Okay, I have to admit I am addicted to this site and can't stay away. I am not going to let some bad apples spoil it for the bunch. I have had a week to think about the church site and to mentally process all the evidence. I will go thru the entire timeline and how I got to this point on this particular site.
Over 20 years ago I was part of a test involving a 90 year old dowser/remote sensor. Because of the results of the tests I became completely convinced that map dowsing can be done to lead you to a specific spot where treasure may be buried. The people administering the test went from being complete skeptics to believers. This has caused me to have an open mind when someone claims to be able to locate buried targets using a map or photo.
I also witnessed LRL's (long range locators/detectors) and know that they can work. You do not have to find buried treasure to find out if they can work just as you don't have to find buried treasure to know that metal detectors work.
I have been on the lookout for many years to try to find someone that may have the abilities that my old friend Ovid Arnold had. This is just one of the reasons I joined Treasurenet. I believe there are multiple people that are Treasurnet members that can look into a photo and see what may be buried. I don't really expect too many people to believe this but I am really only concerned with my own beliefs.
After a couple of years of posting on and reading many different threads on this site, I have come into contact with well over a dozen different individuals with totally different methods.
I have posted many of my own stories on this site and this has caused a lot of people to PM and e-mail me. Over a dozen have come to my house. I do not discount anything I am told until I have a chance to see whether it is true or not. I try to get my facts and opinions from real life hands-on experience and seeing things with my own eyes. Looking things up on the internet is great but it should just be another tool.
After returning from a trip in November from North Carolina I was contacted by a TNET member that wanted to share their knowledge with me. After well over 30 plus years of trial and error they were convinced that they could put me directly on sites containing buried treasure. I was ready to give them the benefit of the doubt and give it a try.
I was given the GPS coordinates for numerous buried treasures. Two of them were in Sarasota Florida not too far from where I live. One is supposed to be a large amount of gold and silver buried at 12 feet on a piece of commercial property. The other is supposed to be a large amount of gold, silver and diamonds at what was first said to be at seven and a half feet and was later said to be at three feet. I would guess that the first number may be more accurate. Just my opinion.
I have yet to be able to go after the 12 foot site but eventually got a permit to dig at the church site. I had brought in a LRL person I met thru TNET that I think knows what he is doing. He led himself to the same location that I was given. My original guy told me that the target would be somewhere within a twenty foot diameter circle at the GPS number. At the exact enter of this circle there was a slight depression. A GPR expert located a man-made structure at the center of this circle.
I had use of a detector called a Nokta Golden King. It gave a reading for gold and non-ferrous metal in a cavity at this spot. A probe located a solid object.
I was told by my church contact that we could only dig on Saturdays. A dig was planned. On the day of the dig my dig partner of choice was unavailable. I brought in two good friends. When we showed up at the church a grounds maintenance worker was mowing the area. The church guy did not want him to know what we were doing so we had to wait until he left. This delayed us about an hour. My friends had limited time.
We set up a small tent and I began to dig. We videoed everything. I immediately encountered some broken up old concrete pipes. It took some doing to trace each of the three runs. I found different metallic objects. This all took a little longer than planned and I knew my guys were running out of time. About this time my phone rang and I was informed of a friends death that had occurred just hours earlier. I was suffering the effects of a brown recluse spider bite and was not at my best. I decided to fill in the hole and come back a little more prepared.
I posted the results on this thread and as was to be expected the critics were quick to claim that the dig was a failure. This was no surprise to me but the negativity sometimes gets to me. I know this is what some want. I know there are people on here that want to see me fail. That is not what this site is supposed to be about. I choose to share my story but I am not on trial and do not have to prove ANYTHING.
Here are the facts as I see them.
I was given an exact location to dig.
At this exact location an underground man-made structure was found.
This structure appears to be part of a cistern (not a septic system).
A cistern is used to store rainwater. It can be above ground or below ground.
The metallic object found and posted on here was most likely a control valve for the water.
This structure was around 20-25 from an old well.
If a concrete tank is used for holding the water underground it could easily be six feet deep.
The cistern would have an access lid.
This would be an ideal place to hide something.
If it were ever abandoned it is possible that someone would fill it in with dirt without ever having a reason to see what may be at the bottom of it.
This location was part of a dairy farm in an area of other farms and there was a huge cattle operation nearby.
The house on this property was torn down a long time ago.
At this point I am believing that the gold, silver and diamonds are at the bottom of the old cistern.
I will be bringing in a powerful PI (pulse induction) detector capable of detecting non-ferrous metal at the seven foot depth it may be hidden at.
This dig is far from over. I do not expect anything I have stated here to sway the opinion of the likes of vor, ECS, lastleg or some others. They see an empty hole. I see a hole full of potential.

This is where the metallic object was located and I think this is where the control valve was placed.

This pipe may have led to the cistern before it was capped off. These objects were right in the middle of the depression at ground zero. My guy says the gold, silver and diamonds are below this spot.