim to know about.

Needless to say I AM BUSY. I don't care at this point who believes what about my story. I will try to answer all questions given to me. I am doing this for practice at writing as I don't really like to type. I am gearing up for the movie script I am about to write. The title is THE TREASURE STORY. Wouldn't you just know it that I own thetreasurestory.com. as well as mytreasurestory.com. I have only activated the my treasure domain name. Check it out.

The only reason I am sitting here typing right now is that we have been getting tons of wind and rain and have had multiple tornado warnings the past few days. I am surrounded by 7 dogs as I type. I hope that everyone reading my thread is enjoying it. I promise you that I am not making ANY of it up. In fact, if I were to tell all that has happened you would probably write me off as a crackpot if you haven't already.

maipenrai--does this answer your questions. I have never done anything the "easy" way. When I acheive success I don't want anybody claiming it was handed to me.

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This is the most interesting reading I've done in a while...BDD keep the faith and your powder dry! I think you have a great book opportunity and if you don't get to dig the silver you should go full blast in promoting the story. This would be interesting how you found out about the treasure and the hassles along the way. Lots of great stories within a story here!

Ha haha, that crossed my mind also! Im sure there are several with multiple profiles here.

you are working with a false premise right from the start.
where did all this bullion originate from when the east coast say in then 18th century was supplied with small amounts of british and irish base metal coinage .where did they expect to use this large amount of bullion?
just settlements that didnt need any of this mythical bullion .
cargos robbed by freebooters were just simple cargos of food and spices ,ceramics, and the ship itself.

Dis 'ere be ticklin' me rudder if ye knows what me means.

First ye need t' be doin' yer researchin' on how dem pyrates be workin'. Arrr, does ye even how dem pyrates be dividin' up booty an' whatnot? Does ye be knowin' ev'ry pyrate got demself a share o' dat booty? Does ye be unnerstannin' dat dem pyrates was most tryin' t' be puttin' demselfs up wit' a wench on land?

Second ye need t' be knowin' dat what be on land belong to him what own dat land an' if it be on land what be owned by th' gov'ner it be belongin' t' the' gov'ner lest ye be fightin' wit' th' naval cap'n.

Terd, ye best be lookin' fer gold not silver and if ye be wantin' gold I be tellin' where der be lots buried on land what be owned by gov'ner. Ye need only sail north, to th' territory what be called New York an' the town what also be called New York.

I be tellin' ya, there be loot aplenty, but it be buried deep like Oprah's belly buttin'. I be knowin' right where it be buried, but it be buried deep an' it be buried right by dem' who buried it. If ye wants it, ye just need t' be diggin' right at what be known as 33 Liberty St. in th' town what be called New York in th' territory what be called New York.

It be plenty o' gold in th' chest what be there, soes ye might be needin' a crew o' strong men an' a sturdy wagon er two

Okay, maybe I missed it earlier- But this seems to be an awful lot of work going into this before a bit more checking on the site had been done.

Pull off the side of the road. Wear orange vest's if you like and go during the middle of the day. Go to the spot and use the GPR to at least proof if something that size is where you think it is. You would not be breaking any laws by conducting a quick non-intrusive search.

Then start the massive pile of bureaucracy.

Treasure is around, I don't doubt that for a moment. Anclote Key was a charted anchorage in the early Florida exploration days. What I would find fascinating is that the treasure would be located next to the interstate. Not under it, not torn up by the construction or earthmoving phase, but neatly next to it. Truly a one in a gazillion find it it's there.

Best of luck, but dealing with State of Florida 'Officials' is like trying to herd cats up a grease covered rope.

Agreed on the orange vest and going mid-day, but here are the instructions on getting away with almost anything almost anywhere:
Wear a blue shirt, khaki pants, orange vest, standard tan workboots and a white hardhat. (I'm just going to assume you know that you should shave, bathe and get a haircut)
Drive a clean white truck
Park well off the road and place orange cones 5' off the corners of the front and rear bumpers.

No lie, you can do almost anything, almost anywhere if you follow these simple instructions.

