Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I wasnt talking to you. Whats your problem? I was asking Hot Zone. It was a serious question and I asked it nicely. I may not agree with all he has to say but Hot zone seems very knowlegable on the subject.
actually, I do think dowsing is possible, I am trying to wrap my brain around how that is... I am leaning toward it being quite similar to a Ouiji Board and communicating with another dimention or spirits... A Dowser is then a Clairvoyant that has Knowledge of the past rather than the future... Our subconscious has powers we really do not understand... The hair stands up on the back of your neck and you turn to see a pair of eyeballs starring at you...the sixth sense...

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actually, I do think dowsing is possible, I am trying to wrap my brain around how that is... I am leaning toward it being quite similar to a Ouiji Board and communicating with another dimention or spirits... A Dowser is then a Clairvoyant that has Knowledge of the past rather than the future... Our subconscious has powers we really do not understand... The hair stands up on the back of your neck and you turn to see a pair of eyeballs starring at you...the sixth sense...

Yes I believe to its just separating the real from the fake. Just like medians there are real ones then there is the ones that scam suckas

actually, I do think dowsing is possible, I am trying to wrap my brain around how that is... I am leaning toward it being quite similar to a Ouiji Board and communicating with another dimention or spirits... A Dowser is then a Clairvoyant that has Knowledge of the past rather than the future... Our subconscious has powers we really do not understand... The hair stands up on the back of your neck and you turn to see a pair of eyeballs starring at you...the sixth sense...
Is map dowsing and remote sensing the same?

Dont take this the wrong way but it would sure help us (myself, vor, lastleg, releventchair, ECS, signal and anybody else reading this thread) understand why you would trust him so much.
There is an irony of BDD posting a photo dressed as DeSoto landing in Florida-like DeSoto,BDD searches for gold,and like DeSoto hasn't found any.Why,most of Florida's history is based on myth,created by others(I have listed some of 1800's newspaper writers and their fabricated stories) started with Ponce "discovering" Florida in 1513.Three maps,THE JUAN de la COSA MAP(1500),WALDSEEMULLER MAP(1507) and the PETER MARTYR MAP(1511)showed Florida and all predate Ponce's "discovery".
Knowing the history and land use of a target site provides insight,NOT a remote view of mythical treasure,of possible potential,once one discounts the legends,lore,and tall tales passed down as truth.
For those who want to learn about the REAL history of Florida,not the pablum taught in school textbooks,I highly recommend:
"FINDING FLORIDA-The True History of the Sunshine State" by T D Allman c2013 GROVE PRESS
It covers from the discovery of,the many bloody and political acquisitions of land, all the way to our current governor,Scott.

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Im still searching for the Fountain of Youth.

The easiest way to find treasure is to hunt where treasure is known. Its just like deer hunting. You cant hunt in your neighborhood if there is no deer in your neigborhood.

Everyone knows that treasure exists on the Treasure Coast because finds are made every year. Wouldnt this be an easy place to put dowsing to the test? Im not knocking dowsing with this request. I just dont get it. Somebody please explain this to me.

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Is map dowsing and remote sensing the same?
i think so... The map being just a tool not unlike the letters on a Ouija board, a deck of Taro cards or a pen and paper for the practitioner of automatic writing...

The easiest way to find treasure is to hunt where treasure is known...

Everyone knows that treasure exists on the Treasure Coast because finds are made every year. Wouldnt this be an easy place to put dowsing to the test? Im not knocking dowsing with this request. I just dont get it. Somebody please explain this to me.
Dowsing for septic tanks full of diamonds,gold,and silver is more of a challenge.

i think so... The map being just a tool not unlike the letters on a Ouija board, a deck of Taro cards or a pen and paper for the practitioner of automatic writing...

Dowsing for septic tanks full of diamonds,gold,and silver is more of a challenge.
Thats for sure about one in a million odds, outside of an occasional lost ring, but why not work with something easier? Gold items found from the 1715 fleet can be quite valuable. I still dont understand.

Speaking of septic tanks my friend mentioned digging into the septic from Al Capones old speakeasy because its on his property. Do you think there would be anything to find?

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Speaking of septic tanks my friend mentioned digging into the septic from Al Capones old speakeasy because its on his property. Do you think there would be anything to find?
Maybe BDD's LRL guy and remote dowser can give it a go,but I doubt diamonds,gold,and silver will be found!

Thats for sure about one in a million odds, outside of an occasional lost ring, but why not work with something easier? Gold items found from the 1715 fleet can be quite valuable. I still dont understand.

Speaking of septic tanks my friend mentioned digging into the septic from Al Capones old speakeasy because its on his property. Do you think there would be anything to find?
Unlike Al's safe it may have some good crap!

Although I miss BBD's posts here, all I see is a lot of bantering by you guys. Any positive input? If not, why don't you start you're own interesting thread and see just how much response you get. BTW, I'm not including you, BCH, in my thoughts. Although I side with BDD, I know deep down you wish him well...

I haven't been in this thread in a while, appears I should have been. There is a difference between respectfully disagreeing and mocking and taunting a member.

"name calling, denegration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation."

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I haven't been in this thread in a while, appears I should have been. There is a difference between respectfully disagreeing and mocking and taunting a member.

"name calling, denegration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation."

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

It wasn't me

Glad I wasn't even in the neighborhood. : )

The pipes had to be broken in order for them to cap the septic system when the city brought sewer service to the area.

No diamond, gold or silver. :(

I haven't been in this thread in a while, appears I should have been. There is a difference between respectfully disagreeing and mocking and taunting a member.

"name calling, denegration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation."

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Whats your opinion on map dowsing for sewer lines?

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