Dont take this the wrong way but it would sure help us (myself, vor, lastleg, releventchair, ECS, signal and anybody else reading this thread) understand why you would trust him so much.
There is an irony of BDD posting a photo dressed as DeSoto landing in Florida-like DeSoto,BDD searches for gold,and like DeSoto hasn't found any.Why,most of Florida's history is based on myth,created by others(I have listed some of 1800's newspaper writers and their fabricated stories) started with Ponce "discovering" Florida in 1513.Three maps,THE JUAN de la COSA MAP(1500),WALDSEEMULLER MAP(1507) and the PETER MARTYR MAP(1511)showed Florida and all predate Ponce's "discovery".
Knowing the history and land use of a target site provides insight,NOT a remote view of mythical treasure,of possible potential,once one discounts the legends,lore,and tall tales passed down as truth.
For those who want to learn about the REAL history of Florida,not the pablum taught in school textbooks,I highly recommend:
"FINDING FLORIDA-The True History of the Sunshine State" by T D Allman c2013 GROVE PRESS
It covers from the discovery of,the many bloody and political acquisitions of land, all the way to our current governor,Scott.