To those who want documented proof that this treasure exists, I have it. I did some research for BDD and found records of the USS Grampus. She was a Revenue Cutter ship built to supress the pirates in Florida. There is a record of the USS Grampus chasing a pirate schooner up the Manatee River. The pirate ship ran aground at Rocky Bluff (their campsite) and the pirates jumped overboard and escaped with the help of their buddies. The crew of the Grampus set the pirate ship on fire. There is more documented proof that this treasure exists but I am not posting everything.
The USS GRAMPUS,was built in 1821,and was part of THE WEST INDIES SQUADRON,which also included the USS HORNET,ENTERPRISE,PORPOISE,SHARK,and SPARK.Their mission was to suppress pirate activity in the area of the ANTILLES and PUERTO RICO.
The GRAMPUS had a compliment of two 12pounders and sixteen 24pounders.
Her first Capt,was Lt Francis Gregory,who sunk a pirate brig during his command.
GRAMPUS second Capt,John Sloat,had the greater victory,when he encountered pirate Roberto Cofresi (the Robin Hood of Puerto Rico),March 2,1824,as Cofresi sailed his EL MOSQUITO round Boca del Infierno (Puerto Rico's south coast).After a lenghty seabattle,Cofresi abbandoned his sinking ship,swam to shore,where he was captured with some of his men.Cofresi was executed,Mar 29,1825,at El Morro Castle,and piracy declined in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico for good.
The USS GRAMPUS was lost at sea with all hands, during on storm,Mar 15,1843,off the coast from Charleston,SC.
Where did your account of the GRAMPUS at ROCKY BLUFF originate?
US NAVAL records do not have this listed as a GRAMPUS enemy encounter.

Harryoutdoors--Thanks for the support. It's nice to hear from a friendly poster every now and then.
Kentucky Kache-I have never been on here before March and I only have one name. Do you think I am playing some game?
bingbong-here is what I think happened-ship passing by-pirates rob ship-pirates get silver bars-pirates hide silver bars-pirates no come back-bars in ground
PYRATE-first post-thanks but no thanks-second post-I have the vest, hard hat, white truck,blue shirt,etc. What can I LEGALLY do next?
ECS-You dang sure got the facts! Thanks. Salvor 6 will have to reply, the only thing I think I know is where the silver is. Isn't that the bottom line?

ECS-You dang sure got the facts! Thanks. Salvor 6 will have to reply, the only thing I think I know is where the silver is. Isn't that the bottom line?
Then is it your and Salvor 6's belief that the Rocky Bluff pirate treasure dates between 1821-1842?

I met Salvor 6 recently through TN. He is a good guy and has had a lot of treasure hunting experience. He told me the story of the Grampus. I think I had heard something about it a long time ago. I don't really have a clue as to when the silver may have been buried. It may have been a long time before the Grampus story. Just down the river is where Desoto landed. This was in the 15th century. I was told by a long time local that the stories of pirates goes back well over 300 years. I don't think there is any way to tell when it was buried other than to dig it up and see if there are markings on whatever it is. Please do not tell me that your research says that there is no silver to be found here.

PYRATE-first post-thanks but no thanks-second post-I have the vest, hard hat, white truck,blue shirt,etc. What can I LEGALLY do next?

So you want to know what to do LEGALLY do you?

It isn't as cheap or easy to do it the legal way, but if you really want to know, here ya go:

Hire a lobbyist or create a pac, this is the United States of America and it is an election year - anything you want can be purchased with a simple CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION.

