I first became involved in this site in 1987. An 87 year old dowser had told me about the chests and I immediately became somewhat obsessed with trying to dig them up. I had lined up a proffesional digging crew to do the excavating, but they backed out at the last minute. I rented a backhoe and tried to do it myself. I tore up a huge commercial septic system and could not get to the chests. I dug a pretty deep hole which is hard to do in Florida as the water table is usually near the surface. I had a pump running to keep the water out of the hole.
I had to rebuild the septic system with only help from my wife.
I was absolutely convinced that there was at least one chest on this property but I did not know what to do next.
In 1992 we attempted to dig up the chest by hand digging and laying a concrete block well down to the chest. We got as far as 15 feet and then the well got hung up on a mud hog hose that we could not pull out of the ground from the first dig. The well would fill up with water from the septic system and I ended up scuba diving in it. My hands, eyes, and ears became infected. Almost everyone involved felt we should give up. I was determined to keep going but we were run off by Hurricane Andrew. A week later the county told me we had to fill the well in.
Just so you will understand my obsession I have to explain something. Around 1983-1984, before I knew him, the dowser that I took to all those places stood on the bow of one of Mel Fisher's boats, swung his pendulum and led them to the pile of gold from the Atocha. Hard to believe but true.