Bum Luck
Silver Member
To limegoldconvertible, I just saw another board on TN that is titled "Armchair Treasure Hunting". Perhaps it would be more suitable for your way of thinking.
There's a place for everybody.
To limegoldconvertible, I just saw another board on TN that is titled "Armchair Treasure Hunting". Perhaps it would be more suitable for your way of thinking.
BDD,you never mentioned the rubies on the other thread...Hi bigdogdad,
Dowsing has revealed....
White rectangle area: Mixed attractions of silver/gold, various locations.
Green circled area: Gold attraction.
Blue circled area: Silver attratction.
Orange/blue circled area: Copper/silver/ruby gem attraction.
Thanks for posting your picture,
RAIDERS OF THE LOST CESSPOOLI think there is treasure all around this empty lot. The picture is on a prior page. This is where I dug out the septic system and then came back years later and dug a well by hand trying to get to the possible chests. As far as I am concerned it is all still there. This lot is for sale. Its on a canal and is not cheap. I have permission to metal detect and could get permission to do another dig. Research has shown that this is an old pirate hangout.
Bigdogdad i got no gold, but there a lot of silver there,got it in all 3 picture's.
Brewster Baker began his career as a midshipman in the Royal British Navy,and as a Lt led a mutiny while in port at Barbadoes.With the captured French brig,ANDRE FOLLET,Baker sailed to west Florida,and set up a thatch hut camp on Pine Island,with an area for careening ships.Baker was known as the 'Brigand of Bokeelia".Bigdogdad...
I know the area where you were digging near Godfried Creek. That was the known hangout of Capt. Brewster Baker AKA Brewbaker.His vessel was spotted by the Revenue Cutter Grampus in 1821. Baker and some of his crew were captured, tried and hung in accordance with the Anti-Piracy Act of 1821 passed by Pres. Monroe. Its very possible some of his men hastily buried their treasure before fleeing into the woods only to be captured later...
With all the effort shown in those photos,and the money spent on the several digs you have done there over the years,one would think something besides a septic system would have been found.I think there is treasure all around this empty lot. The picture is on a prior page. This is where I dug out the septic system and then came back years later and dug a well by hand trying to get to the possible chests. As far as I am concerned it is all still there... Research has shown that this is an old pirate hangout.
Brewster Baker began his career as a midshipman in the Royal British Navy,and as a Lt led a mutiny while in port at Barbadoes.With the captured French brig,ANDRE FOLLET,Baker sailed to west Florida,and set up a thatch hut camp on Pine Island,with an area for careening ships.Baker was known as the 'Brigand of Bokeelia".
The dates of his life are b.1758-d.1820?/1824.
One version has it that he left Pine Island in 1820 to join Bolivar's fight in South America (Spain sold Florida to the US in 1821)and was never heard of.
The other version is that the ANDRE FOLLET was encountered by a US gunboat(no name supplied,but it was not the Grampus)in Kettle Bay(Lemon Bay),was captured and hung with his men-two were said to have escaped by swimming to shore.The version you mentioned sounds at lot like the Ross Island/Grampus incident of 1821-many tales and lore become commingled over time.
Much of the pirate legend and lore of that area came from Egmont Key Lighthouse Keeper (1878-1910) Capt Charles Moore,who would tell visitors stories of piracy in old Florida.
One such story was that of the late 1790's pirate,Pascual Miguel,his capture of the beautiful Charlotta,who drowned in the Manatee River giving rise to the "singing river" legend,and Miguel burying treasure at Rocky Bluff under a large boulder with a ship carving.
A friend of Moore's,Ellenton resident,Dudley Patten,claimed that in 1892,an unmarked black schooner sailed up the Manatee River and set anchor.Late at night,the few residents of Ellenton were awakened by a loud boom.The next morning,Patten led a group of Ellenton's men to Rocky Bluff.The Schooner was gone,and where the carved boulder was,now was a square hole,which appeared that something was removed.
Now that BDD "has left the building" once again we may never know the outcome of 9' deep chest on Anna Maria Island or the Englewood septic pirate vault,as BDD stated before deleting the other thread,"you all lose".Where does it say I am giving up? I asked at what point would anyone else give up...
Heres the deal.
It is easy to critisize others. There is a lot of information that I have that I am not going to put on here. I am on here more for my own and others amusement...
It is a shame his thread got locked, I had some good advise to offer him. Not probing - coring. I had
it all planned out and now this again. In fact he could use this method on his other projects and not
have to dig eight foot holes. But then he does enjoy digging enormous holes.
Now that BDD "has left the building" once again we may never know the outcome of 9' deep chest on Anna Maria Island or the Englewood septic pirate vault,as BDD stated before deleting the other thread,"you all lose".
It appears that his amusement thrill has gone.