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I don't really have a clue as to when the silver may have been buried. It may have been a long time before the Grampus story. Just down the river is where Desoto landed. This was in the 15th century. I was told by a long time local that the stories of pirates goes back well over 300 years. I don't think there is any way to tell when it was buried other than to dig it up and see if there are markings on whatever it is. Please do not tell me that your research says that there is no silver to be found here.
Before DeSoto landed in Florida (May 30,1539),Panfilo Narvaez landed near present day Tampa with 400 men,war dogs, and some horses,April 15,1528. NOTE:The 1500's are refered to as the 16th century.
Narvaez,of course was looking for gold,and when he reached Ocali (Ocala),was attached by several hundred Ocali warriors.The fighting was fierce,but the Spanish let slip their dogs of war,and the Native Americans retreated,but Narvaez and many of his men were killed.
The remaining members of his expedition set forth for the province of Alalpache (Tallahassee).
Eight years later,Narvaez's treasurer,Cabeza de Vaca,a black man names ,Esteban,and two soldiers,walked into Mexico City-the sole survivors of the Narvaez expedition in Florida.
During the time of the USS GRAMPUS,it was the period of the SEMINOLE WARS (1817-1858),not the best time for pirate activity in Florida.
If one were to give a period for pirate activity in Florida,it would begin in 1586 when Sir Francis Drake burnt St Augustine to around 1825,when most Caribbean pirate activity ended,about a 250 year timeline.

Speaking of war dogs, if you were to research and find the picture or video of last years Desoto Landing reenactment you will see the procession being led by two huge war dogs. One of them was well over 200 pounds. They are on huge rope leashes being handled by a guy representing Desoto's official dog man. This was a prestigious position within the expedition. Quess who the Dog man was? You quessed it, none other than BIGDOGDAD myself.

Of course I am just making this up as I am making up everything I put on here....... Not really, it is ME! My wife works at Desoto Animal clinic. I know more about Desoto than I care to share on here. I do a lot more research than everyone thinks I do. Research is great, but it is digging that will get you treasure.

I did everything with treasure in reverse. I had an old man that showed me where he thought many treasures were. Many times neither he nor I knew the story behind them. The stories came later as he and I researched the history of an area to figure out why and how the treasure got there. For instance the twelve saddlebags of gold coins near the creek in Georgia is a perfect example.

Ovid sat in his living room remote sensing/map dowsing a map of a particular county. He located gold. He used his different pendulums to detemine it was incased in leather. He drove to the site and located where the gold was buried. As it was too deep for him to dig on his own he researched as to why it might be buried there. After going to the local historical society and talking to the locals he found a local legend about the gold.

According to the story some Confederate soldiers were transporting the gold on horseback. They were traveling from Atlanta to Savannah. The gold was to be shipped to England. They stopped near a creek in a small gully for the night. As was army custom, they buried the gold. They were attacked. Depending on what account you believe they were killed. The story came out later about the gold they were transporting. It is supposedly waiting to be found.

This is the story with the beaver dam. The area looked like a lunar landscape with all the holes that had been dug and not filled in. I tried to dig on a separate trip with my wife only to not be able to keep ahead of the water filling the hole. While filling the hole back in and covering the dirt I discovered the rim of an old wagon wheel right next to where Ovid said the gold was. I think it was placed as a marker by a prior dowser/treasure hunter. I kept it as a momento.

I took the guys with their LRL there a few years later. Their machine pointed right at this spot from two different locations. I did not really want them to work out the exact location because I did not want them to know where it was. I was only testing them and Ovid. As I was in charge and driving my van, I told them it was time to go before they could figure out the exact spot. These two guys have had a major falling out and no longer work together.

This was 22 years ago. I went there a year and a half ago and there is an elementary school on this property. It has almost the same name as my last name. I plan on getting with the administrators of the school and working with the kids to research and dig up this treasure as part of my treasure reality show. How's that for some more craziness?

I read that Desoto used bloodhounds, mastiffs and greyhounds.
His favorite greyhound and fiercest Indian killer was named Bruto.

I guess the US used dogs in the Seminole War as well. I found this drawing. Clic on pic.

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On May 13, page one of this post I recall an emphatical no to a reality tv gig. No doubt in response to my sarcastic post, it now, after so much time has passed, turns out to be not such a bad idea! :occasion14:

All I can say after reading all of this is just do a spot dig. If you find proof, stop & notify them & show them proof. ::happy1:

BCH--Not that I am promoting my mastiffs as fighters but I think a 250 pound mastiff could do a little more damage than a 50 pound greyhound. Mastiffs are known as the gentle giants. Come to my house and piss one off and I don't think they would be to "gentle" with you. No diamond pics. I do have a photo of an aura taken at a place where there are some diamonds buried that are full of evil spirits

Hotzone--I went back and read it. You got me! I guess what I should have said was that I would want my own show. I have been approached in the past by some local investors to do a show. They were convinced we would need to fake everything. That's not what I am interersted in. There is hardly a "reality" show out there that is real. I would not want mine mixed up with them. I will tell you what Hotzone, if I do my own show I will give you credit for it having been YOUR idea.

Rebel--whether it is really there or not does not matter to the state officials. They don't want me to dig, especially if I were to find something. Digging something up on state property without a permit is a third degree felony. If I dug I don't think it would be in my best interests to show them what I found.

I finally got through again to the head state archaeologist, sort of. His secretary said he did not want to talk to me. She said that they don't issue permits for TREASURE HUNTING! I replied that it would be a good idea to dig up the treasure to put it somewhere safe. She said if they were interested in doing that they would have to dig up THE WHOLE STATE. Her words. I told her that they had their chance. I hung up. In no way was I saying that I am going to do anything illegal. I was implying that we could have done things the easy way. Of course that is not how our govenment works.

If anybody wants to remind the state archaeologist who he works for and answers to his name is Dan Seinfield and his number is 850-245-6340 ext 4301
They have now officially pissed me off. I am not even worthy of talking to.

Here are some facts.

Desoto came to Florida and landed in this county. He was here for one reason only-to find gold. I quess that makes him a treasure hunter. When the local officials did not cooperate, he had his dogs tear them apart piece by piece. Of course that is no longer allowed.
We have a monument to him. We have a yearly parade in his honor. We have a state park dedicated to and named after him. We have dozens of businesses named after him. We have local "dignitaries" dress up in foolish looking period outfits and pretend that they are "Conquistadors". There is much much more Desoto hoopla than I care to name. Like I said my wife's workplace of 18 years is named after him. All this for an indian killer who was here to find gold. PERIOD. He was nothin but a TREASURE HUNTER. So why am I not allowed to dig up some treasure?

Now about those PIRATES! We host the winter training camp of the Pittsburgh Pirates ball team. At the taxpayers expense we built the PIRATE CITY for them to play at. We have many schools with pirates or pirate themed mascots. We have kids teams called the Marauders. In this years Desoto parade there were over a dozen floats loaded with drunken "pirates" throwing beads AT the parade watchers. Nearby in Tampa we have dozens upon dozens of places and events dedicated to the pirate Jose Gaspar. We have the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, more pirate bruhaha. Take a little ride over to Disney World and they have THE PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN ride and lots and lots of pirate memorabilia for the little kids and the big kids who wanna play pirate. Yeah! Teach the little kiddies to hack at each other with their toy swords. AARRGGHH! All in good fun, right?

There are pirate museums all over Florida. There are pirate events all over Florida. Do you get the idea? We LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVEEE pirates here in Florida and we LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE all things Desoto.

Are you getting the idea I may have an attitude problem with all this?

Now along comes this Bigdogdad dude claiming he may know where some honest-to-God pirate treasure is located. He wants to dig it up exactly like the rules say it should be done. He has contacted numerous archaeologists to make sure it is done right. He has contacted his counties museum as the state claims they would not know what to do with a real treasure if it was found. He wants to video the dig to show kids and everybody else how to properly go about right. Not like the BOZOS on tv. He even wants the treasure to go to a good cause such as helping the local kids. But NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Bigdogdad is an EVIL TREASURE HUNTER! The state needs to stop him. This treasure is only for the wonderful archaeologists to dig up. Of course they are not interested in getting off their lazy butts and doing an actual dig.

Are you starting to get the idea that I am PISSED OFF about this? This will give you an idea of what the Tampa reporter and I chatted about. I AM JUST GETTING STARTED!!! All this and there may not be anything there but a pile of scrap metal. I do things on principal. Besides, I want to sell copies of my book. We also love capitalism.

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Best Damn Thread on any FORUM Period! Way to go Tim!

Mastiffs I can understand I was just surprised to hear DeSoto used Greyhounds as well and his favorite killer was a Greyhound named Bruto. Look it up.

BTW I was born in Pittsburgh and weened on Iron City Beer. Go Pirates.

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